The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3268 Irresistible Charm

( ) Kuai Fei felt a chill in his heart when he heard this. He didn't expect that the team he, Shi Laiao and others had worked so hard to build would be bribed by Qian Ke's people in the blink of an eye!

How short of money are they? Only then did someone shoot some sugar-coated bullets and take them away! ! !

Qian Ke's move was ruthless enough. They must have given them an offer they couldn't refuse in order to make the members of these four teams surrender to the enemy in front of the battle, not even caring about the life or death of their leader...

Of course, Shi Laiao and others should have been captured by the formation. This was already confirmed in Kuai Fei's heart. Originally, he planned to take this opportunity to have four teams of men at once, but he did not expect that Qing Cang Cang would be the first to take over. All the members of these four teams were recruited...

Such an opportunity can be grasped so accurately, Kuai Fei doesn't believe that there is no evil in it!

"Are you colluding with the hacker organization?! They arrested Shi Laiao and others, and you are recruiting people from behind?" Kuai Fei asked fiercely, his face extremely livid.

"Collude with hackers? You can imagine it. Now that there are no hackers left, who else can we collude with?" Qing Shui teased.

"What? There are no hackers left? Where have they gone?!!!" Kuai Fei said in shock.

"Haha, these are all top secrets. If it weren't for Brother Kuai, I wouldn't want to tell you. If you really want to know, you have to go to Qian Ke's base, because it's only convenient to talk there..."

"Oh? What's the inconvenience of talking here? Only heaven knows, earth knows, you know, I know..." Kuai Fei said curiously.

"You know, it's okay for me to know, but it's not good if God knows and the earth knows! I have long said that the world is undergoing drastic changes, and the secret I want to tell is about this world..." Qing Cement said .

"I see... It's no problem to go to Qian Ke's base, but can Brother Qing help me rescue Shi Laiao and others?" Kuai Fei asked.

"They should also be at Qian Ke's base now. Can't brother Kuai see that they will be caught after entering the formation? This formation comes from the same lineage as our Qian Ke base's formation. The only way to fall into it is to be caught. You have to be captured for a while, otherwise you will have to stay in the space for the rest of your life and it will be impossible to come out!" Qing Cement said proudly.

"That's so?! Then am I going to be a prisoner or a guest?" Kuai Fei's expression changed and he asked loudly.

"Brother Kuai, do you think there is any difference? Your strength is inferior to mine. If I wanted to catch you, it would be easy. But I don't want to do that, because I have always respected wise men like you, so I kindly invited you to come and talk to everyone." Let’s drink and have fun together... don’t worry,

If you still don’t want to join the Money Club after hearing our secrets, then just swear not to leak the secrets and leave this online world. I won’t make things difficult for you! "Qing Cement said.

Kuai Fei's expression changed several times, but he finally said helplessly: "Okay, let's go!"

The two of them quickly left here and disappeared into this gloomy world...

In the courtyard hall of Bubble Planet, Guowei saw this scene, and his face almost turned into a flower with laughter, because Qianke, which he founded in the old network world, has recently become more powerful and has recruited many people. This time, we took advantage of the opportunity of the four teams of Green Guest, Yellow Guest, Orange Guest and Blue Guest to jointly attack the Hacker Base, and recruited all four teams in one fell swoop!

Now, Shi Laiao and other leaders have been imprisoned by him, and all his teams have been bribed by him with money, and his momentum has skyrocketed!

Even Shui Xin, He Mu, Lin Yang and others were a little envious. However, at this time, most of the attention of the people in the hall was still focused on the Turia tribe.

Since the arrival of the Holy Emperor Yunhan of the Turia tribe, this banquet has finally reached its climax, because both the guests and the host no longer have to worry about unnecessary suspicions. They can speak freely and enjoy the food, wine and fruits in front of them. In the main hall The atmosphere can be as lively as it is...

The previous scene of Hemu's conversation with the members of the hacker organization in the old network world, their discovery and performance in the video space, and the scene of the four teams of green, yellow, orange and blue attacking the hacker base, naturally It also became an episode in the banquet, which attracted Yun Han's great attention.

Little A lot of the information that comes out is exactly what I want them to know. For example, this new network and new economy will definitely pass through the constellation where the Turia tribe is located in the future. Now let them know in advance so that they can be mentally prepared. Maybe you can also prepare in advance to go online to engage in the new economy...

