The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3191 Bubble’s Story

The scene was "swiped" and a much larger light curtain popped up, completely covering the entire scene. As soon as the picture came out, it was the first to catch people's attention. What caught the eyes of the people on the scene was the violent and extremely fast interstellar storm!

The storm flow roared past like a real substance, making everyone at the scene feel as if they were actually there. For a moment, their expressions changed drastically, they started to tremble, and they shivered...

Facing such a terrible storm, these people felt the same way and immediately understood the terrible existential crisis faced by those caught in the storm!

Just imagine, if you are caught in such a rapid, just hit any hard object, or simply hit someone, it will be a terrible blow. Maybe many people will lose their lives in this situation...

Sure enough, as soon as they thought of this, they immediately saw a similar scene, because the picture was showing a fleet falling into a storm. Once the fleet fell into it, it was swallowed up by the storm flow almost instantly and disappeared completely!

After a while, the screen tracked some of the ships, and found that these ships were gradually broken under the heavy blow of the storm, and the broken ships in turn became terrible weapons. Some people were unfortunate enough to hit these ship fragments. After that, he fainted on the spot and was blown to an unknown place by the storm...

An extremely powerful fleet that had just appeared completely disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in less than a quarter of an hour, including all the fragments and lives in it. This scene left everyone stunned and sweating like rain. All over the body…


"Can they survive like this?"

"I'm afraid the chance is extremely small..."

"I guess it won't be long before I turn into a fan. How can I still be alive?!"

"Those who can survive to this day must be lucky people..."

"That's right..."

While people were talking, the picture on the light screen changed again. By tracking some people who had just been caught in the storm, people found that some of those people actually survived because they were blown into the central space by the strong wind! ! !

The screen began to focus on the central space of the storm, capturing the images of lives falling in. Of course, there were also some ship fragments. Some high-end ships were not broken, but the entire ship was blown in!

When people see this, they can finally relax a little. They feel that these people are really lucky. They came to this naturally formed central space and avoided the terrible end of being torn apart by the storm...

Their mood is actually the same as that of those who have just fallen into the central space. After falling into the space, very few of these people can stay awake, and most of them are unconscious...

Of course, this is just the beginning of the story. They were the first people to fall into the central space. The Devourers had not yet formed here, so they had enough time to wake up and start to explore what was going on in this strange space...

However, as time went by, the development of things gradually changed. These people who fell in found that they had no energy to replenish, and their cultivation realm was declining. They felt extremely anxious, so they began to try various ways to survive...

They came up with many more ways than what the people at the scene had just discussed. Some even started eating their own or other people's excrement, drinking other people's urine, including anything that fell in from the storm. As a result, someone happened to pick up a piece of it. The black stone was swallowed because of hunger, and it died suddenly not long after. It scared other people that they no longer dared to swallow such strange stones. However, some newcomers did not know that people continued to die because of this. Loss of life!

During this process, someone finally started to pay attention to these violent deaths. Some of the brave people finally changed their style and turned on the devouring mode to survive...

At first, they just processed dead bodies to fill their stomachs, but they soon discovered that this method could indeed make them last longer, and their cultivation level was actually improved!

Now they tasted the sweetness, so they looked for more dead bodies to eat...


It will take a while before unfortunate people will fall in here. During this period of time, the number of dead corpses is limited, so those who benefit from the dead corpses will turn their attention to the living people. As a result, assassinations, contests, War and other scenes began to be staged one after another, and the people watching were dumbfounded and felt bad!


"They actually used this method to survive?!"

"Uh...uh uh...uh uh uh...uh..."

"Please don't vomit again. It makes my stomach very uncomfortable..."

"Uh uh... uh uh uh..."

Seeing the scene shown in the light curtain, the people present felt nauseated and started to vomit wildly. They couldn't stop it no matter how hard they tried...

Even people like Tian Yi couldn't bear to see it, his face was as gloomy as water, and he was speechless for a long time...

