The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2979 Xiaoxing’s Coffee

Master Kucong echoed: "Brother Yichan's words are very good! If we unite, we may not win, but if we divide, we will definitely lose! Only by uniting more medical people can it be possible to form a joint force and defeat the virus! Can our racial civilization develop to Now, don’t we just rely on the strength of the collective? If each race were to fight alone, we would have been wiped out by the orcs long ago!”

"That's true..." Everyone nodded after hearing this...

Blainey said: "Okay, if you get these pills, you should cherish them and use them. In my opinion, these pills are priceless treasures. The reason why I will give you so many life-saving pills in the future is for the sake of tea." The continuation and development of the life of the star cluster, because if all the people of the race of the tea star cluster are eroded by the virus, then my life will definitely not be so pleasant in the future! Therefore, for these pills, you should give priority to this People with advanced medical skills in the star, so that they can have a better chance to study this elixir and suppress the virus in their own bodies, which will help the development of anti-virus actions!"

As he spoke, he handed out the pill boxes. Since it had already been marked on which person it belonged to, no one had any objections...

When everyone looked at the number of pills they received and compared them with the properties they invested before, they couldn't help but feel their hearts bleed. With so much property, they only got dozens of pills. On average, each pill is worth incomparable. huge!

But according to Blainey’s words, this is still a small amount. If it weren’t for the Tea Stars, I might not even give one!

Zai Yin endured his heartache and asked: "Miracle doctor, I wonder if we can still buy pills from you?"

"Yes, there are so many of us, how can these pills be enough?" Tang Qiaoer agreed.

"No matter what, you have to find a way to get more pills for us!" Wei Jin said loudly.

"That's right..." Others agreed.

Blainey sighed: "Everyone, it's not that I don't want to help, it's just that I'm powerless! You have also seen that asking for medicine from the future is not a simple matter. It requires so much power just to maintain the gate of time. How can it be possible for me to exert my full strength on my own? Besides, my future self told me not to ask him for medicine unless necessary, because everything in the future is not so certain, and maybe he will have some. Variety…"

"Oh my God, what should I do?!" Tang Qiaoer was shocked.

"Maybe I'll think of something else..." Blainey said noncommittally.

"The miracle doctor must come up with a way! No matter what, I will definitely send someone to buy medicine from the miracle doctor later!" Tang Qiaoer said quickly.

Master Yichan thought: "I'm afraid the future body of the miracle doctor will also tell you how he made elixirs, right? That will definitely be helpful to you, right?"

"The method he used is impossible to do at this time, but the idea is definitely helpful!" Blaney nodded.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up and they felt there was hope!

Mingfu laughed and said: "Haha, the miracle doctor has received enlightenment about the future. In the final analysis, it is the common blessing of our tea star group! If people from all stars want to get more information about the virus, then come to our class chapter, In the future, we will open a forum here to disseminate useful information to more people, and play a leading and role model for our tea star group to defeat the virus!!!"

Upon hearing this, Zai Yin, Tang Qiaoer, Wei Jin and others all seemed to agree.

But he was cursing secretly in his heart. This clear rebuttal was indeed a treacherous one. Now that Blaney belongs to the Ban Zhang camp, this gave him an extremely favorable condition. He could use Blaney's appeal to make Ban Zhangxing once again Become the core planet of the Tea Star Group, because now all the Tea Stars are in a virus crisis. If you want to ask for pills and suppress the virus, you must come to Banzhang Star to find Blainey. At the same time, you must send someone to Asking Blainey for advice is definitely not free. In short, in the future, stars will ask Ban Zhangxing for too many things. Mingpu can completely use this to consolidate and strengthen Ban Zhangxing's dominance...

Although these people have thought of this, they have nothing to do now. After all, only Blainey can get the medicine at present. It will not work if they don't come, unless the medical talents of each star can also refine it in the future. Effective pills are coming, otherwise, it will be difficult to change this situation...

After they got this batch of pills, they no longer had the intention to eat, drink and have fun in the core area of ​​​​Banzhang. To be honest, just thinking about those ugly and ferocious viruses made them feel sick. How could they still be in the mood?

So, not long after, people from all the stars left one after another, and this grand gathering brought together for the tea competition ended...

But they soon got the news that after robbing Ban Zhangxing, the foreign bandit fleet went on to rob Tongqing River, Bohol Pond, Tianmen Mountain, Fengzhai, Wan Gong and Nan as expected. Nuo and other six stars, everyone was greatly shocked!

Each fleet hastened back to their respective planets, nervously preparing for battle...

