The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 319 Neutral Alliance (2)

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After returning from the Qingyuan Hall, Li Yun first went to see the space stone transformed by Xianshi.

Ren Yu hurriedly greeted him and took him to inspect the army.

There are ten space stones here, and each space stone contains more than 100,000 immortal attendants. Among them, the number of immortal attendants who have successfully fused with the demon crystal has reached nearly 800,000. In other words, 80% of the goal of a million troops has been achieved. !

Seeing so many new soul warriors, Li Yun was quite shocked, because... the scene was so spectacular!

Such a huge soul army is powerful enough to sweep away the entire Great Xia, and even the Great Shang...the Great Zhou...

And all these changes were actually caused by a small thought I had before...

"Mortals are human beings too... No one can be easily insulted or looked down upon... If one person's strength is not enough, then let's gather their strength together, gather the sand into a tower, gather the armpits into fur... A drop of water can also be gathered into a vast ocean..." Li Yun murmured.

Ren Yu showed admiration on his face, looked at Li Yun and said: "Junior brother, some of them are already quite strong in overall strength and can reach the level of the late stage of Qi refining, while the vast majority are at the early stage of Qi refining. However, they His soul power is particularly outstanding, and he can basically reach the level of a pulse shaping disciple."

"Great! Soul power is their greatest advantage, and it is this that allows them to truly embark on the path of cultivation. It seems that I have to refine the war boat quickly..." Li Yun said excitedly.

"I wonder when the war boat will be released?" Ren Yu asked expectantly.

"I think... when your army of one million is formed, I can also refine my war boat!" Li Yun said in a deep voice.

"Great!" Ren Yu shouted loudly, stars twinkling in his eyes.

Li Yun returned to the cave, immediately retreated into Tianyun, and came to Lingxian Peak.

It's a waste of time in the outside world. Only here can Li Yun truly relax.

The game between Lei Dong and Xing Suanzi eight days ago was already more than a year ago for him.

Because time seems to have stagnated here. One day in the outside world can last two months here, and Li Yun can arrange various tasks calmly.

Write calligraphy and painting, write poetry and recite, play piano music, practice singing, play chess scores, swim in the lake, pick a fruit to eat, drink a cup of Dahongpao...

Then, he began to draw talismans, upgrade magic weapons and elixirs, raise and train insects, and his own cultivation would not fall behind at all, because the pressure of the Lingxian Peak Spirit Gathering Array was constantly pushing the heavenly movement in his body.

In just these eight days, he has cultivated another generation of thunder demon ants, doubling their number, and sent them out with spiritual consciousness attached to them all.

The spiritual consciousness network is centered on Qingyuan Gate and gradually spreads to the surrounding areas...

There are more and more areas and things that Li Yun can sense in his consciousness, and many new discoveries make him quite excited, because these thunder demon ants helped him discover new mineral deposits, new treasures, new information...

This makes his ability to control this world grow day by day!

"Master, the immortal patterns of the God-Gathering Stone have finally been completely analyzed and are ready for refining!" Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Oh?" Li Yun looked surprised.

You know, Li Yun hasn't started refining the war boat yet, because he has to wait for Xiaoxing's research results.

Before this, the God-Gathering Stone was only the one he had obtained from the Flying Fish Monster Boat. Li Yun could only refine the best soul seal, but could not refine the real God-Gathering Stone.

Now, Xiaoxing has completely absorbed the immortal patterns of the God-Gathering Stone, which means that he can finally start to refine the war boat!

"Master can start refining various levels of soul seals and concentration stones, because when refining the war boat, they must be integrated into the corresponding formations, and they must be prepared first."

"No problem! Start working immediately!"

On Lingxian Peak, there are countless refining furnaces. In each furnace, there is a strange fire separated from a small fire, which condenses thin pieces of jade. Each piece of jade is engraved with a soul-gathering pattern. These soul seals gradually merged with the jade pieces and slowly disappeared into them...

Xuan Dongmu cooperated with Li Yun to collect these refined soul seals for later use.

An army of one million Immortal Attendants must refine more than one million soul seals of all levels and ten God-Gathering Stones. This task is quite arduous. Fortunately, there is plenty of time. Li Yun is not in a hurry. The key is quality. Every bit of the soul power of the soul warriors must be utilized without any waste.

Li Yun wrote the calligraphy pattern on each piece of jade, and controlled it with the power of his spiritual consciousness and put it into the refining furnace...

The Qingyuan Sect's unexpected move indeed attracted the attention of other small and medium-sized sects and cultivation forces in Daxia's cultivation world.

Just as Li Yun expected, the Qingyuan Sect ascended to the throne and immediately provided them with an excellent way to solve the problem, arousing their unanimous response.

Under Tuzhenzi's lobbying, Feng Qingyuan and Le Feng gladly took up the positions of leader and deputy leader of the Neutral Alliance. When the news came out, other small and medium-sized sects and cultivation forces announced to join the Neutral Alliance, especially those who were originally sheltered in Tiandu Mountain and The small sects and cultivation families under Xia Yang's sect immediately announced their separation from those two sects and joined the neutral alliance.

