The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3214 How to distinguish between righteous and underworld business

Everyone nodded after hearing this. In fact, these cosmic old foxes have more or less heard of things like buying and selling bodies, but they didn't understand it as deeply as Hemu did on the Tengxin Network.

As for the four people Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan, they were almost captured by the Ruixinchang fleet where Fauci and Pompeo were located to make cauldrons. This matter is definitely unforgettable for them, and they will never forget it in any case. Will forget.

Falk was a little stunned when he heard this, and said in shock: "So, the people from the Xingma Group want to arrest the two sisters and sell them?! Oh my God!!!"

Hemu nodded and said: "It's natural. With the genius of these two sisters, plus they come from the Turia tribe of this universe, they can definitely sell for a very high price! A deal like this can be done in one transaction You can make huge amounts of money at very little cost, which is far inferior to serious business!”

"This..." Everyone sighed and became even more worried about the two sisters...

Based on their conditions, I'm afraid they can sell it for a sky-high price, and those cosmic powers who are eager to get a good body will definitely pay for it at all costs...

Falk was speechless for a while, and suddenly thought of a question, he was surprised and said: "Xingma Group? They have a good reputation in the food constellation, how can they do this kind of underworld business?"

"Humph, Brother Fa doesn't know something. Although the Xingma Group operates many righteous businesses, they will not refuse if there is a lucrative underworld business. In fact, there are many well-known group forces who will do it more or less. When it comes to getting involved in such a business, only very few people know about it..." Kazuki said.

"Is that so?!" Falke felt that his ears were wide open today, as if he had just truly understood the world around him...

Recently, he has often expressed such emotions, which are mainly related to Xiaoxing and Li Yun, but unexpectedly, today's incident is related to the Xingma Group.

He is quite familiar with the Xingma Group. After all, they are all on the Food Basket. Moreover, the Xingma Group controls the largest food market in the Food Basket. Therefore, they also have quite a relationship with the Gourmet Association. He is not familiar with the Xingma Group in the Food Basket. The commander-in-chief Kun Hou, the deputy commanders Phnom Penh and Qiu Chuzi, and Falke also had some contacts.

Lin Yang, the boss of, interjected: "Brother He is right! The underworld business is the foundation for many big forces to start their business. If we really investigate, I am afraid that more than half of the big forces started from the underworld business! There are actually very few forces that can honestly grow up from a young age... Haha, I hope Brother Quan won't be angry when I say this. After all, the underworld business is not just about buying and selling the body, there are many other underworld businesses that are also very profitable. Attracting countless people to join in..."

Quan Bing's face changed slightly when he heard this.

But he calmed down after hearing it, because Lin Yang's words actually helped him to exonerate him to a certain extent. As long as it didn't involve the business of buying and selling bodies, other underworld businesses wouldn't be so objectionable...

He quickly said: "What Brother Lin said is absolutely true! When it comes to underworld business, there is actually no precise meaning. Whether a business is a legitimate business or an underworld business is sometimes difficult to distinguish. For our power, For most people, the basic purpose is to pursue profits. As long as it is a profitable business, there will definitely be forces involved in it. Sometimes for the sake of long-term interests, even short-term loss-making businesses will be done! Just like we do in a certain The plantations opened on this planet require a lot of investment at the beginning and make no money at all. They have to wait for many years, sometimes even hundreds of years, until the fruits bear fruit, and then they will gradually gain income. But such a business has Sometimes people are classified as involved in the underworld business, which is sometimes difficult for me to understand..."

"This..." Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this.

According to Quan Bing's statement, it seems that it is too much to attribute the establishment of plantations to the underworld business...

Lin Yang smiled and said: "Brother Quan, there is no need to defend yourself. In fact, I have just said that more than half of the major forces started from the underworld business, including the Quan Zhu Group. This is almost the case for many in the core universe. The common characteristics of big forces, apart from Quanzhu, haven't Ziguangxing, Jiangnan Bureau, Perak Hall,, and of course our done underworld business? I dare say that everyone has done it, but It’s just a matter of doing more or less, doing it harshly or doing it gently enough…”

"Haha, Brother Lin's words are really to the point! This is indeed the case. However, our Quan Zhu Group has only done a few things, and they are gentle enough. We will never do such terrible things like buying and selling bodies... Quan Bing laughed.

"Wo..." Everyone felt relieved for a while, and their doubts about the Quan Zhu Group were really reduced...

