The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2977 The elixir has really arrived

The three people in Tali were stunned. It seems that what Yangcuo just said is the most fundamental reason!

The fruits produced by the Kawang tree are extremely precious and are considered priceless treasures in the clan. According to the clan's regulations, these fruits are treasures sealed by the clan and will not be used in normal times. They will only be used on some special occasions, such as in the clan. Large-scale celebrations, the arrival of distinguished guests, or important material transactions with other Black God tribes may only be used. Even if the clan leaders and other high-level officials want to drink, it depends on the timing. They will drink in small amounts during clan meetings, but It's just a mouthful...

Even though Tali is the beloved grandson of the clan leader, he has only drank it a few times, while the two brothers Zhuan Lun and Zhuan Shan have never even smelled the fragrance!

Tali sighed: "Okay, okay, now is not the time to discuss this issue. Uncle Hammer and Uncle Ding may be coming soon. We are still here wondering whether we can drink tea from the Tea King Tree. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?" ? Let’s discuss it quickly..."

Yangcuo said: "That's right! But when it comes to coffee juice, it was Xiao Ling who brought it up. Since he said that he would testify for us after a competition with coffee juice, I would have to do it!"

After saying that, her delicate hands flashed with inspiration, and she threw out many utensils, which were her best treasures for making coffee juice.

These utensils are really diverse. They are all bottles and jars, and some of them look like utensils. They have different shapes and I don’t know what they are used for...

However, she has actually given a set of these utensils to Xiaoxing, with instructions for use, so of course Xiaoxing now knows how the Black God Clan's coffee is made.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "You prepare first, I also want to see the excitement over Blainey's side..."

" are they doing?! Have they received the detoxification pill?" Several people suddenly asked and asked quickly.

"Now they are almost at the end of the war, but they still need to maintain the time channel. Otherwise, if the elixir comes in the future and the time channel is closed, it will be an injustice!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Oh my god..."

"It makes sense! How long will it take to wait? You have to know that after Blainey receives the message in the future, he will still have to spend time preparing the medicinal materials, refining the elixir, and finally sending it back through the time channel. All this process requires I don’t know how long it will take, I’m afraid it will be difficult for them to wait!” Tali analyzed.

"Indeed! However, I have already seen the elixir coming, which means that this time passage is not too long. The reason why future Blainey has the elixir delivered so quickly is mainly because he suddenly thought of One way..." Xiaoxing said.

"A way? What did he think of?!" Tali asked urgently.

Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan looked at Blainey and the others while listening attentively to Xiaoxing's words...


"Wow!!!" Everyone exclaimed, a little envious...

The same is true for Tali, because although Xiaoxing promised to give him an antidote pill, he hasn't given it yet. Unexpectedly, Blainey got the antidote pill before himself.

Xiaoxing continued: "As a medical expert, Blainey quickly thought that after he cleared those viruses, he should have antibodies in his body!"

"Antibodies?!" Everyone was startled.

"Yes, it's anti-viral antibodies! He didn't know what this antibody looked like or where it was hidden, but generally speaking, antibodies will exist in blood and body fluids. With Blainey's medical skills, it was not difficult for him to understand There are antibodies in your own blood, and if these antibodies are injected into another person's body, they can help them resist the invasion of the virus, or at least greatly slow down the rate of virus erosion..." Xiaoxing said.

Tali quickly asked: "Can we completely cure people infected with the virus?"

"No!" Xiaoxing said flatly.

"But why?!" Everyone was startled.

"This is because the virus antibodies in the detoxification pill are quantitative and can be used to detoxify Blaney himself, but it is impossible to help more people detoxify. Of course, since the virus in Blaney's own body has been eliminated, the next step is to He only needs to stay on guard. Therefore, he does not need too many antibodies in his body now, so he can distribute some of the antibodies for others to use. However, this amount is not enough to completely drive away the virus. Suppress the spread of the virus to a certain extent... In addition, for Blaney, it is impossible for him to give too much blood to others. Among those pills, at most one pill only contains one or two drops. It's just his blood, which is already extremely precious. If it weren't for the huge amount of property and the fact that these people are the top people of the Tea Star Group, it would be impossible for Blainey to do this in the future!" Xiaoxing! analyzed.

