The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3258 Mingcheng’s doubts

"Haha, the boss doesn't know something. The three of them really sent their spiritual bodies to practice in the online world, and they also established a force, which is Qian Ke!" Xiao Qi said happily.

"Qian Ke? Let me tell you, this Qian Ke has become somewhat famous recently. It turns out that it was founded by the three of them!" Mingcheng suddenly said.

"It's them! And what's surprising is that Guowei's spiritual body has already cultivated the Internet Dao!" Xiaoqi said.

"Wo..." Mingcheng exclaimed, his eyes widening. This thing was so unexpected!

Because in the eyes of hackers, these old guys, old monsters, old foxes, and old Jianghu have too little contact with things in the online world, and their acceptance is even less. It will take an unknown amount of time to cultivate Taoism, and it is simply impossible for them. Spend this time doing such a thankless task.

And Guowei can actually cultivate the meaning of money in the online world in a short period of time. Isn't this amazing?

It seems that I can't underestimate these old Jianghu, because they are all extremely talented people. They have overcome countless storms, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and have reached the pinnacle of this world. Therefore, once They set their mind to do something, and with their strength it is entirely possible to do it.

However, Mingcheng was still extremely confused by these three people who suddenly sent their spiritual bodies to practice in the online world. You must know that the current online world is still a big secret to most people in the outside world. Coming here Most of the people there are young people. Why are they here to join in the fun?

In addition, Mingcheng also thought of a question. For these people who have reached the top in the outside world, everything they do has a purpose and a reason. They will never come here to play on a whim, let alone , these three people are the bosses of the three most powerful financial giants in the outside world, and their actions affect the fate of countless people. Therefore, there must be deeper reasons for their sudden entry into the online world, but they are still Just don’t know…

So he asked: "Is this news really sure? Aren't the three of them together with Ling Daozi and Liufeng now?"

Xiao Qi nodded and said: "I have confirmed this matter! Guowei's spiritual body already has the way to make money, and Yi Xing and Lai Huan seem to be following such a path of cultivation, so the three of them gathered together Together, we formed Qianke! There is another even more surprising thing..."

Mingcheng quickly asked: "What else can I do?"

"I don't know what method they used to occupy Hongke's base, and now even the clean cement is mixed in with them!" Xiaoqi said.

"What?!" Mingcheng was completely shocked,

I can't turn my head at all...

Xiaoqi continued: "According to the information we searched, the original Hongke has been disbanded and everyone has left the online world. According to Shilao from Greenke and the others, the Hongke people may have dug up treasures. Everyone got a big sum of money, so they all left here and went back to live a happy life. Only Qingcement himself might not be able to part with his base, so he stayed, but it is obvious that the base now belongs to the moneymen, and Qingcement no longer belongs to him. The owner is there..."

Mingcheng wondered: "Could it be that the three people from Guowei bought that base?"

"Hehe, the boss's statement is not unreasonable. Those three old men are all very rich. They are many times richer than us if they pull out a hair. So it is possible to buy his base casually!" Xiao Qi said with a smile. .

Mingcheng was stunned for a while and thought: "When did the four of them come in with their spiritual bodies?"

"We have also verified this. It should have been not long ago. Especially the time when Shui Xin came in is relatively easy to determine, because he has been hanging out in a small town as a storyteller since he arrived, and he is quite famous. With Guowei, he can cultivate Taoism. Judging from the time, it was at least the time when he came in at the same time, so we are basically certain that the four of them came in at the same time, and that time period should be after their bodies entered the interstellar storm!" Xiaoqi called up the information, While analyzing.

"After entering that interstellar storm... So, there is a way for them to enter this online world?! This solves our previous question... By the way, who else entered the interstellar storm with them? Have you ever found out? Are their consciousness bodies also in the online world?" Mingcheng asked.

"This...boss, wait a minute!!!" Upon hearing this, Xiaoqi immediately led others into the search mission...

While Xiaoqi and the others were searching, Mingcheng carefully reviewed the analysis and discussion he had just had with Xiaoqi. In his opinion, the discovery of Xiaoqi and the others this time was of great value, especially Ling Daozi’s Hengkong Appeared and solved a problem that had puzzled me for a long time!

That is the question of who is the hidden power in the online world?

