The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3335 Seeking truth from facts

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

After Zitona's intervention, the election finally went on normally. Each candidate took the stage one by one to deliver a speech according to the order of numbers drawn by him. Compared with the previous speeches of Peng Yi and La Gong, more people in the back expressed their gratitude. Feiyu's speech is closer, that is, try to help one's side find advantages and discover the other side's disadvantages. In this way, this election action has become meaningful!

At the very least, even if a satisfactory commander-in-chief cannot be selected, it will allow people to understand themselves and their opponents better, and understand what advantages their side has that can be exploited, and what weaknesses the opponent has. When the commander-in-chief takes office, You can make full use of this information to make reasonable deployment...

Here, the speeches made by the heads of major information groups are quite eye-catching. These people include Niu Feng, Ding Lingfei, Lian Mingfeng and Pei Buduo, because they spend most of their time immersed in various information, so their analytical skills are still very strong. They use the information they have at hand, coupled with their own analytical skills, to talk a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of both the enemy and ourselves, which is very beneficial!

However, although these four people have excellent information analysis skills, they have a serious lack of Star Wars experience. It is basically impossible to become the commander-in-chief. It is good to be a think tank type role.

The last person to take the stage to deliver a speech was Quan Bing. Speaking of it, Quan Bing was quite optimistic among the thirty candidates. Many people were well aware of the power of the Quan Zhu Group. As one of the major forces in the core universe, Quan Bing The Zhu Group was built from nothing, from small to large, through countless battles!

Among the several well-known large groups in the core universe, Quan Zhu Group is also the largest and most famous. Although the Xingma Group represented by Chenxing who spoke in front of Quan Bing is also very powerful, it is far inferior to Quan Zhu Group. No, at this point, Chenxing was helpless, so at the end of his speech, he even specifically recommended Quan Bing, believing that he was the most suitable person for the position of commander-in-chief, and no one else!

Therefore, Quan Bing's final speech on stage attracted strong attention from everyone. The Internet was also extremely noisy about whether Quan Bing could serve as the commander-in-chief. Many people compared him with Ling Daozi and Liu Feng, but they could not come to the final conclusion. in conclusion…

Quan Bing slowly walked onto the stage, and the aura he exuded was astonishingly strong. Just like Peng Yi in front, both of them had come through the terrifying mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, and they had already condensed a certain energy in their bodies. The blood energy soaring to the sky, now only needs to be released a little bit, it is enough to overwhelm the entire audience, making people look at them with side eyes and tremble...

His expression looked quite serious, but no one knew that the words he had just said to Ling Daozi were still echoing in his mind...

When Zitonna saw Quan Bing coming up, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Brother Quan, does he have a good strategy to deal with the enemy?"

"Brother Qi, just listen to my speech..."

Quan Bing responded, turned to the people in the audience and said: "Everyone, regarding the discussion of our own advantages and the other's disadvantages, each candidate has already talked a lot about it, and it has been very thorough. I won't go into details here. Now what I want to talk about first is our own disadvantages and the other party’s advantages!”

"This..." The people inside and outside the palace were startled when they heard this, and felt quite surprised!

Originally, after the previous candidates talked about their own advantages and the other's disadvantages, everyone became quite excited, and the atmosphere inside and outside the hall became quite good. The solemn and solemn atmosphere before was gone. There is no return. Many people believe that our side does not have no chance in this battle. On the contrary, if we can make good use of our various advantages and attack the opponent's various disadvantages, we may have a high chance of winning...

However, as soon as Quan Bing opened his mouth, everyone's emotions were brought back to the beginning of the speech. Although many people didn't want to listen, they had to bite the bullet and listen...

Quan Bing continued: "Everyone, I think when dealing with a matter, whether it is a big or small matter, it is best to treat it with a realistic attitude, so as not to fall into the cycle of self-deception! If we blindly emphasize our own advantages,

If we repeatedly despise the disadvantages of the other party, if this continues, it is very likely that even we ourselves will believe our own words, and in the end it will be ourselves who suffer! "

"Seeking truth from facts?!" Many people still have trouble understanding this term. However, judging from the preface and aftermath of Quan Bing's words, it can be understood to mean honesty, that is, to treat a matter Things should be viewed with an honest attitude. One is one and two is two. Never say one becomes two or two becomes eight. That is to deceive yourself and others...

