The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2883 Unparalleled Tea

Xiaoxing briefly talked about his research experience on the tea method of the planets here, and Li Yun instantly had a very deep understanding of it!

The communication between the two was like lightning, and the amount of information was much richer than the vast ocean. Soon, Li Yun knew more about the situation in this star field than countless people, and could even be said to be better than anyone else in this star field. People are much more detailed, second only to Xiaoxing!

"That's it! It seems that the magic of time has also left traces on the tea course, just like it left traces on our Xingyun Wine!" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Exactly, time can make the internal conditions of the tea leaves become more mellow, more orderly, and more charming... When people make tea, the rich connotations of the tea leaves are dissolved in the tea soup, making people have endless aftertaste!" Xiaoxing He nodded.

"In fact, with our abilities, we can completely make the situation inside the tea leaves more orderly, purer, thicker, and more meaningful... In other words, we can completely turn a tea block into a top-notch treasure in an instant. !" Li Yun said with confidence.

"Hey, sir, you are right! In fact, the great powers in this star field have tried this method a long time ago, but no one can succeed because their abilities cannot defeat the magic of time. Their ability to control matter Research has only reached the molecular level. Even if these powers can really arrange material molecules, they can only affect the early stage of tea transformation. After that, they still need to rely on the magic of time to complete the subsequent process, which is also an extremely long process. The process!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"I wonder to what extent the magic of time can reduce the particulate matter in tea leaves?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"According to Xiaonu's research on the top Tibetan tea on various planets, so far, it has only reached the supermini level!" Xiaoxing said.

"Unatron level? Isn't this the same as the new virus?"

"Indeed! Therefore, such top-quality tea cannot be made artificially by people in this star field, but must rely on time to slowly form..."

"How long will this take?"

"Some of the top Tibetan teas have been around for millions of years and have been passed down for many generations!" Xiao Xingyu said in surprise.

"Wo..." Li Yun was stunned!

I never thought someone could actually preserve a piece of tea for such a long time!

How strong faith, determination and perseverance should this be? Do they really believe that after waiting for such a long time, a piece of tea will become a top-quality tea block? !

Xiaoxing also said with some admiration: "Speaking of it,

People in this star field simply regard tea as their life. Without loyalty and love for tea ceremony, it would be impossible to do such crazy things! "

"It makes sense! Many things seem incredible, but for the parties involved, they are completely normal! This obsession with tea as their life can be said to have been integrated into their lives and become an indispensable part of their lives. Part of the division... In fact, they really made the right bet! Because time really helped them accomplish what they could not accomplish. These tea leaves that have been passed down for countless generations have really become top-notch tea leaves!!! "Li Yun sighed.

"These top-quality tea leaves are priceless in the eyes of people here. Even if they have to take them out to make tea to participate in competitions, they will feel very distressed. You must know that each brew is the hard work of countless generations! Therefore, if it were not for such a century, It is impossible to see the competition in ordinary times, which is why people are so excited, because only on such a big stage can it be possible to see top-quality tea and the wonderful tea fighting performance!" Xiaoxing laughed. .

"It seems that we are about to open our eyes too..."

"Sir, we not only need to broaden our horizons, but also participate in it!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"What?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Xiao Nu has collected all the tea species in this star field, big and small, and started to cultivate them in the special time and space of Tianyun World. With their growth rate, it won't take long for them to be far older than the trees. The land exceeds all the ancient trees here, which provides us with favorable conditions to create a unique tea!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

Li Yun was extremely shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that Xiaoxing's ability was so powerful and he had done such incredible things without making a move!

You must know that it is not easy to collect all these large and small tea species. I am afraid that even the locals cannot do it, because as far as he knows, many tea species are top secret among various races and are protected with the highest vigilance. , no one can steal the tea seeds easily!

Of course, this is indeed not difficult for Xiaoxing. With the current capabilities of Xinwang, it is easy to ingest substances hundreds of kilometers below the surface of the planet, not to mention just tea seeds.

However, he quickly thought of something and said: "In this tea planet group, each type of tea has its own specific growing environment. Only in that growing environment can it have the special flavor of that tea! Now, If you plant them in the world of Tianyun, if the environment changes, the special charm will be lacking..."

