The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3127 Shameless

( ) "Wow…"

"Senior actually saved the planet from falling into the sun?!"

"How did senior do it?!!!"

"This is a great merit..."

Tali and others screamed again and again, they couldn't believe their ears...

Although there are many things that affect the movement of the planet in the legends of the Black God Clan, none of the four of them have ever seen it with their own eyes, let alone seen that when a planet falls towards the sun, there are still people who can save it. , the four of them did not expect that someone could actually do such a thing, and stand right next to them!

Seeing the excitement and admiration in the eyes of the four people, Shui Xin felt so proud that it was really indescribable...

"Haha, that's not too difficult. There are also star spirits. Just work with them to push the planet outward. The further away from the sun, the slower the planet's falling momentum will be. To a certain extent, the star spirits will I can control the movement of the planet by myself..." Shui Xin laughed.

"Oh...if it weren't for the help of seniors, the stars would definitely not be able to control the falling planet. Seniors can be said to have infinite merits!!!" Yangcuo praised.

"It doesn't matter to me whether I have merit or not. I wish I could save a few more planets. Unfortunately, my personal power is still quite limited and I couldn't do it. I saw those living beings being swallowed up by the fire of the sun. At that time, The mood is really indescribable..." Shui Xin sighed.

"This..." The four of them were startled, and their moods couldn't help but be affected, but for them, they could only silently mourn for those creatures from the bottom of their hearts...

Shui Xin continued: "However, the merits you just mentioned may actually be useful. I found that as long as I have done such things, good luck will come to me before long!"

"Really?!" the four of them said in surprise.

"That's true! For example, almost all of the black stones on my body were obtained after this situation. Not long ago, I saved another planet and then came here..."

"Here?!" The four of them were stunned.

"That's right! Didn't you tell me just now? The fleet of Tengxin Network fell into that interstellar storm. In my opinion, it may not be an interstellar storm, but a special energy field. In the special energy field There are usually powerful storms outside, so Brother He and the others keep saying it's just a storm. If I stay there for a while, I can probably get some more black stones!" Shui Xin said proudly.

"So that's it..." The four of them suddenly realized!

"Xiao Ling,

Then can we go together? "

"Xiaoliu, take us with you..."

"Follow Senior Shui, maybe we can pick up some black stones too!"

"That's right..."

The four people quickly encouraged Xiaoxing and Li Yun...

Li Yun smiled and said: "Of course! Didn't Xiaoling promise to be with the seniors before? Now that things have come to an end, let's go there and have a look..."

"Great!!!" the four of them said excitedly.

In their opinion, with Liu Feng and Ling Daozi there, the matter is basically half successful!

If Shui Xin joins in, it will almost be a certainty to pick up the black stone...

This action plan was finally finalized. At this time, Hetian's fleet also appeared not far above Wugui Lake. Two figures flashed and flew over quickly. It was Hemu and Hetian, the grandfather and grandson...

"I've met Senior Shui!" He Tian saluted first.

"At such a young age, he has such grace. He is truly a hero from a young age!!!" Shui Xin said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Senior, thank you very much! Thank you, senior, for saving my grandpa. This is the VIP card of our Tengxin Network. You can enjoy our most advanced services. Please accept it, senior!" He Tian presented a small sparkling card...

"This... I saved your grandfather, and you developed me into a customer of your Tengxin Network?" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"Senior, you will know just by using it. With this card, your actions in and around the core universe will be extremely convenient!" Hetian said loudly.

"Okay! Then I'll give it a try..." Shui Xin accepted the VIP card and began to operate according to the instructions above...

Of course, Hetian here will not let Xiaoxing and Li Yun go. He also gave them a VIP card each, and also gave four high-level cards to Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan. card, it can be said that these four people have benefited from Shui Xin and the others. Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will be possible to enjoy such services on

Seeing the situation around him, He Tian couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Have they been like this since they drank Luohan tea?"

Obviously, he must have been watching the live broadcast all the way, so he knew that these people had drank Arhat tea...

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "Yes, they are all enjoying the aroma of Luohan tea. It is not appropriate to disturb them now..."

"Oh? If you don't wake them up, how long will they have to taste it?" Hetian asked.

"Hehe, it depends on each person's cultivation and Taoist power. Judging from the current situation, it is possible in one month at the earliest and ten years at the latest..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What?!" Hetian shouted in disbelief upon hearing this.

Hemu was also stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Taoist charm of Luohan tea was so powerful. Just a cup of tea could intoxicate cosmic powers like Falke, Niu Feng, Popov and Drake. One month, others may not wake up for ten years!

