The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2991 Amazing

Yangcuo's words shocked Hammer and Nail, and their expressions changed dramatically!

However, Hammer still hummed: "Virus? Invading our tribe? Even if it is, it's not that big of a deal. We have had quite a few viruses in Kwai Chung before. Weren't they all conquered by us in the end?"

"This time is different!" Yangcuo emphasized.

"What is the difference?!"

"Uncle Master, you can first check the lungs and veins in your body to see if there are any small wounds..." Yangcuo said.

Hammer and Nail looked at each other after hearing this, looked inside, and quickly checked...

Yangcuo and others stared at them closely, feeling a little uneasy, because if even the two uncles were infected by the virus, it would be difficult for other members of the clan to avoid it...

Now that these juniors have been invaded by the virus, it means that the virus has actually penetrated into the tribe. If the two uncles are okay, the situation will be better. However, what worries them the most is that even if the two uncles are now It's okay, but it doesn't mean that they haven't been invaded by viruses, because according to Ling Daozi, viruses develop extremely slowly and in an extremely hidden way. People are basically unaware of their existence and will not be discovered until the lesions expand...

After a while, they knew the answer from the facial expressions of the two uncles. When they asked, there was no surprise. The lungs, organs and venous system of Hammer and Nail had small lesions, indicating that the virus had already spread inside. They exist in the body for a long time before causing such results!

After the two people checked it out, their faces darkened. They immediately gathered their spiritual power and began to search and kill the viruses in their bodies...

Yangcuo and others didn't know what they were doing. Seeing that their faces were alternately red and white, and uncertain, they couldn't help but feel worried...

"Uncle Master, how is the situation?" Yangcuo couldn't help but ask.

"There are indeed scars. We are searching for the location of the virus and killing it!" Nailie nodded.

"Wo..." the four of them exclaimed.

"Uncle Master, can you find where the virus is?" Yangcuo asked with some anticipation.

Nail shook his head and told them not to worry, while he and Hammer began to retreat and check more closely...

Yangcuo and others consciously guarded them, without even thinking about making tea and talking...

This process was a bit long, until after the seven-star constellation gradually disappeared, Hammer and Nail finally woke up from the state of seclusion...

"Uncle Master, how are you doing?!!!" everyone asked urgently.

"The virus is too cunning..." Hammer said harshly.

Nail also sighed slightly: "This poison is different from the poisons that appeared in the past. It lurks so deeply that it is beyond the scope of my consciousness!"

"What? Not even you?!" Hammer said in surprise.

He knew that Nail's cultivation level was superior to his own, especially his power of spiritual consciousness. Despite the lively fight between Nail and Nail before, Nail actually didn't exert much power at all, but let him fight. , but I didn’t expect that with the strength of Nail, I still couldn’t find the location of the virus...

"It won't work for now. Let's try it in seclusion after we go back..." Nailiao said.

"Uncle Master plans to return to the clan?" Tali asked quickly after hearing this.

"That's right! We came out this time just to look for you.

All because the three of them stole the clan's precious sword..." Nailie snorted.

Yangcuo said anxiously: "Uncle Master, are we stealing? We are borrowing. There is a note explaining..."

"Yes, we are borrowing it!" Zhuan Shan agreed.

"Hey, let's take the sword back to the two master uncles!" Zhuan Lun took the initiative to take out the sword and presented it to him.

Seeing this, Yangcuo and Zhuanshan immediately took out their swords and offered them to Nail's hand.

"Uncle Master, after we learned about the virus, we originally planned to return to the clan to report it, but we didn't expect you to come to us. Now we don't have to go back!" Zhuan Shan said excitedly.

"Yes, we will follow Ling Daozi to travel around the universe, and then return to the tribe..." Zhuanlun said.

"What?! You actually have such a plan?!" Nail and Hammer were both startled. Before they could fully react from the state of seclusion, they were a little confused by the actions and words of several people.

Yangcuo smiled sweetly and said: "Gee, we have indeed made an appointment with Ling Daozi. We will follow him and his adults to travel around the universe. You must know that there are millions of Black God tribes in the universe, as well as various kinds of tribes. There are such starry sky creatures, and there are Indians, Yamas, Hebers, and Ancient Mongols who are even more advanced than our Black Gods..."

Nailie was confused for a while and said anxiously: "What?! Are there so many tribes of our own race in the universe? Are there races more advanced than us?!"

Hammer's eyebrows stood up when he heard this, and his face was full of doubts...

"Uncle Master, these are all what Ling Daozi said, but he also showed us all the information about the tribes. There is nothing wrong!"

Tali and others nodded vigorously, indicating that they had read the information...

"Ling Daozi, Ling Daozi, do you just believe what Ling Daozi says?!" Shui Zi felt angry again and said loudly.

