The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2920 Winning by luck

Zhizunbao followed this plate all the way. I felt that my brain power was almost exhausted, and my physical strength also required a lot of effort!

This bet was placed by him personally, and it had already made him break out in a cold sweat just now, because the judge Tongqing Hexing's unusual behavior was actually beyond his expectation, so he is now extremely uneasy!

For a betting operator, any miscalculation may lead to deviations in the final result, let alone such a big mistake...

However, since the bet has been placed, it cannot be changed. Moreover, their bets must have affected the banker's analysis and judgment. Therefore, their bets may not be able to completely eat up this piece of fat. .

Now we are just waiting for the results to come out, but Zhizunbao just can't control himself, and his fat body is always trembling slightly...

Park Jie's every move touches the hearts of countless people, and he certainly knows this. As a player who will appear later, he actually has more advantages, because he can watch his opponent's performance and then determine whether he needs to show more It is the ultimate level. If it is not needed, then he can completely perform at a normal level, which will make it less likely to make mistakes and will be more secure.

If the opponent performs very well and has a good record, then he must go all out and compete with the highest difficulty in order to tightly suppress the opponent...

Judging from the previous record obtained by Xiong Laoer, it is actually not very good. It can only be said to be above average. This makes Park Jie feel like he has received a reassurance, so in his own game, his mentality It seemed very stable, and the expression of Taoism was within his control, so after he steadily demonstrated a complete set of tea ceremony skills, he finally presented the tea soup he brewed to the one hundred judges!

For the ordinary audience at the scene, they just smell the aroma of tea more intuitively, but it is difficult to distinguish the quality of this tea from Xiong Laoer's tea. However, the vast majority of people can still distinguish between the two. The difference in tea aroma is obviously that their aroma types are different.

The fragrance of Tongqinghe Xingyuanchang tea is osmanthus, while the fragrance of Xiguixing Yushu tea is orchid. Both of these floral fragrances are extremely rare. However, from the perspective of scarcity, the fragrance is osmanthus. Type tea is relatively rare.

From this perspective, the value of Yuanchang tea at the same level is higher than that of Yushu tea. In other words, at this point, Xiong Laoer has the upper hand.

Of course, the fragrance type is one thing, and the fragrance is another, and it is more important. If the fragrance is too short and cannot even be hung on the cup, it is a floating fragrance and has little value.

Only heavy and thick aromas have higher value, which must be tasted and experienced by the judges themselves.

In addition to the fragrance, there is another issue to consider, that is, whether the tea soup can stimulate the fluid in the oral cavity of the living body. If it cannot, then the value of the tea soup will be compromised, because only the production of fluids can quench thirst. Tea drinkers One of the purposes is to quench thirst. If there is no body fluid secreted, the tea soup will appear dry and burn the throat.

As soon as a good tea soup is taken into the mouth, the tea aroma can stimulate the secretory glands in the oral cavity of the living body, causing the glandular fluid to flow out gurglingly. This is the principle of promoting body fluids.

This may be related to the tea substances contained in the tea soup. The richer, thicker, and denser these substances are, the stronger their stimulating effect on the glandular fluids of the living body will be. Moreover, such tea soup will make people feel extremely smooth when entering the throat. Smooth, without any astringency, just like drinking smooth jelly, extremely comfortable!


When the tea soup went down the throat, the spiritual power contained in it finally exploded completely in the body. The strength and length of this stamina can only be realized by the judges after drinking it.

In fact, tasting this cup of tea can be divided into two parts, namely before entering the throat and after entering the throat. Everything before entering the throat has a great relationship with the substance of the tea itself. Both the audience and the judges can appreciate it. , but after entering the throat, it has a greater relationship with the nature of the spiritual power contained in the tea. Only the judges who taste tea can realize it. This spiritual power can also be understood as the charm of tea. The charm of tea is reflected through the burst of spiritual power. come out.

For example, some spiritual power explodes in an instant and dissipates quickly, and may be average in scale and stamina. Some spiritual power is longer and will be released slowly and spread throughout the body, and the stamina will appear. It is more profound and long-lasting. Some spiritual powers may have a strong sense of rhythm and make people have the urge to dance. Some spiritual powers may be more alternative, but they can bring people infinite pleasure. The more they drink, the happier they become. The more I drink, the more I want to drink...

Although the charm of tea is mysterious, it actually exists. As long as you taste it yourself and taste it more, you can slowly appreciate the richness and charm of the tea world...

