The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2911 Insider Information

Wan Shitong was shocked and said: "Xiao Ling, what can we do?! Will all of us be poisoned by it?"

"It's all of you, not all of us..." Xiaoxing laughed.

Wanshitong suddenly understood and shouted: "Oh my god, Xiaoling, you have to save us!"

"Yes, if we don't save us, no one will pay the debt!" Lian Chunqiu agreed.

Although Tali had not met Xiaoxing yet, he couldn't help but ask: "Um...Xiaoling, can you really cure this virus?"

"What's real or fake? Didn't I just say it? It's just a little virus. Of course it's you stupid guys who are poisoned to death. For someone as smart as me, the virus has to avoid me when it sees me, and it can't be cured. ?!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." Tali was startled. He didn't expect that Ling Daozi would put him in the same category as Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu. Shouldn't he be at a higher level than them?

However, I am also incapable of dealing with viruses. I am really the same as them. It can be seen that everyone is equal before viruses. The attacks of viruses are indiscriminate attacks. If you can't deal with it, then No matter who you are, you may end up dead...

Thinking of this, Tali's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Xiao Ling, how do you cure it? Tell me quickly!"

"Why should I tell you? Besides, even if I tell you, you won't be able to use it, because your ability has not reached the level of viruses at all. If you can't find them, you won't be able to deal with them!" Xiaoxing teased.

"So, you can find them?!"

"Of course!"

"What do they look like?" Tali asked urgently.

"They...are ever-changing, and they will continue to evolve and evolve after invading the human body. Moreover, the stages of evolution in each starry sky are different. The viruses in this starry sky are more powerful than those in the Mojie Starry Sky!"

After Xiaoxing finished speaking, he shot out several light curtains, and what was played on them was the main appearance of the virus in this star field...

The three of them looked at it and saw that the virus on it looked extremely scary. Not only was it strange in shape, but its body was also covered with various spikes and sucker-like objects, and it also had many mouthparts, which were either Sharp teeth, or a long tongue, gnashing teeth and sucking the tongue while swimming...

Seeing such virus molecules, the three of them felt chills all over their bodies, and the acid in their stomachs was churning. They couldn't help but vomited like "uh uh", "uh uh", "uh uh"...

When they thought of their bodies being invaded by such a group of terrible virus molecules, the three of them suddenly felt bad and their faces became extremely pale...

"Xiao Ling, help me!"

"Give us the antidote quickly!"

“Any amount of money is fine!!!”

Xiaoxing was so happy when she heard the three people asking for help!

Unexpectedly, these three people seem to be extremely powerful, but they are very timid. They are even afraid of virus molecules that have been amplified countless times...

However, this is also human nature. No matter how powerful they are, if they suddenly see such unappetizing things and think that these things are in their bodies, how can they not be disgusted and panicked?

"Haha, what are you afraid of? Virus molecules are just like this. However, this is just their current appearance. When they absorb more nutrients and essence, they will continue to evolve. When the virus breaks out, I'm afraid their appearance will have changed. Everything has changed!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Oh my God!!!" The three people exclaimed, trembling all over...

Xiaoxing continued: "Actually, they look scary, but this is just what they looked like after they were magnified countless times by me. In fact, their size is less than one billionth of a particle of dust. This is exactly what it looks like. is one of the main reasons why you can't find them.


When Tali heard this, he quickly asked: "What other reasons are there?"

"In addition to being extremely small in size, their abilities are not small. They can also become invisible, form formations, confuse, and pierce..."

"Puncture?!" The three of them were startled again.

"Yes, the so-called puncture means that they will enter smaller cell molecules as they circulate in the body, and then lurk inside to suck nutrients, and control the cell molecules to become a base for supplying them with nutrients. Therefore, as they enter The more cell molecules there are, the more cell molecules will become their slaves, and the body's immune cells are unable to detect them because they are confused and invisible by them. Of course, they will not be able to suppress them. If this continues, the virus molecules They will become more and more powerful, until they are even more powerful than immune cells. At that time, your body will no longer be able to control them, and you can only watch them destroy the city and wreak havoc..."

"Wo..." The three of them couldn't stop trembling after hearing this...

Tali asked suspiciously: "What are immune cells?"

