The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3146 Quan Feifeng is a little confused

( ) Quan Feifeng was stunned and shook her head in confusion...

Quan Bing said: "When you are at the scene, both your thoughts and emotions are affected by the atmosphere of the scene. If everyone around you chooses to believe it, then to a large extent you will also choose to believe it instead of doubting it! Because people have a herd mentality, especially when a person with authority takes the lead in believing. Those present at that time included Kazuki, Niu Feng, Falk, Popov and Drake. I think they all believe in Ling Daozi’s words, and everyone listens to them with great interest. Since they have chosen to believe it, others naturally have no reason to doubt..."

"Grandpa is so right..." Quan Feifeng said with great admiration.

"The reason why you think what I said is right is because you have admired me since you were a child and listened to me very much. So when I said that this matter was suspicious, you began to look at it with suspicion, and soon you Find out what’s suspicious. In the final analysis, this change is also the result of being affected by authority and emotions..." Quan Bing smiled.

"This... Grandpa is going round and round, still saying that I don't think independently. So what does Grandpa think of my suspicion? Is Ling Daozi lying?" Quan Feifeng was startled and asked quickly.

Quan Bing said: "It's hard to say!"

"Ah?!" Everyone was startled. Unexpectedly, even Quan Bing couldn't come to a conclusion...

Quan Bing explained: "It is not unreasonable for people to believe in authority. After all, people with prestige and power may know more. If Hemu, Niu Feng, Falke and others all believe in Ling Daozi, So what reason do I have to doubt Ling Daozi? Perhaps the problem is not with Ling Daozi, but with myself. It is precisely because I am so ignorant that I don’t even know about crystal insects and crystal grass. I will doubt the authenticity of the story he told... However, I can also add a reason for my doubt..."

"What's the reason?" Quan Feifeng and Jiang Hui asked urgently.

"That is, the story told by Ling Daozi is also unconfirmed! In other words, the unheard information we have recently obtained is almost all directly from the mouths of Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and they have not been verified by facts. We can naturally view such a result with suspicion!" Quan Bing said.

"Grandpa is right!!! So grandpa thinks my suspicion is correct? They are just too young..." Quan Feifeng said excitedly.

Thinking that she could doubt Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and maybe expose their lies, Quan Feifeng felt particularly excited and stimulated for some reason...

But Quan Bing snorted: "No! I just said that we can view the information revealed by Ling Daozi and Liufeng with suspicion.

Rather than saying that your suspicion is justified..."

"What?!" Quan Feifeng was stunned and her face turned pink. Unexpectedly, what she said still failed to be recognized by her grandfather...

Quan Bing said: "Your suspicion is only based on their young age, but this reason is untenable!"

"But why? Many people as young as them don't go out to hang out like them, right?" Quan Feifeng said angrily.

"You seem to have said this before at Wugui Lake, and it was criticized by Ling Daozi, right?" Quan Bing said with a smile.

"This... Anyway, I don't really believe what he said now... How could he come out to hang out at such a young age? Do you still have to worry about not having food? How can a cultivator not have food? Eating well may not be possible for everyone Yes, but it shouldn’t be a big problem for a cultivator to fill his stomach, right?" Quan Feifeng said.

However, after she finished speaking, she suddenly found that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the venue. Many people were looking at her with rather strange eyes...

"What? Is what I said really wrong? But if a cultivator wants to fill his stomach, he can just go to the forest and hunt a few small prey to eat..." Quan Feifeng said aggrievedly.

Jiang Hui said: "Little princess, you still know too little about some things. Although there are many mountains, forests and lakes outside, most of them are owned by owners. If you want to go hunting, you have to pay a fee. Besides, hunting is risky. Yes, even if you just want to hunt small prey to satisfy your hunger, but if there are too many people who think this way, how many small prey will be left? In the mountains and forests, you never know when dangerous prey will appear. By then, You have no idea who is the hunter and who is the prey..."

"This..." Quan Feifeng was a little confused after hearing this...

I didn’t expect that I had to pay a fee to hunt. How is this different from being able to wander around at will?

