The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3338 Things are changing

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

Quan Bing smiled and said: "If you don't want to misplace it, then let it go wild first!"

"Release it into the wild first?!" Chitonna was startled, thoughtfully...

"Yes, these talents cannot all be cultivated according to the same model, especially if the model is set in advance and then everyone is put into this model for training without distinction. The result of this is often to destroy people. , a smart person may come out as a dull person in the end!" Quan Bing said.

"You mean to set many modes, not just one?" Zitoner asked.

"No! It would be better to set many models than one model, but it is still not the best way to cultivate talents. For talents, we should teach them in accordance with their aptitude, and first provide them with basic training so that they can be widely exposed to various fields. Tao Yi, through careful observation, discovers their interests, hobbies, real strengths and potentials, and then consciously guides and cultivates them so that their potentials, hobbies and various resources can be perfectly combined, thus colliding with the most dazzling talents. A bright spark! This process of basic training is the process of releasing into the wild. However, it should be noted here that releasing into the wild does not mean letting it grow wildly, which will lead to the degradation of talents. What we want is to In a state of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside, we first conduct certain basic training for talents, and in the process gain a better understanding of the talents themselves, and ultimately achieve the purpose of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude!" Quan Bing explained.

"What a teacher who teaches students in accordance with their aptitude! Brother Quan is really full of witty words, which is very exciting!!!" Zitona praised.

After hearing Quan Bing's explanation, everyone inside and outside the palace felt enlightened. They praised each other and looked at Quan Bing with great admiration...

Quan Bing enjoyed the pleasure brought by the attention of millions of people, and his heart was much sweeter than drinking honey!

However, of course he knew that he could get such benefits entirely because of Ling Daozi. If he hadn't said these words in his ears, how could he have said them so brilliantly? !

At this time, Ling Daozi's words made him come to his senses again, and he continued: "I said before that it is very difficult for small races and small forces to improve their civilization, because their development in many fields cannot be separated from the development of other racial forces. and support, it is almost impossible to achieve a comprehensive breakthrough all by yourself! Therefore, generally speaking, only large civilizations at the planet level or constellation level can achieve an overall jump, because at this level of large civilization There are many races and forces in the world. They are closely connected through mutual cooperation and mutual support, develop together, and work together, giving this great civilization the opportunity to achieve a great leap as a whole! This law also applies to us Among the numerous planetary civilizations and constellation civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, it is a pity that although the overall level of civilization in our Milky Way galaxy is pretty good, no particularly outstanding planetary civilization or constellation civilization has emerged so far. In the absence of outstanding civilization, the level of the entire galaxy is still lagging behind the Wolf Galaxy and Turia Galaxy. There is no doubt about this..."


"I never expected that our Milky Way galaxy has so many races and forces, but there is no top civilization yet!"

"Indeed, compared to the Blue Wolf Tribe and Turia Tribe, we are really far behind..."

"Well, we can only say that we were sitting in a well and looking at the sky, thinking that this was the core universe. Little did we know that ours here is just an ordinary galaxy in the universe. There are countless galaxies outside, and the development of many of them has already been far ahead of ours. in front of…”

"That's right..."

The people inside and outside the palace could not help but lament, and were deeply saddened by the current backward state of the Milky Way galaxy...

Quan Bing continued: "You don't need to feel sorry for yourself. It is natural that the growth and development of various galaxy civilizations come first and then later. Even those galaxy civilizations that are ahead of us also face the problem of continued improvement, just like me. The Turia people mentioned just now are facing the problem of a shortage of talents.

This problem already exists for many people, and it is increasingly affecting the continued development of the Turia people! "

"Listening to what Quan Bing just said about the principles of freeing talents and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, can we think that the current talent problem of the Turia people is caused by the violation of these two principles?" Zitonna asked.

