The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3230 Cai Lang and Guan Jie

Because they are in quite a mess internally, most of them are searching everywhere for the missing two sisters and other cauldrons. As for Hadaway, Tonghai, Guan Jie and Amy, they are checking the information at the observation point.

This fleet that suddenly arrived still attracted their attention. With their vision and experience, it was not difficult to find that this fleet was an advanced combat fleet, and they were menacing, and they were obviously going to be detrimental to Lai Lan Xing. , Hadaway and others also began to become nervous.

"Order them to assemble and prepare for battle immediately!" Hadaway ordered.

"Yes!" Tonghai quickly sent the order.

"What did Cai Lang do? He actually allowed such a fleet to approach here easily, and then left no one alive?!" Guan Jie complained.

"Master, do we want to fight them?" Amy asked from the side.

"Fight them? Isn't that asking for death?!" Hardaway roared!

Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard it!

I didn't expect Hardaway, who was fearless, to say such a thing. Did he discover something?

"Master, our fleet is in the space port. If we are not prepared, it is very likely to be attacked by them. What should we do?" Tong Hai said worriedly.

Hardaway seemed a little different from usual at this time, and said calmly: "Contact Cai Lang immediately and see what the outcome of their dialogue with the other party is? Now we must not act rashly. Once a war starts, I'm afraid everyone will have to Finished!"


"How can it be?!"

"The other party is just a fleet..."

Tonghai and others said incredulously...

"Humph, this fleet is from a higher cosmic civilization. With their combat power, they can completely destroy the Vegetable Basket Planet. On the one hand, we must understand their intentions, and on the other hand, we must quickly find a safe place. If they suddenly start fighting, it will be too late!" Hardaway said loudly.

"Oh my God!!!" Tonghai and others suddenly realized and couldn't help but scream...

Hadaway thought: "The best way is for us to sneak into the fleet and escape quickly, but it will be troublesome if we attract the attention of the other party. They will think that we are going to confront them, so it is best to sneak into the fleet first." in,

But don’t move first, wait and see what happens! "

"What the boss said makes sense!"

"Act now!" Hardaway shouted.

"Master, what about the others? What about the escaped cauldrons?" Tonghai asked quickly.

"Bring the elite team with you. The others will stay here and continue to search. We can't control that much anymore. If it's lost, it's lost!" Hadaway said loudly.


A few people acted quickly, took the assembled elites, boarded the small boat that had been prepared, quietly flew out of the headquarters area, and headed for the space port...

Their actions happened to be earlier than those of Wu Ma, Artis and others. Therefore, when Wu Ma and Artis arrived at the outskirts of the Willy Group, Hadaway and others were already about to arrive at the space port.

The Xingma Group also sent people to monitor the Weili Group before. Unfortunately, these people could only hide outside and observe, and could not go deep into it to understand. It is very difficult for a force as big as the Weili Group to have small boats coming in and out. It was a normal phenomenon. They saw small boats coming in and out from time to time, and they didn't know who was in them, so they couldn't judge the situation inside the Willy Group at this time.

After Wu Ma, Artis and others arrived here, they quickly understood the situation with the person in charge of monitoring. They heard that the Weili Group seemed to be quite chaotic, as if they were looking for someone, and they couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Everyone discussed it, and finally decided that Star Master Cai Lang would come forward to meet and discuss with Hadaway first. After all, Cai Lang did not want war to occur on this planet, and the Willy Group was just a branch here. , its power in the core universe is extremely huge. If Hadaway is offended this time, what will happen if he comes to cause trouble in the future?

People like Wu Ma and Artis can just pat their butts and leave when they are done, but even if they offend people like Cai Lang and Hong Jian, no one wants to have conflicts with forces like the Weili Group. Therefore, Cai Lang strongly demanded that the matter could only be resolved peacefully. As long as the two sisters could be handed over to Artis intact, it would be considered a success!

Artis was not an unreasonable person. After all, he was well-informed and understood the difficulties faced by Cai Lang and Hong Jian, so he agreed.

Soon, Cai Lang led some members of the Star Guards to the Weili Group's formation and shouted, but what surprised him was that no one paid attention to him after a while.

He was a little embarrassed about this, but thinking about the terrifying Turia fleet behind him, he still held back and simply sent a door-to-door message. This time someone finally discovered it!

After a while, the door opened and several people came out, led by Deputy Commander Guan Jie.

He was in a bad mood at this time, because the other leaders had fled, but he was appointed by Hardaway to stay. If Star Wars really happened by then, he would be in great danger here, so he was planning to escape. However, he didn't expect Star Master Cai Lang to come to his door at this time, which made him feel a little confused, because the enemy fleet was showing off its power over the planet. As a Star Master, you didn't want to think about how to deal with it. Why did you find it here? !