Xiaoxing said: "Everyone's body is a magical universe. Every moment, a battle of life and death is going on in your body. This battle originated from the birth of life countless years ago and is still going on today. In progress, immune cells are your body’s own resistance. This resistance is honed during the long-term evolution of life. It has a certain ability to kill viruses. Therefore, the virus will cause it as soon as it enters the human body. They pay attention and encircle and suppress the virus molecules. However, with the advancement of viral civilization, these virus molecules have obviously already prevented this, so they will use various confusing methods to deceive the immune cells in the body. , thus entering the cell molecules safely!"

"So that's it. I didn't expect that we have this kind of immune cells in our body that can kill them!" Tali said excitedly, feeling refreshed.

"Don't rely too much on immune cells. Sometimes, it's not the virus molecules that kill you, but your immune cells!" Xiaoxing said coldly.

"What? How could this happen?!" Tali said in shock.

Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu also looked at each other, feeling incredible...

Xiaoxing said: "Virus molecules are still relatively weak now, and they may not be able to win when they encounter immune cells, but they are extremely cunning and will use various confusing methods to deceive immune cells. For example, normal viruses in your body Marking their traces on the cells lures the immune cells to attack. As a result, the immune cells not only fail to kill the real virus molecules, but also kill the normal cell molecules in your body. If the immune cells react extremely If it’s intense, you will be killed by your own immune cells instead of virus molecules!”

"Wow..." the three of them exclaimed, suddenly realizing!

Unexpectedly, this immune cell is also a double-edged sword. If something goes wrong, it will kill itself, and as the owner, I can't do anything about it. What should I do? !

The three people quickly raised this question, and Xiaoxing replied: "The treatment at this time is of course to suppress the excessive reaction of immune cells in your body, and whether you can survive depends more on your own physical strength. If you have If there are serious injuries that have not healed, or other unknown causes of the disease, then the attack of immune cells is very likely to cause these complications, and you will definitely die. On the contrary, if you have good health and can withstand this round of attacks, it is possible for immune cells to Stop attacking and turn to destroying the virus molecules, and maybe your life will be saved!"

The three of them listened with great concentration. Ling Daozi's words seemed to have opened up a completely new world for them. This world was still quite unfamiliar to them. They did not understand many things, let alone understand the evolution and evolution. principle…

"Okay, now the virus molecules are still hidden in your body and are quietly causing damage. They have not yet reached the extremely serious stage of damage, so you don't have to worry about your life for the time being, haha, hahahahaha..."

"Xiao Ling, please treat us as soon as possible!" Lian Chunqiu said urgently.

"After you pay off your debt, I can naturally consider treating you, so you should focus on getting money now..."

"We've paid off our debt, and you're really going to get rid of the virus for us?" Lian Chunqiu said in surprise.

"If I'm in a good mood then, expelling the poison is just a piece of cake..." Xiaoxing hummed.

"Wo..." Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu exclaimed softly, feeling that a big stone had finally been lifted from their hearts!

As long as there is a way to get rid of this poison, money is a foreign object, and life is the most important. If you don't even have life, why do you need money? !

Hearing this, Tali asked anxiously: "Xiao Ling, what about me?!"

"You... won the first place in the tea competition, I can consider treating you!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What?! How could he?!" Gadget yelled.

"Yes, his tea ceremony seems too unreliable, and it is impossible to win the first place! Don't you and Liufeng represent Xuanling Star to participate in the finals?!" Lian Chunqiu asked urgently.

This is important information. Once there is a change, the money invested by the temporary gambling group on Xuanling Star will be wasted...

"Do we still need to play in person for such a game? He can represent our Xuanling Star! Liufeng has already given him a cup of tea, just take it out when the time comes..." Xiaoxing snorted.

"I see..." Lian Chunqiu suddenly realized.

Wanshitong was surprised and asked: "A cup of tea? What kind of tea? Is it really okay?"

"No problem at all!"

Tali said loudly: "If I can't even win the first place with that cup of tea, I will definitely arrest all the one hundred judges and beat them to the ground!!!"

"Haha, I support you!" Xiaoxing said happily.

Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu looked at each other. It seemed that Xuan Lingxing was sure to win the first place in the competition!

With the levels of Ling Daozi and Tali, we can certainly see how powerful that cup of tea is, so as long as Tali comes out at the right time, winning the first place is a sure thing!

This is extremely precious inside information. With this information, the temporary gambling group can make a big gamble, maybe make a lot of wealth, and then it will not be far away from repaying the gambling debt...

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