The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3152 Goal 3 steps

Hemu's guess was "reasonable", and Xiaoxing followed the trend, because it would be too much trouble to explain to them again.

"Wo!!!" Everyone exclaimed, their whole bodies trembling unconsciously...

They never imagined that the two young people in the infant stage in front of them had already been to the sun and had collected billions of high-grade sun fires from it and returned!

Such a thing is far beyond their imagination. It can be said that they have never even dreamed of it...

No wonder they were all dazed for a while and finally woke up!

"Xiao Ling, please tell us what it's like on the sun?" Guowei said with great excitement.

"Yes, did you pick it in a low-temperature area or a high-temperature area?" Shui Xin asked anxiously.

"How can you not be afraid of such high temperatures? Ordinary life would be scorched before even getting close to the sun, right?"

"Don't say it was burnt, it was simply vaporized!"

"In short, anyone who dares to fly towards the sun is extremely brave..."

"That's right!"

Everyone was asking questions, and the scene was much more lively than the previous auction. It can be seen how much psychological stimulation the gathering of Yanghuo from the sun had on everyone...

Little I can talk to you slowly..."

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized...

Seeing the powerful effect of the clearing cage formation, Drake was completely relieved, so he merged his fleet into the fleet of Li Yun and his party, turned around and headed towards Wusong Lake...

This huge combined fleet can be said to be the most advanced fleet in the core universe so far!

Among them are the top ships of the three major financial forces, Ziguangxing, Jiangnan Bureau, and Perak Hall, as well as the top ships of the two cosmic information forces, Tengxin Network and Awai Network, plus Wugui Lake and Wusong Lake. and the top ships of the Gourmet Association, such a combination would put even the Nine-Star Scepter Fleet of the Quan Zhu Group at a disadvantage...

Coupled with the many top figures who control this combined fleet, such a combined fleet can completely move sideways in the core universe, so everyone is in an extremely relaxed mood. They gather in the flagship hall of Ziguangxing, enjoy good wine and food, and talk freely. So unhappy...

Among these people, the two forces of Drake and Popov and Falk himself were not from the Phantom Organization. However, everyone quickly revealed this information to them because there was no need to hide it from them. Besides, in the future, After this cosmic network is built, we need to let them open an online store on it!

The three of them couldn't help but be shocked when they heard such a piece of information!

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the most massive super force would appear in the core universe. This force actually wanted to create a high-energy network in the entire universe to connect all planets and life, thus completely changing the entire universe. ecological outlook!

Thinking about such a development blueprint makes people so excited that they can't sleep. Where can Falk, Drake and Popov sit still?

Although the three of them all belong to the "Buddhist" category, the so-called Buddhist powers refer to people who do not have any big pursuits or desires, do not want to pay too much attention to external affairs, and just want to live their own small lives, but Since they came into contact with Ling Daozi, Liufeng and others, their entire mentality has been quietly changing...

From the top-notch delicacies brought out by Ling Daozi and Liufeng to the top-grade coffee, tea, Arhat paintings and Huiyuan Dan that appeared later, the three of them were shocked to find that not only did they not understand many of the top Taoist meanings in the universe, but they were also in their own deepest state. I am far behind in the food I am good at!

This is very exciting for them!

Especially for Drake and Popov, the information about the existence of God of Cooking immediately gave them a target to catch up with!

The main reason why they become Buddhist powerhouses is that they think they are at the top of the gourmet constellation.

There are only a dozen or so people in the entire constellation who belong to the Kitchen King level, and he is one of them. With no one standing above him, he loses the goal of catching up and surpassing him.

When people lose their pursuit of goals, they will soon let themselves go and be too lazy to move. Their energy and energy will gradually lose, and their bodies will soon become old and stiff. If there is no strong stimulation, they will probably stay like this for the rest of their lives.

Drake and Popov didn't actually have a great sense of crisis before, and they were very likely to slowly degenerate. However, after the appearance of Ling Daozi and Liufeng greatly increased their knowledge this time, their hearts began to change. I was hit hard, and I quickly realized that I had wasted too much time in the past. If I continue like this, I am afraid that I may not even be able to maintain my original level, and I must catch up to regain my best condition!

