The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2881 The Principle of Tea Charm

Lian Chunqiu was startled and asked suspiciously: "Those racial civilizations...have they been infected by the monsters in their territory?"

"Eh?!" Wan Shitong and the other three people shouted softly!

Yes, if people from all the racial civilizations in the major stars are infected with unknown poisons by dark-blooded beasts and vicious beasts, then what about the local racial civilizations in the outer stars?

Could it be that they can do nothing alone?

Wan Shitong's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Brother Lian, this is a good question! We need to investigate. If these racial civilizations are indeed infected, then there are two situations..."

"What two situations?" Lian Chunqiu asked urgently.

"First, they have been poisoned for a long time, and their tribe has suffered great harm. No wonder they have not appeared during this period. They seem to be maintaining a neutral position, but in fact they are fighting against an unknown poison. Second, they Although they were infected with the unknown poison, they have overcome it, which means that they already have the means to deal with the unknown poison, including treatments and drugs. If it is the former, then the strength of these local racial civilizations will completely decline. If Brother Li wants to rob them, there doesn't seem to be any problem. If it's the latter, we can directly get their treatment methods and medicines, and then sell them to the stars, and we can also make a lot of money!" Wan Shitong became more and more excited as he talked. , completely forgetting his previous confession...

Zhizunbao praised: "What you said makes sense! It seems that after all our detours, we have to go to the local ethnic civilization for a trip!"

"That's right! Either rob them and then blame them on the mutated monsters, or learn treatment methods from them and buy some treatment drugs. It can be said to be the best of both worlds!" Tonghuashun agreed.

Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu looked at each other and nodded slowly...

Soon, the expeditionary force began to take action. Under the cover of the mist of the starry sky, a large number of fleets quietly set off to a nearby planet, the Banzhang planet!

According to information, the racial civilization of this planet is mainly engaged in the business of tea collection, production and export. The ancient tea trees in the territory are extremely valuable. The high-quality tea produced every year is a treasure that countless people from outer space are eager to acquire. Many In order to get their good tea, people are willing to spend thousands of crystals, especially the tea produced by some of the tea king-level tea trees, which have been wrapped up with heavy crystals by some powerful forces early on, and are tightly guarded throughout the year. As soon as the tea-picking season comes, I pick tea and make tea, which makes countless people envious...

Seeing such information, Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu have long been salivating over it, wishing they could drink the tea produced by those tea king trees as soon as possible. Thinking about it, it must be a treasure among tea treasures!

In particular, these teas have another characteristic:

What makes them different from other ordinary teas is that the longer they are stored, the older they become, the more flavorful they become, and the better they taste!

In other words, the longer they are stored, the higher their value will become. Some people are still a little confused about this at first, because they think tea is food, and isn’t food just meant to be fresh and hot? Of course, the fresher it is, the better it tastes.

However, this logic does not work when applied to the ancient tea trees on the Banzhang planet. Instead, it goes in the opposite direction. The value of new tea is far less than that of old tea, because old tea has more charm than new tea and is more likely to produce tea. Drunk, if you study it carefully, there is still a unique reason in it.

The tea leaves produced on Banzhang Planet are harvested from ancient tea trees. These tea trees are all very old. Some of them are no longer able to determine how old they are. It can be said that they have given birth to their own tree spirits.

Of course, the charm of tea does not lie in whether there are tree spirits, but in the varieties of these tea trees. The charm of old tea is much stronger than that of new tea. Although the aroma of new tea is also good, if you taste new tea, you will find that the aroma Although it is good, its rhyme is not long. The rhyme here refers to the flavor of the tea soup. If the rhyme is not enough, the aroma will come and go quickly. At most, it will stay between the mouth and tongue, but not reach the deep throat. There is even less chance of ever coming back!

If a person drinks tea and praises it loudly as a good tea as soon as he smells the aroma of tea leaves, then he can be directly classified as a person who does not know how to drink tea.

A true tea drinker will never value the aroma of the tea leaves. The so-called high aroma only irritates people's mouth and nose. It is a superficial phenomenon, seems frivolous and rootless, lacks long lasting charm, and cannot be absorbed in the mouth and throat. stay for a long time.

Really good tea can bring people infinite pleasure. The important reason is that it has tea flavor and sweet aftertaste.

To taste a cup of good tea, the first thing is to smell the aroma, which is called smelling the aroma. Although the aroma is important, it is only the first step. The next step is to open the soup and observe the color of the tea. Green and yellow are the best, and mellow red and translucent are the best. Zun, the two are sometimes juxtaposed, because it depends on the type of tea, but no matter which type it is, the tea soup must be pure and free of impurities. If the color is mixed with mixed colors, or there are foreign substances in the tea soup, then it will naturally Failed.

