The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3011 Robbery Successful

"Very good!"

"Yes! Our team will set off immediately!"

"Full speed ahead!"


When the clan leaders heard this, they couldn't help but get excited, and quickly dispatched the previously organized raiding parties to fly at full speed...

Since the Black God Clan here has not developed a high-level fleet, they all fly in the flesh. With their abilities and familiarity with this star field, there is naturally no problem. It can be said that this is their biggest advantage now.

Each raiding team has a thousand people, and there are more than 20,000 people in more than 20 teams. Each one is a powerful person in the clan. They are fully armed with all kinds of weapons and equipment. If they are gathered together, if there is A good command can exert amazing power...

At this moment, they were flying under Xiaoxing's instructions along the way, with no distractions and extremely fast speed...

On the other side, the Ruixinchang fleet was also acting according to the raid plan. After they pretended to be the red-headed ghost fleet, all the spaceships looked like ghosts, and they were still very exaggerated and bright red, which looked quite... To be scary…

According to the route indicated in the plan, the fleet flew rapidly. This route was in a shadow area in the starry sky, which was very suitable for sneaking. There was no need to worry about being discovered by people from the south of Beijing. Of course, what Fauci and Pompeo didn’t know was that Beijing The monitor monitoring Rui Xinchang in the south has been controlled by Xiaoxing, and now they cannot be seen at all.

Cruise, Schnoder and Peter never thought that someone would raid them. At this moment, the three of them were leisurely discussing Kadou's development strategy in the universe. In their view, Kadou had become their private property. So of course you have to put some thought and time into this...

Since their goal is huge and they are preparing to turn coffee beans into a cosmic business, the more than twenty Black God Clan's territories at present are simply not enough, so they are now planning more plantations and implementing Spatial management and the promotion of intensive planting allow each plantation to continuously produce a large amount of coffee beans...

Peter suddenly thought of a question and said: "According to the data, the process of growth, flowering, fruiting and maturity of these Kawang trees takes too long. It takes four thousand years. It is difficult to guarantee the yield and quality. What can be done to shorten this process?”

"Team leader, if the growth process of coffee beans is artificially shortened, the quality may not be guaranteed, and the longevity of the coffee trees will also be affected..." Schnoder pondered.

"Of course I understand this...

But four thousand years is too long, and our investment is huge. If we cannot receive benefits in the short term, our turnover will be in trouble! "Pete said.

I have to say that Peter's considerations are very reasonable. Only people who are well versed in the market will consider this issue. For businessmen, the best state is of course to ensure that goods are rotated and money is paid, so that they can enter. A fast track for a virtuous cycle. Otherwise, if one link is stuck, it will affect the smooth operation of all upstream and downstream links. If huge sums of money are invested to develop the market, but in the end the supply exceeds demand due to the hot market, there will also be big problems. .

Li Yun and Xiao Xing both feel the same way about this. For example, when they promoted Xingyun Wine in Qingyuanmen, the first batch of wine had not yet been brewed. They would never dare to advertise Xingyun Wine. Advertising will only start when the inventory is sufficient, thus realizing the product promotion plan.

Obviously, Pete may not have much talent in fighting, but he is definitely a good hand in business operations. After hearing about his entire plan of Kadou, Li Yun and Xiaoxing were quite impressed by him!

Cruise said carelessly: "Leader, isn't this simple?"

"Oh?! What's your trick?" Peter's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Haha, we can develop four thousand plantations, and plant a large number of coffee trees in each plantation. In this way, fresh coffee beans will be produced every year. Wouldn't the problem be solved?!" Cruz said in surprise.

"What?!!!" Peter and Schnoder screamed in surprise, feeling a little dizzy...

"How's it going? My method is pretty good, right?" Cruise said proudly.

Pete's face turned red, and it was obvious that his heart was about to be broken by Cruise's proposal. He snorted: "Of course this method won't work! If I follow your method, I will be bankrupt before the coffee beans are produced. !”

"Bankrupt? How could this happen?!" Cruise was startled.

"First of all, whether we have the strength to develop four thousand large-scale plantations is a big question! How much manpower, material and financial resources will be invested to make this possible? Secondly, even if we really occupy four thousand stars as large-scale plantations, it will still require Protecting and managing them requires a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources, and all of this is a pure investment in the early stage. I haven’t even gotten any energy bars yet, and I have to invest far more than my entire net worth. Is this possible? Also, I haven’t gotten any energy bars. , are there really four thousand stars available for development? The growing environment of coffee trees has special requirements. If it is not suitable, we will have to transform it. This is another huge investment! In addition, the growth environment of these plantations Site selection is very important. It cannot be too far away from the main market, otherwise the freight and protection fees alone may swallow up all the profits... Marshal Crewe, I think you don't know much about business, so just listen..." Pete teased.