"Uncle Master, Ling Daozi really knows everything..."

"Impossible! What can he know at such a young age? He just knows how to blow water!" Hammer snorted.

Nail interjected: "Where is the information about those tribes? What is it like?"

Yangcuo said: "Those are light screen messages, and only he can type them out, but we can tell at a glance that they are from our Black God Clan tribe, there is no mistake! As for those starry sky creatures, wow...Uncle Master, you want You will definitely be pleasantly surprised when you see it, there are so many different things, just like the boxbeard in front, it’s just one of them!”

"Boxbeard?!" Nail and Hammer were startled when they heard this and said in surprise.

"Yes! Haven't you seen it?"


"I remembered that the two uncles must have blamed the chaos in the Mansong Star Territory on a few of us, but in fact it was Boxbeard's fault. It suddenly went crazy for some reason and ran to the Mansung Star Territory. It made a big fuss and almost swallowed up many people. A few of us wanted to kill its majesty, but unexpectedly we were surrounded by it. Its tendrils were so hard that even a precious knife couldn't cut them open..."

"Is this happening?!" Hammer said in shock.

"What happened next?!" Nailizhi asked urgently.

Yangcuo said: "Later, Ling Daozi helped us cut off a few of the box beard's tendrils. It was so frightened that it let everyone go and returned to its lair. It must have been hiding so that you didn't touch it..."

"I see..." The two of them breathed out a sigh of relief, finally understanding the situation they encountered before.

"By the way, we still have roasted box beard meat here, uncle, eat it quickly!"

Yangcuo took out the burnt meat that had been prepared long ago, and the aroma suddenly filled the air, making people's fingers twitch!

"Is it really box beard meat?!"

"Replace it if it's fake!"

Nail and Hammer took the meat and started eating it, and soon couldn't stop eating it. It was so delicious, and it contained extremely abundant spiritual energy, which was a good supplement to their previous consumption due to tea drunkenness and searching for viruses...

At this time, the two of them completely believed the words of these juniors, because the box beard meat was not something that could be taken out just when they wanted to. With their experience and experience, they certainly knew that with the skills of the wheel spinners, even if they were holding the clan's treasured sword, they could They couldn't deal with that boxbeard, but after understanding the situation at that time, the two of them were so shocked that they couldn't eat anymore...

"You said Ling Daozi can actually carry out long-distance rescue?!" Dingzi asked urgently.

"Well, that's true." Yangcuo said vaguely.

"How was he saved?!"

"Well... I was so anxious on the outside that I couldn't see the situation clearly. I only felt a flash of light and shadow, and then a lot of Box Beard's meat boxes and meat whiskers fell down. Ling Daozi asked me to pick them up quickly, saying that he wanted to eat Burnt meat..." Yangcuo did not directly tell the scene at that time, but he also revealed a little information.

"That's it?!" Nailizhi asked.

"That's true! Later, the box bearded man was frightened and quickly let everyone go and escaped by himself..."

Nail and Hammer looked at each other with extremely shocked expressions on their faces!

Of course, they knew very well how dangerous the situation of Yang Cuo and others was at that time. It could be said that they would die within a quarter of an hour. But in such a chaotic situation, Ling Daozi actually carried out an extremely accurate remote rescue in Ban Zhangxing!

Its accuracy is countless times higher than that of people at the scene. How can they judge this?

It's also very simple, because as Yang Cuo said, just a flash of light and shadow, cutting off a few meat boxes and meat whiskers, solved all the problems immediately!

Reaching this level of rescue is absolutely breathtaking!

To do this, you must have perfect control over the entire situation, know where the key points are, where the core issue comes from, what purpose you want to achieve, and where to hit to form the most powerful suppressor against Boxwhisker. Deterrence…

Finally, a hit!

If you think about this process carefully, you can find that Ling Daozi's move this time is like creating a work of art, which has been carefully planned, laid out, carved and polished...

Hammer was a little confused. He suddenly thought of his previous comments to Ling Daozi, and his face suddenly became a little unnatural. In fact, although Ling Daozi hadn't shown up yet, many of the things he had done were enough to prove his realm. It's far beyond Hammer's imagination, but he just doesn't want to admit it in his heart...

However, the words Ling Daozi said before, the tea utensils given to Tali, the information he revealed to the four juniors about the various races in the universe, and the rescue of Zhuan Lun and the others from the box whiskers... all indicate that Ling Daozi is so powerful that he is almost out of bounds!

Dingzi suddenly remembered a detail he had missed before and asked urgently: "Did you just say that this burnt meat is for Ling Daozi and his family to eat?"

"Yes!" Yangcuo responded.

"Who is his master? Have you met him?!"

"Brother Ta has seen it! That piece of tea was made by his family on the spot and given to him as a gift. The purpose is for him to win the tea competition of the Tea Stars..."


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