The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3206 Earn money within your circle of competence

It turns out that the previous things were all caused by Qian Ke’s people!

Those energy bars were hidden there by Qian Ke's boss. In order to destroy Hong Ke, he was willing to spend such a large sum of money to seduce Hong Ke's people. Qing Cement had to admire this, because even he I was also made a little crazy by that money...

Of course, if Qing Cement knew that the boss of Qianke was Guowei, the boss of Ziguangxing among the three major financial giants in the universe, he would naturally not be as impressed as he is now, because for Guowei, this money is really just a drop in the bucket. It's nothing at all, but for these children, it has an extremely fatal temptation...

In fact, there is another problem here, that is, these Internet geniuses have also invaded other people's accounts to steal money. Some of the amounts in the accounts will be relatively large, but they will only transfer extremely small amounts according to the unspoken rules of hackers. Part of it was used as pocket money, so why are you now being forced to rebel against those energy bars?

After careful analysis, when these geniuses commit crimes on the Internet, they will more or less be in awe of the online world. Things like stealing money are not an aboveboard thing to do. If they do it too much, not only will they have They may anger the spirits of the online world and create inner demons for themselves, which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of their cultivation. Therefore, they can keep their minds clear when committing crimes online and try not to step beyond the hacker pool...

However, when faced with the pile of energy bars brought out by Guowei, their minds completely changed!

This is because, first of all, this is indeed a huge sum of money. Even if so many people come to share it, after everyone gets it, it will still be a huge sum of money, which can support their cultivation and life needs for a long time. Moreover, this money is not a number in an online account, but is piled in front of their eyes in the form of sparkling energy bars. Many people have never seen so many physical energy bars since childhood, and it is impossible not to be tempted.

In addition, when they were hesitating, they were encouraged by the Hongke gangsters pretending to be the three people from Guowei, coaxing them to quickly share the money. In such an atmosphere, these people were fooled as soon as they were hot-headed!

In fact, if you take a long-term view, the idea of ​​clearing the cement is of course correct. After these people divide the money, they go back to live in different places. Those who know how to manage money are fine, but those who don't may spend the money very quickly. It's over, and when they want to come to the online world in the future, they will be wary of the huge threat of Qingcement, and turning against such a genius will not be worth the loss for them anyway.

Many people are used to being poor. Once a large sum of money suddenly comes to them, it is actually not a good thing for them.

In fact, people with a little life experience can understand this truth. However, even if these people understand this truth very well, when a big fortune really falls on them, those who are not strong-willed will inevitably make the same mistakes again. The mistakes of the suddenly rich…

Why do you say that?

Because those who are not strong-minded,

People who usually have a tight life, after suddenly having a large amount of money, often can't control their heart that has been tense to live, so they will spend a little money. In fact, such small money spending has quietly begun to affect their lives. They are constantly changing their living habits, and what we know is that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Once you develop your consumption habits, it will be difficult to go back to your previous life!

These people may say, now that they have received this huge sum of money, can they still live as frugally as before? Isn't that no different than not getting the money?

For this question, it mainly depends on personal abilities, especially in financial management.

The most important thing is whether you have the ability to control this money. If you have this ability, this money will really help you get rid of the closed circle of your past life, jump to a higher level of life cycle, and live a better life. There is absolutely no problem in seeking a better life.

But if you don’t have the ability to control this money, then this money will be like poison to you and will bring you endless troubles.

But some people would say that since a person has been living in poverty and has no money at all, where does his financial management ability come from?

It is not unreasonable to say this, but it is also suspected of killing everyone with one pole, because living a poor life does not mean that you have no financial management ability. On the contrary, people who live a poor life are more capable of financial management, and they will be extremely precise. Calculating their daily, monthly, and yearly income and expenses, they even wish that one crystal can be broken into many small pieces for spending. In their eyes, no crystal can be wasted, and the income from each crystal is Incomparably precious, infinitely important…

Those who are rich and powerful are often more careless than them. They will spend a year and a half of the income of these poor people casually, and then exchange them for things they don't need at all...