If some of them are not prepared enough, will they starve to death if they don't wake up for ten years? !

However, he changed his mind and thought that starving to death would not be possible, because when a person is in the tea rhythm, his whole body's spiritual power and Tao power almost form an energy cycle with the tea charm. As long as the tea charm continues, this The energy circulation will not disappear. In this way, the body will not lack energy replenishment and moisture, and of course it will not starve to death...

Moreover, if a person can be nourished by the charm of tea for ten consecutive years, I believe he will definitely be able to obtain great benefits, and it may be very possible to enter the Tao through this!

Thinking of this, Hemu said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, can Xiao Tian take up a spot? He has to buy all the top delicacies you have sold again!"

"Brother He really wants to buy it?"

"That's right! I love food as much as my grandfather. If I can buy it, of course I will!" Hetian said with a smile.

"No problem! It seems that Brother He has inherited all the advantages of Senior He, and he even loves food! No wonder Brother He has become a senior executive of at such a young age!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Xiao Ling is joking, how can I be a senior executive of Tengxin Network? I'm just a junior kid!" He Tian said.

"Brother He is riding in's most advanced Nine-Star Blood Vine Fleet. The VIP card you gave away without the corresponding authority of would not have been given out casually. What's more direct is the robe you are wearing. The symbol seems to be the top leader of Tengxin Network... Tsk tsk, at such a young age, Brother He has already ascended to the throne of the boss of Tengxin Network, the largest network in the universe. I really admire him!!!" Xiaoxing said with a smile. .

"This..." He Tian's face turned red and he was speechless...

I really blame myself for not paying attention to details. In front of an expert like Ling Daozi, everything is as clear as day. He can see everything clearly at a glance...

Before, grandpa hoped that he could compete with Ling Daozi and Liufeng. How could he compete in this situation? He grabbed hold of me as soon as I came up...

Shui Xin was also surprised when he heard this: "It turns out that Xiaotian is already the top leader of Tengxin Network. How disrespectful! Seeing you and Xiaoling Xiaoliu, I seem to feel that I am really old and almost useless. Already…”

He Tian hurriedly said: "Senior, you are joking! How can you become old and useless? If you hadn't been here, my grandfather would have been in trouble before his inner demon appeared! Besides, didn't you buy the first picture? With the God of Cooking, With this picture, you will definitely be able to live forever!”

"Haha, you don't have to mention my rescue of your grandfather again and again. In fact, when it comes to this matter, you should thank Xiaoliu. At that time, I was still hesitant and did not plan to rescue you immediately, because for the inner demon like this It is generally inconvenient for outsiders to intervene in the disaster. It is best for you to defeat the inner demons by yourself. However, at that time, Xiaoliu saw that your grandfather could no longer defeat the inner demons alone, and the spiritual power wave exploded. It was imminent, so he reminded me to rescue immediately! It was his reminder that saved your grandfather's life!" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"That's how it is?!" Hemu and Hetian were both shocked!

"That's true. Without Xiaoliu's reminder, I would never have taken action right away. However, I believed what he said because I knew that Brother He's inner demons were caused by the Huiyuan Pill, and the Huiyuan Pill is so powerful. , only Xiaoliu knows the best, if he thinks that Brother He can't defeat the inner demon, then I should rescue him immediately!" Shui Xin nodded.

"Wo..." everyone exclaimed...

Recalling the extremely thrilling scene before, they realized that the real hero behind the crisis was Liu Feng!

"Xiao Liu...I am so ashamed! I don't even know that you saved my life. I was still secretly complaining that it was you who showed me the Huiyuan Pill. If you hadn't shown it to me, I wouldn't have been possessed by the inner demon." ! Now think about it, if it wasn’t because you believed in me, how could you have given such a precious elixir to me so casually?!" Hemu said excitedly, his voice already choked with sobs...

For a cosmic old fox like him to be able to talk to such an emotional level, he is obviously emotionally moved, which shows how much he blames himself now!

Li Yun hurriedly said: "Senior, please don't blame yourself! Indeed, who can think of things like inner demons in advance? And people who are possessed by inner demons will inevitably have random thoughts, not to mention that the inner demons in senior's body are not there yet. Completely remove it, it is normal to have such thoughts, no need to blame yourself..."

"It's all because of my greed. I couldn't keep myself clear in front of Huiyuan Dan, which led to the emergence of inner demons. In the final analysis, it's all because of my lack of cultivation of mentality..."

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