The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3048 Finally caught

The middle-aged man quickly completed the deduction operation and sent the message to Bengema's light screen, smiling: "The transaction is completed, happy cooperation! I hope you will catch Fauci soon and eliminate a lot of harm to the universe!"

After speaking, the light and shadow slowly disappeared, and the information light spot quickly floated and shone...

Bengema couldn't wait to open the message, read it quickly, and exclaimed: "It actually reached here?!!!"

According to the coordinate points in the information, during that transmission, Fauci's main ship was actually transmitted directly from the outside of the habitable zone of the Food Star Cluster to the inside of the habitable zone, and it happened to be within the outer space range of the Food Basket Planet. .

"Is this possible? However, the time is tight, let's send someone out first..."

Bengema no longer hesitated and immediately ordered the fleet to set off immediately to capture Fauci!

When the news reached Feng Leizi, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and felt hopeful!

As long as Fauci is caught, it will be possible to find out whether he is related to the force targeting Perak Hall. If so, then it can be determined who the other party is. And as long as this can be found out, given the strength of Perak Hall, it will not be possible. It’s hard to deal with them!

"Lord Commander, you must catch him no matter what! Fauci did defraud 10,000 first-level energy bars from the Mang Group before. I don't know how the people at knew this!" Fenglei Zi said.

"Hmph, do you think is as incompetent as you? All your actions fall into their eyes. If I don't buy their information, your incompetence will soon be spread to the Internet. By then Everyone in the entire universe knows this, so where else can you put your faces?!" Bengema teased.

"This..." Feng Leizi was speechless when he heard this, his whole body trembled slightly, and his face turned extremely red...

But he suddenly thought of a question and said in surprise: "Lord Commander, Fauci's teleportation was transmitted directly from the Big Food Star to the Food Basket Star. Isn't it too far?!"

"This..." When Bengema heard this, the teasing look on his face immediately stopped. In fact, this question had already flashed through his mind, leaving him still a little confused...

Under normal circumstances, random teleportation like Fauci's is usually between thousands and tens of thousands of miles, and it cannot be further away. However, from the Big Food Planet to the Food Basket Planet, there are many planets in between. , the distance is more than 10 million miles, how is this possible? !

Will make a mistake? !

However, considering the credibility of and the fact that if something goes wrong, he can ask them for a refund, so although Bengema was suspicious, he did not rush, but waited for the information from the fleet...

Not long after, fleet commander Rongda sent a message: "Your Majesty, the battleship has been discovered!!!"

"Oh? Did you really find it?!!!" Bengema said in surprise.

"There is indeed a warship near that coordinate point area. It seems to be flying outward now, but we have locked it!" Rongda said loudly.

"Can you spot its logo?"

"I saw it! The sign above is Ruixinchang!!!"

"Wow! I didn't expect it to be teleported here! Oh my god, you must catch it! By the way, remember not to let it teleport out again, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted!" Bengema warned.

"That's what the commander said! I will pay attention!" Rongda suddenly realized.

This battleship must have used random teleportation from the Food Planet to the Food Basket Planet. If it is a random teleportation talisman, this talisman is usually used once, let alone teleporting so far, but if Fucci has multiple talismans Woolen cloth?

If he teleports out again, it will be more difficult to find and catch him, and the cost will be greater!

Thinking of this, Bengema became a little nervous and repeatedly emphasized the importance of this matter to Rongda. Rongda did not dare to neglect and decided to use lightning tactics...

But after Fauci and Pompeo escaped, they were simply pleasantly surprised. They didn't expect that in such a bad situation, they could miraculously escape with a talisman. It seems that the sky has a vision.

There is always a way out!

However, they couldn't tell where they were for a while, so they quickly called up the starry sky map for comparison. In the end, to their own astonishment, they actually came to the starry sky range of Cai Lanxing!

This span was so big that they couldn't believe it at first. Later, after connecting to the Tengxin Network, they finally confirmed the matter, and then they immediately adjusted their direction and headed towards their No. 9 base...

However, before flying very far, a sudden change occurred!

More than a dozen battleships suddenly appeared from the shadow of a nebula ahead, quickly surrounded Fauci's battleship, and immediately bombarded it! ! !

The gunfire rained down on Fauci's battleship like it was useless, causing the protection level of its shell's energy shield to drop to freezing point in the blink of an eye!

Because Fauci's warship had not entered a battle-ready state, its protection level was not high. It was caught off guard by the sudden attack, and the ship quickly fell into chaos, with shaking lights and shadows, bursts of explosions, and repeated screams. Everyone is dizzy...

"Calm down! Calm down!! Increase the protection level immediately!!!" Fauci roared, shaking himself back and forth...

