The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3107 Collect the Spaceship

They didn't expect that these four people would buy 50 million bottles in the blink of an eye. How could this be possible? !

Someone finally reacted and shouted: "I want ten bottles!"

"One hundred bottles!"

"A thousand bottles!!"

“Ten thousand bottles!!!”

"One hundred thousand!"

"Half a million!"

"one million!"


Orders are coming in like a steady stream, as if the Xing Lun Wine is free of charge, but no one thinks they are crazy. On the contrary, they wish they could borrow more money and place bigger orders!

That's right!

Because this is a good opportunity to make a fortune!

Why it is easier for rich and powerful people to make money in a highly developed economy? You can see the reason from ordering Xingyun Wine.

Obviously, as soon as Xingyun Wine comes out, it is destined to become the most top-notch wine among the nearby constellations, and it is so unique that drinking this wine is better than taking any life-extending pill. Where can you find such a level of wine?

Many people understand that this wine is destined to increase in value indefinitely. It may double or triple in value if it changes hands, and more times are not impossible. Therefore, it depends on how much money you have and where you can get it. Spend more money to buy. As long as you buy it, you will earn it. Even if you can only buy one bottle, you can earn at least five level 6 energy bars by changing hands. This is actually a lot of wealth for ordinary people. Got it!

Although the people present were all powerful people with good reputations, even if they tried their best, it would be difficult for them to raise more money to purchase in this short period of time. Most of the people purchased less than ten. Below the bottle level, a few people can reach the level of 100 bottles, but it is very difficult to go up.

However, those who have great power and wealth have shown their advantages at this time. The four people Xiang Hemu, Niu Feng, Quan Bing, and Shui Xin can get from 10 million to 20 million bottles at a time, and De Lake and Popov can also reach a million bottles. After snapping up these wines, it immediately means hoarding a mountain of energy bars, and the value will continue to double and increase over time. Wealth is simply at your fingertips!

Hemu was extremely proud. Before, his grandson Hetian was still thinking about making a quick buck by ordering energy bars. This was nothing compared to him. The delicacies he had hoarded on the spot,

Its value is rising sharply, and will soon reach a level that even I can’t believe!

On the other hand, looking at some people watching the excitement outside the venue and countless people watching the live broadcast, the vast majority of them can't even afford a bottle, or even a drop of wine, which means they can't afford it at all. They are unable to benefit from this obvious wealth-creation operation. In addition to these people, there are many more people in the periphery who have not even seen or heard of this opportunity. They are working hard to earn their own money. The hard-earned money for three meals a day...

Xiaoxing knew this very well, but he had no choice. Even if he was willing to sell it in the packaging of a drop of wine, there would still be a large number of people who couldn't afford it. Those people were destined to have no connection with Xingyun Wine.

He has now tried his best to make Star Luck Wine available to as many people as possible, but this benefit can only go so far and cannot be expanded to a large scale...

"Is there anyone who has placed an order? If so, please place the order as soon as possible, otherwise I will start selling tea soon!" Xiaoxing urged.


"Yes!!! Wait a minute, my money will arrive soon!"

"Don't sell tea yet, we are raising money!"

"Yes, we will purchase the goods no matter what! Now we are selling the spacecraft at a valuation and are waiting for the proceeds to be accounted for!"

"We are also selling spaceships! Xiao Ling, please wait a little longer..."

"That's right..."

There were people shouting inside and outside the venue, worried that Xiaoxing would soon switch to tea selling...

When many people heard their shouts, they couldn't help but be stunned and felt bad!

I didn’t expect that someone would be so ruthless as to not even want the spaceship, but to replace it with Star Luck Wine!

But think about it, you can buy the spaceship in the future, but Xingyun Wine will basically be out of print in the future, because Ling Daozi has said before that he and Liufeng will soon leave the food constellation to travel outside. At that time, it was basically impossible to buy wine from them, and if you wanted to buy it from the God of Cooking, it would definitely be a sky-high price. Even if he was willing to sell it, he couldn't afford it...

Many people were inspired and began to sell off their properties and assets owned by their respective forces. In their opinion, this step was actually the only way to go, because in addition to the lack of money to buy Xingyun Wine now, they also had to purchase tea. If you don't have money in your hands, you can't afford a leaf, so you must first ensure that you have enough funds in your hands.

But with so many people wanting to sell, who will buy?

People are a little confused when they think about this problem. Each of so many spaceships is of great value. Even big forces like Tengxin Network, Awai Network, and Quanzhu Group may not be able to do so at this time. Eat them all, and besides, they don’t have to!