Quan Bing continued: "Someone just mentioned that we have a home field advantage. It sounds reasonable, but it cannot withstand scrutiny. This is because the starry sky environment is always changing. The information recorded before only represents the past, but it does not stand up to scrutiny." It cannot represent the present, because even the positions of stars in the starry sky are constantly changing. If you cannot determine its trajectory, then the information from the past is of little use!"

"Yes..." When people inside and outside the palace heard this, they couldn't help but suddenly realized!

Indeed, what Quan Bing said makes sense. The stars in the sky are always in a process of dynamic change. If you cannot continuously observe and track them, you will probably have to spend a lot of money to find them based on past information. Twists and turns.

And those nebulae and storms are changing even bigger and faster. You thought that place was calm, but now when you fly over and take a look, you are very likely to see a newly formed nebula and star mist. The environment has completely changed!

What makes Quan Bing better than others is that he looks at the world from a dynamic perspective, instead of staying in the past world and looking at the changes in things with a rigid perspective!

This idea immediately distinguished him from everyone else, making him stand out from the crowd and stand out!

Even the people who were watching the excitement in the courtyard hall suddenly became energetic when they heard this. They cast admiring glances at Quan Bing and began to listen to him carefully...

Just listen to Quan Bing continue to say: "Some people just said that we have a large number of spaceships and are familiar with the dangerous places in the starry sky. Therefore, even if we are going to die, we must lure the opponent's spaceship into a dangerous place and die together with him... Although I I admire this person’s courage, but to be honest, I think that in front of a skilled opponent, you will not even have a chance to die, and in the end you will have to suffer the consequences first!”

"Wo..." Everyone heard a soft cry and felt bad...

Quan Bing continued: "Just like our duel between cultivators, when a person with a low level of cultivation faces a person with a high level of cultivation, he often doesn't even have the chance to commit suicide, let alone die with the other person! This is me I want to talk about our weaknesses and the reasons for the opponent’s strengths. We must treat this matter more honestly in order to get a better result..."

Zitona's eyes lit up when he heard this and said: "Brother Quan is saying that if we analyze this matter honestly, it is possible to get a good result in the end?!"

Quan Bing nodded and said: "Yes, but I am talking about better results. After all, with our current level and ability, it is probably impossible to get the best results, but if we make good use of various Under certain conditions, striving for a better result should be our most practical goal!"

"Okay! I'm all ears. Brother Quan, please tell me carefully!!!" Zitona said loudly.

Everyone inside and outside the palace fixed their eyes on Quan Bing and listened with their ears pricked up...

Quan Bing fired several light screens, pointed at the picture above and said: "This is the Blue Fish Fleet of the Turia tribe, and that is the Canglang fleet of the Canglang tribe. Judging from the style of their spaceships and the power they exude, they The highest level of the spacecraft has basically reached the planetary level!"

"Planet-level level?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

"The so-called planetary level means that this spacecraft has the ability to directly destroy a planet orbiting the sun, such as the Eclipse Star, Spoon Star, Double Disk Star, Vegetable Basket Star, etc. that we all know. Such The spacecraft can rely on its own capabilities to either destroy the planet or change the planet's topography and climate conditions to achieve the purpose of indirectly destroying the planet!" Quan Bing said shockingly.

"Oh my god..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath and tremble all over...

Without it, they would have been frightened!

No wonder everyone felt overwhelmed when they saw these spaceships. It turned out that their level had reached such a high level. Even a huge planet like the Vegetable Basket Star could be destroyed by destroying it. So with the capabilities of these spaceships of our own, Ability, can it still compete with it?

Totally impossible…

Quan Bing continued: "Everyone, look at our spaceships. The highest-level ones, such as the Black God Clan mothership we are currently on, and the nine-star scepter fleet led by me. With our capabilities, the most is It's just a satellite level! The so-called satellites are those small stars and interstellar rocks orbiting around large planets like Lai Lan. Our spacecraft will still have no problem dealing with such small stars and interstellar rocks. However, if we want It is impossible to deal with a large planet, it is too far away, unless the entire fleet bombards it with all its strength regardless of the consequences, but even so, it is still an impossible task to completely destroy a large planet..."


"It turns out that our spacecraft belongs to the satellite class..."

"Many spaceships cannot deal with small stars, and they are not even satellite-level!"

"No, the gap is too big..."

"It's so scary, it's like a difference between cloud and mud..."

"That's right..."

After everyone heard this, they finally realized how big the gap was between themselves and the Turia tribe and the Canglang tribe. But after understanding this, everyone's hearts were sinking, sinking, sinking…

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