The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3296 Every life has its own splendor

( ) However, the Turia tribe is different. They treat mortals just like most other races in the universe, in a relationship of servitude and enslavement. Mortals are indeed nothing in the eyes of cultivators and can be beaten and scolded at will. Humiliation, even casual killing are not a problem...

Therefore, after hearing Li Yun's words, the Turia people in the temple all looked a little embarrassed. They felt like a student who made a mistake and was facing criticism from a teacher...

Of course, there are also some sensible people among them, such as wise men like Andavi and Beimo. They know that mortals actually play a big role in the Turia tribe, because many rough, dirty, thankless tasks, In fact, it is all done by mortals, and cultivators are more like a group of parasites. While they enjoy the rich fruits of mortals' hard work, they are still aloof and domineering, and do not treat mortals as human beings at all. …

Andavi sighed: "The little rumors are true! Although mortals are born without the conditions for cultivation, it is not their fault. As intelligent beings, they still have the conditions and advantages to survive and develop in this universe! I have come into contact with The outstanding elements among the few mortals found that they actually have ideas, and some of their ideas have inspired me. Therefore, we cultivators must not regard mortals as ants. In fact, a considerable number of cultivators are Born from among mortals!”

Bei Mo nodded and agreed: "Brother An is right! If we trace the origin back, countless years ago, almost all the universe was mortals, and there were no cultivators. However, with the evolution of the universe, various Random events triggered the emergence of cultivators, which led to the current situation of the cultivating universe. However, judging from the history of the evolution of this universe, it is impossible to have cultivators without mortals. If we cultivators now turn around and enslave mortals, in fact, It’s a sign of forgetting one’s roots…”

"Of course, it's a pity that this situation has lasted for so long that the world of cultivation has forgotten that the ancestors of mortals and our ancestors are actually the same! Speaking of which, I have also analyzed the differences between mortals and cultivators. Advantages and disadvantages..." Yanna interjected.

"Oh?! I wonder what Brother Yan thinks of this problem?" Beimo asked quickly.

"Mortals lack the conditions for cultivation, so their bodies are weak and their life span is short. This is a big disadvantage for them, but mortals also have their advantages..." Yanna said.

"I wonder what their advantage is?!" Beimo continued to ask.

"Although mortals have a short lifespan, their ability to reproduce is much stronger than that of cultivators. They can make up for this disadvantage through the reproduction and reincarnation of life, and inherit their life experience and thinking results, so that generation after generation After inheritance, the mortals of future generations are actually constantly improving! Moreover, many smart mortals will refine the essence of their thoughts, which is conducive to the inheritance and development of future generations, because if the information of the previous generation is too complicated, the information of the subsequent generation will be Mortals will face greater inheritance can be said that,

The intelligence level of the elites among mortals is definitely not low, and their brain space is constantly expanding. This is the result of their development from generation to generation, and it is also a great advantage for them! And..." Yanna analyzed...

"And what?!" everyone asked.

"Because mortals have a short lifespan, those elites have a greater sense of crisis and urgency, because they know that their lives will not be too long, so they will try their best to live this life more wonderfully and meaningfully. They want to Create their own glorious life, so they will redouble their efforts, fight for breath, and wish they could use one day as two or three days. If they don't have to sleep, then mortals will be happier because they have time to use. On the contrary, when mortals are working hard, most cultivators are actually sleeping and enjoying some boring time. The time they waste is exactly what mortals are pursuing. It can be said that most cultivators Those who are in the midst of blessings do not know the blessings, take the time given by God for granted, and do not cherish it at all..." Yan Na sighed.

"This..." When everyone heard this, their hearts became heavy...

Especially the young people in the audience felt a deep sense of regret in their hearts!

In their opinion, Yanna was talking about themselves!

Why do they think this way? You know, they are actually the elite among young people. In the eyes of many people, they have developed quite well...

However, there is no harm without comparison. When they saw infant-level super powers of the universe like Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, they realized that they were far behind...