Moreover, it would be a disaster if they take the opportunity to lower the price. These spaceships are important assets to every force and every family. If the price is lowered, they really need to reconsider whether they want to exchange money for food. After all, The increase in the price of food is something that will happen in the future, but the price reduction of spaceships will happen immediately. Many people are starting to calculate this difference...

At this moment, Li Yun was heard saying: "If you really want to sell your spaceship or other important assets, you might as well come and exchange for delicious food with us. Our valuation is absolutely fair and reasonable, and you won't lose money!"

"Oh my God, is this true?!" Many people asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true! As long as you point out where your assets are, I can set the price after I look at them here!" Li Yun said with certainty.

"Very good!"

"Xiao Liu, look at my spaceship, how much is it worth?" someone asked immediately.

"You can choose to tell me your base price first, and if I think it's about the same, that's fine, or you can choose not to tell me the base price, and then I will set the price based on my judgment!" Li Yun said with a smile.

" base price is..." The person transmitted the base price to Li Yun.

Li Yun followed his instructions and used his consciousness to inspect his spaceship, and found that the value of the spacecraft was basically consistent with the base price quoted by this person. Of course, if factors such as usage, depreciation, etc. were included, the base price was actually slightly higher. But this can be said to be human nature. After all, many people will choose something that is more beneficial to them in the transaction, so he nodded and said: "It will be based on the base price you gave, and I can also give you fifty bottles of stars." Transport wine!”

"What?!" The person was shocked when he heard the words, suspecting that his earphones had heard it wrong.

Li Yun smiled and said: "You heard it right, based on your base price and an additional fifty bottles of Xingyun wine, you should be satisfied, right?"

"Satisfied! Satisfied!! Absolutely satisfied!!! Thank you Xiaoliu!!!" The man shouted in surprise, his face filled with tears of emotion...

"You're welcome!" Li Yun smiled.

"Wow!!!" The people at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene!

They didn't expect Liufeng to be so generous, because they knew very well that according to the core universe's standards, this person's spaceship was only worth three hundred bottles of star wine, and this person's base price could not be lower than this amount, but Liufeng simply didn't expect Liufeng to be so generous. There was no bargaining, and another fifty bottles of Xing Lun Wine were given away at once, which means that this person got at least fifty more bottles of Xing Lun Wine in this transaction. One bottle of Xing Lun Wine is five level six energy bars. , fifty bottles is two hundred and fifty six-level energy bars. This wealth can almost make him turn over instantly, not to mention that the value of Xingyun Wine will increase infinitely in his hands!

Everyone knows that Liufeng's vision is absolutely sharp, and it is impossible for there to be such a big deviation in the valuation. Listening to what he said can prove this, and his doing so means that he is willing to pay more to get the spaceship. Star luck wine, this is an important signal!

Many people at the scene were excited. They were reluctant to sell the spaceship before. Now they gritted their teeth and immediately offered their own base price for the spaceship. Sure enough, Liufeng would send dozens more bottles to them on top of the normal base price they proposed. Hundreds of bottles of Xingyun wine made them overjoyed!

With these star wines and earning this extremely certain money, are you still afraid that you won't be able to buy a better spaceship in the future?

As soon as I thought of this, more people were selling spaceships and other assets on the spot!

Even those who had been watching the excitement on the periphery realized that the opportunity had come. They originally had no money to buy Xingyun Liquor, but they had their own spaceship, and now as soon as the spaceship is swapped out, they can exchange it for a far high spaceship. The value of the starship wine is higher than the value of the spaceship. If you don't do this kind of business, you won't do it in vain. If you don't make this kind of money, you won't make it in vain, so it must be changed!

People offered to sell the spaceship one after another. Every time Li Yun finished negotiating a deal, he took away the entire spaceship with a wave of his hand. This action made people feel extremely amazing and jaw-dropping from the beginning!

As Li Yun took away more and more spaceships, people were completely shocked!

Many people's faces turned pale and their whole bodies were shaking. They couldn't believe their eyes...

This is because it is not too surprising for a superpower to take away one or two spaceships and enter the inner space. However, if anyone can take away more than five spaceships like this, that would be almost top level!

You must know that each of these spaceships is a collection of huge energy. The space is huge and full of energy. It is almost impossible to fold. To put it into the body, you must ensure that the space inside the body is large enough and strong enough, otherwise it will not be able to park safely. They will also cause great pressure on the person who receives them. This pressure will greatly consume their own essence and energy. Therefore, almost no one will do such a thing...

However, Li Yun took over one ship after another, nearly a hundred ships in a blink of an eye, but he acted like nothing happened...

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