Princess Jingyu's eyes lit up when she heard the wonderful news, and she asked anxiously: "Then when will you come?!"

"We are currently visiting Wusong Lake, and we are going to catch sturgeons with Senior Popov. Finally, we are going to taste his caviar. After eating the caviar, we can leave naturally..." Ling Daozi said proudly.

"Wow!!!" Princess Jingyu exclaimed!

Falke, who had been listening by the side, was also so greedy by Ling Daozi's words, with envy on his face!

In this world, those who can eat sturgeon caviar are the lucky ones, and they are destined to have a lifetime of memories. But if you can follow Popov to catch sturgeons and eat the freshest caviar, it is even more rare!

Of course, Falk has also eaten sturgeon caviar, but even he did not receive such treatment from Popov. However, Ling Daozi and Liufeng got such opportunities at a young age. It is really enviable...

Princess Jingyu felt yearning after hearing this, and her mind almost flew to Wusong Lake. She suddenly thought of a question and asked urgently: "Xiao Ling, can your experience in Wusong Lake be broadcast live through my program? Or You can also live broadcast it yourself, but I can also broadcast it, okay? Believe me, this program will definitely be super attractive!"

"No problem! But I want to ask Senior Popov if he agrees..." Ling Daozi smiled.

"Yes..." Princess Jingyu suddenly said.

Wusong Lake and Sky Sturgeon are basically Popov’s private property, and the key to live broadcast depends on his opinion.

Maybe Popov was in a good mood today, so Ling Daozi quickly told Princess Jingyu that Popov agreed!

"Oh my God...Thank you, Senior Popov! Thank you Xiaoling and Xiaoliu!!!" Princess Jingyu said in surprise.

"Hehe, why don't you go prepare? It would be better to invite your grandpa to appear on the show together and let him help explain some things about Wusong Lake and Sky Sturgeon?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you for reminding me!" Princess Jingyu said immediately.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Falke was also very interested and had no objections to Ling Daozi's proposal, so he was invited by Jingyu to her program for the first time to explain what happened in Wusong Lake...

When the news came out, Princess Jingyu’s live broadcast account was quickly visited by people and almost collapsed!

Fortunately, and have been prepared for this. Due to the recent Internet craze, these network groups have ushered in the best period of development, so they have made large reserves for bandwidth, especially Sufficient space has been left for accounts that have been particularly popular recently, and Princess Jingyu’s live broadcast account is undoubtedly one of them.

People came after hearing the news and soon saw the charming scenery on the light screen!

Wusong Lake is quite famous in the food constellation, but it is not on the food basket star, but on the spoon star. The climate here is very cold all year round, with ice and snow, which is very suitable for the growth of fish like sturgeons that like low temperatures.

There are contiguous woods in the lake area, stretching for countless miles along the mountains, and they are extraordinary!

It seems that there has just been a heavy snowfall here. These woods look like snow dragons, crawling on the ground, as if they have come alive...

Surrounded by snow dragons is the famous Wusong Lake!

This lake is quite peculiar. Although the weather is very cold, it does not freeze. The water is so clear and translucent that you can see dozens of meters below the surface at a glance. Just admiring the beauty of this underwater world has attracted everyone's attention. The man was in for a treat.

But I heard Falk say: "Have you seen those big white trees by the lake?"

Princess Jingyu responded quickly: "I saw it! They are so beautiful. Have they always been this white?"

"No! The big tree itself is not white. These white decorations can actually be called 'rime'!" Falk said.

"Oh? Rime? What's going on? They don't look like ice or snow, but they are distributed according to the shape of the branches and branches, making the whole tree look beautiful!" Princess Jingyu Jiao said the voice.

"Well, you're observing very carefully! The formation of rime requires the right weather conditions.

It requires both low temperature and water. When the colder water vapor in the air encounters lower temperature things, it will slowly condense and turn into ice crystals, but it will appear completely opaque white and light. Pure white, attached to tree objects, like silver flowers on trees. This situation can be called tree hanging or ice hanging! " Falk explained.

"I see... No wonder we, the Bastard Stars, rarely see Rime and Hyoukake!"

"Of course! The formation of rime and ice requires the grace of God, but in Wusong Lake, due to the favorable weather and location, you can often see this rare rime phenomenon. This is why many people travel thousands of miles to One of the reasons for traveling there..." Falk smiled, stroking his beard.

