The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3125 Special Energy Field

( ) Shui Xin casually took out a magical stone and said with a smile: "All the spiritual power you leaked has been absorbed by it now!"

"Absorbed by it?!" Kazuki exclaimed in disbelief.

"Exactly! The spiritual power tide at that time was not ordinary, but you should know very well that it only took a short time for the spiritual power tide to be absorbed, and then I took action to control your giant body, but , look at this stone, after absorbing so much spiritual power, it has barely changed at all. Obviously your spiritual power is not enough for it to fill the gap between your teeth..." Shui Xin said with a proud smile.

"Wo..." Hemu looked at the dark stone and was almost stunned!

When the four people including Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan heard this, they couldn't help but marvel at this magical stone...

It turns out that this stone can not only show the form of both solid and gas, but also absorb energy. Especially the fact that it absorbs energy is really helpful!

The wave of spiritual power released from Xiang Mu's body before was no small matter. Countless powers were already fleeing the scene. They knew that if a wave of spiritual power of that level broke out, many people would die, so they had no choice but to escape early. , However, when the wave of spiritual power encountered this magical stone, it was absorbed by it in the blink of an eye, and there was nothing strange at all.

This situation can easily remind people of many battle scenes. If a person or spacecraft is attacked by the enemy, wouldn't it be possible to successfully avoid the attack if there is this stone to absorb energy?

This is a lifesaver!

The four people in Tali were extremely envious. They seemed to understand why Shui Xin could travel in the vast universe for more than a million years and yet remain safe and sound. In addition to his own extremely high level of cultivation, maybe such a stone could also Helped him a lot...

Many powerful opponents may have been fooled by his move, because your powerful attack cannot hurt him at all, and then you will only be tortured by him...

Ling Daozi should have seen the magic of this stone a long time ago, so he agreed to Shui Xin's request to use this stone in exchange for top-quality food, star wine and tea...

What the four of them could think of, Hemu could naturally think of it. He suddenly realized that he wished he could have such a magical stone right away, so that he would be confident and safe when walking in the universe in the future...

However, this is of course a luxury hope. With the value of this magical stone, you can directly exchange it for an Arhat painting from Ling Daozi. How can you buy or exchange it from Shui Xin?

Hemu's thoughts were turning secretly, but he was lamenting again and again. It seemed that,

If you want to get the Yuan Dan back, you have to fight hard, but if you want this magical stone, you can't even risk your life...

However, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but feel excited!

Said: "Brother Shui, I don't know what happened here. Do you have any other travel plans?"

"I wonder why Brother He asked this? Do you also want to go on a trip?" Shui Xin asked back.

"Hey, we have a lot of things on Tengxin Network now. How can I be in the mood to go on a trip? I just want to ask Brother Shui for a favor! By the way, if Xiaoling and Xiaoliu have time, they can also go together!" Hemu suddenly thought that Ling Daozi also had a magical stone in his hand, so he said.

"Help? I wonder what the situation is?" Shui Xin asked with interest.

He Mu looked around and asked Xiao Xing: "Xiao Ling, can these people here hear us?"

"Don't worry, let's talk about it. They are all immersed in the charm of tea and can't extricate themselves..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Where's Niu Feng?" Kazuki asked emphatically.

"Of course he does too!"

"That's good! What I'm telling you now is a secret of our Tengxin Network. I hope that after listening to this, you will keep this secret no matter whether you want to help or not!" Hemu sighed.

"No problem!" Everyone responded in unison.

Hemu continued: "Not long ago, a major incident occurred in our Tengxin Network. Hualong, the boss of the entire Tengxin Network, took a group of high-level personnel out to perform tasks. As a result, when they passed through an unknown domain, there There seems to be an extremely strong interstellar storm, and the entire fleet actually fell into it!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone shouted softly...

"We quickly sent other fleets and personnel to check, but the storm was too big to go in, so we had to wait outside and wait for the storm to subside before we went to have a look. Unexpectedly, the storm seemed to never end, and later it sprayed out from inside. Some debris, including some fragments, items and corpses of Hualong’s spaceship..." Hemu said.

"Oh my God..." Yangcuo and the others' expressions changed dramatically and they screamed.

"What now?" Shui Xin asked.

"Our people are still waiting there, but if we don't rescue them quickly, I'm afraid it won't be long before what we wait for is the bodies of Hualong and the others... I just heard Brother Shui introduce the function of this magical stone, and suddenly I wonder if I can use it to absorb the energy of the interstellar storm? If possible, maybe Hualong and the others still have a chance of survival..." Hemu sighed.

