The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2951 Qingding was pulled down

When the starry sky was in chaos and the starry sky jellyfish finally returned to its original state and floated towards its home base, the tea competition in the core area of ​​​​Banzhang finally reached its climax, and the Jun Geng Cup appeared!

"Jung Geng Cup!" "Jung Geng Cup!!" "Jung Geng Cup!!!"...

Ban Zhangxing screamed crazily, waving various objects in his hands, cheering for him...

This crazy atmosphere pressed down on Jun Gengbei like a heavy mountain, making him feel a little out of breath!

Indeed, this competition was really too difficult for him!

The performance of the previous players was as if they were cheating, one was better than the other, and now even Qingding, who was previously ranked first, was overturned and ranked third!

This information may be a bit sudden, but because the situation in the Mansong Star Territory is more intense, Li Yun is more focused on watching the situation there. Unexpectedly, as soon as his mind turns around, he finds that the situation here is equally jaw-dropping. .

Currently ranked first is Gao San from Tianmen Mountain, and second is Hong Ji from Wan Gong Village. Both of them came out behind Powell from Mint Pond, because Ming Pi and others no longer interfere with the progress of the game. , so they all successfully completed the tea ceremony performance, and the tea soup presented at the end was impressive...

Not only did their tea soup conquer the judges and the leaders of various planets, but they later discovered that the base of their tea leaves had undergone magical changes. This change was the same as Powell's mint tea, that is, after brewing at high temperature, Not only did the tea base not become soft or swollen, but it seemed to have come to life, full of vitality and Taoism. It simply reached the highest state of this star's tea!

Yes, this kind of tea and this kind of tea base are the dreams of countless tea drinkers, but how easy is it?

To achieve such a state, at the very least, the tea must have strong vitality. Only with strong vitality can it withstand the repeated tests of high-temperature hot springs. Into the tea soup, people can taste the most beautiful tea flavor and tea flavor of this tea...

Someone has specifically tested this. If tea wants to reach this level, it must be stored for at least a million years!

A million years! ! !

This is an extremely long period of time. It is impossible for many tea trees to survive such a long period of time and survive until now. And how could people millions of years ago treasure tea leaves until now?

Maybe people in the past have not noticed this special life of tea!

Even in the tea star cluster,

It also began to rise in the core area about 200,000 years ago. With the four major tea stars of Banzhang, Iceland, Xigui and Yiwu as the center, they gradually introduced and cultivated outside, and slowly became prosperous. Therefore, in In this constellation, the oldest tea leaves are about 200,000 years old at most!

In other words, the tea leaves that Qingding took out before had actually reached a limit, but his tea leaves showed no sign of such vitality at all. In other words, they were still far from the peak state of tea leaves.

The reason why Qing Ding was able to win the first place three times in a row was not only because he had the longest tea collection period among the Tea Stars, but also because he suddenly had the wonderful idea of ​​letting a virgin cover the tea to further enhance the fragrance of the tea. promotion, thereby capturing the hearts of the judges.

However, this additional aroma is not the original aroma of the tea leaves. There is a coordination problem between the two. Qingding himself discovered that the effect of some tea leaves would become worse after being covered with tea leaves, but he did not figure it out. Among the reasons.

What surprised him was that if the virgins had practiced his wife Qiao Yu's technique and then used it to cover the tea, the effect would be greatly improved. So he used this method to greatly increase the fragrance of the green top tea in his hands and transform it into a new one. Become the top tea among the tea stars and make a fortune!

However, what he did not expect was that this tea competition would become his Waterloo. He was almost knocked down by Powell before, but he still managed to hold on to first place.

Unexpectedly, Gao San and Hong Ji, who came on stage next, actually made a tea soup that was infinitely fascinating, surpassing themselves in one fell swoop!

Moreover, Qingding was convinced this time because he personally tasted the tea soup brewed by these two people. Just smelling the aroma made him extremely intoxicated. When he entered the entrance of the tea soup, the explosive smell of tea... The strong sweetness and long-lasting sweetness shocked him extremely!

His Qingding tea could never achieve such a tea flavor and flavor. After tasting their tea soup, Qingding actually didn’t want to drink his own Qingding tea anymore! ! !

This is indeed an old problem. Many people would originally feel like drinking fine wine when drinking a certain kind of tea, but after tasting another better tea soup, they will be disappointed if they go back to drink the original tea soup. , it is simply difficult to eat, and even makes you feel like vomiting. This is what Qingding is like now...