Especially those who have lived a prosperous life through the protection of their elders, once they lose the support of their family, they will often fall into bankruptcy very quickly...

Therefore, the poor do not lack the ability to manage money, but what they lack is the ability to manage large amounts of money!

Yes, there are differences in financial management abilities. People who can manage small finances may not necessarily be able to manage large finances. Therefore, the ability to manage large finances needs to be cultivated and trained. This is why poor people who suddenly get a large amount of money often The reason why I was defeated by this big money.

For such people, the best thing to do is to hand over the money to people with financial management capabilities. This is a safer approach. Of course, if you are worried about it, then develop your own financial management capabilities. Now that you have A big sum of money, you might as well take a small part of it to start small, accumulate experience and lessons, and as your abilities slowly improve, you may one day be able to manage a big fortune, and then use that big sum of money to upgrade your level and enter the A higher level of life.

In the final analysis, this is actually a question of cultivating your own circle of competence. When your ability is still weak, your scope of control may be a small circle. When things are outside this small circle, it is impossible for you to complete them. You can't achieve your goal unless you enlist the help of someone who can do it.

As your ability improves, this circle will slowly expand. When it covers the peripheral things, you can easily complete it yourself without relying on other people's hands. This feeling is of course the same as using other people's hands. You need better hands, after all, it feels very uncomfortable to beg your father and grandma everywhere...

Therefore, a person must pay attention to cultivating his abilities in all aspects and strive to expand his circle of competence, so that there will be more and more things that you can control. When there are more of these things, you will find that there are still more things to do. One advantage is that this ability is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but has a superimposed effect. With each expansion circle, your ability will at least double!

This is because many things do not simply exist alone, but will intersect and intersect. The collision and combination of various abilities will have a superimposed catalytic effect, which will benefit you a lot...

When it comes to making money, what a person should pay attention to is to make money within his own circle of ability, because things within his circle of ability are within your control, and it is a very certain amount of money. You can be very sure based on your ability. Earn.

However, if you are envious of money outside your circle of competence, are attracted to it, and rush out of your circle of competence to make that money when you are hot-headed, this may be a bit troublesome!

At worst, you may lose all your money, at worst, you may even lose your life. This is not only true in the world of cultivation, but also in the mortal world...

I believe many people understand this truth. For example, it has happened many times before. Many people were attracted by false news released by others to look for treasures. Instead, they fell into traps carefully designed by others, and ended up losing their lives. , and one’s belongings and even one’s own body have become someone else’s harvest...

The mortal world may not seem as dangerous as the world of cultivation, but it is actually full of crises. In fact, the number of wars that have occurred in the mortal world is far more than that of the world of cultivation. After all, cultivators all know how destructive they can be. If they take action, they may destroy the world and destroy a large area of ​​great rivers and mountains, so they will restrain themselves and will not take action easily, let alone fight to the death.

But the mortal world is different. They are more interested in expanding their territory through war and plundering resources, wealth and women. In war, once they easily cross their own circle of competence to fight, the consequences will be extremely serious. This is needless to say. doubt…

Stop it, having said that...

After Qing Cement found out that he had fallen into the trap of the three old Qian Kes, he felt really regretful. If he had known it, he would have taken the initiative to kill the Qian Kes. What kind of trap would he have set up to wait for them to fall into his trap?

Now that we are in such a situation, in the final analysis, I was lazy for a while and gave the wealthy people the opportunity to use their tricks. This lesson is not a painful one!

Now that he is in jail, with no answer to his calls every day, and unable to return the land, is it possible that he, a super network genius, will be locked up in this small space until he dies?


No matter what, you have to find a way to escape. This is extremely unlikely for others, but for Qing Cement, there is still a way.

This method does not mean that he can really escape from this cage. Judging from the current situation, the possibility is zero, so the way he wants to think about is how to pass on the news of his arrest and let his body know!

This is the difference between the online world and the real world, because most of the people who come in are their own spiritual bodies, including Qing Cement...

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