"I see... The energy of the interstellar storm is huge, and from what you just said, the energy level of this interstellar storm is probably not low. I think it will be difficult to absorb all its energy, but..." Shui Xin pondered. .

"But what?" Hemu asked anxiously.

Shui Xin said: "We can go there first and have a look and give it a try. If we can, of course we will help. If it doesn't work, then I can't help..."

"Thank you Brother Shui! If it's too dangerous, of course I won't let Brother Shui help! As for whether Hualong and the others can survive, it depends on God's will..." Hemu said sincerely.

Xiaoxing interjected: "Senior, you just said that some corpses have been sprayed out from the storm. Who are they?"

"Judging from the information they fed back, it is some relatively low-level spacecraft fragments and personnel in the fleet. Those low-level spacecraft may not be able to withstand such a violent storm, and have been damaged and destroyed... In addition, there may be other fleets trapped inside. , because some of those items and corpses do not belong to our fleet!" Hemu said loudly.

"I see. It seems that that star field is a dangerous place in the universe. Anyone who doesn't know the truth is likely to be swallowed by it..." Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! That dangerous place is very hidden. Even our Fujixin website doesn't have any information about it, let alone other people!" Hemu said excitedly.

When Shui Xin heard this, he suddenly said: "That star field is so weird, it sounds like some special energy field in the universe..."

"Special energy field?" Hemu was stunned.

"Well, didn't I tell you before? The magical stones on my body are all obtained from some special energy fields. You see, that star field not only has huge energy, but also ejects items from inside. , this situation is almost exactly the same as the special energy field I encountered before..." Shui Xin pondered.

"Oh my god...that's how it is?!!!" Kazuki exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, I had thought that I would learn from Shui Xin and travel the universe in the future, looking for those high-energy areas that would emit magical stones, but unexpectedly, one might have appeared in front of me!

If that interstellar storm area is really a special energy field that sprays magical stones, wouldn't he be about to explode? !

This is important information. Fortunately, I just talked about it with Shui Xin and Ling Daozi. Otherwise, I would most likely miss such a good opportunity to make a fortune...

Shui Xin nodded and said: "That's right! With such a special energy field, people who enter it have almost no hope of coming out again! I advise you not to have any hope anymore. The only thing we can do is to wait outside. Something was sprayed out of it!"

Hemu was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but secretly mourn for Hua Long and others. It seemed that they were really gone forever!

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "There are no absolutes in things in this world, so seniors don't be too pessimistic. As long as they don't encounter a disaster, maybe senior Hualong and the others still have hope of being rescued!"

"Oh, I hope so! However, in such a terrifying special energy field, what hope do they have of being rescued?" Hemu sighed.

Little A small escape hatch allows those who have a chance to escape to escape!"

"This..." Hemu and Shuixin were dumbfounded and thoughtful...

Xiaoxing continued: "As far as I know, even the most violent storm, in the center of the storm, is a safe harbor. If this storm can be maintained, then the things in the center of the storm will always be safe and sound. , this should be where the vitality lies! Therefore, if Senior Hualong and the others were not crushed and sunk by the storm at the beginning, they would have a chance to enter the center of the storm and wait for the rescue of those who come after..."

"Oh my God! Are you telling the truth?!!!" Kazuki shouted excitedly.

Shui Xin's imagination was also opened up after hearing this, and he said in surprise: "Xiao Ling, did you really find that the center of the storm is a safe place? Shouldn't that be the place where the storm is the most powerful?"

"No! At the center of the storm, the forces of all parties have reached a certain delicate balance. As long as the energy supply of the storm is not a problem, the space in the center of the storm can always be maintained, and the things and lives inside can be extremely protected. , you can even create a small world there!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wow..." Shuixin, Hemu, Tali and others were in an uproar when they heard it. They felt that Ling Daozi's words sounded so amazing!

"You might as well take a look at this whirlwind..."

As Xiaoxing spoke, he created a huge light curtain. Within the light curtain was a huge wind whirlpool at the level of a planet. The entire wind whirlpool formed an extremely huge wind ball, ravaging the entire planet. However, as the camera continued to deepen, , everyone was shocked to find that in the center of the whirlwind, there was actually a concentration of life. Many lives thrived in this space, and their lives were extremely comfortable...

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