Xiaoxing looked at the four people in Tali and found that they were still immersed in the Tao realm he created. He couldn't help but feel a little happy. These four people were so young that he could play with them in the palm of his hand!

However, now that the two old guys, Uncle Hammer and Uncle Ding, have gotten rid of the previous predicament, found the right direction, and started to come towards Ban Zhangxing again, it is time to wake them up...

With a thought in his mind, the aroma of the four cups of coffee subsided slightly, the light spread out, and the full cup of stars gradually disappeared. The four of them finally woke up slowly from some kind of dream...

But they didn't realize that they had been in this state for a while. They thought they had just smelled the strong aroma of coffee, and there was an extremely satisfied look on their faces...

A few rays of sunlight poured in through the formation. Holding this cute animal claw cup, smelling the fragrant coffee flavor and admiring the picture story in the cup, they simply couldn't bear to taste the taste of the coffee...

Xiaoxing smiled and said, "If you don't drink, Uncle Hammer and Uncle Ding will be here soon!"

"Ah?!" The four of them were startled and felt something bad!

"Where are they?!" Yangcuo asked urgently.

"Well, at their speed, it might take about half a month to get here."

"Half a month? Not bad, not bad..." Yangcuo couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although I know I will be caught by them sooner or later, it is always good to delay the time...

Zhuanlun said: "We have to think of a way quickly to see if we can fool them. As long as we are not taken back by them, we will not be punished by the clan."

"Yeah, what can we do?" Zhuan Shan said loudly.

"Good juice! Good juice!! It tastes so good!!!" Tali suddenly shouted from the side.

The three of them were stunned when they heard this, and quickly tasted the coffee in their cups. They were completely fascinated by it!

I felt that this coffee had a unique bitter taste when I took my mouth, but the irritation to the mouth was extremely mild and dissipated quickly. Then, an extremely smooth and fragrant taste exploded in an instant, filling the entire mouth. It is fully occupied, bringing an extremely pleasant pleasure. These pleasures seem to be mixed with countless fragments, and these fragments seem to record the beautiful environment in which the coffee tree grows, and the wind and rain it has experienced. Beat, it draws rich nutrients from the ground, it dances with bees and butterflies, it passes through wind and rain, it merges with the sun and moon, it blooms, it bears fruit, it matures... After countless years of precipitation, each one condenses nature. The exquisite coffee fruits have finally reached the picking season, and among these coffee fruits, there are exquisite coffee beans...

But this is just the process of completing a raw material product. Next, there is a process of making coffee. I saw an extremely handsome young man carefully studying the process of making coffee. See the true meaning of his research. It's hard to believe, because the methods he uses are completely different from those of the Black Gods. All his operations are done through constant experiments. These experiments use a variety of methods. In addition to extracting the essence of the coffee beans, In addition to adjusting it to the extreme, it also needs to be blended with natural sweeteners such as honey, nectar, and fruit nectar. If the blend is not perfect, the experiment will not stop!

During this process, the young master used countless coffee beans, which made the four of them heartbroken...

In addition, other spices must be added, such as milk, coconut, floral, fruity... countless spices must be perfectly blended with the aroma of coffee beans, and this process will naturally use countless coffee beans...

In addition to these, the concentration, aroma, temperature, smoothness, body, fullness and other indicators of the coffee juice must be adjusted to the most appropriate level! ! !

Adding up all these experiments, the amount of tasks is simply unimaginable!

It can be said that behind these four cups of coffee, at least a big river of coffee has been wasted...

Without strong financial resources, amazing patience and perseverance, and such an exquisite experimental design, it would be impossible for four people to taste four cups of coffee like this...

Yangcuo was stunned by the impact of this Taoism. He could no longer resist it and collapsed softly to the ground. He knew very well that it was impossible for him to make such a cup of coffee!

Absolutely impossible!

Even if it is made with coffee beans from the Kawang tree, the effect is far inferior to the cup of coffee juice made by Ling Daozi!

In fact, of course she herself has tasted the coffee she made from the coffee beans of the Kawang tree, but the feeling is completely different from the current cup of coffee...

She discovered that although she was known as one of the best coffee makers in the Black God Clan, she was not even qualified to carry Ling Daozi's shoes in front of him!

What made her even more ashamed was that after seeing how Ling Daozi made this cup of coffee, she felt that she was convinced that she had lost, without any trace of unwillingness or dissatisfaction, because she discovered that Ling Daozi had done it. , something she could never do...

"What should I do? My pill..."

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