"This..." Cruise was dumbfounded and decided not to interfere in their business empire plan, and instead looked at the situation of the fleet...

He browsed the light curtain information very quickly and found that there was nothing abnormal. With the efforts of his engineering fleet, more and more monitors were deployed, and the information transmitted from the light curtain was doubled than before, and the field of view was It’s a lot bigger too!

In addition, he also found that the previous Ruixinchang fleet was still in the same place, motionless...

"Hmph, how dare you come here to grab a piece of the pie from our Jingnan clan? When we conquer these Black God tribes, we will teach you a little lesson..." Cruz thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking about it, a light screen message suddenly popped up. Cruise glanced at it, and suddenly his eyes widened and he stood up in shock!

"What's going on?!!!" Peter was also startled by him and snorted.

"No! The red-headed ghost fleet suddenly appeared and hijacked our Cauldron Spaceship!!!" Cruise shouted and disappeared!

But he appeared on the command podium and started giving orders!

Peter and Schnoder looked at the light screen information in great shock, and were immediately stunned!

How could something like this happen? It’s really unexpected!

How did the red-headed ghost know that his fleet was here? How could he rob the spaceship holding the Cauldron so accurately? Why are their actions so fast and efficient? Now that they have successfully robbed them, they are speeding away...

Questions came one after another. How could the two of them bother to discuss the coffee bean business? They immediately appeared in the podium space, staring closely at the light curtain...

Judging from the screen, the red-headed ghost fleet is already far away, and several Jingnan patrol fleets have already caught up. Only then did the information screen come over, otherwise the shadow might not even be visible...

Cruise has entered the state of commanding operations, and multiple spacecraft have been activated in advance and are engaged in pursuit operations!

For Jingnan, the loss of the Dinglu spaceship is absolutely unacceptable. No matter how big other things are, we must put aside the matter first and recover the spaceship first!

Anyway, the Black God Tribe here couldn't escape, so Cruise quickly mobilized all the main ships to pursue the escape, leaving only a small number of ordinary logistics spaceships in place, and there were also spaceships responsible for building the monitoring system. Continue their mission…

Not long after, the originally densely packed fleet suddenly became scattered, but there were two more fleets in the starry sky, one was escaping and the other was chasing, which seemed quite lively...

"Haha, our chance has come!" Xiaoxing laughed.

Nailiao was watching with excitement, and when he heard Xiaoxing's words, he quickly asked: "What chance do we have?!"

"What an opportunity for a surprise attack!" Xiaoxing shouted. He was really speechless. With such an obvious great opportunity, why didn't these old-timers react at all?

"Raid? You mean..." Nailizhi said suspiciously.

Xiaoxing had no choice but to explain: "Now that the main force of Jingnan and Ruixinchang's fleet have left, the only ones left are the logistics ships and the engineering spacecraft to build the monitoring system. The combat capabilities of these spacecraft are limited. With your With the strength of the raiding team, it shouldn’t be a problem to take them down!”

"Yes!!!" Dingzi and others suddenly realized what they were hearing and couldn't help shouting excitedly...

"It will still take some time for them to gather here, but it's okay. Wait until the two fleets are far away before taking action, so that the remaining spaceships here can disappear without a trace... Of course, this battle is extremely important. You must go all out and do it cleanly!!!" Xiaoxing said fiercely.

"Yes!!!" When everyone heard this, they all responded loudly.

Now Ling Daozi's status in their minds is like that of a commander-in-chief. They can only obey his command. After all, they have no good ideas now and can only unite around Ling Daozi and Liufeng to survive this time. Let’s talk about the crisis…

As time goes by, the two super fleets that were escaping and chasing each other have disappeared, and they have gone to no one knows where. And the raid team from the Black God Clan has all been concentrated, and the time for action has finally arrived!

However, after seeing the battle plan provided by Ling Daozi, Ding Dong, Kong Zhen, Ta Ban, Hu Sai, Qian Ji, Ba Ku and others were still a little stunned and felt incredible!

Nailizhi said in surprise: "Xiao Ling, if we kill directly like this, won't we be discovered and bombarded by them? We have seen their firepower before in their battle with Ruixinchang. With our bodies and protection, we can't defeat them at all." If we can't stop it, many people may become cannon fodder..."

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