Next, when the tea soup enters the mouth, it is actually not a bad thing if there is a slight bitter feeling, because sometimes this bitter feeling is just to pave the way for the subsequent sweetness. Of course, if the bitter taste is too strong, it will be evaluated separately. , Generally speaking, tea that is bitter and astringent naturally cannot have a very good aroma, so it can be judged to be a lower level from the first step.

After the tea soup stays in the mouth for a while, and then flows down the throat, the tea gas continues to spread in the mouth and rushes straight into the throat. The powerful tea flavor begins to play a role, strongly stimulating people's brain nerves, making people feel as if they are immersed in it. In the Taoist realm created by the tea atmosphere, this Taoist realm is the environment where tea trees grow. There, perhaps, there is a tall tea tree standing on an isolated peak in the mountains, surrounded by the fragrance of grass and flowers, clear springs, and The setting sun in winter, the warm breeze in summer, the bleakness of autumn, the nourishment of spring...

A cup of good tea can instantly transport people to the charming scenery, where they can listen to the spring rain, blow the summer wind, see the autumn leaves, and enjoy the winter snow...

As the deep tea flavor contained in the tea leaves continues to spread, a strong aftertaste can fill the entire mouth and even the whole person, leaving people with a long aftertaste that lingers for three days and is difficult to dissipate!

This is the charm of tea charm, which can bring people lasting pleasure, fascination, and intoxication...

Yes, the so-called tea drunkenness actually comes from the charm of tea. Some people may be wondering, isn’t drinking tea refreshing? Why does tea drunkenness still occur?

In fact, tea drunkenness during the process of tasting tea is exactly what a senior tea drinker pursues. If brewing tea can really make people drunk, it proves that the tea has entered the Tao and has the charm of the Tao. The meaning is quite profound.

Generally speaking, tea leaves from each place will have different tea charms, which require tea drinkers to carefully taste and distinguish. No two leaves are exactly the same, and of course no two cups of tea are exactly the same. However, , good tea must have tea flavor, this is standard.

If the aroma of a cup of tea can only reach your mouth, not your throat, let alone your brain or body, then no matter how high its aroma is, it can be classified as ordinary tea...

On Banzhang Planet, the high-quality tea leaves are definitely Taoist tea leaves, and they also have high-end Taoist flavor in the tea ceremony. It is common for people to get drunk with tea...

The charm of tea seems to be a matter of individual feelings, but in fact it is a real thing. No matter who you are, you can discover this if you can calm down and appreciate it carefully.

So, what is the reason for the formation of tea charm?

Li Yun and Xiaoxing have already studied this!

First of all, everyone knows that the natural aroma of tea leaves after they grow out will form tea odor, which will be smelled by people and stimulate people's mouth and nose, forming the first and initial impact.

However, as mentioned before, the aroma is ethereal. It comes and goes quickly. If the aroma is not locked in, it will soon dissipate and the tea will be finished.

Therefore, if you want to lock the aroma of tea and retain the aroma of tea, you must further process it. This is the principle of processing tea.

On Banzhang Planet, after these tea leaves are picked and processed, people will press them into compact shapes, such as brick-shaped, cake-shaped, column-shaped, spherical, etc., and then carefully package them. The advantage of this is that the tea leaves can be pressed tightly to avoid contact with the air, so that they will not be affected by moisture, odor, and retain the aroma, etc.

However, there is another biggest benefit after this treatment, which is that it can make the tea leaves have a tea flavor!

Some people may wonder, isn’t the charm of tea inherent in good tea?

Yes, good tea does have tea charm, but the tea charm of old tea is much stronger, thicker and more valuable than that of new tea!

Therefore, the post-processing and production of tea is also very important. It can be said to be a secondary production process!

After research, Xiaoxing discovered that the reason behind this is that after the tea leaves are pressed tightly, their connection with the outside world is cut off, thus forming a stable small environment within the tight packaging.

Don’t underestimate this stable small environment. It is extremely conducive to the growth and activities of the tiny organisms in the tea. The activities of these tiny organisms do not require much water and air. As long as there is such a small environment, they will It can grow well in it.

As time goes by, the number of microorganisms in tea bricks, tea cakes, tea columns and tea balls will become more and more abundant. Their activities will greatly change the properties of tea leaves and produce new beneficial substances in tea leaves. , and the hard fibers of the tea leaves will also be decomposed, which can be better dissolved into the tea soup when brewing, making the tea soup appear more mellow, more flavorful, long and sweet...

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