The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2994 Rui Xinchang

Li Yun continued to think: "Of course, according to my experience, to achieve this, one must also consider his own endurance. If he cannot withstand this huge force, his breakthrough will definitely not be successful, and It will be very dangerous..."

Xiaoxing's eyes lit up and he said: "Yes! It is not easy to put such a huge power into a small body. The most critical issue is..."

"then what?"

"There is a fundamental difference between the concentration of power of the King of Virus and that of adults, that is, the light spots of spiritual consciousness of adults are cut out from their own brains and then grown, which is equivalent to being their own. Do it yourself, so it will not produce a repulsive force in the body after being concentrated. However, the viruses that are now spread across every corner of the universe are of many different races. Even evolution must be carried out piece by piece. Many viruses cannot Integrating into it, even the path of evolution is blocked. Under such circumstances, if the King of Viruses really gathers all the viruses, these viruses will most likely become repellent because they cannot fuse. What will be the result? It will be unimaginable..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"Yes..." Li Yun suddenly realized after hearing this!

This problem can be said to be the fatal wound of the King of Viruses. If viruses of different races are forcibly fused together, this repulsiveness will be extremely terrifying. It must be suppressed by strong force, otherwise it will not be able to be used smoothly. Even these different races will not be able to be used smoothly. The conflict between the forces will cause problems in the internal operation of the King of Viruses. By then, can he really become a nanotrino or a polen-level virus?

The answer is probably no...

Of course, things are unpredictable. If the King of Viruses succeeds in forcibly merging, then he is very likely to evolve into a sub-level mutated virus. Just thinking about this virus will make people shudder!

If he is ambitious and launches a challenge to the King of the Universe, this battle will be worth looking forward to...

"Sir, even if the King of Viruses successfully forcibly fuses and becomes a new heterogeneous virus, then he does have the strength to challenge the Lord of the Universe. However, even so, we don't need to be afraid of him!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Oh? Are you so confident?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Why have you forgotten, sir? Our current strength is not only limited to the Xingyun Castle in front of us, but also the monitoring network we have set up all over the dark universe..."

"Monitoring network!!!" Li Yun was shocked, and his confidence suddenly increased!

That's right, monitoring network,

Li Yun knew that this was by no means an ordinary information network. This network was actually an extension of his spiritual consciousness. Although he did not directly control it, Xiaoxing had full control over it. However, every monitoring There are light points of his spiritual consciousness in the vessels, and these spiritual consciousness bodies are growing vigorously...

If the fusion of the King of Viruses is a forced fusion, then Li Yun's fusion is a natural fusion. The power and Taoist effect of such fusion are superimposed, exponentially growing, and will never produce internal repulsion. When the time comes, Li Yun will There will be no limit to the breakthrough of luck. Maybe the original particle energy body can also be completely impacted in a short time! ! !

As long as the entire person transforms into a primary particle energy body, Li Yun will definitely be the first person in the universe, and he can easily trample the King of Viruses and the Lord of the Universe under his feet.

In addition, Xiaoxing can also achieve such a fusion, concentrating the power of all monitors into one body. His power is much higher than Li Yunlai, there is no doubt about this!

Because the monitoring network itself is designed according to its own body, each monitor is actually a small star. What Li Yun fuses is his own spiritual light spot, and what the little star fuses is also his own. Doppelgänger, so there will be no internal rejection issues and the fit will be perfect!

It can be said that the two of them worked hard to set up a monitoring network. Now, this network has become an extremely powerful energy body, allowing them to use it to control the wind and rain and control the entire universe...

"Sir, while you are cultivating the original particle body, you might as well try to start integrating and promoting the spiritual consciousness light spots in the monitoring network. You must know that this cannot be done directly in a short time, but requires practice. When it becomes mature and mellow, there is no blockage..." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! Just like when I practiced the storm of consciousness before, promoting a storm of consciousness is definitely not a short-term effort, but requires constant practice to control it perfectly. Perhaps, now I must start a new round of upgrades I’ve practiced..." Li Yun said with some anticipation.

"This is necessary! We still have many opponents, especially the King of Viruses and the Lord of the Universe. With them here, we must first polish ourselves to the most perfect state! Besides, this kind of practice will definitely benefit adults. The transformation of the original particle body is successful, after all, the greater the power you can use, the more guaranteed your impact will be successful!" Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense..."

