The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3194 Hidden Danger

Among the survivors, there are Devourers, people from various separatist forces in the space, and of course there are also some people who were rescued from the bodies of Devourers. Among them, it is easier to count and confirm the identities of people from various separatist forces, but if It is more difficult to rescue people from the Devourer's body.

Previously, Xiaoxing was able to easily identify Hualong and others because they had a higher level of cultivation, were swallowed for a shorter time, and preserved relatively complete bodies and clothing in the devourer's body. The information obtained from them was very large. Their identities can be confirmed quickly, but for those who have a lower level of cultivation or have been in the Devourer's body for a longer time, their clothes have long been rotten, their skin and flesh are gone, and only bones and some internal organs are left. , there are basically no signs that can confirm their identity. Only after they are rescued can their relevant information be obtained from their souls...

Hemu suddenly said: "Then forget about this guy! Let's do our own thing first!"

Falk said: "Yes, Xiao Ling will handle these Devourers. It is not convenient for us to intervene. It is better to do what we have planned before, such as..."

"Like what?" Kazuki asked.

"Xiao Ling said earlier that the main task of people like you at and in the future is to transform into applications and services, while our Gourmet Association, Brother De and Brother Bo will mainly do business on the Internet. The application, the headquarters and network are currently being built, and we don’t seem to be able to help with this, so why not start studying the application from now on?" Falk said.

"It makes sense, but...our people are all at the original headquarters and various outlets. They are also responsible for the old network, and there are only a small number of disciples around..." Hemu said.

"Indeed, then should we go back and bring some people over?" Falk turned to ask Xiaoxing.

Little Secret. As for making applications, this is our next task, and our current task is to build the headquarters first and divide the areas where various forces are distributed, so that we can smoothly accept them in the future. In addition..."

"What else?" Falk asked urgently.

"Senior, what do you think of the environment here?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Here? The environment here is of course extremely good. From the basic elements of the environment, namely, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, they are all top-notch. So as long as we play well, we can create countless excellent scenery!" Falk said confidently.

"Senior is right! With such an excellent environment, we will be able to cultivate the best ingredients. With top-quality ingredients, we will have endless delicacies here, right?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wow!!!" Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they couldn't help but get excited...

Drake and Popov on the side also got excited when they heard it!

Drake said loudly: "Xiao Ling is right! If my fire fish can grow in such an environment, the quality will be higher, and the squirrel fish produced will definitely be better!"

Popov said: "Not to mention my Sky Sturgeon. Sky Sturgeon has extremely strict requirements on the environment. This is the main reason why I chose Wusong Lake as my territory. If I can replicate a Wusong Lake here, Come, then my sturgeons will be blessed in those days, the caviar will definitely make you unable to stop eating it!”

"Haha, Xiaobo, look at what you said, if I want to eat your sturgeon caviar until I can't stop eating it, how much will it cost?" Guowei laughed.

"This... of course it is not a problem with the financial resources of the old man! With the business of Phantom, will everyone have less wealth in the future?" Popov said with a smile.

"Of course, but we haven't seen how much wealth we will have in the future. Now we are all in the investment period, so everyone has to live a tight life for a while..." Guowei sighed.

Shui Xin smiled and said: "What Mr. Guo said is true! Every group must live a tight life during the startup period. However, the future of our business is extremely bright. Not only is it certain, but it will not last too long. No matter Have you heard what Xiao Ling said? We are building and applying at the same time, and we will develop one area as soon as we develop it. As long as we manage the core universe first, we will have a steady stream of wealth!"

"Haha, Brother Shui seems to be full of confidence. Have you thought of any applications?" Guowei asked, stroking his beard.

"I've thought about it a long time ago!" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"What?!" Guowei asked urgently.

Everyone was very interested when they heard it, wondering what application Shui Xin wanted to do on the Universe Network...

Even Xiaoxing and Li Yun were extremely interested and looked at him quickly...

