The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2878 So excited

Zhenwei also nodded when he heard this and said: "Now it seems that this matter can be put aside for the time being, but it is far from enough for his team to be stationed there alone. If a mutant monster attacks, it will be troublesome! Otherwise , how about sending half of our southern army there?"

"Half the troops? I'm afraid it's still not enough. If you want the base to be completely safe, just send all the southern troops there, which is equivalent to stationing near the Star Gate!" Guang Huan suggested.

"Gate to the Starry Sky?" Zhenwei was startled.

"It means the junction of the stars. Beyond the passage area is the outer star field. In the past, we were not very clear about what was there, but now we can say it is clearer. There are also racial civilizations and terrifying mutant monsters over there, so, The passage area has now become the border between the two stars, and its status has once again increased its importance. It is not an exaggeration to station the southern army there..." Guang Huan analyzed.

Zhenwei thought for a while and agreed: "It makes sense! The southern army is stationed there. On the one hand, it can help protect the channel base. On the other hand, it can wait for opportunities to enter the outer star domain, seize some resources, and even capture some monsters..."

The two quickly drew up a map of the border area, pointed and pointed, and finally selected the location of the Southern Army's garrison. Therefore, Zhenwei immediately ordered the Southern Army to be dispatched there...

The great masters of the Mojie tribe heard the emperor's call and came to the main hall one after another. However, after they entered, they found that the main hall was empty and there was no one!

In addition to the previously mentioned Great Moshi Xuanji who is still on Puji Planet, there are also many Great Moshi in the Mojie clan headquarters, such as Uler, Jianfu, Geridan, Zhuzhen, Xu Yuan... these people Every one of them is a well-known figure in the clan, and usually they are all missing, but I didn't expect that they would all gather here at this time.

Just when they were a little stunned, they saw Guang Huan's figure appearing in the distance and said: "Everyone, please sit down! It is not convenient for the Emperor and I to have close contact with you now, but in an isolated space..."


"how so?!"

"what happened?!"


Guanghuan waved his hands and said: "Don't worry, everyone, we have been poisoned by an unknown poison. This is why the Emperor summoned you here this time. The specific situation is this..."

He quickly explained the process of getting poisoned, and everyone was stunned!

“This matter is no longer top secret.

Because I just found relevant information coming out on and! "Guang Huan said.

He put all this information on the light screen so that everyone could see clearly at a glance. They soon understood that it was indeed caused by the poison in the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts!

This information is exactly what Trudeau asked Fairy Wangfu to entrust the two information forces to publish on the Internet, and it is disseminated for free, so that more and more people will see it...

After spreading for a period of time, it can also be seen here at Mojie headquarters, but during this period of time, the poison on the dark blood beasts and ferocious beasts has undoubtedly spread to a large area!

These great masters quickly realized this and quickly conducted self-examination, only to find that they had also been tricked!

Almost no one in the palace was spared!

The reason why I say almost is because one of them was not infected, and he was Zhu Zhen.

There is a reason for this, of course, because Zhuzhen is a master in the medical field of the Mojie tribe. He usually has a strong sense of self-prevention and good personal habits. In addition, his disciples are also medical people. , his personal habits are very good, so it is not easy for the poison to infect him.

At this time, everyone's expressions changed dramatically, and the secret path was not good. It seemed that the poison had fully spread in the headquarters area...

"Brother Zhu, what should we do?!" Urler asked anxiously.

"Yes, this poison is so contagious, I'm afraid it will be difficult for everyone in this department to escape..." Jian Fu sighed.

"Brother Jian, is it too pessimistic to say this? After all, we just discovered it not long ago!" Gridan objected.

"That's right! We must quickly discuss a countermeasure to contain this infection!" Xu Yuan agreed.

Zhuzhen read the information on the light screen carefully, and after asking Guanghuan about the situation, his face became a little serious and said: "Everyone, please calm down! This is not the time to panic, the emperor is also looking at us!"

"Brother Zhu, what's the countermeasure?" Uler asked.

"Well, judging from the current situation, this poison is extremely cunning. Even the Emperor and Brother Guanghuan are unable to detect them. They can only allow them to continue to exist and spread in the body. It is difficult to restrain them with our current drugs..." Zhu Zhen said.

"What? Are we going to develop new drugs?" Urler asked urgently.

"Of course! But..."

"But what?!"

