The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3101 Underworld Undercurrent

In addition, there should be another factor here that few people are aware of, and that is the personal charm of Li Yun and Xiaoxing. Although they have always tightly controlled their light, vitality and merit, however , because their Dao light, vitality breath and light of merit are too powerful, some will always leak out. Just such subtle dao light, vitality breath and light of merit are enough to add endless charm to the two of them, making them Their affinity is so powerful that almost no one would even think of going against them!

For example, the two people before, Mang Liu and Mang Ci, can be said to be between the two paths of black and white. If someone is unfavorable to them, they will definitely find a way to deal with it or even destroy the potential opponent. However, they are After guessing that the two Ling Daozi were actually the same person, they naturally wanted to hide this secret and not go against him. Although there was a reason why they thought Ling Daozi was very powerful, it did not rule them out. The two of them did not want to become enemies with Ling Daozi at all.

This is true even for gangster figures such as Kun Hou, Phnom Penh, Peter, and Johnson. In fact, gangster figures are also human beings. Although their hearts are darker and more ruthless than others, they are still lives after all. If they are lives, they will receive the light of Taoism and merit. Under the influence of others, they will consciously or unconsciously pursue vitality, so when they saw Ling Daozi and Liufeng making a fortune, they still did not think of robbing them...

However, Shui Xin is different!

Although this Shui Xin must be a powerful person, Kun Hou and others have not seen his true action, so they cannot judge how powerful he is.

In their view, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be so powerful that many people cannot deal with him. In their past experiences, they have caught some people who are more powerful than themselves, and there are not many such examples. Less, this shows that as long as you plan well and act well, even masters will still fall into their trap!

In addition, Shui Xin comes from an alien group, and can be said to be an uninvited guest from outside. An outsider also carries an enviable huge wealth. What is the use of such a person if he is not robbing?

Although Shui Xin seems to be quite approachable, he still cannot compare with Ling Daozi and Liu Feng. Therefore, after he showed up and revealed his wealth this time, he was almost destined to be robbed...

After hearing the discussion of the people at the scene, Shui Xin did not say any more. For this stone, it was enough to reveal such a feature to them. People would understand its value without saying anything else.

He put the stone away casually and said with a smile: "I have traveled the universe for such a long time and found that such stones are still extremely rare in the universe. Except for a few places where they are produced, they have never been seen elsewhere. No wonder you all are He said he had never seen it before..."

Niu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said anxiously: "That's right! I wonder if Brother Shui can reveal where this kind of stone is produced?"

When everyone heard it,

He quickly fixed his gaze on Shui Xin again...

In people's eyes, the value of this information is extremely huge, and I'm afraid Shui Xin won't reveal it...

However, what shocked them was that Shui Xin actually had no intention of hiding anything, but said, "Of course! These places are all marked in...these star maps..."

As he spoke, many light curtains popped up. When everyone took a look, they found that what was displayed on them was indeed some star maps. The star maps marked where the magical stones were produced, but the specific star field was unknown...

This made everyone a little confused!

Because although there are star maps now, they are almost non-existent. It is impossible to identify their specific locations from these star maps. To truly discover the corresponding star fields, you can only find out by going there in person and comparing them with the star maps. May be found.

Shui Xin performed this skill very beautifully. He not only satisfied the requirements and desires of the people present, but did not reveal the real secret, and also stirred up everyone's hearts. Not to mention how proud he was!

"Swipe, swipe, swipe..."

Shui Xin put away the light curtain again and said: "Everyone, if you have the opportunity to pass by places where such stones are produced in the future, don't miss the opportunity! Of course, you still have to be especially careful, because these places are very dangerous. Even I don’t dare to go deep in, so I can only wait on the outside for stones to spray out from inside and take advantage..."


"Is that so?!"

"It turns out it was sprayed out..."

"In that case, of course I won't go in. How comfortable would it be to wait outside?"

"But if we go in, wouldn't there be more opportunities?"

"If your cultivation level is as high as that of Senior Shui, you can consider it. Otherwise, it's better not to go in and die..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it, but Shui Xin continued: "However, you have to be patient when waiting outside. It's good to be able to spray out a few pieces in a hundred years. Sometimes it may even take a thousand years to spray out just a few pieces. I spend a lot of time working in these places..."


"How many yuan is it for a hundred years? That's not a lot of money, right?"