Seeing that the entire battleship was out of control, Pompeo suddenly had an idea in his mind and shouted: "Boss, do you still have the random teleportation talisman? Use it again quickly!"

"Where else is there? It's just that one. Use it once and it's gone! You should try to increase the protection level first!" Fauci shouted.

"Oh my God! No one can control me now, I have to do it myself!" After Pompeo finished speaking, he disappeared!

But where will the Perak Hall Fleet give them another chance?

Rongda saw that after the huge amount of artillery fire was poured out, the shell protective shield of the target battleship had basically failed, so he ordered: "Penetrating solidification bombs!!!"

“Whoosh whoosh——” “Whoosh whoosh——” “Whoosh whoosh——”

Cannonballs shaped like giant arrows flew through the starry sky like lightning and hit Fauci's battleship. They were like nails piercing the shell, and soon the shell became riddled with holes. Moreover, After these shells hit the outer shell, they seemed to release an extremely strong icy air, freezing the entire battleship inside and out in the blink of an eye!

Everything in the ship, including everyone, was frozen into ice cubes and popsicles. Except for some powerful people who were struggling violently, everyone else was unable to move...

"Ship catching net!!!" Rongda yelled again.


Dozens of starry sky energy nets shot out of the sky, layer after layer, tightly binding the almost useless warship, making it impossible for it to fly again...

The people trapped inside can no longer escape at this time and have become prisoners!

"Lord Commander, we caught it!!!" Rongda reported immediately.

"Okay! Great!!!" Bengema said with great joy.

After hearing so much bad news, this good news finally came, allowing him to take a breath for the time being...

Fauci was so angry that when he bought the random teleportation talisman from that person, there were three of them, but because he was still not sure and didn't have that much money, he only bought one in the end. If he was willing to buy it at that time, If you haggle over the price, you might be able to buy one more, and then you can teleport away smoothly just now!

Fate sometimes plays tricks on people like this. Even if God will not cut off your way of survival, it is impossible to give you unlimited opportunities. A big opportunity like this to survive a desperate situation can only be given once at most...

Feng Leizi quickly obtained this information and quickly told Mang Liu, Mang Ci, Schnoder and others. Everyone was suddenly overjoyed. It seemed that they had finally found a breakthrough!

Although everyone feels that the current force that dares to take action against Perak Hall has little to do with Fauci, but who can tell?

After all, this force took action after Fauci was besieged by everyone and escaped. Maybe they wanted to take revenge on everyone for him...

All awaits the outcome of Benguema’s trial against Fauci…

However, things were not peaceful in the Great Food Star during this period. Many forces, like Mangshi and Pilitang, were invaded and stolen. Some forces, like Mangshi and Pilitang, kept things under wraps for the sake of face, but some But the forces couldn't bear it, and finally some forces united and reported the matter to Star Lord Saren!

When Saren got this report, he was watching the live broadcasts on the Internet with great interest. These live broadcasts included Ling Daozi's, Xixi's, and Princess Jingyu's, as well as other Internet celebrities who followed the trend. This was recently He was happiest.

While he was tasting the braised pork specially delivered by Lao Mao himself from Lao Mao's restaurant, he asked his confidant Yi Ya next to him: "Didn't Xiaoling also review Fuyu's wonton soup? Why hasn't it been delivered yet?" "

Yi Ya quickly said: "My lord, I don't know something. Fuyu is currently short of raw materials. It is said that it is missing two main ingredients, namely the saury in April and the wild shepherd's purse in March that Xiaoling mentioned, so it has not been made yet."

"Isn't that right? Didn't Xiaoling give him these two main ingredients?" Sa Ren asked curiously.

"This... is true, but Xiaoling only sent one portion. At that time, several old customers of Fuyu had already ordered the wonton soup, so we made it and gave it to them to taste first. When we learned the information and made the reservation, Fuyu These two main ingredients are no longer available, and new formulas are being studied!" Yi Ya explained.

Upon hearing this, Sa Ren snorted: "No! What I want to taste is the April swordfish wonton soup recommended by Xiao Ling! This is not a rare item. Do we, the big food stars, still lack this saury?"

"My lord, I don't know. Now our Big Food Star is really short of April swordfish..." Yi Ya sighed.

"How is it possible? Check it quickly! We must let Fuyu make it quickly!"

Hearing this, Yi Ya knew that he could no longer hide it, so he had no choice but to say: "Sir, a strange thing happened to our Big Food Planet recently. Many forces were mysteriously stolen, and the Mangshi Group that owns the April Swordfish also did the same. In this way, all the saury fish in April were stolen..."

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