The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3200 Bring back Xiaoxing’s inflated mentality

The pole detector refined by Xiaoxing earlier was made from a pole laser knife.

A pole detector is as small as a pole. To build a detector on such a tiny piece of material, the most important thing is to have a good design idea, and at the same time, you need to be able to carry out this design idea. Implementation, this is what Li Yun said is a problem of two sides.

Of course, a detector needs to have many components. Among these components, the most important one is the chip. Why do you say that?

Because the function of the chip is very similar to that of a tool spirit, if time is extended, a small tool spirit can be born on this chip. Its task is to manage all the components and let them perform their respective functions. function, and finally realize the detection function and complete the task!

Just imagine how difficult it must be to refine this chip to realize the thinking and control functions of a device in such a tiny place. First, you must have a good design idea to make this chip follow the The brain can generally think and control. Even if it is not the most complex thinking and control, the most basic ones must be achieved.

After it is designed in this way, it needs to be refined, and the refining process is to make the artificial brain on a piece of material that may be smaller than the pole. From a technical point of view, it means carving it out.

This engraving process is actually engraving according to the design drawing. There may be countless lines on a chip, and these lines will have their own loops. Just like the brain, generally there cannot be wrong paths, otherwise problems will definitely occur.

As a result, these lines are much smaller than the poles!

This is simply challenging the limits of the particle world, something ordinary people can't even imagine...

Even if they can imagine it, they don't know how to refine it, because they don't even have the right tools, so they want to rely on the power of divine consciousness to refine it?

Just save it, not many people can reach the level of consciousness power of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and even if they use the consciousness sword to refine it themselves, the process may be unstable and unsustainable. If it is carried out locally, the success rate will also be greatly limited.

However, they possess the most powerful weapon in the universe, which is the laser. Using the pole laser knife, the mass production of pole chips has become possible!

In the past, Xiaoxing could only make some small nano-robots, which was already a great achievement, but now it is different. Using the pole laser knife, he has even refined the pole detector. No wonder Li Yun was shocked when he heard about it!

However, Li Yun knew that although there was already a polar laser knife, there was still a long way to go from the polar laser knife to the primary particle laser knife!

Because as mentioned before, the energy level of the primary particles is more than 10,000 times that of the pole, and the size is also more than 10,000 times smaller than the pole. This also means that the laser beam emitted by the laser knife must be reduced by another 10,000 times! ! !

If there is no breakthrough growth in Taoism, it may take an extremely long time to reach this level...

In fact, this is also a normal process of civilization improvement. You cannot continue to improve all at once, as if there is no ceiling. This is definitely abnormal.

A key breakthrough in Taoism often requires the comprehensive development of this civilization before it can be realized. Just like the improvement of the laser knife, it is not just a matter of condensing light particles, but also involves all aspects of the entire laser knife.

For example, the material used to refine light particles, the material used to make a laser knife, the environment in which the laser knife is used, the quality of the pole material, etc.

In addition, during the process of engraving the pole material, the stability of the laser speed and the stability of the pole material will also be involved.

The so-called stability problem means that the material will be heated unevenly during the engraving process. The material will naturally be exposed to high temperatures where it contacts the beam, while the temperature in other places will be extremely low. If this problem cannot be solved,

This piece of material will most likely collapse because it cannot withstand such extreme temperature differences!

Therefore, how to eliminate the temperature difference has become a vexing problem when engraving chips.

There is also the inevitable occurrence of dust during the engraving process. In the real world, small dust does not seem to be a problem at all. However, in the process of engraving extremely fine materials, even a small floating dust will appear. It may cause this chip to become scrap!

There is no way to solve this problem. Generally, photoresist is used to eliminate dust and shape, making the engraving of the laser knife smoother and the yield rate can be greatly improved.

Therefore, the quality of photoresist is directly related to the yield and is extremely important...

It can be seen from the above analysis that the successful refining of a pole detector requires the simultaneous progress and improvement of multiple industries. It is not enough to achieve a breakthrough in just one industry!

This is why it is said that this pole laser knife represents the overall development level of Star Fortune Castle civilization.

