The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2987 Every word is precious

Hammer's face turned red when he heard this, and he snorted: "Aren't I thinking about our tribe if I think this way? If we don't contain potential opponents as soon as possible, then when they become stronger in the future and attack, it will be too easy to deal with them. late!"

Nail snorted: "I wouldn't think so!"

"Then what do you want?" Hammer asked.

"These weak races will progress, won't we, the powerful races, progress? Now their changes are reminding us that we can no longer live leisurely as we are now, but we must have a sufficient sense of crisis! We We must maintain a certain speed of progress. When they grow enough to threaten us now, we have already advanced to a higher level! So where does their threat come from?" Nailiao said proudly.


Hammer's face turned red and white, but he couldn't argue with Nail...

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"...

A burst of applause suddenly came over, surprising the two of them, and they quickly looked around for the source of the sound...

"No need to look for it, I'm still very far away, you can't find me!" said a voice, naturally it was Xiaoxing.

Although he is still not far away from Banzhang Star, he can control the extremely vast space of the universe. He can turn into a spiritual body and appear in places with monitoring networks at any time. It can be said that he is elusive and mysterious...

In fact, before, the real physical bodies of Li Yun and Xiao Xing were still on the Puji star in the Mojie starry sky, and it was their spiritual bodies that appeared in the tea star cluster. However, now their physical bodies have long been They controlled Xingyun Castle and came to Banzhangxing, so the actual location of the two of them is near Banzhangxing.

Nail and Hammer showed suspicion in their eyes. They did not believe that someone could talk to them outside the scope of their spiritual consciousness, so they let go of their spiritual consciousness and searched frantically. Unfortunately, as Xiaoxing said, they found nothing at all and found nothing. Anything suspicious about Tibetans…

"Haha, if you are at your level and dare to call yourself a higher race, I think you should forget it! The idea of ​​​​a hammer is simply a hammer, which is what a reckless man thought. As for nails, they have the backbone of a higher race, which is good. , Very good!" Xiaoxing laughed and clapped a few more times...

When Hammer heard this, his face turned the color of pig liver, his hair stood on end with anger, smoke was coming from his orifices, and he was about to explode!

Nail wasn't much better. Although Xiaoxing's words were praising him, in his ears, he felt more like he was ridiculing himself. In any case, it was always uncomfortable to be evaluated face to face like this...

Moreover, it would be good if they could see each other, but now they have not found each other at all. They don’t know what kind of person the other party is. How can they, the two powerful men of the Black God Clan, endure this?

"Oh? You said that our level is not worthy of being an advanced race, so you must be calling yourself an advanced race?" Nailizi teased.

"Haha, I never use such words to evaluate myself. Although there are superior and inferior races in the universe, it is just a matter of different stages of development among the races. You, the Black God Clan, have a first-mover advantage. There have been quite a lot of luck in history. Not only have we escaped some catastrophes, but we have also gained some opportunities for progress, so now we can stand at a higher position and look down on other races, but..." Xiaoxing said .

Nailiao's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he asked, "But what?"

“The development of every race cannot be smooth sailing.

There will always be a period when we encounter a terrible disaster of one kind or another. If we cannot survive it, civilization may fall and start a downward path from now on! Once a downward trend is formed, it will be difficult to return to the top! Even if a race's luck is always so good and it can always avoid disasters, it still won't work..."

"Oh? Why not?" Nail asked again.

"It's like a person. If he is in good times for a long time, do you think he will achieve high achievements?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This..." Ding Dike was startled, with a thoughtful look on his face...

Xiaoxing continued: "If a person has always been in good times, his aggressiveness and fighting spirit will have been wiped out long ago. He will be pampered, enjoy life, hoard wealth, and give up on cultivation... Let me ask, in such a harsh competition environment in the universe, such a Is the good times a good thing or a bad thing?”

"I'm afraid it's mostly bad things..." Nail had to say, and Hammer on the side also turned red after hearing what he said, feeling as if the other person was criticizing himself.

"This is true for a person, and it is true for a race. If people of a race enjoy a prosperous life for a long time and do not want to make progress, then people's sense of crisis will be lost, their competitiveness will be reduced, and they will regard everything they get as Of course! However, resources in the universe have always been in short supply. Every race needs to survive and develop, and find its way through the cracks of brutal competition. Therefore, it is impossible for the universe to allow one race to enjoy it for a long time. Special treatment. If a race is willing to be mediocre and complacent, and even relies on its own first-mover advantage to nip other possible competitors in the bud, such a race can be said to be extremely selfish and cold-blooded, and will sooner or later be eliminated. Eliminated by the universe!" Xiaoxing said.

