The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3009 The war is coming

"It's not too late to make amends!"

Xiaoxing hummed and continued: "If you want to keep your territory and people, you must abandon all illusions from now on and develop your combat power with all your strength. I can provide you with the design drawings of some advanced ships of the same clan in your core area. , it depends on whether you can understand it thoroughly and build it! Of course, this cannot be accomplished overnight, it requires talents, materials, and facilities...Only when these are matched, can it be possible to build an advanced spaceship!"

"Wow...that's great!" Everyone exclaimed and couldn't help but be overjoyed!

Unexpectedly, Ling Daozi could provide the design drawings of advanced ships. This is many times faster than trying to figure it out on your own!

In any case, advanced ships must be built as soon as possible, otherwise they will definitely not be able to withstand the continuous coming of powerful enemies.

"Thank you two gentlemen!" Taban said excitedly.

"You two young masters are extremely righteous. Saving me is like going through fire and water..."

"Yes, with such a powerful ship, we don't have to be afraid of them!"

"That's right, one will kill one, two will kill a pair..."

"That's right..."

Everyone's anger was stimulated by Xiaoxing's words, and even their words began to wander...

Little If you have the conditions and ability, first disrupt Jingnan and Ruixinchang’s plans to gain more time..."

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized, and the excitement they had just been suppressed...

Taban asked anxiously: "Xiao Ling, what is your plan? How to stop their actions?"

Xiaoxing said: "What you need to understand is that forces like slave trading organizations are like street rats in the universe. Everyone shouts and beats them. They exist in front of people with another face, such as adventurers and interstellar travel groups. , pioneers and the like, this will make them look taller, but they are doing this kind of bloody business secretly. Therefore, what they fear most is that others will get hold of their secrets. Once exposed, they will be punished. Numerous forces are encircling and suppressing them, especially those powerful clans that they once kidnapped, and they will hunt them down to the end! Therefore, you have now partially mastered their secrets, and it can be said that you have posed a certain threat to them. , Just think about it, if you have the ability to put this secret on the high-frequency information network of the universe and can unblock it at any time, then they will need to take huge risks if they want to attack you again..."


"Is this okay?!"

"Is there such a way?!"

"This is a great idea! If we could master all their secrets and build a good information network, wouldn't we be able to use this secret to deter them?"

"Yes! But the premise is that according to what Xiao Ling said, we must put this secret on that high-frequency information network so that it can be unblocked and announced to the outside world at any time!"

"That makes sense..."

These people are also extremely smart people. After being exposed by Xiaoxing, they quickly figured out these truths.

You know, if you don't have the ability to release information at any time, it will be worse after you have the secret of the slave trading organization.

Because in order to prevent the secret from being leaked, the other party will definitely step up their attacks and nip the danger in the bud. But if they know that they can release this information on the Internet at any time, of course they will not dare to act rashly anymore...

From this perspective, the value of the information network that Ling Daozi helped them build is extremely valuable. With the guarantee of this information network, the Black God Clan has the ability to release information at any time, and Ruixinchang and Jingnan will not dare to act rashly. …

And after they see the information capabilities of the Black Gods here, they will find that their original judgment may be wrong. They thought this was a wild land, but unexpectedly, these Black Gods did not break away from the core of the universe, but were closely connected with it. Link…

Xiaoxing continued: "Knowing their weaknesses is an advantage. If you carefully analyze the advantages and disadvantages between you and them, you don't need to be too pessimistic. After all, you are playing at home now. If you make reasonable use of various conditions, It won’t collapse at the first touch, at least you can persist for a while, and with the construction of the information network and spaceships, you can gradually reverse the situation. Now I think you can take the initiative to attack their other weaknesses to buy time..."

"Active attack?!" Everyone was stunned.

The thought of taking the initiative to attack that huge fleet made everyone's hearts twitch. Now that they don't even dare to go out, how can they dare to provoke the other party?

"What? Don't you even have this courage?" Xiaoxing teased.

"This..." When people of all races heard this, their faces turned red and they were so ashamed that they could not speak.

As a member of the Black God clan, it is really embarrassing to be said to have no courage!

