The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3135 Ask Ling Daozi

( ) “Wo…”

Shui Xin exclaimed softly and praised: "Brother Guo really has a unique vision! You are right, Xiaotian's plan is very bold, but it is overly idealistic and lacks specific action ideas and plans, but Xiaotian's plan is very bold. Ling's operating ideas have enriched and improved Xiaotian's plan. Therefore, this project should be operated according to Xiaoling's ideas. In my opinion, we might as well listen to how Xiaoling views this equity issue. Bar…"

After hearing his words, everyone's eyes finally turned to Ling Daozi, who had been silent...

In fact, for Shuixin and Guowei, two cosmic veterans with deep thoughts and vicious eyes, they have long realized that the core figures of this cosmic network group are not He Tian and Lin Yang who control the two networks, but Ling Daozi!

In their opinion, it is difficult even for them to control this huge project, but Ling Daozi can definitely do it!

Why do you say that?

Just as Shui Xin said just now, He Tian proposed a big plan that is shocking. This plan makes sense and is very attractive, but in the eyes of people like Guowei, this plan is just a piece of cake. , is the performance of a young man's childishness. He Tian is so young and lacks too much in terms of his own knowledge and experience in the world. It is impossible to control such a big project. There is no doubt about this!

Of course, it is very admirable that He Tian can have such far-sightedness at such a young age. This shows that he has great development potential, but that is only potential, not now.

Since He Tian lacks control at such a young age, why can Ling Daozi, who is younger than him, do it?

This is of course because Ling Daozi's recent performance has completely conquered these big guys!

Ling Daozi has created sales records one after another through live broadcasts. The goods he brings are always more advanced than the others, becoming must-have items for people at the top of the universe. In addition, his ability to control the entire scene is unparalleled. The amazing wealth he holds in the accounts of the three major financial powers is a plus for him!

In fact, these big guys were already convinced by Ling Daozi and did not regard him as a young man in the infant stage.

More importantly, the ideas about network applications that Ling Daozi said before have completely touched their hearts!

It was precisely because of the ideas put forward by Ling Daozi that they discovered that they could do so many things on the Internet, run so many businesses, and create such huge profits, and it was not just as simple as selling information...

Now they understand,

The network is actually just an infrastructure. What can really make the network achieve excess revenue is not the network itself, but the applications on the network. Through those applications, people can become more and more dependent on the network, which not only enhances the stickiness of the network to people, but also makes the network more and more dependent on the network. You can make a lot of money doing this, as long as you have enough apps, you can make enough money!

Once this idea was solved, they saw the bright future of online business and applications, and then they had such a strong desire to invest...

However, what Ling Daozi said was still too advanced for them. Even these people who stand at the top of the universe only understand a little bit of the truth for a while. As for how to do business and how to apply it, It can be said that they are completely confused, and of course they have to rely on Ling Daozi to guide them...

Therefore, both Shuixin and Guowei saw the core problem at a glance, that is, in this universe network group, the most important shareholder is Ling Daozi. Even if there are no and, it doesn't matter!

Why do you say that?

This is because there are many networks of the same nature in the core universe, such as, and They also have a certain scale. If you are willing, you can acquire them all and then invest in them. , as long as there are funds and Ling Daozi's help, even these small networks can become big things!

This is something that Yi Xing, Lai Huan, Lin Yang, Hemu and Hetian did not see. Especially Lin Yang, Hemu and Tian, ​​who have always believed that these two network forces are very important. Therefore, it must occupy a larger share, and even have a certain degree of premium...

Their mentality is actually easy to understand. After all, these two Internet forces are their own. They have been accumulated for several generations and have been worked hard by generations of people. They have to make such a big change at once. It doesn’t make sense to make the price higher!

As for the valuation of them by several financial forces, in their opinion, it must be underestimated, and they obviously want to lower the price, so they have to fight for it no matter what...