Gao San and Hong Ji achieved such good results, which was completely beyond their expectations. Like Powell, they were shocked by their tea soup at first, but later they discovered that there was something wrong with the tea base, and they finally realized , I felt in my heart that this tea competition was really magical. I was simply shrouded in the halo of the protagonist, and I reached the pinnacle of my life in one fell swoop!

However, their subsequent choices were the same as Powell's. In order to keep this secret and this magical tea, they sneaked away before they had time to watch the results of the competition...

Jun Geng Bei has been preparing the space and waiting for the show. Although he also saw the scene, he did not know the changes in the tea base of Gao San and Hong Ji. In addition, although Ming Pi and others knew about this, they did not know about it in order to Let Jun Gengbei maintain a better attitude and deliberately not let him know these things.

At this time, when they saw Jun Geng Cup coming on stage, Ming Pi and others did not feel any excitement at all. Instead, they all looked solemn and even a little depressed, because in their opinion, Jun Geng Cup was over this time, and Ban Zhangxing was also It’s over!

Let’s not talk about whether we can get the first place in this competition. There is a high chance that we won’t get it. Just from the recent dozen betting rounds, the entire Banzhang Group has almost lost its pants. Compared with those few In a bet between big gamblers, the opponent's winning rate reaches 70%, but as the banker, his winning rate is only 30%!

The odds alone can make you lose everything!

Now their funds are extremely tight and they are almost out of money to bet against each other. If they want to reverse this situation, they must borrow the gambling funds of other gamblers, that is, use leveraged funds to gamble. This is extremely risky. , it’s okay if you win, but if you still lose, the consequences will be disastrous!

When Mingfu was a little confused, Liu Sexin suddenly reminded: "Chief, the opponent has voted again! Brother Beijun lost, only the third one among the current players, and this time the bet has been doubled!"

"What should we do?!" Yu Qingchen asked urgently.

"I think it's better not to bet against them. I don't know how their winning rate is so high. Maybe they have something we don't know about..." The man without reason interjected.

Ming Bu sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that these people have lost their opinions now and have completely lost the mentality and tolerance that a banker should have. How can he still discuss important matters with them?

He said fiercely: "Why don't you bet?! Brother Jun is one of ours. No one knows his strength better than us. Gao San and Hong Ji just got lucky. I believe Brother Jun must Can defeat them!"

"This..." Liu Sexin and others were startled when they heard this and looked at each other.

Liu Sexin said: "Chief, it is precisely because we know Brother Jun's strength that we feel that he has no chance of winning!"

"But why?!" Mingfu snorted.

"This... our tea cannot withstand repeated brewing in high-temperature hot springs. After steeping, it will lose most of its tea quality, and then become soft and foamy. It is impossible to be like Gao San and Hong Ji. The tea leaves are still alive and well like that! We all know that to make a good tea soup, the most important thing is the tea itself. Brother Jun is too far behind in this aspect and it is impossible to win!" Liu Sexin analyzed .

Mingtu couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard the words, and sighed: "What you said is not unreasonable! But..."

"But what?" everyone asked.

"Now that Brother Jun is on the court, the other party comes to bet on him and loses. This is a major blow. As the host and the banker, even if we know that we are going to lose the bet, we must bet against the other party, and we must bet on you. Brother wins!!!" Mingfu said loudly.

"This..." Everyone was stunned and looked at each other again.

Yan Qingchen murmured: "Chief, even so, we don't have much funds now. If we bet against the other party, we must take advantage of our banker's advantage and use the gamblers' money first, and record an imaginary amount. If you lose..."

"I've said it before, you have to gamble even if you lose! With our Ban Zhangxing's financial resources, will we still not be able to repay this money in the future?!" Mingpu said harshly. To be honest, his heart is extremely weak now. But in front of everyone, he must show this magnanimity and toughness, because he knows that he must not fall first. If he does fall, the entire Ban Zhang camp will be finished...

"Yes...yes yes...I'll throw it out right away!!!" Wei Qingchen gritted his teeth, didn't think about it anymore, and started to operate immediately...

With a "swipe" sound, there was another sharp beat of light and shadow on the large light screen at the scene, and the people at the scene let out a burst of excited shouts!

"Wow! The dealer is following again!"

"The bookmaker is optimistic that Senior Jun will win the first place!"

"That's right! If you weren't particularly optimistic about Senior Jun, how could you do this?"

"Let me just say, Brother Jun is the host player. The right time, place and people are all in one place. How is it possible not to win first place?"

"That makes sense! Of course I'm optimistic about Brother Jun, so it seems like I should follow the banker and bet!"

"I'll follow too!"

"Follow everyone..."

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