The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2947 Two Swords Join the Wall

After hearing the news, more and more people came to watch. The news spread quickly, causing countless people to express their surprise!

Master Yichan and Master Kucong quickly came to watch. Seeing this scene, they were both extremely shocked because they had never seen such a thing before!

Ming Pi, Zai Yin, Wei Jin, and Tang Qiao'er were all stunned. Qing Ding, Jun Geng Bei, Qing Shan Ke, Wan Feng Chui, Wu Xiqi and others were even more stunned and speechless for a long time...

Powell finally came to his senses and quickly put away the tea leaves. Such tea leaves are of course a treasure. I don’t know how many people are thinking about them at this moment. They are in big trouble...

As soon as the people of Mint Tang Star thought of this, they quickly took advantage of the fact that the competition was still being held and it was impossible for many people to leave here. They quietly slipped away from the scene and quickly returned to their own planet...

This strange incident also reveals the reason why Powell was able to win the success with the third tea soup even when his Taoist intention was interrupted. People believe that tea is the most important factor!

Because judging from the reactions of Powell and the people from Mint Tang Star, it can be seen that they were also extremely shocked by this incident. Obviously, they did not expect that the tea would have such a change. Therefore, it was not that Powell's tea ceremony was so amazing. But that tea is amazing!

In addition, this incident further proves that the judging panel's judgment this time is extremely fair. Good is good, bad is bad, and there is no sign of secret manipulation. Therefore, after this matter, the judging panel has also successfully increased the aura of openness, fairness, and fairness. This is of course a good thing when it comes to him. Otherwise, there will probably be a steady stream of controversies in the next games.

Inside the banzhang gambling board, Mingpu was shocked and relieved a little after seeing this scene. Now it seems that the reason why Powell of the Mint Pond Star has such an amazing performance has a lot to do with his magical tea. , and if we talk about the tea ceremony alone, he is still far away from competing with Jun Gengbei, so there is really no need for him to frequently interfere with the progress of the game...

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Yu Qingchen shout loudly: "Chief, the other party has placed another bet!"

Mingtuo felt nervous and quickly started discussing with everyone...

At this time, there is actually another force in the Lincang Star Territory that many people have ignored, and that is the Orc Alliance Army in this Star Territory that has been disappearing.

Prior to this, in order to ensure that the tea competition could proceed smoothly, Mingpu deliberately attributed the astrological changes that occurred in Lincang and Mansong Stars to the Orc Alliance gathering there, and they should have fled to Mansong Stars. Territory, or go there to move reinforcements.

Their purpose of moving reinforcements was of course to deal with foreign expeditionary forces, not the local ethnic civilizations.

The information coming from within various racial civilizations also proves this, because they are now extremely peaceful and have not been affected by the changes in the stars.

It is based on this information that this tea competition can finally continue. However, what Ming Pi and the others did not expect was that the local orc alliance had indeed gone to move reinforcements, and they wanted to deal with more than just It is a foreign expeditionary force, as well as the local racial civilization.

Now, this Orc coalition is hidden in a relatively secret starry sky in the Star Territory, anxiously waiting for the Orc coalition to come from the Mansong Star Territory.

According to normal circumstances, the supporting army should have arrived in the Lincang Star Territory and approached them at this time. However, until now, they still have not received the message from the other party.

This made them feel disappointed and doubtful.

Because the other party sent a message notification when they set off, but now it has become far away, and there is not even a bit of information. It is indeed very suspicious!

This orc alliance really didn't have the patience to wait any longer, so after some discussion, they decided to fly to the junction of Lincang Star Territory and Mansong Star Territory to see the situation...

Xiaoxing quickly discovered this situation and said, "Sir, the coalition of beast tribes in this star region has moved!"

"Moving?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Don't worry, they are going to the Mansong Star Territory and want to take the initiative to join the Orc Alliance." Xiaoxing said.

"That's it! It seems they are still unwilling to be lonely..."

"Hey, once they leave, the starry sky jellyfish will be able to feast on it!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"What's the situation over there now?"

"Huo Bie and Wo Da's Phi tribe team brought the starry sky jellyfish over, and the entire Mansong Star Territory was shaken! It was a big mess!!!" Xiaoxing said gloatingly.

Li Yun sighed secretly when he heard this. Such a situation was expected. However, if the starry sky jellyfish is either attracted to it or attracted to it, someone will always suffer!