Here, Lin Yang adopted a buffering approach, which meant that he would wait to discuss with other shareholders. After this discussion, he would naturally raise the valuation. There is no doubt about this.

And He Tian was worried that things would be delayed and lose the good opportunity, so he put forward his own opinion, believing that this project has excellent development prospects and the profit prospects are naturally bright, so an additional value should be added to the valuation. Value, his view is actually quite reasonable. However, the treacherous Guowei attributed his view to uncertainty. Because the time is too far away and the uncertainty is too great, then the valuation will not be It is very accurate and does not meet their assessment criteria of financial power.

Guowei's statement cannot be said to be unreasonable, so He Tianyi, who is inexperienced, could not find a reason to refute it for a while...

Judging from the process of their debate, it is not a fluke that these three financial forces can become the financial oligarchs of the core universe. They have such rich experience and sophisticated vision. I am afraid no one can challenge them. …

Except Xiao Xing, and of course Li Yun too, but he has always stayed out of it...

Now, Shui Xin brought the focus of their dispute to Xiao Xing. Xiao Xing was secretly happy in her heart, but her face remained calm...

He smiled and said: "Seniors, the equity issue is indeed a big one and needs to be treated with caution and solved properly. In fact, if we have the strength, for example, Xiaoliu and I can work together, or even we can work separately. We The two of them have funds, Taoism, and personnel, so they can operate this project alone and hold all the equity in their own hands, thereby avoiding all the problems you mentioned. They can operate it however they want without any The blockage!”

"This..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and their expressions turned a bit bad!


"But what?" Guowei asked urgently.

Little It’s so refreshing, and all the money you make is yours, right?”

"This..." When everyone heard this, their faces turned red and they nodded slightly...

Little Especially on the unprecedented big project of the Universe Network, I hope all seniors will understand that you will definitely not be able to accomplish it by yourself!"

"That's true..." Everyone couldn't help but nodded.

"So, cooperation is inevitable. The rich will contribute money, the powerful will contribute, the wise will contribute wisdom, and everyone will add fuel to the fire. Only in this way can great things be achieved, right?" Xiaoxing continued.

"Not bad..." Shui Xin and Guowei praised loudly.

"There is another fact that everyone must understand..." Xiaoxing said.

"Which thing?" everyone asked urgently.

"Everyone has mentioned before that the current two networks, Tengxin Network and Awai Network, are actually insignificant compared to the future universe network! This is a fact! There are many star fields in the universe and life is prosperous. The core universe is just relatively advanced, and there are many places where the level of development is not lower than here, or even much more developed than here!" Xiaoxing said.

"Wo!!!" He Tian and others screamed in surprise, but they didn't expect that things would turn out like this!

Even Guowei was a little shocked and said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, how do you know this?"

"Hey, you guys are a little late and didn't hear what Senior Shui said. He had mentioned a cluster of stars above the clouds before. The prosperity there is much better than that of the core universe. On the way to the cluster of stars above the clouds, we You can also see countless vibrant star clusters, so everyone must have confidence that as long as we can truly build the cosmic network, we will not have to worry about making money!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh my God..." Everyone was amazed when they heard this, and they felt full of confidence all of a sudden...

Xiaoxing said: "Based on this fact, I hope that when considering the problem, all seniors might as well take a longer-term view and be more open-minded. We know that if a piece of cake is divided among seven people, each person will only We can get a small piece, but if we make a big pie together, then when we divide it again, each piece will be much bigger than the original small pie!"

"That makes sense!"

"So, the market of the core universe is like that piece of cake. In fact, it is insignificant. The peripheral market is what we should really care about. As long as we do a few more star fields, the money will roll in. We are still afraid of our own profits. Not enough?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." Everyone's faces turned red and they were speechless.

"As for the equity issue you are arguing about, I just listened and found that what you are arguing with each other is nothing more than a few more points and a few fewer points. If you waste time because of these few points, , if you lose the opportunity for development, it is really not worth the loss! In fact, I think you all lack a sense of crisis..."

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