Hearing this, Princess Jingyu smiled and said, "Grandpa, admiring the rime is one of the reasons for going to Wusong Lake, so what other reasons do people go there?"

"Haha, of course it's for Popov's caviar! But if you're not super rich, just save it..." Falk laughed.

"Oh, it seems that it is impossible for me to eat Popov-senpai's caviar! However, I believe that some of my fans will be able to eat it, so you should watch carefully now. What's next? Senior Popov will take Xiao Ling and Xiao Liu out to catch the sturgeon, and then make the world-famous sturgeon caviar..." Princess Jingyu said in a seductive voice.

Sure enough, when she heard what she said, the entire online world was in a commotion. People discovered that watching this program not only allowed them to enjoy beautiful scenery and beauties, but also beautiful things and delicious food. Such enjoyment was truly unique!

The popularity of the live show is soaring, and Sissi on the other side is almost filled with jealousy!

Unexpectedly, Princess Jingyu contacted Ling Daozi and Liufeng first, and she also received the support of such a super blockbuster program. It was difficult not to become popular!

Thinking again about the two beauties Ling Daozi and Liufeng, following Popov, the chef king of the gourmet group, to catch sturgeons, make caviar, and then taste the unique delicacies in the world... Sissi felt everything in her heart. I wish I could fly to Wusong Lake in Spoon Star right now to admire the beautiful ice hangings and taste sturgeon caviar...

"Well, she has the president of the Gourmet Association, Grandpa, to give her a platform. Ling Daozi and Liufeng will naturally get close to her, appear on her show, support her, and make her famous! But what about me? What do I have?! Father In order to find a rare ingredient, I was unfortunately attacked by poison and died! It was not easy for my mother to raise me alone. In order for me to get ahead, she spent all her savings on cultivating me. I have never lived a day full of wealth and happiness... As for me, without the support of my father or the support of my extended family, I have had to rely on myself to make a living since I was a child, to work hard, and to think of all kinds of ways to pursue high status. In pursuit of wealth, apart from never selling my body, I have tried everything else I can. It can be said that I have tasted all the hardships in the world... This world is so unfair. Rich and powerful people can make their descendants reach heaven in one step. No matter how much you pay, people with no money and power will never be favored by God. God, this fucking God! You will only make the rich and powerful people richer and more powerful, but you will make the poor people even poorer. , even the little wealth they have will be taken away, and they will be subjected to all kinds of torture..."

While watching Jing Yu's program, Sissi suddenly felt sad. She cursed God and this unfair world. Tears poured out like springs, and she was about to flood the room...

Hong Shen and others were listening outside the room, and they were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the Internet celebrity queen they had served for so long would have such a tragic life experience. Many people only saw her superficial charm and enchantment, but didn't look at her. There is such a sad story behind it. Indeed, a girl lost her father and the support of her extended family when she was young. What else can she do?

If it is an ordinary girl, she may give up on herself. The simplest way is to sell her body and her looks. As long as she hangs with some wealthy people, she can still become rich. However, even if she wants to do this, she must have certain innate conditions. , otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a simple goal.

For Sissi, her innate conditions are good enough. If she really wants to embark on such a path, she will get money quickly, and it will not be too difficult to change her embarrassing living situation, but she is obviously not Such people are bent on opening up this upward channel through their own efforts!

She thought so and did so, but what she didn't expect was how difficult this road would be...

Not to mention her actual situation, even for many children from normal families, it is very difficult for them to get ahead through their own hard work. Many people are doomed to a mediocre life from birth, because in a highly developed society In the economy, various orders will become more and more perfect. This situation will lead to a result, that is, the gap between the rich and the poor will become wider and wider!

For those who have resources and wealth, it is very easy for them to make a lot of money. But for those who do not have resources and wealth, they can only make a lot of money through their own labor and some simple things. They spend a lot of time in labor and have no time to think about how to get rich.

Many people often encounter the soul question of where is the next meal after a good meal!

Under such circumstances, are you still in the mood to think? Do you still have time to study and improve? Do you still have enough physical strength to support yourself to spend even a little extra money?

Impossible. Your time and energy can only go from one cycle to another, always going in circles. It is difficult to jump out of this circle and rise to another level...


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