The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2958 An endless stream of tea utensils

"So that's it..." The three of them suddenly realized.

Looking at the tower power on the field, it has already caused quite a commotion...

It wasn't that he performed so well, but that the tea utensil he threw out immediately attracted everyone's attention, triggering bursts of exclamations from the audience!

"What kind of tea set is this?! Why have I never seen this before?!"

"It should be Xuan Lingxing's tea set, right? It looks quite exaggerated, odd and beautiful, and it's worth appreciating..."

"It seems there is only a tea stove, but no kettle?"

"That's right! It's so big, are they one?" Someone finally discovered the clue.

"In one piece?! That makes sense! Oh my god!!!"

"How is that possible? The tea stove is a fire channel, and the kettle is a water channel. Water and fire are incompatible, how can they be one body?!"

"But we clearly saw it was just the same tea utensil..."

"Maybe I'll take it out again later..."

People were talking and watching Tali's movements closely, but to their surprise, Tali didn't really bring out any more so-called kettle. Therefore, they were finally sure that the huge tea vessel, Maybe it’s a combination stove and kettle!

This discovery immediately captured everyone's hearts and triggered a big discussion on the spot. People speculated on how this tea utensil should be used...

Ta Li didn't care how people reacted. He kept throwing out all kinds of tea utensils, and each one was refreshing, indicating that he had never seen it before. Everyone's hearts were suddenly lifted high, and they wanted to be in Ta Li. Force can bring out more different tea utensils, so that they can have a good look at the tea utensils from the remote Xuanling Star...

The people from the major forces and the jury originally had an arrogant and contemptuous attitude, but after seeing these tea utensils, their eyes immediately changed!

With their great power, they can see much more than ordinary viewers can!

In their opinion, these tea utensils are not only unique in shape and exaggerated in style, but each of them is undoubtedly an extremely rare treasure!

With their rich experience, they could not tell what kind of material these tea utensils were made of. This fact alone shocked them!

"What's going on? What kind of treasures are they?"

"I can't see clearly, but the spiritual consciousness is extremely comfortable to touch. It is obviously made of extremely rare treasure materials!"

"That's right! Each of these treasures is probably worth a lot of money..."

"I didn't expect Xuanling Star to have such a treasure. It's really unexpected!"

"It's over, it's over. This Xuanling Star is so mysterious that no one can see through it at all. No wonder someone invested a lot of money on it to win from the beginning!"

"So, does Xuanling Star really have a chance?!"

"I really can't say for sure. You see, the players are powerful and the tea utensils are treasures. When the two are combined, at least the performance will not be much different, right?"

“What if they also had top-quality tea?”


After being reminded, these people all reacted and suddenly became uneasy!

The people in the Ban Zhang camp began to feel a little uneasy, while the other Tea Star people were secretly happy. In their opinion, they were defeated by the Ban Zhang Star people and had nothing to say. But this Xuanling suddenly appeared. Maybe the star is not some weak character who accompanies the prince to study, but a hidden master. Otherwise, why would anyone bet on it to win in the first place? !

People who can pay such a large amount of money to bet on it must be big gamblers. Big gamblers generally have information advantages that other people do not have. They may have known early on that this Xuanling Star is actually extremely powerful.

That's why we place all our bets on it.

Although only one person appears on the Xuanling Star, things are rare and valuable, so maybe the power of this tower will create miracles!

Thinking of this, people from other camps began to spare no effort to cheer for Tali, especially people from the three camps of Xigui, Tianmen Mountain and Wan Gongzhai. Of course, they were unwilling to accept their defeat. They had already shown that They performed at a very high level, but they didn't expect to lose in the end. How could they swallow this bad breath?

Therefore, when they realized that Xuanling Star might have a chance, they immediately united and started supporting Xuanling Star!

Mingpu saw that the wind direction outside the field began to change, and the secret was not good, so he quickly asked the people from the Ban Zhang camp to lead the Ban Zhang stars here to cheer, in order to resist the attacks from other camps...

At this time, the betting situation displayed on the big gambling board light screen also experienced some small changes, and some people actually began to place bets on Xuanling Star!

Although this part is very small, and the level they choose is a small victory over Ban Zhangxing by one or two votes, this already means that Ban Zhangxing's one-sided advantage has been weakened...

Tali's tea utensils were about to be set up, and the deadline for the Ban Zhang betting was approaching. At this moment, the amount of betting suddenly increased sharply!

"Brush" "Brush" "Brush"...

