The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3202 Luring the wolf into the house

In addition to the problems discovered earlier, Li Yun also discovered a problem, that is, the purpose of some people investing money is not just to get the money promised by the Guowei trio. Their goal is actually to use all their money. Take away!

Therefore, these people disguised their strength and invested in the money business, but secretly they were planning a plan to rob these three old men...

However, Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan, the three old and treacherous people, have also discovered the clues and are now regretting it. If they had known this, they should not have revealed their wealth too early in this online world. Now It can be said to be luring the wolf into the house!

If this matter were placed in the real world, with their status and status, they would be able to recruit people at a moment's notice. I don't know how many people would sincerely come to surrender, or even beg to join their forces. However, if If you put this method into a strange and unknown world, and you have just entered the Tao in this unknown world, or even before you have entered the Tao, it will cause you great trouble. The three of them finally have personal experience of this. .

Of course, the reason why the three of them were able to succeed in the real world was because they had waded through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. They were not yet afraid of the tricks of these children, so they were gathering in a secret corner to discuss...

"Brother Guo, what should we do now? Qingcement must have laid a trap for us to rob, and there are several children in our team who are planning to rob us. The key problem is that their network power is stronger than ours. This is terrible What should we do?" Yi Xing asked anxiously.

"Yes, we may not be able to defeat their Taoist will and power even if we have the strength, and we don't know if we can outrun them by running away!" Lai sighed.

"Don't worry, there must be a way! Now that we have received the information from the main body, we already know the plan of Qingcement, so we still have an advantage at this point. At least we know that Qingcement will not take the initiative first. Attack them, but they will wait for us to fall into their own trap... In this way, our most important task now is to deal with those children pretending to be grandchildren first!" Guowei said fiercely.

"Brother Guo, what do you want to do? They are quite strong. If we fight openly, we may not be their opponents..." Yi Xing asked urgently.

"Of course we can't fight openly! Qing Cement and the others have been monitoring us. If a fight breaks out here, maybe his plan will change and he will take the initiative to take advantage of our fight. Then we won't be able to escape. !" Guowei said.

"Since we can't attack openly, we must do it secretly?!" Yi Xing said.

"To do it secretly? To attack those children? To be honest, my heart is a little soft right now, and I really can't do it..." Guowei sighed.

Lai Huan stood aside and said, "You are soft-hearted towards them.

They won't go easy on us! We don't have to beat them to death, how about using some poison? It doesn’t have to be very poisonous, just make them faint..."

"Use poison? That's one way... What other ways are there?" Guowei's eyes lit up and he asked again.

"Hmph, if I want to attack a few of them, I can use thousands of methods, each of which can keep them from lying down but not sitting, and from sitting down to standing..." Lai Huan said proudly.

"Nonsense! Do you think that the methods you mentioned will definitely work in this online world? Those methods would be feasible in the outside world, but coming here is another matter. You must know that they are all just spiritual consciousness. The body is not made of flesh and blood. If your poison is not effective on the consciousness, it will not work!" Guowei said angrily.

"Yeah..." Lai Huan was startled and was speechless.

After coming to this online world, his mind has not completely changed. Some of his ideas are still based on the situation in the outside world, but it is another matter in the online world...

"Huh? I really have a treasure that has an effect on spiritual consciousness!" Yi Xing suddenly said excitedly.

"What baby?!" Guowei and Lai Huan asked anxiously.

"The Ice Soul Bomb produced by our Perak Hall! This Ice Soul Bullet targets the opponent's consciousness and soul. It can freeze and cool down. I wonder if it can achieve the effect of the outside world when used in this online world... " Yi Xing said.

"Ice soul bomb? Very good, we will do a test right away!" Guowei said loudly.

"Experiment? How to do it?!"

"This... you hit me with the Ice Soul Bomb. I am now a Taoist body. If the Ice Soul Bullet can work on me, then it should be able to work on these children. After all, they are not much stronger than me. !" Guowei said.

"Testing on you? Are you sure?!"

"Incredibly sure!"

"Okay! Brother Guo, please be careful..."

After Yi Xing finished speaking, he first retreated far away from Lai Huan, then a flash of light flashed from his hand, and a cold light popped up, running towards Guowei!

