The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2960 1 cup of magical tea

Zhuan Lun, Zhuan Shan and Yang Cuo, who were watching the game from the sidelines, were all shocked!

They were already speechless about Tali's performance. They didn't expect that not long after they were separated, Tali would achieve such impressive achievements in the tea ceremony!

However, of course they understood that this was absolutely inseparable from Ling Daozi's guidance.

It feels so good to stand on the shoulders of giants and do things. The three of them all thought of this while being envious of Tali. They almost all started to think about learning tea ceremony from Ling Daozi...

Tali's tea room has been decorated so well that it has aroused the envy of countless people. Such a tea room has a dreamy feel. It would be wonderful if you could have such a tea room!

However, for most people, this is probably only a luxury hope, and even for those powerful people present, it is unlikely. After all, the treasures Tali brought out are too amazing, and each one seems to be amazing. It is a valuable treasure. Almost no one can afford such a tea room, not even the tea star leaders sitting here!

It can be said that Tali relied on his strong financial resources to overwhelm everyone present. A huge aura instantly enveloped him, which was much stronger than the money pressure that filled the field before. In this way, Not only did Tali have no pressure, but he also had an aura around him. Everyone looked at him with great admiration to see how he would perform next...

This is the true power of money. Without any intention, Ta Li relied on the way of money to push himself to the highest level. Now, no one dares to underestimate him, but everyone respects him extremely!

Tali himself can also feel this change in the atmosphere. However, with the inherent pride of the Black God Clan, he can still withstand this kind of admiration. Therefore, his expression is quite calm and he is focused on the recent news. A well-practiced tea ceremony is performed...

The ice cubes that were put into the tea stove had already turned into boiling hot water, but outsiders couldn't tell. Of course, under Xiaoxing's design, the stove temperature and water temperature were strictly controlled, so there would be no accidents.

Tali waved his right hand, and the tea stove gradually became a little blurred. After a while, it was completely transparent, revealing the kettle inside. However, the kettle was also blurred. People could only see a ball of water boiling in front of their eyes, faintly. There is water vapor transpiration, and the water bubbles are constantly rising and breaking, which looks extremely beautiful!

"Wow!!!" There was another uproar outside the venue!

This is simply a cool operation of making water out of fire, blending water and fire. How is it done? !

Many people want to rush up to ask and observe,

It's a pity that it's not allowed now...

Tali diverted the water with his spiritual consciousness and rushed the hot water into the big tea vat. The teacup in the vat was slowly rotating, bathing in the hot water, and the temperature of the cup was also rising. The washed cup was placed on the side of the tea stand by his spiritual consciousness. On the bars, they were stacked neatly, and the cups were drained. The drained water dropped on the tea table and flowed along the inclined surface towards the drain hole in the middle. The entire table was extremely clean, and there would be no players from before. That messy scene full of water stains...

After all the cups were washed, Tali washed the main teapot, and of course the small vat and tea stand...

All this is done in an orderly manner. Everything is ready. All we need is the east wind. Where is the tea?

Talli gently opened a small drawer and took out a small box. The small box was extremely small and fit just right in the palm of his hand. He gently opened the lid of the box and gently picked up a piece of tea leaf with his hands! ! !

A piece of tea? ! ! !

Everyone watched in silence until they saw Tali picking up a piece of tea leaf from the small box, and they were all stunned!

what happened? A piece of tea? !

Could it be that there are many small boxes in the drawer, each small box contains a piece of tea, which adds up to one brew of tea? Such thoughts pass through many people’s minds…

However, they soon discovered that they had thought wrong, because after Tali took out the tea leaf, he put the small box into the drawer, pushed it up gently, and then put the precious tea leaf into it. Into the teapot!

Could it be that he wanted to use this tea leaf to make tea?

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, because this was completely beyond their imagination!

It turns out that what they saw was exactly the truth!

Thali did not hesitate, and then poured water into the pot, then gently picked up the pot and placed it on the tea stand.

The small vat was placed under the mouth on the outer edge of the tea stand. Only then did people seem to understand that it turned out to be a complete set of tea utensils, which consisted of a teapot, a tea stand and a small vat below. How to use it?

Tali gently turned the teapot with water, and the tea flowed out from the circular channel above the tea shelf, and then flowed from the outer mouth into the small tea vat below!

Since the lid of the small tea vat is a layer of filter, the tea soup flowing into the small tea vat is pure tea soup without any tea residue!

"Wo!!!" The whole audience was in an uproar...

Such a design is really thoughtful, nothing can be more detailed than this!