The picture continued, and the story continued to be interpreted. Things began to appear in the center of the storm, devouring one's own slaves. Such a plot severely hit everyone's heart. Some people finally couldn't bear such terrible changes in human relations. , couldn't help but collapse to the ground, not daring to look anymore...

You must know that in this universe, the relationship between master and slave is the most important relationship. Many forces are maintained by this relationship. If even such a core relationship is destroyed, how can these people accept it? ?

The thought of swallowing one's slave into the stomach and converting it into energy, or the slave actively asking to be swallowed to protect the safety of the force and the master, such a plot makes everyone burst into tears, tremble all over, and feel fear in their hearts. It’s hard to add…

However, such a terrifying plot was only the beginning. People discovered that the battle between these forces gradually reduced the number of lives in the space. At the end of the fight, only a few people may be left, and then a new batch of people will appear. Life falls in, but these new lives are miserable. Many of them have just fallen in and have become food in other people's stomachs before they wake up!

This seems better. What is most scary is that some people may have just woken up and found someone coming over, and started to devour them without saying anything. They experienced the terrifying process of being devoured before they died. This can be said to be Human tragedy…

However, these devourers have long lost their humanity, and the demonic nature in their hearts has been ignited. In order not to be devoured by others, they go further and further on the road of devouring!

When there was a lack of food, these devourers started a fierce battle to devour each other. Their battle was extremely advanced, and the fierceness and horror of the scene definitely exceeded the imagination of everyone present. Only now do these people know that those who they used to fight with The so-called battle is nothing at all. If you encounter these devourers, you may not even be able to block a move, and you will be swallowed by them soon!

The battles between the Devourers are not only fierce, but also extremely cruel. The winner is often indistinguishable. However, at this time, a third party may appear to take advantage of the situation. Therefore, the person who survives to the end must be the one who survives. A very cunning and very lucky person...

Gradually, a super devourer appeared in this bubble space. His level of cultivation has surpassed that of others. In his eyes, other devourers and newcomers are his food and need. When the time comes, catch people and eat them until they are all eaten!

After such a character appears, there will be an extreme situation where there is only one person left in this bubble space. Since the corpse poison of the Devourer himself is extremely serious, after a certain stage, he has become a little unclear in thinking about things. In fact, if according to them, With their cultivation conditions, it is possible to escape from the storm and return to the original world, but these people are already addicted. Anyway, lives fall in from time to time, and they no longer have to worry about food and clothing issues, and their cultivation level is still high. It is slowly rising, so they have monopolized this bubble space and become the supreme overlord!

Of course, this kind of situation is still a minority among all bubble spaces. Most of the bubble spaces either have batches of dead people, or they form power divisions. The fighting continues, and many of the fallen lives will not be swallowed directly. Instead, they were rescued and joined the corresponding forces, or the strong ones formed a new separatist force and joined the battle group...

The story on the picture is constantly being interpreted and changed, telling tragic stories in bubble spaces one after another. People on the scene were speechless when they saw the end. Some had already passed out, and some were sitting cross-legged. He came down, muttered something, and began to chant something for the missing...

They finally understood that in a desperate situation like the space at the center of the storm, in order to survive and to find a glimmer of hope for survival, everyone could do anything!

Don't laugh at them, don't curse them, don't think that all of them are devils, because if such a desperate situation falls on you, you will definitely do the same thing as them, or even worse. and…

Some people also saw missing people of their own clan or force in the picture, but they also saw with fear that these people were either killed and devoured by others, or they killed others, their own companions, and devoured them. Get rid of their own slaves...some even become the last super overlord!

However, what these people didn't expect was that this plot was still not the final ending. Just when everyone thought the story was about to end like this, suddenly, the scene changed, and an extremely dazzling light network appeared from nowhere. The light network Wherever it passes, all the people and materials in the space are absorbed by it and disappear suddenly!

Even those super overlords were still helpless when encountering this light network, and disappeared even after screaming!

After the light network passed, the entire bubble space returned to its original empty state. All the people and stories were like passing clouds, like waking up from a dream...

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