"My lord, you are indeed a master of tea ceremony. You have thought of this problem so quickly! Sir, let's see..."

Xiaoxing created countless light screens in Li Yun's mind, and the pictures on the light screen made Li Yun stunned!

Because what he saw was not the simulated growth environment he imagined, but all the planets in this star field!

They are operating in the Tianyun world according to the operating mode of this star field. Everything is copied exactly. Even how people take care of the tea trees is followed by puppets. On this basis, with the sky With the world's top air quality and soil quality, there is almost no ceiling for the growth of these tea species. You can undoubtedly develop your own tea quality to the top level...

Even Li Yun was amazed by Xiaoxing's generosity. If other people knew about it, they would probably fall to the ground and become paralyzed...

"Okay! This kind of copy is the most correct! But..." Li Yun muttered.

"But what?"

"You just said you were going to create a peerless tea. What kind of tea would it be? Is it even more powerful than our Dahongpao?" Li Yun asked.

"Sir, this tea is still just an idea. In fact, if we want to win in the tea fight, we only need to provide any one of them to achieve the goal. Therefore, the birth of this peerless tea is not in a hurry…"

"Let me guess, your peerless tea is based on all tea leaves, large and small, so it most likely covers the flavor of all tea leaves. There are probably billions of tea flavors in it. , if you integrate them all into one tea, there will be many problems!" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, please speak!"

"Well, these tea charms are diverse and different, and some charms may conflict with each other, which is commonly known as channeling flavors. Based on billions of tea charms, there will definitely be such situations. So, if you force them to With so many flavors put together, the battle between tea flavors will be intense to an indescribable level. This flavor may be extremely good or extremely bad..." Li Yun continued.

"Your Excellency, you are absolutely right! This is the biggest problem in creating this peerless tea!" Xiaoxing exclaimed.

"Looking at you, you must have thought of a solution?"

"Hehe, the one who knows the little slave is an adult! Although this problem is huge, it can't be difficult for the little slave!"

"Oh? How did you do it?"

"Actually, the flavor of tea ultimately comes down to the arrangement of tea's material particles..." Xiaoxing said.

When Li Yun heard this, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "I understand!"

"Sir, do you really understand?" Xiaoxing asked in surprise.

"What you just said reminded me that the charm of tea is based on the arrangement of material particles. So as long as the comprehensive arrangement problem of material particles is solved, the odor just mentioned will no longer exist. Moreover, doing so will have a great effect. Big benefit!" Li Yun said.

"What's the benefit?!"

"As long as the material particles of these billions of tea species are arranged properly, the tea flavor of the tea leaves can have an unimaginable sense of layering. One flavor after another is perfectly displayed, one layer after another. The charm continues to impact, one charm after another is inclusive... From shallow to deep, from simple to complex, from light to strong, then reverse, then pick up, alternate with slow and urgent, steep down and straight up, making people feel like they are in an incomparable time. In the midst of exciting interstellar travel...can anyone resist such a tea ceremony?" Li Yun said fiercely.

"No one can stop it... except the two of us..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Wo...can you really make such tea?!!!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Although it is somewhat difficult, Xiaonu has currently integrated nearly 100 million species, and there are still billions of species that are being fused... In fact, as long as the mind is open, fusion is not difficult. The current problem is only a matter of time..." Xiaoxing said.

"Time problem? With our thinking and computing power, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to integrate billions of arrangement codes. In my opinion, this time problem should be that we need to wait for the growth of tea trees, right?" Li Yun thought. .

"Your Majesty, you really hit the nail on the head! That's right, all we need to do now is to wait until these tea trees have grown to their peak state. At that time, the tea rhyme arrangement code we will get will be the real high-end code. Then arrange and fuse these high-end codes as a whole, and you can get the peerless tea that Xiaonu said!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

Li Yun was also extremely excited. He really wanted to drink that peerless tea as soon as possible, and he also thought of something, that is, this peerless tea can actually have countless arrangements, countless levels, and countless tea tasting experiences...

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