Sure enough, under the stimulation of Xiaoxing, someone finally stood up first, but it was Kong Zhen, the leader of the Xuyong tribe. Although he did not look very tall and powerful, he was extremely strong and full of energy. He was obviously good at refining the body. He has a very high level of cultivation. He said in a deep voice: "Xiao Ling is right! If we can't retreat and let the opponent attack, then we will be too passive! On the contrary, if we take the initiative to attack first, we will definitely be able to attack." To disrupt the opponent's deployment so that they don't dare to insult us, it is best to make them suffer certain losses. In this case, it will not be that simple for them to defeat each other!"

Taban's blood boiled when he heard this, and he praised loudly: "Brother Kong's words are reasonable! We just need to buy time now, the more the better, which will help us build advanced ships and enhance our future combat power! Taking the initiative can definitely be done Let the other party's plan be disrupted, plus they have traveled a long distance and don't even have a base, and they won't be able to organize themselves to attack us so quickly..."

"That makes sense..."

"It's best for everyone to join forces to attack, so we can be more powerful!" The wise elder of the Shatang tribe intervened.

"Xiao Ling just said about attacking their other weaknesses, I wonder what they are?"


With someone taking the lead, the passion of others was ignited and they began to think about things...

Little After a long journey, they have just found a place to live in the starry sky. They don't even have a protective formation. Their ships need maintenance and their personnel need to be restored. Since their information capabilities cannot keep up, they are now building a monitoring network for the Shatang tribe. In addition, in addition to hunting tripod furnaces, they also plunder the coffee tree resources of various tribes, so they plan to protect all coffee trees, especially the big coffee trees at the mother tree level, and try to avoid those places when attacking. It will restrict the smooth development of their action plans, so it is their weakness!"

"What Xiao Ling said is great!" Elder Qianji praised.

In fact, the most nervous one now is the Shatang tribe. Qianji, Ba Ku, and the clan leader Hu Sai and others are almost dying of worry. However, after participating in this video conference and hearing Xiaoxing's analysis, the three of them My heart gradually stabilized...

In their opinion, maybe their lives should not be cut off, and the appearance of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi brought them a glimmer of hope!

Xiaoxing continued: "With your current capabilities, it may not be possible to directly confront their fleet. Therefore, the current attack is best aimed at their monitoring system, which can destroy their information capabilities and make them The inaccurate judgment on you will disrupt their strategic deployment..."

Xuyong Tribe Chief Kong Zhen interjected: "With our newly built information network, can we discover their monitoring system? If we can, then we should have a way to destroy or destroy it!"

"Of course!" Xiaoxing said affirmatively.

"Great!" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this!

Now it seems that information capabilities are really important to war!

If you can keep the opponent in a state of information occlusion, the battle will be much better...

"In addition to attacking and destroying their surveillance systems, if possible, you still have to try to interfere with their base and make them overwhelmed. In this way, their preparation period will be extended indefinitely... The more favorable factor now is, Their ships cannot be put into battle for a while, and their soldiers are also recovering their energy. At this time, if you take the initiative to attack, they can only fight you with their personal abilities, which greatly narrows the gap between you and them. The gap between them, even if you dispatch all elite soldiers and generals, you can still have some advantages. Of course, you must not fight because the opponent has some small weapons that can be used. The power of these small weapons is equally powerful. You will cause a certain amount of damage, so you must take adequate protection before dispatching..." Xiaoxing said.

His words gave people of all races a reassurance. With such detailed information, they would have more confidence even if they were to fight against powerful enemies. Therefore, everyone was in high spirits and eager to try...

Xiaoxing quickly analyzed the weaknesses of each other and the details of the action plan with these people, making each tribe familiar with their tasks, so they immediately prepared...

All the elite soldiers of the Black God tribe gathered from all over the place to form special operations teams and began to listen to Xiaoxing's dispatch...

The aura of coming war began to spread among all the tribes. Everyone knew that their tribe was now facing a critical moment of life and death. This battle could only be won, not defeated. Especially these powerful men, who were usually enshrined by the whole tribe. They admired and enjoyed all the glory and wealth. At this time, it was time for them to stand up and protect their people...

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