However, no matter what, when the Star Master comes to visit in person, courtesy is indispensable. At least it is safe now, so Guan Jie ordered his men to prepare the boat while welcoming him out himself.

"It turns out that the Star Lord is here. I'm sorry for being late. Please come in quickly!" Guan Jie saluted hurriedly.

Looking at his expression, Cai Lang knew that he seemed to be a little absent-minded, but this was understandable, because now I am afraid that all the forces on the planet are busy thinking about themselves and thinking about how to protect the safety of their own forces, so it is normal to have some preparations.

"Haha, it turns out it's Commander Guan. I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. The matter is urgent. Let's make it clear now. I heard that the boss of your group is also here. Why don't you see him?" Cai Lang said directly.

"It turns out that the star wants to meet our boss. Unfortunately, he has left a few days ago!" Guan Jie said.

"What? How long has he been gone?" Cai Lang was startled and asked urgently.

"This... the headmaster told him not to disclose his whereabouts when he left. I wonder what the Star Master wants from him? I can tell you!" Guan Jie said slyly.

Hearing this, Cai Lang pondered for a moment and asked, "Did he take a pair of twin sisters with him when he left?"

"The twin sisters...Does the Star Master have images of them?" Guan Jie asked with his heart moving.

Cai Lang was startled. He didn't have any images of the twin sisters on hand. He was about to look back for Wu Ma and the others when he saw a flash of inspiration. A light curtain popped up with a "swipe". The picture above was Yunwei and Yun Wei. Images of Qi and two people.

"It's them!" Cai Lang reacted and said immediately.

Guan Jie understood immediately when he saw it. He was thinking about lightning. This matter was really troublesome, because it was difficult for him to admit it or not. If he admitted it, it would mean that the Weili Group had a relationship with the two little sisters. They were most likely looking for someone, and now the two little sisters have disappeared.

If you don't admit it, you won't be able to get away with it, because Guan Jie knows that when he arrested the two sisters, there were many spies from other forces around, and the news will always leak out. As long as you are willing to investigate, it will not be difficult to find out. , not to mention that if you use the power of the Star Lord to investigate, you will definitely know that the Weihu Group has captured them.

However, the current situation is that these two little sisters have miraculously disappeared. As long as they are not within the scope of the Willy Group, they can distance themselves from each other. The fear is that if they hide somewhere in the Willy Group's sphere of influence, anything will happen. It was a little troublesome to find out.

Of course, Guan Jie doesn't know Cai Lang's main intention in asking them now. In addition, even if he offends him, Weili Group actually won't care too much. After all, with the strength of Weili Group, Cai Lang doesn't dare to offend him. Both parties In fact, it is just a relationship of mutual use...

Therefore, Guan Jie thought for a while and simply said: "It turns out that Star Master is looking for them. I wonder what their relationship is with you?"

"They have nothing to do with me, but someone asked me to find them. I hope Commander Guan can hand them over to me. I will definitely thank you generously!" Cai Lang said.

"Oh, Lord Star Lord, why are you so polite today? It's a trivial matter for you to come and ask for a pair of children from us. There's no talk of thanking you or not, but..."

"But what?!" Cai Lang asked anxiously.

"Star Master, this is really weird! Some time ago we heard that these two little sisters are good at singing, dancing, and telling stories, so we sent someone to bring them here to perform for our boss. They really performed. They were very good, our head liked them so much that he let them stay here and entertained them well so that they could finish telling the story. But he didn't expect that they suddenly disappeared from his place a few days ago!" Guan Jie's mind He turned around very quickly and made up a story casually, and it sounded like it was true...

"Gone?!!!" Cai Lang was startled.

"Yes! It's almost like disappearing in place! I can vouch for my life that this is absolutely true! After the incident, our boss was furious and ordered us to find these two little sisters and treat them well. After all, we invited people in, but now they suddenly disappeared from our place, and we really can’t explain it to the outside world. I heard that there are many people outside waiting for them to tell stories! During this time, all of us were frantically looking for them, Even now my people are looking for them everywhere!!!" Guan Jie said loudly.

"Is that so?!" Cai Lang was a little confused.

Guan Jie nodded and said: "Yes! When our headmaster left, he scolded us all bloody, saying that he would kill us all if he couldn't find us. It made people panic now, and everyone They are all looking for someone! If Star Master doesn’t believe it, you can come in and have a look. Of course, you can also come in and help us look for it..."

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