"Hmph, you can make a fortune with just one piece, let alone how many pieces?!"

"That's it! What do you do to make such a profit? One stone can be exchanged for one million level five energy bars, and just now Xiao Ling said that its value is far more than that!"

"That makes sense!"

"It seems like we should go out and look for it. If we find it, we'll make a fortune!"


When these people calculated, they found that the problem of water-centred theory was not a problem, because countless people spent a hundred years in mediocrity and could not make much money at all. However, if they spend a hundred years If you can get a few of these magical stones, you won’t have to worry about money in the future!

From this perspective, of course it is more cost-effective to go out and look for stones...

When many people thought of this, they secretly made plans in their hearts and prepared to go out in the near future to find this magical stone...

Since many people here have extraordinary memories and many people can never forget anything, quite a few people have memorized the basic information of many star maps. If they encounter a similar starry sky, they believe that they will be able to Remember and compare...

Under the stimulation of huge interests, people often only see the benefits of interests, and do not take into account the huge risks hidden behind them. What they do not expect is that the starry sea is vast, and even the seemingly huge planets are like It's just a tiny speck of dust, indispensable in the universe, and how can it be so easy to find places like these that spew out magical stones?

I'm afraid that everyone gathered here will run out to look for it, and the chance of finding it is very slim, one in a hundred million, or even one in a billion is not bad!

Of course, this does not include Xiaoxing and Li Yun. With the star maps Shui Xin typed out just now, Xiaoxing is confident that it will not take long to locate these places and explore them again if there is a chance in the future...

Shui Xin smiled and said: "It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic about treasure hunting. However, in my opinion, these stones are inedible and cannot be used. It is better to taste these delicacies sold by Xiao Ling! You can only eat until you are full." Here is the most real thing!"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior, what you said makes sense! In addition to food, I also sell drinks here. With your knowledge, you should understand the truth, that is, drinks are much more expensive than food, so you'd better Just prepare a few more stones, otherwise you may not be able to exchange them!"

"Haha, don't worry! I have a lot of stones like this on my body. It wouldn't cost much to exchange for your wine, coffee and tea!" Shui Xin laughed.

"Then I have to congratulate senior first!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Easy to say, easy to say..."

The conversation between the two was unintentional on the part of the speaker, but intentional on the part of the listener. Many people were extremely envious when they heard Shui Xin say that he had many such magical stones on his body!

Kun Hou and other gangsters were all very uneasy. In their opinion, why did they need to go out to look for stones?

Instead of spending hundreds of years waiting for a dozen stones, it would be better to plan an operation to seize the heart of the water and gain both people and wealth in one fell swoop. How great!

They immediately discussed secretly and began to arrange an action plan...

Before that, the on-site roast chicken sales continued. Shuixin’s exchange for one million roast chickens had ignited everyone’s enthusiasm. Next, Falk, Hemu, Niu Feng, Popov, Drake, etc. The bosses all placed large orders, and of course Quan Feifeng also ordered the maximum number of one million roast chickens!

Others rushed to report the numbers. The shipment speed of these 500 million roast chickens was extremely amazing, and they were all sold out in less than an hour! ! !

Xiaoxing's face was full of smiles, and she clapped her hands and said: "Congratulations to all seniors, you are definitely lucky to be able to eat this chicken! As Senior Shui said before, the vitality and Taoism contained in this chicken is better than the longevity pill. , and the taste of this chicken is even more ever-changing. I bet no one can tell clearly how many taste changes it has, because its taste changes are dynamic. The old ones are not exhausted, and the new ones have come out. Different tastes Blending can bring out the old and bring out the new, producing more taste effects! Do you think taking the longevity pill is better than tasting this chicken?"


"Of course not!"

"Haha, for us gourmets, this chicken is a life-extending pill that we can eat and taste. Of course, eating this chicken is better!"

"Not bad! I can't bear to eat this chicken. I'll try it slowly later when I have the opportunity to see if it's the same as Xiao Ling's review..."

"I've already eaten one! Now I feel the spiritual power is rolling in, and the taste is coming to me like a sea. I can't stand it anymore..."


"This chicken is so delicious! I have never had roast chicken like this before. There is simply nothing better than it!"

"It's over, it's over. I can't stop eating. What should I do? My son wants me to take one back for him to try..."


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