The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3038 Thunderbolt Hall

Not long after, the people sent to the space port to investigate sent back information, and they found the Ruixinchang fleet, and judging from the video they recorded, if the Ruixinchang fleet excludes the iconic items of the red-headed ghost, it will be useless no matter where it is. The appearance and number were the same as the fleet that Jingnan was chasing before. The only thing that confused them was that they didn't see the cauldron spaceship they lost.

However, this is easy to understand. After all, after Rui Xinchang robbed the spaceship, he would not dare to leave it in the fleet. Otherwise, if someone recognized him, he would have exposed himself.

Therefore, it is conceivable that Ruixinchang must have disposed of the spacecraft.

After the news was confirmed, it also indirectly proved that what Johnson said was true. The red-headed ghost was indeed assassinated by Rui Xinchang. Therefore, Cruise and Johnson quickly reached a reconciliation. The two fleets now have a common goal, which is to We will teach Fauci and his Ruixinchang Fleet a lesson, even if they are destroyed and divided up, there will be no problem!

Acts of revenge like this are often performed in the cosmic underworld. No one dares to take other underworld forces lightly...

Since both fleets currently lack energy bars, this is a hidden danger that needs to be solved urgently. Therefore, Peter and Schnoder's mission for this trip also includes purchasing energy bars from the Big Eclipse. Generally speaking, energy bars themselves are also currency, so they must When purchasing energy bars, you do not need to buy energy bars, but exchange them with materials, and you must negotiate with the forces that produce energy bars in advance.

Fortunately, there are networks such as and, which make it easy to perform tasks in this area. Schnoder quickly found the Perak Hall, a force that often receives goods. This force also happens to have a branch on the Big Food Planet. , so the two parties negotiated terms, and Schnoder brought his own supplies, along with Pete and Pompeo. Of course, he also needed to exchange for more energy bars. Each party led a team to form a small team. The airship team headed for the Big Eclipse...

However, what they didn't know was that from the moment they set foot on the Big Eclipse Star, they were already being targeted by people from the Mang Group!

For Mang Ci, it is an excellent opportunity for Peter to actually come to the Big Food Planet to investigate in person. Coming here is simply to die. With the strength of the Mang Ci Group on the Big Food Planet, it can be said that it is absolutely impossible for him to do so again. Get out of here alive...

A top-secret assassination plan was launched immediately, and countless masters and various powerful weapons were waiting for them...

If things continue like this, the scene will end soon. Just when Li Yun and Xiaoxing are debating whether to secretly notify Peter and Schnoder of the danger, an accident happens at this time!

Those are the people from the winery that were originally annexed by the Mang Group. A considerable number of them were also merged into the Mang Group. These people thought that Peter was dead, so it was not a big deal to join the Mang Group. But they didn't expect it. A thousand years later, Peter reappeared and came to the Big Eclipse in person. Some of these people were his slaves and maidservants. The master-slave-master-servant agreement between them was still there, but it was reactivated at this time, which surprised them. Incomparable.

Several of these people were in high positions in the group, so they received the information in advance. They immediately planned a rescue operation, sent several maids to find Peter first, and informed Mang Ci of the assassination plan, which shocked Peter!

But now they have fallen into the tight siege of the Mang Group, but the net has not been tightened yet...

"Commander, what can we do?! If I had known this, I would never have come to the Big Eclipse Planet!" Peter said regretfully.

Schnoder didn't expect that things would change so much. He was in big trouble!

Now there are many dangers to escape from the Big Eclipse Planet. The spaceport must be locked by the people of the Mang Group. Cruise is out of reach to rescue them. Where can so many people escape?

Even Pete's little servants feel that they have almost no way to go. It seems that the only option is a bloody battle with the people of Mang's Group and Rui Xinchang!

"Wait a minute! We have somewhere else to go,

Avoid danger temporarily! Schnoder said loudly in a hurry.

"Where?!" Peter asked urgently.

"Thunderbolt Hall!"

"Thunderbolt Hall?! Yes..." Peter suddenly realized.

Pilitang specializes in the energy bar business and is extremely powerful. It has branches all over countless life stars in the core universe. No one dares to provoke them easily.

Any force that runs a money business generally has a very strong background and strength, otherwise it will definitely become the target of robbery by others, and the business will not be able to continue at all.

Therefore, if there is any force on the Big Eclipse that can fight against the Mang Group, then Perak Hall must be one of them.

In addition, it is reassuring to do business with Perak Hall. They attach great importance to the safety of their customers. Generally speaking, the customer who has just purchased energy bars from them must be a fat sheep, so Perak Hall will protect them for a certain distance, so that they can You can enter the safe area and leave with confidence.