In fact, this small teapot has an exclusive name, called the Fairy Cup. Since the tea soup is gradually brewed, if you pour the tea soup directly from the teapot into the cup, it is very likely to cause a result, that is, every cup The color of tea may be uneven. The tea injected first may be lighter in color, while the tea injected later may be darker. In this way, everyone's experience will be different.

When the tea soup is served in a fair cup, the tea soup injected successively can be together and become a whole. Then the tea soup is poured into the tea cup from the fair cup. Then the color of each cup of tea will be the same, and everyone's experience will be the same. They are all the same, and they are truly fair!

Many people in the tea ceremony seem to have understood this truth, and they can't help but feel enlightened and feel like they have learned another trick!

Since there was only one tea leaf, the first step of washing the cups seemed a bit redundant, but Thali still completed it very seriously. He poured out the tea soup in the fair cup and put it on the shelf to drain for a while. Then, the real tea soup came. Got it!

People did not smell the aroma of the tea soup, because the whole process was controlled by Tali, and they couldn't help but wonder what kind of tea soup could be brewed from this piece of tea...

Under the control of Tali's spiritual consciousness, the teacups that had been drained on the tea shelf jumped out one by one and were neatly stacked in several rows, ninety in total. Then he picked up the justice cup and poured tea into the teacup, and saw the steam filling the cup. It's hard to tell whether it's water vapor or tea vapor. People really can't believe that one tea leaf can brew enough for ninety cups of tea, but with Tali's performance, this doesn't seem to be a problem...

The judges on the field looked at all this, and they were all speechless. They were obviously extremely shocked. Regarding Tali's performance, they felt like they were enjoying a tea ceremony, and now, they were just waiting for Tali's cup of tea!

What kind of cup of tea would that be?

With so many tea utensils, one tea leaf is brewed in the end. Is this tea leaf so magical?

Of course, no matter what, Tali's previous performance has already earned him enough popularity and attention. Now, it depends on whether this cup of tea can be the finishing touch to his performance.

Tali did not hesitate at all. While pouring the tea, he distributed the tea to the judges. He was very fast. After pouring the last cup, he handed it to Master Yichan. It was done!

Tali didn't say anything. He took out a small tea utensil and swept the excess water droplets on the tea table into the drain hole. Soon, the tea table became neat and orderly again, which made people admire and admire...

Master Yi Zen was holding this cup of tea and looked at it intently, and was shocked!

I can't take my eyes away anymore...

I saw that the color of the tea soup seemed to be changing, green, golden, amber, crimson, sky blue, deep purple... the color changes rapidly and extremely naturally, as if performing a color show, making it impossible to track what the next step will be. What color to go with.

And in the tea soup, it seems that the stars in the sky are reflected. A whole galaxy is hidden in this small tea cup. The stars are dotted and dreamy!

Just when he was about to indulge in this galaxy, the tea gas that had been wrapped in it exploded gently in front of him, and completely wrapped him with a "whoosh". Master Yizen's face changed, and he soon revealed his incomparable... With an intoxicated look, he tilted his neck back and drank the whole cup of tea!


The audience at the scene exclaimed because the movements of the ninety judges were as if they were carved from the same mold, almost exactly the same, and even the speed was roughly the same!

Is this a coincidence or intentional?

Who could control the movements of ninety judges so perfectly?

This question is a bit difficult, but the experts from various camps outside the court can still see some clues. It is the tea gas that caused the judges to act in such a unanimous manner. Since the tea gas exploded at the same time, when the judges came into contact As soon as the tea smelled, they made the same move, which shows that the attraction of the tea smell must be amazing, making them all eager to drink the tea soup...

What will happen after drinking it?

Everyone stared closely at the judges, imagining what scores they would give? What vote is given? How will Tali rank? Can he top the list as the betting odds predict?

You know, the results of the big bets have now been shown. Sure enough, at the last moment, most of the bets were placed on Tali, and there were countless big orders. As a result, the bets piled on Tali have far exceeded Other camps…

But people soon discovered that the ninety judges on the court looked different. What were they doing after drinking tea?

Some were murmuring, some were dancing, some were shouting, some were laughing, some were crying, some had disheveled hair, and some simply lay down and rolled around on the ground...

Looking at their expressions, some are flushed, some are pale and absent-minded, some are green and yellow, and some are purple. Of course, this expression is still changing, and the judges' movements are becoming more and more weird. It's as if my hair is spinning...

"not good!"

"What's wrong with them?"

"Are you going crazy? Or are you poisoned?"

"It doesn't look like you're drunk from tea, right?"


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