"I see... Huh?!!!"

"The elixir is really here?!"

The four people shouted, they also saw the elixir!

I saw that the door of the time passage suddenly flashed wildly, sending out circles of light waves, rendering the entire sky extremely stunning. The entire core area erupted with exclamations, and everyone was stunned...

"Brush" "Brush" "Brush" "Brush" "Brush"...

Streams of black light erupted from the door of time. Blainey stared closely. When he saw the black light coming out, he quickly caught them one by one!

The black light eruption process lasted for a while and finally gradually stopped...

Seeing this, Blainey knew that the task had been completed, so he shouted: "The ceremony is over!"

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"...

There were falling sounds from behind. Blainey turned around and was surprised to find that everyone had fallen to the ground, gasping feebly...

It seems that they are all exhausted and it is difficult to hold on...

Blainey was secretly glad that fortunately the pills had been received. Otherwise, if the pills had been delivered, but the gate of time could not be maintained, it would have been a big trouble...

He quickly checked these black lights and found that they were all pill boxes, which he used most often, and they were obviously higher level than the current ones!

He quickly visited and found that one of them was sent to him, which described the refining process of the pills in the pill box...

"That's it!!!" Blaney saw it and understood immediately!

The content mentioned in the description is exactly what Xiaoxing said to Tali and others just now, and the language used is mostly speculation. However, Blainey in the future did conduct experiments and found that after taking drops Pills that absorb your own blood can greatly inhibit the spread of the virus. There is no doubt that this path is feasible. However, since it is impossible for an individual to lose too much blood, and he is also worried about whether he will lose it because of this. The power to resist viruses, so Blainey from the future warned him not to make too many such pills, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

At the same time, he also advised Blainey to deal with Ling Daozi more and try to get more pills from him. As long as more people who have taken pills can be cultivated, more blood can be used. Alchemy…

"Miracle doctor, how is the situation? Are those pill boxes?!" A clear voice interrupted Blainey's thoughts.

Blainey nodded and said: "Yes! You are quite lucky. These are indeed sent to you by me in the future. Among them, the number of detoxification pills available to each person has been allocated accordingly according to the property you provided. ,but…"

"But what?!" everyone asked anxiously.

"These detoxification pills cannot completely drive away the viruses in your body, but they can greatly inhibit the speed of their spread. Therefore, you must still be careful after taking the pills and not use excessive force. It is best to strengthen your cultivation, cultivate your mind and nature, and concentrate on Fight the virus!" Blaney said.


"Can't it be completely eradicated?!"

"What can we do?!"

"That's right..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little flustered. They didn't expect that after spending so much money, they still couldn't get a detoxifying pill that could completely cure them. Thinking about it, they felt a little suffocated...

Blainey said coldly: "Have you forgotten what those viruses look like? Do you really think that viruses like that can be easily eliminated? Let me tell you the truth..."

"What truth?!" Master Yichan asked urgently.

"A viral civilization already exists around us!" Blaney said in shock.

"Virus civilization?!" Everyone was stunned and shouted in horror.

"Yes! This virus civilization originated from ancient times, much earlier than the emergence of our racial civilization. They were the original masters of this universe! Later, our racial civilization and the orc civilization slowly appeared, but the virus Civilization has always been developing around us and has always coexisted with us living civilizations! In the early days, we medical doctors of living civilizations were still able to defeat viruses. We tried our best to keep them at a low level of transmission. However, viruses always have a way to overcome difficulties and constantly evolve to achieve their goal of invading and parasitizing life. As our life civilization progresses, their capabilities have unknowingly improved a lot, until recently..."

"How are you doing lately?!" Master Yizen asked in shock.

Everyone's minds were blown as they heard what Blainey said for the first time. The psychological shock it caused to them was simply unparalleled!

In fact, not only them, but also Tali and others who had been listening by the lake heard such words for the first time. At this time, they quickly asked Xiaoxing if it was true...

Xiaoxing said: "Of course it's true. These are exactly what I told Blainey. Just keep listening..."

"Is this virus civilization serious?!" Yangcuo asked quickly.

"They have evolved so far that they are indeed more powerful! I'm afraid it will be difficult for you Black God Clan to resist them..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god..." Several people exclaimed, their faces becoming extremely ugly.

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