The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3168 Building the headquarters in the storm

The pearls shone like stars, and everyone felt that the world seemed to have been turned upside down, becoming heaven on earth and earth on heaven...

This trance-like state has not yet recovered, and the fierce bombing has begun!

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"

Streams of golden lightning struck through the air and fell, shrieking like a five-clawed golden dragon, and pounced on the cage-clearing formation underground...

"Peng——" "Peng——" "Peng——" "Peng——" "Peng——"

Pieces of light and shadow splashed, like fireworks blooming in the night sky, illuminating everyone's deeply intoxicated faces and their mouths wide open...

Golden lightning has always been the highest level of lightning in legend. No one expected to see it at this time, and these golden lightnings were smashing down like they were free of charge, never ending...

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"...

Everyone couldn't help but fall to the ground, completely shocked by this scene!

With so much golden lightning smashing down, can the small area below be safe?

A big doubt arose in everyone's mind...

Popov was so stunned that he almost fainted!

Now he regrets extremely. If he had known this, he would not have allowed Ling Daozi to test the power of this cage-clearing formation. However, Shui Xin instigated this matter and he could not stop it...

This attack can be said to be the highest level of strike action that anyone has ever seen in their lifetime. In any previous Star Wars, no attack has been as intense as this one, and it cannot even be put together at all. Comparison, because the energy levels of both parties are not on the same level at all...

After seeing such an attack scene, everyone's understanding of the universe's Star Wars was severely raised to a level that they had never seen before. When they looked back at the so-called life and death battles they had experienced before, they discovered , those battles in the past were just like child's play, and could not reach the level of elegance!

Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan, who are so senior in the core universe, are like this, but the others are even more unbearable. They have been stunned by this scene, their bodies are weak, and they are paralyzed on the ground...

In the cabin, except for Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Shui Xin, everyone else had earth-colored faces and shivered...

I don't know how long it took, but this unprecedented "fireworks show" finally came to an end, but everyone still couldn't recover from the shock just now. Xiaoxing couldn't help it, and simply gave them all a consciousness thorn. , finally woke them all up!

"Wow! So beautiful!!!" After everyone woke up and looked down, they couldn't help shouting...

The Wusong Lake area at this time is indeed a bit unbelievably beautiful. The entire lake area is filled with light, colorful, and surging energy. The precious light is many times more beautiful than those so-called jewelry!

"Xiao Ling, is my Wusong Lake okay?" Popov woke up and asked urgently.

"Of course it's okay! The cage-clearing formation you have now is much stronger than the one in Wugui Lake by Senior De, because all the high-level energy just hit will be absorbed by it. Who else can break it?" Xiao said. Xing smiled.

"Wo..." Popov took a breath and couldn't believe his ears.

"You mean... so much of the golden dragon's lightning energy was absorbed by the Qing Cage?!!!" Popov asked urgently.

"Not bad! The energy that was hit just now is a bit dense, and the absorption of the cage-clearing formation may continue for a while, and then it will naturally return to its original state..." Xiaoxing said.

"So that's it..." Popov looked at the light of energy that was constantly flowing on the clearing cage formation, and suddenly felt in his heart...

Xiaoxing popped up several more light curtains, showing the situation within the formation. Everyone looked closely and found that everything in the Qingcage was as usual, not affected by external attacks at all, but the spiritual energy inside seemed even richer than usual. Just a little higher...

"Thank you, Xiao Ling... I will definitely find ways to earn enough money to pay the price of this formation!" Popov said decisively.

"Oh?!" Xiaoxing was startled, but she didn't expect that Popov also wanted to buy this formation.

With Popov's financial resources, how could he possibly compare with Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan?

Just now I have basically concluded that it is difficult for the three of them to afford it, and it is even more unaffordable for the likes of Drake and Popov. But now after seeing the power of this formation, Popov actually showed that He took a tougher attitude than Guowei and others and wanted to buy this formation...

"I believe that after the new network is built in the future, our Wusong Lake products will be able to sell very well in the online world, and we will definitely earn much more money. In order to buy this formation, I will definitely risk my life. , Xiaoling, just watch!" Popov said confidently.