If Xiaoqi and the others hadn't found it this time, they would still have wondered whether there was a group of powerful people hiding in the online world?

Each of these people is very powerful, and they may threaten their own hacker organization at any time. This makes them worry a lot when doing things, and they dare not take the initiative to attack easily. If this continues, the hacker organization may lose its response. Some are energetic and always cautious when doing things. They are afraid of this and that. Sometimes when opportunities come, they dare not let go and take advantage of them, thereby losing valuable development opportunities...

But now the situation is confirmed. It is not that there are too many powers hidden in the online world, but that there is only one super power, and that is Ling Daozi. Moreover, Mingcheng is quite familiar with Ling Daozi. He thinks that people like Ling Daozi It is impossible for people to bully little people like themselves. After all, Ling Daozi's ability and wealth are countless times more powerful than those of Guowei and others. The money in that super account alone can buy countless planets. How could he put it like this? What about treating people like myself as opponents?

The last time he tracked him down, it was just that Xiaoqi had touched the money in his account. Fortunately, the money was still frozen and could not be used at all...

Therefore, Mingcheng was completely relieved now, but he began to feel extremely envious of Ling Daozi's ability in networking!

Yes, as the leader of the hacker organization, Mingcheng already felt that he was good enough. With Xiaoqi and Xiaobao and the others, the strength of this team was definitely the number one in the online world. However, this number one army was actually the enemy. But Ling Daozi was alone, and he drove everyone away. Even Xiaoqi was forced to hide for a long time before he dared to come out again...

How did Ling Daozi do it?

He is so young, almost the same age as Xiaobao, but Xiaobao is still a little suckling pig, while Ling Daozi has grown into a giant in this universe!

How can people be so different from each other?

Even if you have extraordinary talent, time is limited after all. Even if you start practicing from the belly, it is impossible to grow to such a degree in such a short time, right?

By the way, the same is true for Liu Feng, who is about the same age as Xiao Bao, but depending on the situation, Liu Feng's ability doesn't seem to be much worse than Ling Daozi. This Mingcheng can completely confirm from various information.

Ling Daozi can know the dangerous situation of the two Honghaier sisters in advance, can enter the network in the interstellar storm where there are no network nodes to notify Shuixin and the others, can also set up a network portal, and remotely rob and rescue the two sisters... Each of these things is It's difficult and absolutely breathtaking!

However, what Mingcheng is confused about is that no matter how talented and talented Ling Daozi is, in order to accomplish these difficult things, he still needs to rely on some objective conditions, right?

After all, he is in the interstellar storm. There must be no network nodes there. Without nodes, it is impossible to enter the network world. There is no doubt about this. But judging from the information obtained by Xiaoqi, Ling Daozi can indeed enter the current network in the interstellar storm. How did he do it in this world? !

Could it be that something has changed in the interstellar storm?

Mingcheng suddenly realized this and quickly checked online...

After such investigation, he discovered that he had overlooked many things before. For example, everyone was trying to take advantage of the failure of He Tian's proposal. As a result, he did not pay close attention to the cause and effect. In fact, during the process of that incident, there were many things. A few people revealed that great changes had already taken place in the Interstellar Storm Department, and Jiang Hui of the Quan Zhu Group personally went in to investigate the circumstances of this great change!

It turns out that there were no storms in the star field of Interstellar Storm for a long time. Instead, many bubbles appeared. These bubbles formed large empty spaces. When Ling Daozi and the others passed by, it was said that they rescued many people from inside. , it’s just that those people have undergone terrible changes, some of them have become the devourers that everyone hates, and some others have become the prey of these devourers!

However, Mingcheng found that the reason why he ignored this information was because the previous information did not mention this. This information only appeared later, and it was very rare. It was inadvertently uploaded by some aliens. revealed during the period.

The reason is very simple. These devourers and the devoured are actually victims, and they are also relatives, friends, tribesmen, comrades-in-arms, etc. of those who are looking for them. Seeing them in such a situation, everyone's heart is filled with tears. They felt extremely sad, so no one who knew about it was willing to talk about it. It was said that Ling Daozi was trying to treat them and would put them back to their original places after they returned to normal...

So no one mentioned this information some time ago, but there are always people who can't help it, because when they go back, they will also tell some big guys and relatives in the clan about it. Over time, there will be evildoers. Revealed…

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