This is one of the main reasons why they have received praise from many customers and their business is getting better and better.

And this is simply a life-saving straw for Pete, Schnoder, Pompeo and others now!

They have always been customers of Perak Hall, and they have just placed an order, so it is completely reasonable to go to them to ask for protection now. As long as they protect themselves and return to the fleet, everything will be fine...

After hearing Schnoder's idea, both Pete and Pompeo cheered loudly, so everyone immediately rushed towards the Thunderbolt Hall!

This distance was literally the speed of life and death. At first, the people in the Mang Group did not react and were still closing the net slowly. Only when they found that the maids were sprinting with Peter and others did they realize that the news had been leaked. !

So they immediately launched a chase and interception, and were able to kill Peter and others after several close calls along the way. Unfortunately, after losing the opportunity, the subsequent actions always fell short, killing many of the soldiers who followed them, and in the end they could only watch. They rushed into the Perak Hall area...

Mang Ci and Fauci personally led the team, but they didn't expect the result to be like this, which made them feel extremely incredible!

After the news leaked, it can be said that Mang's Group and Rui Xinchang have completely turned against Jingnan and Red-Headed Ghost. Both parties are on the same rope. They will only fight to the death when they encounter each other in the future. Therefore, whoever gets the upper hand first Whoever has the opportunity will have greater advantage.

Therefore, for Mang Ci and Fudge, they can only take advantage of Peter and Schnoder by taking advantage of the opportunity to kill them when they are alone. Unexpectedly, these two people are not only very cunning, but also very lucky. They evaded them along the way. After many inevitable blows, he finally managed to break into the Thunderbolt Hall!

This is something the two of them never expected...

"How is that possible? Many of our blows just hit them clearly, how could they still rush out?" Mang Ci asked in shock.

"Maybe they are wearing some kind of armor!" Fauci sighed.

"It's impossible even if you're wearing armor! Our blow is absolutely fatal, and any armor is useless!" Mang Ci said harshly.

"But their heads are still there, their hands and feet can be used, and they rushed in all the way!!!" Fauci said loudly.

"Is this really unreasonable?!" Mang Ci simply didn't know what to say.

"What should we do now? Is there nothing we can do if they hide in Thunderbolt Hall?!" Fauci asked.

"Of course it's impossible! Our Mang family has a very good relationship with Feng Leizi from Perak Hall. We must ask him for help this time to arrest these people!" Mang Ci said loudly.

Fauci's eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "Then hurry up! We must not let them return to the fleet! If only Cruise and Johnson are left, it will not be difficult to deal with them!"


Mang Ci immediately sent a message to Feng Leizi...

He doesn't plan to go directly to the Thunderbolt Hall yet. After all, Pete and others have just entered. If he goes in to arrest people, it will definitely not be accepted by Feng Leizi, so he should take a softer approach first...

In Mang Ci's view, based on the business dealings between Mang's Group and Pili Hall over the years, plus his long-standing friendship with Fenglei Zi, it shouldn't be a big problem to arrest Pete's people.

However, after the message was sent, there was still no reply after waiting for a long time, which made Mang Ci start to feel a little bad!

As for Perak Hall's way of doing things and its attitude towards customers, Mang Ci and Fu Qi also guessed that Feng Leizi would not agree. Now it seems that Feng Leizi's lack of reply is a sign that he does not want to cooperate!

"What should we do? Is there no other way to think of?" Fauci asked.

"'s not like you don't know the situation in Perak Hall. If they don't want to cooperate, then there's nothing anyone can do!" Mang Ci sighed.

"Even so, everything is negotiable... I wonder what Feng Leizi is usually good at?" Fauci reminded.

"Usually good? This..." Mang Ci was startled and began to think deeply.

Fauci continued: "The key now is Feng Leizi. Only by doing what he likes can he help us detain Peter and Schnoder..."

"Not bad! Feng Leizi...the dish he wants to eat most is..."

"Just what?!"

"Chef King Drake's Squirrel Yellow Fish!!!" Mang Ci finally thought of this.

"Wo..." Fauci also exclaimed softly upon hearing this.

Drake's squirrel fish is a famous dish in the food constellation, but very few people can afford it, and sometimes it's not possible to eat it if you have money. You have to have a relationship with Drake, and you have to have a relationship with Drake. Only when he is in the mood can he eat it, otherwise he can only think about it...

"Haha, my old man happened to have a fatal relationship with Drake, so it's not a problem to ask him to help me once. Feng Leizi once asked me to do this, but the favor was too big and I never agreed. Now I can only do this. Got it!"

Mang Ci became excited and quickly communicated with the old man Mang Liu. After getting his promise, he immediately sent another message to Feng Leizi...

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