At this moment, every judge was weighing the weight of Pu Jie's cup of tea in their hearts, with different expressions on their faces. After a while, they finally started to raise their cards!

Every person's sign can trigger an uproar in the audience, sometimes excited, sometimes surprised, sometimes angry...

A judge came out again and announced that Pu Jie's tea ceremony record was fifty-nine votes in favor, two abstentions, and thirty-nine votes against!


"The Yushu still won!!!"

"The handsome guy still beat the bald guy..."

"I won just one vote! It's incredible!"

"Yes, and haven't you noticed that the two people who abstained from voting are all judges from the Returned Star!!!"

"Exactly! It seems that the judges of the Returned Star are also very fair, and there is one more person than the one who gave up on the Tongqing River Star..."

"That makes sense. If it wasn't like this, Pu Jie could definitely win!"

"Hey, in short, the tea leaves of these two tea houses are simply matched with each other, and they will meet with good talents..."

"It's such a pity that the Yuanchang was..."

"If it were me, I would vote for Xiong Lao Er..."

"That's right..."

People were talking in various ways, saying that there were all kinds of things...

When Pu Jie saw the result, a charming smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he kept saluting in all directions, which attracted bursts of cheers from the audience!

But Xiong Laoer on the sidelines seemed a little lonely and helpless, and he felt extremely sad. He didn't expect that he would lose by one vote. This was far from what he expected. You know, the quality level of Tongqing River Star's tea is Very high, a small but sophisticated type. Its reputation has been growing recently, and it has a faint tendency to surpass the original four major tea stars.

He has immense confidence in this point. Therefore, if he loses the competition, the reason is still due to his tea ceremony level. Could he really be worse than Pu Jie?

How can this be? !

Look at his moral will, his operating level, and his playing style... If good looks can be considered a style, it cannot be compared with his own dignified moral will!

In short, Xiong Laoer was dissatisfied, but a competition is a competition. The fate of the contestants is originally in the hands of the audience and judges, especially the one hundred judges, who have the power of life and death. Once the result comes out, I can only accept my fate...

What bothered him was the judge who voluntarily gave up a vote. In his opinion, if the judge could have voted for him, the result would have been very different!

In Xiong Laoer's heart, he already hates that judge...

Master Kucong in the audience shook his head secretly. This result was not beyond his expectation. As a senior judge, he knew the infighting among the judges best. This time, the judge from Tongqing River Star took the initiative. He gave up one vote, so the judges of the former returning star had to respond and gave up two votes, so that in the end they only narrowly won by one vote!

For those who have returned from the past, this victory was actually extremely lucky, and Xiong Laoer lost by only one vote. In fact, although he lost, it was an honor. If he had understood the intrigues involved, not only would he not have I hate the judge who is my star, so I should thank him...

However, the people who were most shocked at this time were not the people present, but those who participated in the betting on the outside. The big bosses of the bankers were all confused...

In the eyes of many people, Pu Jie should be able to win this battle easily, and the number of votes he received in favor should be at least five more than Xiong Laoer's. However, the result was only one vote!

Although they chose the right direction, they were very different in level, and the person who put in a large bet from the beginning actually guessed it right! ! !

Since the purpose of these bankers is to capture that huge bet, the way they place their bets is to bet against that huge bet. As long as they guess correctly, they can capture the other party. Otherwise, they can only Being eaten by the opponent.

According to the betting rules, if they guessed the right direction, that is, Pu Jie wins, they can still make a small profit, but now, they will lose all their bets, and they are in big trouble!

Almost all the gambling group forces had big problems in this focus battle, digging a big hole, which was much more terrifying than the small loss in the first round. This made their mentality almost collapse. It feels like the entire stadium is covered with dark clouds, making people suffocated and almost out of breath...

On the contrary, where the temporary gambling group is located, the entire atmosphere seems to be boiling!

Everyone was shouting and jumping wildly, madly venting the terrible pressure from before, but Supreme Treasure and Flush were like two fishes that had been fished ashore, paralyzed on the ground, gasping feebly...

They were so tired that they felt like all their energy was about to be drained out, and they couldn't make up for it no matter how hard they tried.

In fact, they were lucky enough to win this bet, and many situations that occurred on the field were not expected by them. Therefore, when they saw unexpected situations occur, they already felt that the bet was about to end, and the huge sum of money invested I was afraid that it would be ruined, so everyone was extremely nervous to watch the entire competition process. Unexpectedly, they made many mistakes in the end, and the result was consistent with their predictions...

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