Jiang Hui continued: "The core cosmic forces are divided, and each force has its own sphere of influence. The overt and covert struggles between the forces are extremely cruel, and have penetrated into every link, leaving little space for the development of individual cultivators. , if an individual cultivator does not want to be attached to a certain force, but wants to develop through his own efforts, he will soon find that although the core universe is large, it is extremely difficult for him to find a place to stay... In the end, he will find that it is better to join a force and develop within the force than to work hard on his own! Of course, it is definitely not easy to join a force, especially a big force. If an individual Without any talent or other favorable conditions, it is almost impossible. Therefore, most people are forced to do some temporary jobs, do hard labor, apply for some personal tasks, pick up scraps, etc. People like this If you have offspring, how can you keep raising them and letting them stay at home to play and not go out to do things? Therefore, many people have to follow their parents at a young age, or even go out alone to travel around the world, living a full and hungry life. A hard life for one meal... Ling Daozi was right. People of his age, even those younger than him and Liufeng, have appeared in the outside world in large numbers, doing some middle-class things... among these people Most of them are afraid that they will spend their whole lives in this state, and it will be difficult for them to have the opportunity to rise to a new level, because the opportunities left to them in this universe are very few..."

Everyone listened quietly to Jiang Hui's words and kept nodding, obviously very much in agreement!

Quan Feifeng was shocked when she heard this. No one had ever told her these things before, and no one had let her experience, experience, or recognize them. Everyone regarded her as an innocent person. The little princess can play as she pleases within her own sphere of influence without any worries. The world is so bright, so warm, so kind and so lovely to her, but what she didn't expect is that the outside world is so cold. , so ruthless, so difficult, so ugly, completely opposite to my own world and irreconcilable!

As Jiang Hui spoke, he looked at Quan Bing and found that Quan Bing did not stop him from talking. Instead, he hinted that he should continue talking. It seemed that Quan Bing must have realized that there were some problems with Quan Feifeng's teaching and urgently needed it. At this time, I made up a lesson, so I continued: "Let's not mention that the universe does not leave many development opportunities for individuals, even for those small and medium-sized forces, there are not many development opportunities for small and medium-sized forces! In this universe, the big fish eats the small fish. , small fish eat shrimps, the hands of big forces are stretching longer and longer, oppressing the living space of small and medium-sized forces, making the battle between small and medium-sized forces become more and more cruel, everyone wants to survive in the cracks, if If it cannot achieve its goal, it can only be swallowed up by others."

"What about the big forces?" Quan Feifeng asked.

"It cannot be said that big forces just sit back and relax. Some forces may seem very big, but if they cannot become an oligarch and achieve a monopoly position, they will also have the problem of competition for survival, such as..."

"What about our Quanzhu Group?" Quan Feifeng asked urgently.

"Okay, the little princess finally started to care about our Quanzhu Group! Do you think our Quanzhu Group is a big force? Or an oligarchic force?" Jiang Hui asked.

"This... we are definitely a big force, but it seems that we are not an oligarchic force yet? Because I have read our development history. When the group was founded, a similar group was established at the same time as Weili Group, Xingma Group and Juyi Group, the nature of the three of them is similar to ours, and they are still developing in the universe, so our Quanzhu Group should not be an oligarchic force..." Quan Feifeng analyzed.

Jiang Hui nodded and praised: "Yes! The little princess is right about this! Although the strength of our Quan Zhu Group currently occupies the first place among these four large groups, far ahead, but we are indeed not Oligarchic forces, of course the other three groups will not let go of any opportunity to overpower us! This time, I discovered a very important piece of information. The leaders of the three groups actually gathered together and seemed to be discussing What's going on... Moreover, some forces from Xingma Group and Big Food Star have set traps in the space area outside Wugui Lake in advance. They seem to be preparing to deal with the little princess's fleet. If they hadn't happened to meet Ling Daozi and Liufeng holding a meeting there, The auction operation, and the subsequent arrival of our and Master’s fleets, I’m afraid you will encounter a fierce battle!”

"What? Such a thing could happen?!" Quan Feifeng exclaimed, her face changing slightly.

"This information cannot be false, because among the forces that set the trap, there is someone from our Quan Zhu. The information he sent shows that the Xingma Group's commander-in-chief Kunhou, Phnom Penh, and Qiu The virgins and others were extremely suspicious that our Quan Zhu Group was involved in the Food Star Cluster, and had secretly stolen energy bars from many of their fleets. The appearance of your fleet in the Food Star Cluster just confirmed their suspicions, so they I decided to take action and ambush you secretly... It can be seen that although our Quanzhu Group is powerful, we have not made them so scared that they dare not move. If they are not careful, they will bite back..."

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