But I heard Shui Xin say: "I don't have much other talents, but I have traveled to many places, experienced many things, and seen and heard countless things. These things are all in my mind. Therefore, my best career on the Internet is to tell stories, write stories, and sell stories..."

"Selling stories?!" Everyone was startled when they heard this. Can this story also be sold?

Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Shui Xin certainly knew what they were thinking, so she smiled and said: "Of course stories can be sold. As long as you have a story, tell it well, and write it well, you can naturally put it on the Internet. ***For example... I used to sell stories on our Yunshangxingqun network. I would tell everyone the beginning. If they were interested, they would spend money to buy further stories from me. In this way, I If I keep writing, they will keep buying until I finish writing. Although this business does not make much money, it can even be said to be very little, and it requires constant thinking and writing. It is simply a chore, but the key is if it is completed. It feels very fulfilling, and I have written many books before, and those books are relatively popular, so I can sell them directly on the Internet here..."

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned!

"I wonder what the senior's pen name is?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Qinyuan layman!" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"This name sounds quite elegant. Why is it called such a name?" Xiaoxing continued to ask.

"Well, it's actually very simple, because the place where I live is called Qinyuan, and of course I am a scholar. A scholar lives in a place called Qinyuan, so I am called a Qinyuan layman..." Shui Xin explained.

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned again.

Little A place is what you make it, right?”

"Of course, of course! It seems that nothing can be hidden from Xiaoling!" Shui Xin said with emotion.

Guo smiled and said: "It is of course impossible to hide it from Xiao Ling. According to me, Xiao Ling is simply the smartest person in the universe. There seems to be nothing he doesn't know!"

"That's right, even Black Stone knows it. I really can't think of anything else that can stump him..." Shui Xin agreed.

"That's true..." Everyone agreed...

Xiaoxing waved his hands and said: "Seniors, please stop flattering me! I'm still young and I don't know many things, such as..."

"Like what?" Shui Xin asked curiously.

"It's the white hole in the center of our star field! Currently, Xiaoliu and I are studying it. There seems to be some anomalies in this white hole..."

"Abnormal?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Previously, Hemu had told those on the periphery that there was a big hidden danger deep in this nebula. He meant the white hole. However, Hemu said this just to scare those people so that they could Leave early. What no one thought was that there might really be a problem with that white hole, and it might really be a huge hidden danger!

Because now they know that the energy level of the white hole is extremely high. Although it is small, its overall energy level is equivalent to the big sun that can be seen currently, and this big sun contains the energy of many nearby star fields. The most important source, I don’t know how long it has been shining...

Shui Xin asked anxiously: "I wonder what's going on in this white hole?!"

Xiaoxing said: "Don't panic, everyone. Even if there is any unpredictable abnormality in the white hole, it will not have much impact on our headquarters bubble. This is because our place is extremely far away from the white hole and is affected by it. The impact is also minimal. Secondly, our headquarters has a cage-clearing formation that can withstand any kind of blow. Moreover, our place is actually a mobile space battle fortress. If there is any problem, you can leave at any time, so Don’t worry about our safety…”

"It's okay, it's okay..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Shui Xin frowned and asked, "What about our network? If there is a problem with the white hole, will the network be affected?"

"If an extreme situation occurs, such as the white hole completely exploding, there will definitely be an impact in a short period of time, because the energy level of the explosion is too high and has exceeded the endurance range of these high-energy energy filaments. There may be some The energy thread will be melted! But that's all..."

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone's expressions changed dramatically and they screamed.

Shui Xin quickly asked: "Then if there are countless messages circulating up there, will it be affected?"

"Don't worry, the information running on it will not end there, because our network will have a backup for every piece of information, and the backup data center is in our headquarters, which is the safest place, so no There will be the possibility of data information loss, and those transactions will be suspended for a period of time at most, and then resumed due to network repairs..."

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