"Has the starry sky jellyfish started to devour it?" Li Yun asked anxiously.

"My lord, please look!"

Xiaoxing shot out several light curtains, and the video played above was the scene of the starry sky jellyfish showing its lustful power. Its infinitely extending energy tentacles were so powerful that many people could not escape the capture of these tentacles. Once they were stuck, they would basically It's impossible to escape!

The current starry sky jellyfish looks a little strange because it has caught too many people and objects on its tentacles, but it devours them much more slowly. It needs to digest them slowly and convert these people and objects into pure energy before proceeding. Absorbed, so it now looks like a flower hat. Except for the relatively pure head, the whole body is covered with colorful spots, like countless braids dotted with flowers floating around, making it a spectacle in the starry sky!

"Wow...its appetite is too big!" Li Yun exclaimed.

"Indeed, some stars were swept by its energy tentacles, and almost all life was caught. It is extremely efficient!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"Such an energy tentacle is an extremely powerful weapon. Can we do it?" Li Yun asked with a thought.

"No problem! Of course our optical network is more powerful than it! We turned around and caught it directly!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"Then let the Lord of the Universe do it." Li Yun said.

"Your Majesty, that's what you said! We still have to stick to the principles we have set and no longer take action easily. Looking at the current situation, the starry sky jellyfish seems to be addicted to devouring it, and its behavior pattern is very different from the previous one, which was waiting for the rabbit at the junction. It is difficult to guarantee Will it turn around in the future and devour the lives in the Lincang Star Region?" Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun was shocked when he heard this, but he still endured it because he knew that he really couldn't control much. In fact, he and Xiaoxing had long discovered that there were too many behemoths like starry sky jellyfish in the dark universe. , there are so many of them, there are always some behavioral patterns among them that are different, or changes due to some reasons, from passive waiting to active attack. Based on their sheer number, even this change The chance is very small, but the number of mutants can still reach an astonishing level.

It can't be controlled, and if you act at will, it is very likely that problems will occur, either by the master of the universe or by the virus civilization. No matter which party will put greater pressure on Xingyun Castle.

He thought for a while and said: "If this local orc alliance goes to the Mansong Star Territory, it will definitely attract the attention of the Star Jellyfish, so it is better to leave them here and avoid getting into trouble!"

"This is easy. Now that the Starry Sky Jellyfish and the Feifei tribe are far away from the junction, we just need to bring back the astrological changes to this orc alliance!" Xiaoxing said.

"Then try..."

"no problem!"

When the local Orc alliance was approaching the junction, Xiaoxing quickly took control, slowly retracted the stars pointing to the Mansong star field, and began to point the direction of the local Orc alliance...

Since the previous general direction was towards the Mansung Starfield, it is now slowly moving over and is still rotating in a small range...

This local orc alliance came here unprepared and ran into the trap carefully laid by Xiaoxing. They thought that the direction they were heading was the junction of the two star fields, so they kept flying wildly after the star. I didn't realize at all that I was actually spinning around in this vast starry sky...

In order not to attract the attention of other racial civilizations, Xiaoxing controlled it extremely carefully this time, compressing the astrological changes within a smaller range, and also used the space folding method to make it impossible for people on the periphery to observe The situation inside…

The changes in the stars and the folding of the two swords in space caused this poor orc alliance to be trapped in this space formation. They kept flying wildly, but they could never reach their destination...

"Eh?!" Xiaoxing suddenly screamed!

"What's the matter?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Several people appeared in the Mansong Star Territory. They seemed to have discovered the abnormality of the starry sky jellyfish and were discussing how to deal with it..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's so? Who is he?!"

"Looks a bit like a Black God tribesman like Tali!"

Xiaoxing quickly printed out the images of these people. Li Yun quickly looked at them and found that these people looked somewhat similar to Tali. At a glance, it seemed that they should be people of the same race!

And it didn't take long for Xiaoxing to find out their origins and said: "These people come from a Black God tribe near the Mansong Star Territory!"

"Did Tali come from there too?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! Judging from the trajectory of Tali's appearance, he is also from that tribe, and their appearance and characteristics are very similar. They are obviously from the same tribe!" Xiaoxing affirmed.

"I wonder if they can deal with this starry sky jellyfish?" Li Yun said with great interest.

It seems that the drama is constantly unfolding, and the appearance of the Black God Clan directly pushes this drama to another climax!

Little It’s hard to guess…”

:. :

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