The Neutral Alliance set its headquarters in Longyefang City. As more and more sects joined, it soon formed a powerful force. It surpassed Xia Yangmen and Tiandu Mountain in one fell swoop and became the orthodox force in Daxia's cultivation world. It was conquered by Great Shang. Recognized by the Dazhou Cultivation Circle.

On the contrary, Xia Yangmen and Tiandu Mountain were regarded as rioters, dissident forces that everyone could punish.

During this process, the Qingyuan Sect made great contributions to the establishment of the Neutral Alliance, causing the Qingyuan Sect's reputation and status to skyrocket and become the most important sect in central Daxia.

More caravans came to Qingyuan Gate than before. After they arrived, they found that in addition to the items transformed by the Immortal Attendant, there were also various new talismans, star wine, new chess equipment, mysterious magic tools, mysterious magic talismans, and red talismans. "Fire Spectrum", Lei Dong and Star Operator's Super Powerful Game Spectrum"...


Every product made their eyes light up and their hearts beat faster. It was like discovering a new world. They immediately reported it to their respective sects, and then placed a large number of orders...

Wu Caizi has no idea how many customers he has to receive every day, and his hands cramp even when counting money...

"Money, money…"

Wu Caizi murmured in his mouth, his little eyes shone, and while swallowing the blood-increasing pill, he pressed the blood mark on the order that was handed over, and the whole person fell into a strange state.

Suddenly, I felt that the shackles somewhere in my body were broken by the rapidly rotating spiritual power. My whole body felt smooth, my strength increased greatly, my ears and eyes were clear, "Foundation Building Sixth Floor?!"

Wu Caizi paused for a moment and continued to press the blood seal. For him, it doesn't matter whether his cultivation level is upgraded or not. What matters is money. Every time he presses a blood seal, it means countless money income. This is the most important thing.

On the contrary, it was this mentality that allowed him to upgrade without leaving any flaws.

"Wow! Can you break through and upgrade like this?!"

Those who came to place orders were stunned and amazed.

The square outside the Wuyou Chess Academy is crowded with people who come for the assessment every day, and most of them are people from foreign caravans, because basically everyone in this sect has passed the assessment.

Zhu Rui, Cao Pin, Zheng Fei, Qin An and others were almost exhausted.

The chess power jade cards obtained from Wuyou Chess Academy are real and effective. If every monk wants to find a suitable opponent, he only needs to show his own jade cards and he can quickly find someone with equal chess skills and experience the fun of playing chess.

Owning such a jade tablet has become one of the things that everyone in the Neutral Alliance wants to do. As a result, more people come to the Wuyou Chess Academy, which indirectly makes Qingyuan Sect's business even more popular.

The three Jindan stood on Wucai Peak, looking at the bustling market with people coming and going, feeling filled with emotion in their hearts!

"Without Yun'er's suggestion, Qingyuan Sect would probably be in a different situation now..." Tuzhenzi thought silently in his heart.

"Brother, the monk team is now well-equipped and well-trained, and their combat power has increased several times compared to before, which is enough to protect our current prosperous situation! Coupled with the crystal cannon and the six-level mountain guarding formation, even the Xia Yangmen is still Even if Tiandu Mountain comes to kill them, they will be defeated!" Mu Zhenzi said proudly.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"Hmph! Brother leader, more than 800,000 of our Immortal Attendants' army has successfully fused with demon crystals, and their strength has greatly increased. Now, we just wait for Yun'er to refine the war boat..." Bizhenzi said with an excited expression.

"Okay, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Tuzhenzi nodded and said sincerely. Suddenly, his face changed slightly and he looked at the sky!

A thick black cloud suddenly appeared and quickly gathered in the direction of Qingyuan Gate.

"Jie Yun?!" The three golden elixirs were startled at the same time.

They had all experienced the calamity thunder when forming pills, and were very familiar with such visions. Their hearts suddenly jumped and they immediately jumped into the air.

"Who is it? Who is about to escape the tribulation? Why were there no signs before?" The three people screamed in their hearts, and their consciousness swept wildly.

"Brother, could it be an outsider?" Bizhenzi asked anxiously.

"It seems very possible... No, the direction of Jie Yun seems to be locked... Wuqi Peak!!!" Tuzhenzi said loudly.

"No chess pieces?!" the three of them exclaimed at the same time.

Speaking of Wu Chezi, he was originally the most likely person among the second-generation disciples of the Qingyuan Sect to attack the Golden Core first, because he had the highest understanding and a deep understanding of the way of chess. However, he did not expect that the impact would come so suddenly.

At this time, Wu Qizi looked a little stunned, looking at the calamity cloud in the sky, a little confused.

Because he was not prepared at all. As for causing this calamity, it was purely because he was studying the Super Power Battle Spectrum between Lei Dong and Star Operator. You know, he had been studying it for seven days and seven nights without eating or drinking. Unexpectedly, even after studying less than a hundred moves, this cloud of disaster would be triggered!

As soon as the calamity cloud appeared, he realized that the spiritual power in his body had reached an extremely terrifying level. If he didn't adjust, he might be dead without waiting for the calamity thunder to come down.

He quickly threw down the chess game, collected all his treasures in the spiritual ring, jumped up, and rushed high into the sky!

"Master, let me out quickly, otherwise the formation will be over!" Wu Qizi shouted.

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