As Yana said just now, the reason why there is such a big gap between him and Ling Daozi and Liufeng may be that while the two of them are working hard, he is sleeping and enjoying the long time given by God. …

It can be heard from the words of Ling Daozi and Liufeng that their level of wisdom is too high!

Their wisdom can even surpass the old foxes and old timers in the audience. It can be seen from the respectful attitude of these people towards the two of them...

Everyone knows that wisdom is not something a person is born with. Although there are certain reasons for talent, talent must be developed through personal efforts. Everyone must go through a process of learning and cultivation after birth. Only in this way can they continuously improve their wisdom. Therefore, Ling Daozi and Liufeng must have spent a lot of time learning and experiencing, otherwise they would not be able to have such a wide range of wisdom and depth of wisdom...

If you had been strict with yourself from the beginning and worked hard to practice and experience, then you would definitely be a completely different person now. Every young person in this group has absolute confidence in this. It is a pity that …

I have long been thrown far away by Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and I can't even see their shadows. You must know that the two of them are now superior to the old seniors here, so there is no hope for me to catch up with them. !

These people are now so regretful that their intestines are green. Thinking about the huge amount of time they have squandered, they feel that they are really stupid. What makes them even more depressed is, why didn't anyone tell them this earlier?

Because the people around them have always praised them unconditionally, saying that they are the best, the best, the smartest, and the cutest in the world. As long as they achieve a little bit of success, they will immediately be praised. They are praised to the point of being unprecedented and unprecedented, which makes them live in a state of arrogance, thinking that they are not only the best among their peers, but also far better than those who are older than themselves, so I am fully qualified to take a break, sleep in, have a short time, go on a long trip and experience a vigorous love...

To be honest, in the circles they live in, they are indeed extremely outstanding people, and others praise and flatter them sincerely. It is impossible to put higher demands on them, because their elders also lived in this way. , they all lived in their carefully woven dreams of success until they met Ling Daozi and Liufeng!

The achievements of the two men not only severely affected the self-confidence of these young people in the audience, but also severely affected all the seniors. The so-called dream of success that they had carefully woven was shattered into pieces and could not be recovered...

Even great wise men like Yan Na, Anda Wei and Bei Mo fell into deep shame because they found that their age seemed to be like dogs. Compared with Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, they, the so-called great wise men, were His identity is simply a joke...

Fortunately, Ling Daozi and Liufeng are not mortals, otherwise they might not even be able to accept themselves now!

Of course, if they knew that the two of them had also transitioned from mortal life, they would really be ashamed...

After Li Yun heard Yan Na's words, he couldn't help but praise: "Senior's understanding and analysis of mortals are really incomparable! Especially the elites among mortals, they are almost the people that senior said! In what I have experienced In some mortal worlds, there are stories of diligent study such as cutting through walls to steal light, hanging beams to stab buttocks, reading in the snow, hanging books by ox horns, forgetting to sleep and eat, Wei Bian's three unique skills... etc. In these stories, the mortals in these stories would do whatever it takes to learn. They persisted desperately under extremely difficult conditions, and finally achieved great success in their studies, leaving rich spiritual food for future generations! In fact, they represent a spirit of mortals who are not succumbing to fate. In their view, even if No matter how weak or insignificant a life is, there will be moments when it blooms wonderfully, just like the little moss on the wall. After some environmental experience, it will bloom into beautiful flowers as big as rice grains, transforming that plain and insignificant surface. The strange walls are dotted into a sea of ​​flowers... Every ordinary life, as long as it works hard and is positive, will find a corner in this universe where it can exist and develop continuously. The emergence of every life is a miracle. They It’s not superfluous, because they will all create their own vitality for this universe!!!”



"I swear, from now on, I will never insult every mortal, and I will never trample on the dignity of a little life easily..."

"Yes! The words of Xiaoliu and the seniors have given me a new understanding of life. This universe is really amazing, and every life is a miracle created by this universe. We have no reason to trample on them at will. , destroying their precious life course..."

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