The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3279 1 chess piece

"How is this business?!" Wu Ma asked anxiously.

"Senior, don't worry. No one in the Turia tribe can compete with you in this business. Because you have a huge advantage, others will not only not compete fiercely with you, but will also compete to show their favor to you. I hope you can Help them..." Xiaoxing said.

"How is that possible?!" Wu Ma was shocked when he heard this!

It was not without reason that he thought this way. As a person from a low-level civilization, after joining a high-level civilization like the Turia tribe, he would probably receive cold looks and cold words from those around him. Fortunately, he was For people who are direct descendants of the royal family, this situation may be slightly weaker, but it is certainly unavoidable. Therefore, how could a good thing like what Ling Daozi said just now happen to him?

"As long as you find the right entry point, it's still possible..."

"What kind of business is it?!" Wu Ma couldn't wait to know. If there really is such a business, then his status will at least be stable. After all, having a business means having income. If the income is still very considerable, At the very least, he can make Luye and Lushan look at him with admiration and support him vigorously. In this way, he will have a foundation in the royal family, and Xu Tu will take care of the rest...

Xiaoxing said: "This business is of course related to the current new network. Seniors know that the new network has been laid out in the star field where the Turia tribe is located. Next, the Holy Emperor will order that the tribe's network be connected with the new network. , then the Turia people will soon be able to do business online! In essence, the new network is a subversion of their own network. Slowly, people will use the new network and abandon the old network, and in the new On the Internet, in addition to doing business in the local star field, there will also be exchanges with gatherings such as outer star fields and even the Milky Way constellation. You must know that online business and offline business are combined. If a network If a store fails to do a good job in offline physical stores and realize functions such as physical experience, door-to-door delivery, and after-sales service, it will be difficult to do business very far. Among them, door-to-door delivery is particularly important!”

"It makes sense! I seem to be quite good at this door-to-door delivery function!" Wu Ma finally understood what Xiaoxing said and said excitedly.

"Of course! Senior has been traveling around all his life, and his familiarity with the area around the Galaxy Star Cluster is unmatched by the Turia people. If they want to do business in the Galaxy Star Cluster, the best choice is to let Senior Come and be responsible for the door-to-door delivery service in this area. If the seniors can use the strength of the royal family to cooperate with the distribution group here in the Galaxy Star Group, and the two parties work together to create a delivery network, then in the future, all shipments from the Turia tribe to the Galaxy Star Group will be All the goods of the group must be transported by the fleet controlled by the seniors. The so-called geese are plucked, and the freight and distribution business is actually a business that is profitable and has great profit prospects. As long as the seniors manage it carefully, they will be able to do it. Make a lot of money, and this business will greatly help the Turia people to expand the market of the Milky Way constellation. They urgently need people like seniors to lead the way and run the business. So, as long as seniors behave well and do things well in the future, they will You don’t have to worry about making no money or having no one to help you, and you don’t have to get involved in the extremely risky power struggle in the palace. In fact, my suggestion is that you, Luye and Lushan can completely break away from the royal family and run your business independently. Big business, the advantage of doing this is that if there are any unpredictable risks in the royal family in the future, it will not bring fundamental damage to you. After all, you have already left and established your own business..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Great! Thank you Xiaoling! But why did you say that there will be any unpredictable risks in the royal family in the future?" Wu Ma was excited, but also uneasy, because it was the relationship with the royal family that he relied on. , if there is a problem with the royal family in the future, wouldn’t it be a bad thing for me?

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "The world is unpredictable, and many things cannot be completely controlled by people themselves. The rule of the royal family is only one of the management methods of a race or a civilization. In more advanced civilizations,

In fact, this form of royal rule has been replaced by another form of rule! The current Turia people are actually under heavy pressure from the heavy code, and people's thoughts are imprisoned by the heavy code. However, if you look at the young people of the Turia people now, they are all energetic, positive, free and lively. , open-minded people, under the guidance of masters like Andavi and Beimo, their future is very likely to push the Turia people to move forward a little further and reach a higher stage of civilization. By then, This form of royal rule is also very likely to produce variables. This is a trend of progress that cannot be stopped by any force. Seniors must not think of blocking it, holding it back, or going against the trend, because This is impossible. For the seniors personally, the best thing to do is to go with the flow. If the seniors can be independent and open their own business, why should they suffer from the cowardice in the royal family? "

"Wo...Xiao Ling, what you said is so good! If I had heard what you said earlier, I wouldn't have been so anxious and worried all day long! Now, I feel that the future is bright, and I will definitely do what you say in the future. We must build a bridge between the two clusters of stars and contribute to the development of the new economy!!!" Wu Ma said sincerely, with tears on his face, obviously speaking from the bottom of his heart...