The capital pool soared in an instant, and countless large orders were placed crazily, causing the capital pool displayed on the light screen to rise rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. People were dizzying and exclaimed again and again!

Many group forces are stuck in this last moment to place bets, and the same is true for ordinary bettors. This has almost become a routine. Looking closely at these bets, most still choose to place bets according to the current ranking order, but a very small number of people actually choose to place bets. Xuan Lingxing ranked first, which made people exclaim...

To be honest, although the tea utensils thrown by Tali are very eye-catching, it is still impossible to say that many people believe that he can win the first place. After all, a camp like Xuanling Star that just entered the competition with a wild card is almost It is impossible to have the last laugh in the finals with so many strong opponents!

In the long history of the tea competition, such a thing has never happened. Therefore, the vast majority of people still believe that Ban Zhangxing is the final winner. Even the tower power of this Xuanling star cannot win the previous Xigui and Tianmen. Camps like Shan and Wan Gongzhai, after all, most of the people sitting on the judging panel are from these major tea stars, and there are none from Xuanling Star. Is it true that someone would give up their home planet to support a Maybe the Xuanling Star cannot be hit with eight poles?

When the people in the big gambling table saw this situation, their hearts immediately calmed down, especially Ming Pi. After getting over the initial panic, he finally realized that he almost made a mistake again. It was entirely caused by being too concerned about Ban Zhangxing's fate. As a result, he immediately doubted himself as soon as there was any trouble. This kind of mentality is completely unacceptable!

On the contrary, the peripheral gambling forces and gamblers can clearly see that the vast majority of people support the current ranking, which is enough to explain the problem, and it is normal for a very small number of people to support Xuanling Star, because there are so many gamblers, there will always be someone who will do it for them. So there is a very small chance to make a bet, what if you win?

This kind of gambler's mentality is so normal. Even Mingtuo himself has this faint impulse in his heart, let alone others?

Since this is the real last game, the big betting market is about to be settled. Countless people have been looking forward to this moment for a long time, so taking a final bet has become their last resort. Realistic choice, watching the water level of the capital pool continue to rise, with almost no signs of stopping, this made the atmosphere of the entire arena soar again, an unparalleled financial pressure instantly overwhelmed all forces, shrouding the entire scene as heavy as a mountain!

People's breathing began to become thicker and heavier, and some people felt dizzy and almost couldn't hold it anymore...

"Wow..." The scene was suddenly in an uproar!

This cheered up everyone's spirits. They quickly looked around and found that Tali had lit up the strange big tea stove with a flick of his hand!

The so-called "lighting" actually didn't even see a flame. I could only rely on my spiritual consciousness to feel that it seemed to be getting brighter. I really don't know whether it got hotter...

What was even more unexpected was that with a flash of inspiration, a large piece of ice-like substance appeared in Tali's hand and was thrown directly into the tea furnace! ! !

"Oh my God!!!" The whole audience screamed!

As someone had guessed before, this large tea stove seems to be a combination of a tea stove and a kettle. Unexpectedly, such a fantastic idea has become a reality!

In addition, it is rare to turn water into ice and then into water. Generally, if there is a space container, people will bring water directly instead of ice.

Looking at the large vat that Tali put out, people found that there were cups in the vat. This was a bit strange, because everyone else had placed tea cups and scent cups, so why did he still want to put them in there? Place such a large tank?

Also, others only prepared teapots, teacups and scent cups. Not only did he have an extra large vat, he also had an extra small vat. This small vat looked similar to a teapot, but it had no lid and had more A small object that seems to be used for filtering. There is a bracket next to the small tank. The top of the bracket is round and has a small outlet. I don’t know what it does...

Before anyone could think clearly, Tali flicked his fingers, and images of little people and animals appeared on the tea table. Some of these little people were children, some were little monks, some were adults, some were toads, some were cows, and some Some are cute, some are cute, some are majestic... They are full of fun, and looking at them makes people feel happy and overjoyed...

Among them, there was even a child who was naked with his peeing part exposed. He was so cute and silly that it even attracted a lot of laughter...

Just when people were dazzled, they saw Ta Li taking out a big brush from nowhere and brushing it everywhere on the tea table, tea jar, tea stand, teapot, tea stove, tea fun and other places, leaving dust everywhere. Unstained, as clean as a mirror…

"Wow!!!" People kept shouting and were dumbfounded.

The endless display of tea utensils caused people to exclaim. Everyone felt that this was simply a display of tea utensils, not a competition. They were deeply intoxicated in the atmosphere of the tea ceremony...

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