Xiaoxing heard the words and said happily: "Okay, seniors have seen this very clearly. Once the universe network is successfully built, there will be countless money and items running on the network every day. If your store is run well, you will make a lot of money." Big money is a matter of quarter of an hour, and by then, it doesn’t seem impossible to buy this formation..."

"Haha, just because of Xiao Ling's words, I will definitely fight tooth and nail!" Popov said happily.

Drake said not to be outdone: "My store will definitely become a star store on the Universe Network! By then, I will also buy the Cage Clearing Formation in Wugui Lake!"

When Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan heard this, they naturally did not want to be compared with these two juniors, and they immediately expressed their opinions that they would definitely try their best to make money and buy a cage-clearing formation...

These people were so excited when they thought about the amazing performance of the Cage Clearing Formation just now. It can be said that the Cage Clearing Formation has become a demonic obstacle in each of their hearts. If they cannot obtain one, they will not be able to overcome this inner demon and reach new heights. …

Even Falke, Hemu, Hetian and Lin Yang expressed their intention to buy a Qingcage in the future, which made Xiaoxing look at these people with admiration, although he knew very well that even if they really spent a huge sum of money to buy it Cage Clearing cannot be used smoothly, and you have to help them design and arrange it. However, using Cage Clearing Formation as a motivational method is also an excellent way to manage the Phantom Organization!

Why do we say that these people are not able to use the cage clearing formation skillfully?

The reason is actually very simple. The energy level of the Clear Cage Formation has far exceeded the cognitive limits of these people, reaching the level of positive particles and dark particles. It is molecular energy that they cannot even touch.

If they can't even feel it with their spiritual consciousness, how can they use it like an arm and a finger?

Even Shui Xin couldn't feel the energy at the extreme level, so he said before that he couldn't feel what the Clear Cage Formation looked like. However, with his own insights, he deduced that the Clear Cage Formation actually It is a pure energy, which already reflects his superior knowledge and ability...

If we really want to sell Qingcage to these people, Xiaoxing will have to design the formation carefully so that its control methods can adapt to the level of these people. However, this is not too big for Xiaoxing. The problem, after all, it is difficult to pursue formations at high levels, but it is much simpler to design at low levels...

Little I can sell it to you!”

"Wow!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but shout excitedly...

"Thank you Xiaoling!"

"We will definitely raise the money as soon as possible!"

"Not bad! In my opinion, I must be the first to win this formation!" Guowei snorted.

"Brother Guo, it's too early to say this. I will definitely not fall behind others!" Lai Huan said.

"Our Perak Hall has the most urgent need for the cage-clearing formation. I must find a way to buy it first!" Yi Xing said loudly.

These three financial giants argue endlessly, but they do have such qualifications and confidence, so others do not want to join their battle group, but watch the fun from the sidelines...

However, the super combined fleet has already changed direction and is heading towards the interstellar storm!

This route was chosen by Xiaoxing. The reason why he chose this route was actually because he had already planned it.

On the one hand, it was to get those black stones, on the other hand, he and Li Yun had a more bold idea, that is, whether the headquarters could be established in that star field!

This idea can be said to be unique and unexpected, but for the two of them, it is an extremely natural idea.

The two knew that the more dangerous a place is, the safer it is. It is precisely because the Interstellar Storm is extremely dangerous and is simply a bottomless pit that swallows people, so it is almost unknown to the outside world and is quite secretive.

In addition, the dangers there are completely within one's control. As long as the place is properly transformed, it will be an excellent headquarters location.

When they revealed this idea, everyone, including Shui Xin, was shocked!

"What? Are you going to build a headquarters in that interstellar storm?" Hemu Zhenhao asked.

"Not bad! Now we have a certain understanding of the place and are trying to transform it. Of course, whether to use it as a headquarters or not, we have to see the situation after arriving at the scene..." Xiaoxing said.

"Renovating? You are here, how can you go there to renovate?" Hemu said in surprise.

"Hehe, we two have a pair of consciousness bodies there, and we have rescued many people so far..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wow..." Everyone couldn't help but burst into an uproar after hearing this...

Hemu felt dizzy for a while, woke up and asked urgently: "I wonder what Hualong's condition is like? Has he been rescued?"

"This...Hualong, they are really unlucky..." Xiaoxing said thoughtfully.

"What? What's their situation?" Hemu asked quickly.

"They...are in other people's stomachs now, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead..."

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