Yun Han has been in great spirits since he came to the courtyard hall. The reason is simply because he saw the true bodies of Ling Daozi and Liu Feng here.

Hearing about them is better than seeing them. Understanding them from information is not as good as seeing them in person, talking to them, and having a meal and a drink with them. Although my subordinates are still very wary of this arrival, In particular, Artis and several other generals were sitting closely around him, but Yunhan himself trusted this visit from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, this is also a very high-level visit for the Turia tribe. In other words, it is the highest-level state visit. After all, in the past, the Holy Emperor of the Turia tribe had only made a handful of personal visits. Counting, including this time, still does not exceed ten fingers.

Of course, in terms of reception etiquette, it was also the most ordinary one, because they were almost guided to come over during the whole process. Xiaoxing and others were eating and drinking in the courtyard hall while waiting for their arrival. …

However, during this process, Yun Han hardly felt neglected, because the scenes he saw along the way were too spectacular, too majestic, too beautiful, too beyond imagination... He could see different scenes every moment, Every sight was so strange, it opened his eyes and brought his audio-visual experience to an unprecedented level!

In fact, the scene of the Turia tribe is also very good. Compared with this galaxy star cluster, the Turia tribe already appears to be more advanced and exotic. But compared with the Bubble Planet, There was a huge difference between the two stars, which made Yun Han sigh that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. He wished he could have a similar double star system and create such a spectacular star within the star as his own The location of the imperial capital, but how easy is it?

With his knowledge, he certainly knows that the difference in appearance is just superficial. The real difference actually lies in the different levels of internal strength. There is no doubt that the level of civilization of the Bubble Planet has greatly exceeded that of the Turia tribe.

So, if a person from a low-level civilization visits a high-level civilization, will he still feel neglected?

Generally speaking, no, because the impact of all kinds of novel things along the way has already overwhelmed him, so where can he have time to think about these?

Then, after arriving here, he discovered that although this banquet was very simple, the food, wine, and fruits presented at the banquet were extremely high-end. They were so high-end that he could not imagine that even as a Holy Emperor, he had never tasted them. Such delicious food!

Not only him, but the people under him also "fallen" quickly one by one. Every piece of food that comes up will be quickly eliminated by them, and then they wait eagerly for the next piece of food to come up, and what they held at the beginning is The vigilance that I had in me had long been wiped out by these delicacies, and my whole body relaxed. The host and guest began to exchange cups, mingled with each other, drank various kinds of meat and vegetables, and talked about everything...

If you want to win a person's heart, you must first win his stomach. This sentence is true!

This is the charm of good food, wine and fruits. Xiaoxing and Li Yun secretly laughed in their hearts. They were absolutely sure that as long as these people eat their delicious food, they will completely let go of their vigilance and truly have a homely life with themselves...

However, Saint Emperor Yunhan's performance still made the two of them a little embarrassed, because it seemed that Yunhan's liking for them had exceeded their expectations, and it was simply astonishing!

Yun Han had said before on his mothership that he wanted the two of them to be his god-grandsons. Later, he also proposed that the two of them make an appointment with the little sisters Yun Wei and Yun Qi. The decision has made Artis, Andawei, Beimo and others feel incredible, but after Yunhan came to the Tianjing Hall, he never mentioned these two decisions, but directly expressed his love to them secretly and wanted to Let them both be "friends" with him! ! !

Of course Xiaoxing and Li Yun knew what this meant as a friend, but they couldn't help but feel so embarrassed by Yunhan's naivety!

You must know that there is not only a huge age difference between the two parties, but also a world of difference in the level of civilization they live in. In the eyes of the two of them, these people in front of them are all people with extremely low life levels, and it is enough for them to be able to live in the same palace with them. It’s so valuable that it’s impossible to go any further with them…

How much lack of love does this Holy Emperor have to do such a ridiculous thing? !

Or is it that the charm of the two of them has reached an irresistible level? !

The two communicated secretly and found that the problem might really be with them, because just looking at the expressions of everyone in the hall, everyone looked at them with a look of lust, drunkenness, and admiration. Looking at it, you know how strong the charm of the two of you is now...

Whether it’s the new arrivals like Yun Han, Atis, Andawei, Bei Mo, Wu Ma, Yun Xiaolong, Yun Wei, and Yun Qi, or the previous ones Shui Xin, Guo Wei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan, He Mu, Lin Yang, Falk, Drake, Popov, Jiang Hui, Yangcuo, Tali, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan all have similar expressions...

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