The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3226 1 light

Although Yunwei's runaway from home was much more successful than all her previous runaways, this was also the biggest failure she suffered!

During this operation, she and her sister suffered a lot. The spaceship ran out of energy on the way and had to anchor down at the Food Stars. They had to pawn their belongings in exchange for living expenses.

In order to survive and save money to buy energy bars, they had to find ways to make money by becoming Internet celebrity anchors. However, this anchor did not go very well, and in the end they had to use Shui Xin's kindness to make money.

All this is far away from the life of their royal bloodline, and the two of them have long since regretted it. However, what they did not expect was that this was not the end, there were actually underworld forces that took a fancy to their bloodline. He captured them in one fell swoop and then made them into cauldrons for others to seize!

This scene passed through Yun Wei's mind, and she almost lost the courage to continue living...

Thinking about the ferocious aura of those people when they arrested her, she felt weak all over and had no strength at all...

However, an ant still lives in vain, let alone a genius like her?

Although Yun Wei was scared to death, she still had some expectations and hopes in her heart. This hope came from two aspects. On the one hand, she and her sister had cast two spiritual bodies into the online world before, and their development was pretty good. , and this time they actually discovered the danger first and sent a message to inform themselves in advance. This at least proved that the two consciousness bodies should be safe, as long as they were safe, because the two of them were in their bodies. They have life marks left. Even if the main body is really dead, they can gradually grow with those two life marks in the future, and gradually have their own blood and memory. To a certain extent, they can replace themselves. This can also be regarded as their own. Let me give an explanation to the royal family. As for whether they can come to rescue her, Yun Wei certainly has no hope. On the contrary, she hopes that they will not come over, because if they come over, if they are caught again, everything will be over. !

On the other hand, just before she was captured, she used the special connection between herself and the spacecraft spirit to send out a distress signal. This would be more helpful for the royal fleet to find her and determine her position. If they could really find her, If so, Yun Wei believes that she can be rescued!

Because she has also seen that the civilization of this planet is not as good as that of the Turia people. As long as the royal fleet arrives, they can definitely defeat these bad guys and save herself!

However, she also has a worry, that is, her small spacecraft itself has insufficient energy and is almost exhausted. Therefore, the distress signal may not be sent for long. If the royal family cannot find it before the distress signal is interrupted, then This hope will be completely shattered. At that time, the possibility of the two sisters being refined into a cauldron will be very high...

Thinking of this, Yun Wei couldn't help but tremble all over again, feeling that the blood in her body was about to clot...

"What should I do? If the weapon spirit has no energy to send out a distress signal, what else can be done?! By the way, why did I forget to seal the bloodline?" Yun Wei suddenly thought of this again.

In order to get rid of the royal family's search, the two sisters deliberately sealed their blood aura. In fact, they only learned this trick after many unsuccessful attempts to escape. After knowing that their blood aura could reveal their whereabouts, After finding the culprit, they learned the lesson this time and sealed it. Unexpectedly, the effect was pretty good. Unfortunately, this approach was also the biggest failure of the operation, which made Yun Wei herself find it incredible!

So, she immediately sent a message to her sister, and both of them released their blood aura, which increased the hope of being rescued!

"No, this is not enough, because it is too passive! Is there any other good way?" Yun Wei's mind was racing, and she felt that passively waiting for rescue was not a good idea. In any case, it would be good to escape as soon as possible. If she waits until these If a person comes to refine himself, I am afraid that the whole person will be in a coma.

I can't even think about things...

"What to do? What to do... By the way, the body of consciousness mentioned earlier that they were with a person named Shui Xin, but this information came from a person named Ling Daozi. What does this mean? Obviously, This Ling Daozi knows the ins and outs of this matter very well. How did he do it? Does he know now that he has been caught? In addition, can he rescue himself? "

After some brainstorming, Yun Wei finally locked onto this person named Ling Daozi!

In her opinion, if the information about the body of consciousness could have arrived one step earlier, she would have been saved!

Because there was a prompt in the message at that time, asking her and her sister to quickly enter the online world to avoid danger and wait for them to come over to meet up. Unfortunately, she was still a little doubtful at the time and did not enter the online world with her sister immediately, thus missing the best thing. Opportunity to escape!

Until the arrester appears, it will be too late to enter the online world...

