The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3306 Yan Na’s unique trick

( ) Thinking of this, Yun Han felt that it was better for him not to take action. After all, if he didn't take action, no one would know whether he could move this light ball. It was better to leave a suspense than to have someone figure it out!

It is normal for someone from the royal family like him to have such thoughts. As a representative of the imperial power, he knows very well that it is correct for him to maintain a mysterious feeling towards the outside world. People worship the imperial power in a considerable part. It is precisely from this mysterious feeling that if everything is clear, then people will treat the imperial power very rationally. Perhaps the imperial power is more of a reverence for power, but less of a representation of the imperial power. A kind of natural worship of heaven...

Therefore, Yun Han just looked at the scene with a straight face, but had no intention of grabbing the light ball himself. Seeing Yun Han's expression, the Turia people immediately did not dare to suggest that Yun Han should be captured. Han went to get it...

Andavi spent a lot of effort, but finally found that he still couldn't capture the light group. You can imagine how depressed he felt. It seemed that it was a certainty that he would not be able to use this cage-clearing formation. He had no choice but to give up...

With a "swipe", he withdrew the power of his bloodline and was about to speak, when suddenly there was another meal!

Because he thought of something, a high-level treasure like the Qingcong Formation might be a spiritual treasure. Since it is a spiritual treasure, if he could communicate with the spirit of the weapon, he might be able to convince it to follow him. It’s possible to walk on your own!

Thinking of this, he rekindled hope in his heart, started a new round of exploration of the light group, and called for the light group again and again...

Of course, the voice of the call has been blocked by him, and it is impossible for outsiders to hear it, so no one knows what he is doing, but Li Yun knows it, and he can't help but admire An Dawei...

This old fox does have his own merits, and it is no luck to become the national master of the Turia tribe!

I saw Andavi calling for the weapon spirit while constantly changing his Tao power, using the various Tao intentions he possessed one by one, hoping that one of them could make the light group react. This was another clever move on his part. Because as long as there is a weapon spirit, it is possible for the weapon spirit to be fascinated by a certain Taoism. If a certain Taoism in one's body happens to be liked by the weapon spirit, wouldn't it be easy to seduce it?

Andavi made his own little calculation, constantly changing his methods, and used all his seventy-two tricks...

Beimo, Artis, Yanna, Yaguang, Shuixin, Guowei and others saw his amazing methods and all looked at him with admiration. Obviously, Andawei's personal cultivation level has reached an extremely high level. To such an extent that even people who are basically at the same level as him admire him greatly...


Appreciation is appreciation, the result is still the same!

Andavi was extremely disappointed to find that all his methods were useless in front of the light group. After trying for a long time, he still couldn't capture the light group. Even the imaginary weapon spirit in the light group ignored him at all. Not to mention being seduced by him...

His face changed several times, and he finally gritted his teeth, "swiped" and retracted all his methods, and sighed: "It seems that I have no chance of this formation, so let others try it!"


When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of regret. They didn't expect that with Andavi's ability, he couldn't move the cage clearing formation at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have dared to believe it!

Li Yun smiled and said: "Although the senior has no chance to participate in this formation, the demeanor shown by the senior makes the junior admired extremely, and I also learned a lot from it. I really want to thank the senior for the demonstration..."

"Haha, it's just a trivial skill, why should I care about it? It's a pity that the fate has not come yet... How about Brother Yan try it?" Andawei was flattered by Li Yunyi, and he felt much better. He pretended to be relaxed and said, but he changed his target. After hearing the news, he didn't believe it in his heart. He couldn't even move to clear the cage, so could he?

It can be said that I made a small fool of myself just now, and I have to use someone to support me no matter what, so that there will be no embarrassment. Of course, Yanna is the representative of the Blue Wolf clan, and it is his turn to take over. …

Yanna naturally understood what Andavi meant, but since Andavi had already made a fool of himself before, it would be nothing even if he made a fool of himself again, but what if he succeeded? Then you can overwhelm Andavi in ​​one fell swoop, so why not?

In short, you won't lose anything by trying it yourself, but you may gain a lot. After all, the attraction of the clearing cage formation is huge, so Fu Xu smiled and said: "Brother An said that, of course I also want to try it. However, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. The nobles seem to be quite eager for the Black Stone and Clear Cage Formation. I’ll let you guys try this opportunity first. If it really doesn’t work in the end, then it won’t be too late for me to try again..."