"You?!!!" Hammer roared as his hair stood on end.

"Hammers like you have short-sightedness and mediocre wisdom. They only know how to solve all problems with force. Little do they know that problems solved by force in this world will eventually break out again due to force. Fighting wars to stop wars and tit-for-tat are the differences among all races. A method often used to solve problems in time, today you can slaughter the beast clan, and tomorrow the beast clan can also massacre you, when will the injustice be repaid?!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Oh? In your opinion, how to solve this competition problem?" Hammer asked.

"Competition between races is all-round, but among the multi-faceted competitions, war is the worst one!" Xiaoxing said.

"War is the worst kind? Why do I think war is the best kind?! Winning is the last word. If you can't defeat someone, you will have to be beaten in turn!" Hammer shouted loudly.

"Haha, you are foolish! For you personally, fighting may be the only way to solve the problem, but..."

"but what?!"

"No matter how strong you are, can you defeat the opponent's entire race? The answer is of course no. The competition between races includes talent, management, economy, industry, resources...and these factors will ultimately be reflected in the race. On top of the combat power! Only when the internal and external operations are smooth, all walks of life develop, and talents emerge in a spurt, can the true combat power of the race be effectively enhanced. And this combat power will not disappear just because someone has an accident, but will Long-term existence and development. The goal of a real master is to defeat others without fighting, because after the opponent understands your situation, they will not dare to fight you at all. This is the real way to develop the race! If If you put everything into war, the result will be to kill a thousand enemies and injure yourself eight hundred. Both sides will fall completely due to the war and will never get up again..." Xiaoxing continued.

"Oh my god..." Nailiao exclaimed, feeling uneasy!

He did not expect to hear such words here and now, and the moral meaning revealed in these words was so strong that he could only treat it with admiration...

Because every word in these words is precious, and each sentence contains infinite truth. You must ponder it carefully before you can understand the true meaning!

Nailzi believes that these words are definitely the most righteous words he has ever heard in his life, bar none!

At this moment, he no longer cares where the other party is hiding, whether it is to teach him a lesson or to talk among friends. In short, he has been completely moved by Xiaoxing's words, and said anxiously: "What my friend said makes sense! Who is this fellow Taoist? Can you?" Do you want to come out to meet each other? Let’s talk about it again!!!”

"Hey, forget it, because I am indeed far away now. Besides, there is really nothing to talk about with you. The hammer is too stupid. You are relatively okay, but calculate the time of a seven-star continuation The odds will take almost half a month, and it hasn’t been calculated yet. I really don’t know how you, the number one stargazer in the Kuiyong Tribe of the Black God Tribe, got the title?!” Xiaoxing said sarcastically.

Hammer and Nail were both startled, their minds racing, and they suddenly thought of many things...

The other party actually knew that he was from the Kui Chung tribe of the Black God Clan, and he also knew about the seven-star horoscope, that the two of them had been here for half a month, and that Ding Deng was the number one stargazer in the Kui Chung tribe. The probability of the formation of the Seven Stars Constellation has not yet been calculated...

This at least means that I have been under the other party's surveillance for more than half a month. In addition, the two of me have never revealed my identity outside. How did the other party know it easily?

These questions came one after another, and the two of them felt very bad. They had almost no secrets in the eyes of the other party, but the other party was extremely mysterious to them. They didn't understand it at all until now. They were too passive!

"Friends, do you know our tribe? Have you been to our tribe before? You also know that the next point is false. Have we met before?" Nailizhi asked tentatively.

For an old cosmic fox like him, he is naturally not willing to be in such a passive situation all the time, and if he wants to regain the situation, he can only turn from defense to offense...

"As you said, doesn't the Black God Clan not interact with other races from the outside world? If I have been to your place before, doesn't that mean that I also belong to the Black God Clan? Of course not. For a race as noble as yours, I can climb high. I can’t afford it…”

"My friend said this because he doesn't want to see our Black God Clan. Listening to my friend's words gave me a sense of enlightenment. If nothing else, just what my friend said just now is worth my effort to make a good friend with you..."

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