"Hehe, I would like to wish you a successful career and great success in the future!"

"Haha, thank you very much! But if I want to succeed, I can't do without your help, Xiao Ling. I know that the Phantom Group has become the largest force in the Galaxy and has full control over the new network and new economy. From now on, whether it is Anyone who wants to develop in the Milky Way star cluster cannot do without your help, so I sincerely ask you to agree to help me. No matter what the conditions are, as long as they are within my tolerance, I will definitely agree!" Wu Ma said.

Xiaoxing was secretly happy in her heart. This old boy is quite wise. He can reveal everything at once, so he smiled and said: "We at Phantom Group do things openly, fairly and justly. We have our own rules. As long as those who act within the scope of the rules, You can all cooperate with us, so seniors don’t have to worry that we will turn you away thousands of miles away, and you don’t have to worry that we will force you to have no money to earn or food to eat, because we pursue the principle of mutual benefit and mutual promotion. . Of course, everything is on a first-come, first-served basis. If our predecessors do not sign a cooperation agreement with us early, then if another Turia tribe member cooperates with us, we will also sign with him. By then, this exclusive power will Being taken over by others, seniors can only do nothing even if they have the advantage..."

"Oh my god...Xiao Ling, this exclusive right to operate the business must be given to me, please!" Wu Ma suddenly realized and said anxiously.

"Senior, don't worry. The Turia people haven't realized this yet, so senior can be the first to sign this management right. Of course, to get this management right, you must meet certain conditions and pay a certain price. We will Set it out in the agreement. Senior, if you think there is no problem, you can sign it. Perhaps, this exclusive business right will be the foundation for you to settle down in the Turia tribe in the future..."

"Thank you, Xiao Ling! No matter what the conditions are, I will try my best to fulfill them. No matter how much the price is, I will pay it. I have decided on this exclusive right to operate the business!" Wu Ma said fiercely.

"Okay, this is a verbal agreement. I will look for a chance to sign it with Senior Guowei, and then I can develop in the Turia tribe with peace of mind. You have to remember that you are a member of the Galaxy Star Group. No matter what you did before Whatever happened, as long as you are dedicated to good deeds, upright, do business seriously, and serve the new economy and every customer here well, then everything in the past can be written off..." Xiaoxing said.

"I...can definitely do it! I have already sworn an oath..." Wu Ma said sincerely.

"Very good, control your emotions and watch the game first..."


Upon hearing this, Wu Ma quickly suppressed the excitement that was about to overflow and turned his attention back to the ongoing competition...

For Xiaoxing, Wu Ma can also be said to be a pawn planted by the Phantom Group in the Turia tribe. Having such a person there is better than not having one, and Wu Ma's identity and status there are also beneficial to him. The creation and development of the freight business in the early stage will definitely be helpful in promoting business exchanges between the two constellations.

Although the new network has its own power of radiation and attraction, as long as someone understands it, people and products will continue to get involved and slowly expand the situation, so there is no need to worry about development, but after all, this requires It is a process, but now the arrival of the Turia people is a ready-made opportunity, which can greatly shorten the integration and development time. Therefore, Xiaoxing is still willing to spend some time and energy to promote the cooperation between the two parties, otherwise there will be no need It's such a hassle to deal with them...

The cooperation with Wu Ma also gave Xiaoxing an inspiration, that is, among various star clusters, people in adventurous groups like Wu Ma have existence and utilization value, because these people have been in various groups for a long time. Traveling between star regions has natural advantages for developing freight and door-to-door delivery services. As long as these people are willing to change their ways and do this business well, then you might as well cooperate with them more. This will be beneficial to the offline distribution of civilizations on various planets. The arrangement of points and the formation of distribution network have a very good promoting effect...

From the perspective of the new network and new economy, the two wheels of online and offline must be driven at the same time. It will not work if there are only online stores but offline services cannot keep up. This will greatly restrict the development of online store business and make Its business scope has become very small...

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