"The top priority is not to develop new drugs, but to understand the source and pathogenesis of the highly toxic poison, as well as its transmission mechanism. From the information, this poison can be spread through breathing, contact, consciousness, and excrement such as feces. , which shows that it is extremely contagious. Once someone is poisoned, it will almost become a poisonous reservoir. It will carry the poison wherever it goes, making it difficult for people to guard against it!!! Therefore, we must take comprehensive preventive measures immediately. Treat it like a top-level plague, everyone must be checked and isolated!" Zhu Zhen said loudly.

"Everyone?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Of course! Including you! Now that you have been poisoned, you are a source of the poison, so you must also undergo isolation treatment to avoid infecting your disciples. During the isolation process, you must be careful not to come into contact with other people, including spiritual consciousness. Contact, etc…”

"Oh my god..." Everyone was completely stunned!

They definitely didn't expect that the matter would suddenly evolve to such a terrifying level. An unknown poison could isolate everyone. So what would happen if they had to fight against the Dark Blood Beast and the Ferocious Beast?

Do you want to wrap yourself up tightly before confronting them? During the battle, you have to worry about them spreading the poison, so how can you fight? !

It can be said that this alone is enough for the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts to have the upper hand. Now they are in complete trouble!

Seeing their faces, Zhu Zhen sighed: "This is a last resort. If the poison is allowed to develop in the body, let alone fight against the beasts, I'm afraid we will all be over before we even fight! So, no matter what, this matter We can’t attach too much importance to it. We must check quickly, isolate quickly, and take strict precautions to minimize losses!”

Suddenly, the emperor's voice came: "Let Zhu Zhen be fully responsible for this matter! Everyone must obey his orders and conduct an inventory of the people in the headquarters as soon as possible, isolate those who should be isolated, protect those who should be protected, and treat those who should be treated. treat!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly responded in unison: "Yes! Emperor!!!"

"In addition, from now on, the clan's generals will be summoned to conduct inspections. Those who are not infected will assist Zhu Zhen for strict investigation, isolation and treatment. Anyone who is infected by the highly toxic virus must join the battle. A comprehensive encirclement and suppression of the dark blood beasts and vicious beasts in the territory will be carried out. A No more!!!" the Emperor said harshly.

"Yes!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

Soon, under the leadership of Guanghuan and Zhuzhendi, the Mojie clan headquarters launched a vigorous campaign to eliminate beasts and poisons...

Although this action came a little late, it is better than never. Moreover, the Mojie tribe is relatively prophetic. Countless other racial civilizations are still in ignorance. The tribe also lacks medical knowledge like Nanshan Zhong and Zhu Zhen. Experts are here to preside over the anti-plague operation. Therefore, the new virus is spreading unstoppably across the starry skies. Wherever it goes, the power of the virus civilization is expanding. This is something that all racial civilizations have failed to realize...

At this time, the expeditionary force that was plundering and plundering in the outer star field also did not realize the horror of the unknown poison. Since the network here had just been repaired, there were still many breakpoints, and the information flow was extremely poor. Therefore, even Know-It-All and Even Chunqiu and the two people didn't know that the poison was spreading across the starry sky.

It is said that the ignorant are fearless. The expeditionary force was not troubled by the unknown poison. They cheered up and used all their firepower to plunder crazily in this alien space...

Their strength is indeed quite strong, and they are also led by the two major information forces, Bogeke and Yang Qinju. Relatively speaking, their information acquisition capabilities in this area are worse than those of the racial civilizations and orcs here. They were slightly stronger, which gave them a lot of advantages. Therefore, they won complete victories in several early battles with the orcs!

Now everyone is excited...

Many fleets have captured mutant monsters, and these monsters have been locked tightly in warehouse spaces. They are a huge treasure whether they live or die.

They believe that when they return to the major stars, these monsters will be available for sale at an astonishingly high price.

In addition, after defeating the monster, they invaded the monster's lair and found that the monster's hoard of wealth was also extremely considerable, including food, supplies, cubs, eggs, and various minerals and resources. Of course, there are also the unique specialties of each planet...

Each of these things is valuable, send it! It’s going! It’s going! !

All the fleet members rushed to join in the search and grabbed everything they could. Some people even felt resentful because they grabbed less than others, or they didn't grab it too late, so they grabbed it. The fire burned all these nests, and suddenly the star became thick with smoke and flames shot into the sky...

Wherever the expeditionary force passed, it was as if it had been scourge by the plague. It was a mess, everything was burned and looted, and the cries were miserable, just like the end of the world...

Even the local racial civilizations in the outer star realm can't stand it anymore. Although they have been confronting the orcs, they are not full of hatred like the major stars. They have to destroy their opponents. Instead, they are in the confrontation. They develop separately, but in recent years, the Orcs have developed faster than them...

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