The ice soul bomb he chose was the lowest level in his arsenal to avoid accidental damage. When Guowei saw the flash of cold light, he quickly raised the money to protect his body. The cold light came in an instant and hit Guo Wei hard. Micro body!

However, the explosion that the three of them expected did not happen. What shocked them was that after the ice bomb hit Guowei, it bounced back a certain distance and then fell to the ground without any movement at all!

"What's going on?!" The three of them were startled.

"Isn't it a spent bomb?" Guowei asked.

"Impossible! If it's useless, how could it be activated by me and fly out?" Yi Xing retorted.

"This... quickly find out what the reason is!"

Yi Xing picked up the ice soul bomb and looked at it for a while, and said curiously: "This bomb is definitely a good bomb, and the trigger point has been opened. If it is placed outside, it will definitely explode normally, but now...could it be because of the world here? Why are the rules different?”

Guowei and Lai Huan looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces...

It seems that this must be the case. It seems that physical objects from the outside world cannot be used in this virtual world!

The same goes for your own money. The energy bar on your body does not work here. You can only spend money by calling the money on your own online account. From this point of view, I am afraid that other poisons will not work either. …

Guowei said: "Don't think about it, it must be this reason! From this point of view, if you want to solve problems in this online world, you must use methods in the online world... Strange, why can the seeds of life outside grow? ?”

"Yes! This is a bit unreasonable. If my ice soul bomb cannot work, then those life seeds cannot sprout and grow!" Yi Xing said suddenly.

Lai Huan thought: "I have studied the trees and flowers here and found that they seem to be quite different from the life forms in the outside world. They seem to exist in another form. Perhaps they have been transformed by the spirit of this online world. …”

"Transformed? How could the World Spirit transform these little seeds? These seeds must have found a way to grow and develop on their own..." Guowei said.

"What would that be?"

"This..." The three of them looked at each other, feeling even more speechless about the world...

Suddenly, Xiaoxing's voice came: "Hey, the three seniors have finally realized some of the special features of this world. It's really gratifying!"

"Xiao Ling?!!!" the three people shouted in surprise.

At this moment of near despair, hearing Ling Daozi's voice was like the sound of nature to them...

Xiaoxing continued: "Since people can come to the online world with their spiritual consciousness, then those flowers, plants and trees can naturally sprout and grow here with the spirit of the plants and trees..."

"Spirit of vegetation? It makes sense..." The three of them suddenly understood...

It turns out that these trees, flowers and plants are really different from the outside world, but sprout and grow here in a spiritual way. It's really amazing!

"Then why can't my Ice Soul Bomb work?" Yi Xing asked urgently.

Little If the level exceeds the World Spirit, you can counter it, but if you cannot exceed it, you can only act in compliance with its rules. As Mr. Guo said just now, if you want to solve problems in this online world, Then we must use methods in the online world..."

Guowei's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked: "Xiao Ling, the predicament we are currently facing is quite severe, do you have any good ideas?"

"The three seniors don't have the advantage in strength now, so they can only use their wits. Isn't this obvious?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Use wisdom? Where does wisdom come from? We really can't think of it in a hurry..." Guowei said anxiously.

"Okay, now you can't conflict with those kids who want to rebel, otherwise they will definitely strike first, and if there is a conflict, Qingcement will also change its strategy and take the initiative to attack you, then you will be very awful…"

"Exactly! So what should we do now?!"

"Perhaps, you can try your money skills..."

"The way of money? But my way of money now is to lure the wolf into the house..." Guowei sighed.

"Since these little wolves are here for your money, they might as well use this to their advantage!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh?!" The three of them cheered up!

After Xiaoxing spoke to the three of them in this way, the three of Guowei suddenly became excited and felt confident...

The three of them quickly came out of the hiding place and returned to the meeting hall of their small power. Along the way, the minions kept nodding and bowing to the three of them, with flattering smiles on their faces. However, many of them had... Their smiles were all teasing. Obviously, these people’s intentions and motives were not so pure...

When they saw the three people returning to camp, several of them followed them quietly, hiding outside the meeting hall and eavesdropping on the conversation of the three people...

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