The methods used by the other party made it impossible for him and his sister to get close to the network nodes, and they had no choice but to be captured by them...

"It would be great if there were network nodes around me now... However, if there were network nodes, I wouldn't be able to escape from this confinement formation..." Yun Wei sighed softly and looked around helplessly, and found that this small space was completely airtight. However, there were many devices flashing with spiritual light. She knew that there must be monitors among them. If she did anything strange, she would be discovered soon...

Suddenly, she found a faint light flashing slightly in front of her eyes, which made her feel dazzled. She thought that she was dazzled, maybe because she was restrained for too long and her whole body was exhausted.

She calmed down, opened her eyes and observed carefully, and found that this light did exist, and it was different from other flashes in this small space, because it was floating in the air and seemed to be moving slowly...

"Strange, what is this?" Yun Wei murmured in her heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears: "Yunwei!"

"Eh?! Who is calling me?!" Yun Wei was startled and quickly glanced around, only to find that there was nothing unusual around her, not even a single figure.

"It's me! I'm Ling Daozi!" said the voice.

"Ling Daozi?! Ling Daozi... Oh my god, are you the one who sent the message?" Yun Wei felt that the name sounded familiar, and suddenly thought that she had just thought of him. Could it be that he really came to rescue her?

"Quiet! Just send a message, I can hear it!" Ling Daozi's voice said.

Yun Wei was startled and quickly responded via voice message: "Okay!"

"Well, you don't have to worry. The people from the Willy Group who captured you are holding a feast to celebrate, and they won't pay attention to you for the time being, but..." Ling Daozi said.

"But what?!" Yun Wei's heart tightened and she asked quickly.

"When their feast is over, someone will come and start refining you soon!"

"Oh my god..." Yun Wei's face suddenly turned extremely pale...

Thinking that she was about to be turned into a cauldron, she almost wanted to die...

Xiaoxing felt very happy when she saw Yunwei frightened like this, and said: "They will first imprison your physical body, and then weaken your spiritual power step by step, until your soul is like a gossamer and your whole person becomes a walking zombie. It’s the best time to come and seize the body at that time…”

With a sound of "Puff——", Yunwei's mouth was filled with sweetness, and she spurted out a mouthful of blood, which hit just that bit of wandering light...

"Don't be afraid..." Xiaoxing pretended to say, unable to hide her pride.

"You... better stop talking. If they really deal with me like this, I will definitely kill myself first!" Yun Wei said harshly.

"Okay, but I want to remind you that if they want to deal with you, they will not give you this opportunity to kill yourself. In fact, it is impossible for you to kill yourself now because all the meridians in your body are imprisoned. He doesn't even have the ability to commit suicide, so what's the point of ending it?" Xiaoxing teased.

"This... can you help me? If they start refining me, how about you kill me?" Yun Wei asked quickly. Of course she knew what Ling Daozi said was true, because she was now covered in blood. I don't have any strength at all, and even the mouthful of blood I just sprayed can't spray far. How is it possible to cut off the meridians and life gates by myself?

Xiaoxing said: "I can help you, but if I kill you and your family members know about it in the future, how will they know that I am actually helping you? They will only come to me to settle accounts, right?" Then I will be miserable..."

"This..." Yun Wei was startled. Thinking that this was indeed the case, she couldn't help but be stunned!

If there is not even such a chance to end it, then doesn't he have to experience the process of refining the cauldron alive?

This is really cruel to me!

She simply didn't dare to imagine it anymore, her heart was sinking like a boulder, and the sinking seemed to be endless...

Just when she was about to despair, she heard Ling Daozi smile and say: "I can help you, but not to help you take your life, but to help you escape from that small space!"

Yun Wei was startled when she heard this, and her sinking heart suddenly stopped and began to rise...

"You...can really help me escape from here?!" she asked in shock.

"Of course! A small space and a small confinement formation are nothing to me!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh my god... thank you so much! I promise... I will thank you very much after I go out!" Yun Wei said quickly.

"Haha, what are you thanking me for? You are now penniless and you have even pawned your belongings!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"This...I will definitely make money to thank you!" Yun Wei's face turned red and she muttered.

"Forget it! Just rely on the money you got from selling Senior Shui's stories? That little money is not enough to support yourselves. If you give it to me, wouldn't you starve to death?"

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