"Oh? Thank you so much, Brother Yan!" Andavi was startled and quickly agreed.

Yan Na's statement did surprise him. Although he verbally asked Yan Na to try it just now, it was more out of politeness, because now Yan Na represents the Canglang tribe and is equal to the Turia tribe. , and Yanna also presented a Tiangang gem to Yun Han earlier. If he does not say this, he will appear to be too greedy and not pay attention to the equal etiquette among all races. This is definitely for a national master. I made a mistake that I shouldn't have made...

Andavi was secretly happy that the good news would not go to outsiders. There are so many Turia tribesmen here. If everyone goes up and gives it a try, the chance of getting the light group is very high. If Yanna is allowed to try, what if the four of them get the chance? If one person succeeds, the family will suffer great losses!

Thinking of this, he quickly asked Bei Mo to try to capture the cage clearing formation...

This process was quite long, and the whole process was so exciting that no one went to watch the online national war chess game. Even ten young people, including Hong Xiang, Ge Hai, Hua Wu and Yu Heng, went up one after another to try to grab it. , but unfortunately there is only one result, that is, no one can capture this light group!

There is also a very shocking phenomenon, that is, when someone comes up to the stage to grab the cage-clearing formation with their own hands, they are surprised to find that their hands can actually pass through the light group, but they just grab it. Can’t get it!

In other words, this light group looks like a solid, but also liquid and gaseous. The situation seems to be similar to that of the black stone, but it appears to be much higher in level!

Such treasures were something these people had never seen before. They were all shocked and their hearts were beating wildly. They couldn't believe their eyes...

After the last Turia tribesman in the hall tried it, only Yun Han didn't try it. Everyone looked at him expectantly, but he waved his hands and sighed: "My dear friends, it seems that The Cage Clearing Formation has no chance with our clan, so we should give this opportunity to our friends from the Canglang Clan to try it..."

Andawei understood it and responded: "That's what the Holy Emperor said! The Blue Wolf clan and our clan are friendly countries, so we should invite them to give it a try. I hope they can succeed!"

Turning around, he said to Yan Na again: "Brother Yan, our Holy Emperor just said that we should invite you to give it a try!"

"Thank you, Holy Emperor! Then I'm welcome!"

Yan Na gave a gift and tried it right away...

He had been observing for a long time just now, and had secretly communicated with Shui Xin, so he seemed quite confident. As soon as he started, he frequently used tricks and tried all conventional methods!

However, what made him feel ashamed was that these conventional methods did not work. It seemed that only special methods could be used. Of course, grabbing the power of blood was one of the special methods, because the blood of the Blue Wolf Clan was different from that of the Turia Clan. The big difference is that their blood color is yellow!

When a ball of golden color covered the light group, it immediately caused an uproar in the hall...

"Oh my god, the blood of the Canglang clan is golden?!"

"It should be said that Senior Yan's bloodline is golden, and other ordinary people's bloodlines are probably yellow, right?"

"That makes sense! Senior Yan's blood color is so noble that you can't help but admire it!"

"Yes, just like the deep blue color of our national master, their bloodline level is really high..."

"That's right..."

Everyone marveled and stared closely at Yanna's methods to see if he could succeed in one fell swoop...

However, such noble golden blood still cannot make the light group move at all. This light group seems to be fixed by something. It exists there, but everything around it has nothing to do with it and has no effect on it. It’s just too stubborn to have any impact!

When Yanna saw this scene, he knew that he would not be able to survive without a trick...

He suddenly pointed with his right hand, and a beam of light slowly advanced until it stopped above the light group. The crystal light in the beam shone, and dense gas continued to emerge. It seemed that there were lights and shadows that were constantly flickering past...

"The Way of Time?!!!" Many powerful people in the palace screamed in surprise!

Unexpectedly, Yanna would use the method of time to capture the light group. This is really unexpected!

It is said that many powerful people in this palace have varying degrees of time power, but they dare not use it on such occasions, because everyone knows the terrifying nature of time power. On the one hand, they will pay a greater price, On the other hand, there are many powerful people gathered here, and it is still within the bubble planet. The civilization level of the bubble planet is obviously at a very high level. Therefore, there are many things that you cannot control. If you use time, If something unexpected happens during the process of exerting force, the one who will be affected may not be the Bubble Planet, but only himself!

However, thinking about it conversely, using the power of time to grab is indeed an excellent way to move the light group, because only by letting the light group move first can you have the opportunity to grab further...

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