If Li Yun and Xiaoxing took out this Jizi laser knife and showed it to the people present, I am afraid that they would all be so shocked that they would collapse to the ground and worship this laser knife, because they could not even dream of such a treasure. of…

Many times, there is no intersection between high-level civilization and low-level civilization at all, because it is difficult for people from low-level civilization to discover and understand the things of high-level civilization, just like the high-energy high-speed network that Xiaoxing is building for the core universe. When traveling through the universe, people could not discover it. They had no idea that such a magical network existed around them, with massive information and capital flows running on it...

Here at the Phantom Headquarters, there are also several civilizations of different levels. The reason why these civilizations can intersect is ultimately due to the eclecticism of Li Yun and Xiaoxing. Although they have reached a level of civilization that others cannot imagine, they I still have a soft heart and want to try my best to help some people with low-level civilizations to improve their level of civilization. Otherwise, the two of them can leave and see other more spectacular and magnificent scenes in the universe, and get in touch with higher levels. Levels of civilization and characters…

Of course, there is still a lot of room for improvement for the Star Luck Castle civilization. This is because the laser knife that represents the production level of Star Luck Castle has only reached the pole level, and it needs to be at least improved from the original particle level. Ten thousand times more!

If compared to ordinary civilizations, this may be the vast distance between a first-level civilization and a fifth-level civilization...

But for the two of them, they don't see it this way. After all, they have now reached the level of primary particles. More than half of their bodies have been converted into pure primary particle energy, and their cultivation realm has also reached the black and white hole level. Being able to come into contact with cosmic monster celestial bodies like black holes and white holes also means that the two of them seem to have become little monsters in the universe!

At their level, if we look at the creation of a native particle laser knife, the gap is not as far as from a first-level civilization to a fifth-level civilization. At most, it is from a third-level civilization to a fifth-level civilization. If done well, it will be from a fourth-level civilization to a fifth-level civilization. It's just a distance between civilizations. As long as we continue to study hard, we are very confident that we can reach this level.

Xiaoxing was naturally full of confidence, but Li Yun wanted to cool him down to prevent his psychology from getting too inflated, so he said: "The primary particle laser knife may be the ultimate representative of civilization in this universe, and our current methods There is still a big shortcoming in the reserve of Taoist will. If we want to succeed in one fell swoop, the chance is still very small. We can only take our time and wait until we have made breakthrough progress in various fields of Taoist will. Then we will refine it. The primary particle laser knife is a matter of course!”

"This... Your Excellency is right! If we can refine the primary particle laser sword, then there will be nothing to fear in this universe, including the Lord of the Universe and the King of Viruses. In front of the primary particle laser sword, they only have Just for the sake of admiration..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun smiled and said: "We don't need them to bow down, we just need to let them retreat when they face difficulties, because our goal is not to rule the universe, let alone to make all the creatures in the universe surrender under our feet, we just I just want to roam this universe freely and freely, or go to other universes to see and play..."

"Hehe, you are absolutely right! It would be very boring if everyone was so frightened that they fell to the ground as soon as they saw us, saying flattering words and doing things to please us!" Star smiled.

"Well said! If this is the case, the world will seem extremely abnormal. Can we still understand the local customs and appreciate the scenery of the universe? Once we are bound by these worldly things, it is impossible for us to continue Our research has made the progress we want! Believe me, even after we develop the primary particle laser knife, there are still many things we don’t understand, and there are many new Tao meanings waiting for us to continue to explore, because the Tao There is no end to the road of ambition... If we are satisfied with the small achievements we have made, it means that we will stagnate and sail against the current. If we do not advance, we will retreat. If we want to see more advanced civilizations, we will not be able to do so. It's possible..." Li Yun sighed.

"Don't worry, sir! I will not be satisfied with these achievements, my little slave. Our Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle will continue to move forward and sail towards an endless bright future..."

"It's a deal!"

“It’s a deal!!!”

In the electric exchange, the two finally reached an agreement! ! !

Li Yun successfully brought back Xiaoxing's somewhat inflated mentality. For Li Yun, this is what he is most concerned about at the moment. Only when Xiaoxing's mentality is stable, other things will be meaningful...

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