Lin Yang stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Of course I believe Quanzhu Group will not do such a thing. In fact, as Brother Quan said just now, it is sometimes really difficult to define the righteous and underworld businesses. People often use To judge a business by its profit margin, if a businessman earns too much, people will say that this businessman is really evil, and he must be running an underworld business! And this is obviously incorrect, because even if it is a legitimate business, Sometimes their profit margins will far exceed those of so-called underworld businesses! Especially some businesses with a monopoly nature, merchants can completely raise prices, and people have to buy goods or services from them out of need. In this case Now, do you think he is better at underworld business? Or is he better at righteous business?"

When Quan Bing heard this, he said: "This should be a legitimate business, right? Who gave this merchant the advantage of monopoly management? In order to obtain this advantage, he must have paid a lot in the early stage, and after obtaining the advantage of monopoly operation, he was the one who recycled it Cost, it’s time to make a profit!” Fate

When Falk heard this, he couldn't help but said: "The situation you two said is easy to understand, but in my opinion, judging whether a business is righteous or underworld should not be judged solely based on the profit rate!"

"Oh? What does Brother Fa mean..."

"The so-called righteous way and the underworld, I think it should be analyzed and judged from the perspective of whether this business is in line with the operation of heaven!" Falk said loudly.

"This..." Quan Bing and Lin Yang's expressions changed slightly after hearing this...

Falk continued: "For example, if the Xingma Group is really engaged in the business of buying and selling human bodies, then what they are doing is an underworld business! You must know that the most precious thing for a person is this body and soul, and now they are actually arresting people Get up, destroy the soul, keep the body, and then sell this body to another person, to achieve the purpose of making money by destroying one person and achieving another. This is simply contempt and distortion of the universe and heaven, and it is a naked annihilation of life. Challenge the dignity of heaven and the bottom line of equality for all living beings!"

"That makes sense!!!"

“Brother Fa’s words deeply touched my heart!”

"The Xingma Group is simply too abominable!"

"We must stop them from succeeding..."

"Yes, we must save these two poor little sisters..."

"That's right..."

Falke's words of justice shattered Quan Bing and Lin Yang's attempts to confuse the public, and won the approval and support of most people!

He continued: "Whether a business is a righteous business or an underworld business, just like a person practicing cultivation, he often walks on the critical line between becoming a god and a devil with one thought. If he cannot control his thoughts, there will be He may let demonic thoughts take over his soul and fall into the infinite abyss of becoming a demon. If he can always keep a clear head and restrain the desires in his heart, he will be able to defeat the inner demons, keep moving forward, and walk on the road to becoming a god. !Similarly, when a force is running a business, if you operate it properly and earn the money you should earn, then this is a legitimate business. However, if you use your best efforts, such as adding undesirable ingredients to food, To get a better appearance and price, using inferior materials instead of high-quality materials in raw materials to obtain higher profits, exaggerating the effects and functions in publicity, deceiving people to spend a lot of money to buy a bunch of useless things... these practices If you are making money that you shouldn’t be making, then you have turned this originally righteous business into a gangster business! To measure whether a force is a righteous or gangster business, you can tell from its business performance! "

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!"...

There was a burst of applause, and it was Shui Xin who was listening intently...

"Brother Fa is worthy of being the leader of the Gourmet Association. His analysis and judgment are extremely sophisticated!" Shui Xin praised.

"No, I'm just treating this as a dish. To make a judgment on this dish, you must taste it carefully. Based on my experience accumulated over the years, I only need to take one or two bites to deduce the taste of this dish. Are the chefs putting their heart into making this dish? Are they striving for perfection, or are they cutting corners, or are they opportunistic and using some tricks to cheat and get high scores..." Falk said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good. Brother Fa's words are even more brilliant! So, do people who cook also have the difference between a righteous cook and a gangster cook?" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"Haha, maybe Brother De and Brother Bo understand this better?" Falk turned to Drake and Popov and said.

Popov nodded and said: "There are indeed two types of people in the kitchen. Needless to say, people who follow the right path, and people who follow the underworld, of course their hearts are also dark. It is impossible for such people to go Very far away, they may use some means to make a lot of money at the beginning, but their practices of cutting corners, taking advantage of opportunities, hiding the truth, and even passing off inferior goods as good, bad as good, and bad as good will be exposed sooner or later. Once exposed, , it is impossible for people to believe them anymore! Moreover, because they have no respect for cooking, no care, no dedication, and it is impossible to develop any good cooking ideas, so they are destined to not be able to go very far on this road. Far, far away…”

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