Since entering the dark universe, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have never stopped cultivating the transformation of the original particle body. However, even though they have such superior conditions and have worked so hard to cultivate, they are still far from reaching the fourth level. One-quarter of the original particle body is a big goal for the two of them, but this goal is too big, far beyond the two's initial estimate, and so far it still seems to be far away. .

The situation of Xiaoxing is better, much higher than that of Li Yun, but it is also far away from the big goal of a quarter of the original particle body.

However, the two of them are not anxious at all, because the more anxious they are, the more problems they will have. This is a proven truth!

Only by silently persisting in practice and accumulating strength can the day come when you turn your cocoon into a butterfly...

But the turning point came inadvertently. After discussing the possible breakthrough methods of King of Virus, the two suddenly realized that this method was also conducive to their breakthrough, and it would be smoother and smoother than King of Virus. , which cheered up the two of them!

Li Yun decided to start a new round of upgrading and training, and Xiaoxing also launched his ambitious network-wide recycling process!

This so-called recycling process is to recycle the monitors that have been deployed and grown before and replace them with new monitors. In this way, Xiaoxing can absorb the power of those growing monitors, and the new monitors will Begin a new growth process...

This process also helped Li Yun absorb the power of growing spiritual consciousness light spots and begin to cultivate new spiritual consciousness light spots.

Such a cycle is not only beneficial, but also necessary, because it can strengthen the two people's control over the entire monitoring network and improve the vitality and vitality of the entire network. Whether it is shrinking or expanding, it will appear more rounded and free to follow one's wishes.

Of course, things are easy to say, but it doesn't happen overnight. You have to take your time...

"Sir, Nail and Hammer finally didn't make up their mind to exchange with the slave, so they returned to the clan first!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"No matter which decision they make, it's normal, because there are too many things they don't understand about this matter... In this case, it takes a lot of courage to make the decision to make three free commitments." Li Yun said.

"However, they did not take away the four Tali people, but asked them to follow us. Do you agree to let them enter Star Fortune Castle?" Xiaoxing asked.

"The purpose of leaving the four Tali people behind is of course to leave a clue for the Kwai Chung tribe. It can also be said to leave a way out. If they return to the tribe and find that there is no way to deal with the virus, they can still use Tali to Waiting for others to seek exchange opportunities... As for letting them enter Xingyun Castle, it seems to be nothing, because we can completely block all the secrets in the castle and only let them see a simple aircraft!" Li Yunxiao road.

"That's right, the little slave moved them in right away!"

"no problem!"

"Eh?! Is there something wrong?!!!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"What's going on?" Li Yun was startled.

"The people from Ruixinchang are here!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Ruixinchang? That slave-trading organization?" Li Yun's brain quickly locked on this information!

"Yes! It seems that their target is the four Tali people!" Xiaoxing said.

"This... they are indeed extremely cunning. They must have been attracted by the fight between nails and hammers before, and then they waited patiently until they left before taking action..." Li Yun sighed.

"It's a pity that despite all their calculations, they still didn't expect us to be here..." Xiao Xing said happily.

After Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan sent away the nails and hammers, they were waiting for Ling Daozi's reply. They felt a little uneasy and a little excited, mainly because they were worried about the virus in the clan. Secondly, he successfully escaped punishment from his clan and had the opportunity to go to the universe and see the world...

As a young man from the Black God Clan, there are very few opportunities to come to the outside world to see the world, because the Black God Clan’s management in this area is very strict, even to an extremely harsh level. If their cultivation realm has not reached a higher level, At a high level, the body has not been polished and solid, and the mental control has not been strengthened. It is basically impossible to participate in some actions in the outside world, let alone travel alone.

There is an extremely important reason for this, and that is that the racial secrets carried by each advanced race person are extremely precious. In the eyes of people from other races, these advanced race people are their best cauldrons and the most powerful weapon to win the war. The best goal of giving up!

Especially those who are young are the meat and potatoes in the eyes of many people. Therefore, there are some people in the universe who are specifically eyeing this opportunity. Some secret organizations have even been formed to plunder these people who have come out of the advanced races. of young people and then sell them to those in need...

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