"Xiao Ling, can we also join the Phantom Organization?" Derek asked urgently.

"Yes, we can't be excluded, right?" Popov and Falk also agreed...

Little Don’t be impulsive and invest all your money in it, otherwise you’ll be in trouble if something goes wrong! So, you’d better listen more, read more, and think more, and it’s not too late to join after you finally decide!”

"This..." When the three of them heard this, they couldn't help but be startled.

Based on their experience, if someone starts a big project, they generally want others to invest in it, and the more the better. Basically, there will be no warning about the risks. Even if there are real risks, they will find ways to do so. Mask to enhance the appeal of your project.

However, Ling Daozi goes in the opposite direction. He first reminds you of the risks, and then asks you to listen, read, and think more, and then see whether to participate in the investment. This approach is so reassuring!

But I heard Xiaoxing continue: "Generally speaking, investment in a large project like Phantom is relatively risky. After all, we have to face many uncertain factors, such as insufficient raw materials, insufficient manpower, insufficient financial resources, and foreigners. Competition and destruction, due to low utilization rate, the inability to produce the benefits that should be expected at the time of design, etc. Therefore, as an investor, you must keep the word risk in mind! Only in this way can risks be better resolved. Or make due preparations in advance to deal with possible risks!”

"That makes sense!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"In addition, for this big project, we cannot have a quick fix mentality, but must be mentally prepared, that is, it will definitely be a long-term project, and we need to maintain patience and confidence! Therefore, in my opinion, our best The method is to divide it and divide a long-term project into short-term, medium-term and long-term projects. For short-term projects, there are many deterministic factors, and we are easy to succeed, while the success of short-term projects will provide us with Next, we will carry out mid-term projects to build confidence and foundation, and the chance of success will be greater. As for the long-term goals, let’s put them aside for now. Of course, we must also have a plan so that we will not miss the opportunity when the opportunity arises. Missed it..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Xiao Ling said it well! If our project is divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term, then in my opinion, the short-term goal should be to complete the transformation of the core universe network first, right?" Guowei Fuxu said.

"What Mr. Guo said is right! Transforming the network in the core universe area is the basis of this project, but the short-term goal is far more than just transforming the network!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? What else is there?" Guowei asked urgently.

Xiaoxing said: "We have discussed the location of the headquarters before. This is a core issue, because the headquarters will control the entire network in the future, so its location selection and construction are the core events of this large project! Select the location of the headquarters After building it, the next step is to comprehensively transform the network and lay a large high-energy network in the core universe area. This is the second step!"

"Wo..." Everyone heard a soft cry and felt more confident!

Guowei thought about it: "Building the headquarters and transforming the network, what is the third step?"

Xiaoxing said: "The third step, of course, is to get the application up!"

"Application? What is an application?" Drake asked aside.

He, Popov and Falk did not participate in the previous analysis and discussion, so they have no idea what the application refers to...

Xiaoxing explained: "The so-called application is how to use this high-energy network to achieve its due benefits! For us, we have already made such a huge investment, and it is impossible to use it without obtaining any benefits. If you rush to develop and build a new network, the risk will be even greater!"

"That's it..." the three of them suddenly said.

Xiaoxing continued: "The application of this network is incomparable to existing networks. It can not only provide information services and live broadcast services, but also provide physical sales, virtual sales and various service forms, thus greatly improving it." Its goal is to tie everyone to this network so that their daily necessities, food, clothing, housing, transportation, entertainment consumption, etc. are inseparable from it. In this way, massive information flows and content will be running on this network all the time. The flow of funds thus improves the convenience and effectiveness of people’s life and practice. As long as the convenience and effectiveness improve, the more people can’t do without it. Think about it, if people’s activities cannot be separated from one thing, it can Isn’t it popular?”

"Wow..." Everyone exclaimed, feeling as if there was a fire burning in their hearts. The fire was so powerful that it made their throats feel thirsty...

"So, bringing everyone in the core universe to this network is our most important goal in the third step. As long as we do it, we will have enough confidence to develop the peripheral network..."

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