Quan Bing nodded and praised: "That's right! I just talked about these two principles around this issue. For the Turia tribe, for a long time before Yun Xiaotian came to power, , the influence of the royal family in the clan is not very big, they are more of a symbol of power, and even have a tendency to become mascots. It is common for ordinary people in the Turia Star Region to tease the royal family. , people are not worried that the imperial power will bring problems to their lives and safety, so everyone acts according to their own nature. They love freedom and nature, they are lively and cheerful, full of innovation and creativity, and they dare to Challenge yourself and authority in various fields. In such an atmosphere, many Turian people have made great achievements in various fields, thus promoting the continuous development of Turian civilization! It can be said that during that period, It was a golden period of rapid progress for the Turian civilization, and it also laid a solid foundation for their civilization to reach the current stage! But..."

"But everything changed after Yun Xiaotian came to power?!" Chitonna continued.

"That's right! He introduced heavy codes, refined management, and put shackles after shackles on various fields, subdivisions, and even every individual. This also locked up the innovation and civilization of civilization to a large extent. The vitality of creation makes research results become less and less! What is even more frightening is that this approach has seriously stifled the nature of the people of Turia, making them more and more cautious, acting cautiously, and not daring to innovate and create , dare not challenge authority, but follow the steps step by step. This not only affects the development and improvement of civilization, but also affects the possibility of their own development to higher places! For the Turian civilization, this situation also makes The talent advantage they have accumulated over a long period of time has disappeared, and the compound interest in talent that has always been beneficial to them has also come to an abrupt end!" Quan Bing said.

"Compound interest on talents? Brother Quan means..." Zitonna asked.

Quan Bing explained: "If the growth of talents in a civilization is in a virtuous cycle, then the talents of the previous generation will cultivate the talents of the next generation, and one generation after another will continue to accumulate and expand. This is the compound interest effect of talents! However, once this virtuous cycle is interrupted, each generation will be inferior to the previous generation, and as the talents of the previous generation gradually age, this impact will further expand! Therefore, compound interest on talents will Turning into a talent loss, the impact on the entire civilization is absolutely fatal! If this situation cannot be changed in time, then in the near future, the Turian civilization will enter a trend of continuous degradation. If it’s serious, it might even fall even worse than our Milky Way galaxy…”

"Oh? It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Turian civilization declines, it will not be worse than us, right?" Zitonna asked suspiciously.

Quan Bing shook his head and said: "Everyone should know that the reason why advanced civilizations are powerful is because they have more advanced energy and weapons, as well as advanced talents. This is of course a major advantage when they are going well, but when civilizations When things go downhill, these advantages are very likely to turn into disadvantages, because high-level talents, energy, and weapons are extremely destructive. When civilization falls into chaos and regression, these extremely destructive factors will Having a greater impact on the civilization, such as the melee between talents and forces, can easily lead to damage to the civilization. As we all know, it is so difficult to build something, but to destroy it, it often only takes a short time. You can achieve your goal within 1 minute!”

"That makes sense!"

“One fire can burn countless achievements of civilization, let alone war?”

"That's right. We have experienced so many wars, and we naturally know that the destructive power is unimaginable!"

"A war may eradicate a civilization from its roots! But that civilization is most likely to have developed for an extremely long time..."

"So, it is difficult to build but easy to destroy. The greater the ability, the stronger the destructive power!"

"Indeed, if the Turian civilization regresses and becomes chaotic, then they are very likely to fall in a short time. By then, we will have the ability to fight them!"

"Brother, our goal is to improve ourselves, not fall down on our own..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it, and suddenly they felt that the Turia tribe was not so scary anymore!

Since they are already on the path of civilization falling, even if they can abuse themselves now, it is not impossible for people in the galaxy to seek revenge from them in the future...

In fact, this is also a common phenomenon in the cyclical development of civilizations in the universe. Many racial civilizations may be strong for a while, but if they encounter any setbacks and cannot overcome them, they may slump and then quietly disappear in the long river of universe development...

Although some racial civilizations are currently lagging behind, if they work tirelessly and have some good luck, they will rise quickly and become powerful races!

Although the civilization of the Milky Way galaxy currently lags behind the Turian civilization and the Wolf civilization, this situation is also in a process of constant change. It is not terrible to be behind for a while, and don't get carried away with being advanced for a while. It should be noted that the wind and water will take turns. Ten years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi...

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