The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3343 3 results

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

For Yunhan, he has no choice now!

Apart from agreeing immediately, he has no right to bargain. To be honest, as long as someone can save his life now, no matter what conditions the other party proposes, he will immediately agree.

Because he knew that once he was knocked down from the throne by Yun Xiaotian, not only would his reputation be disgraced, but he would also die without a burial place and would not even have the chance to be reincarnated. This was a very normal fate for the down-and-out members of the royal family. thing…

Fortunately for him, at his most dangerous moment, he met Liu Feng and Ling Daozi, and they had the ability to protect themselves. What could be more fortunate than this?

What's more, according to Liufeng, this agency agreement is of great benefit to him. As long as the new network and new economy can develop, he will have huge rewards. If he performs well, the reward will definitely be even greater, then Didn’t he save his life, his status, and even his wealth? !

Such a good thing had never even been dreamed of. Unexpectedly, it would happen to him now. This made Yunhan feel like he had been hit by a big pie in the sky...

In his opinion, even if this agent is like a new puppet character, it is much better than the possibility of dying soon after returning, and he believes that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi will not treat him as a puppet. Yes, because the civilization they live in has already surpassed this level, and is not comparable to Yun Xiaotian...

Soon, the two signed the agency agreement, and Yunhan officially became the agent of Phantom Group in Turia Civilization...

As soon as this agreement came into effect, it had a great impact on Yunhan. He soon felt that he was now full of confidence and full of strength. It was different whether he had a strong background or not. Before, he could be said to be gentle and talkative. Inadequate, he also seemed to have insufficient confidence in front of the ministers, because he knew that the Weiweinao displayed by these ministers when facing him was actually more for the sake of his father Yun Xiaotian than for the sake of his father Yun Xiaotian. He was truly obedient and loyal to him.

Now it's different. He has transformed from a weakling into a strong one who can easily defeat his father Yun Xiaotian. Such a strong person is basically equivalent to the strongest person in the Turia tribe. There is no doubt that with such a strong person, he can easily defeat his father Yun Xiaotian. Confidence, what else is there to be afraid of?

However, he quickly thought of another problem, that is, the set of super equipment has not been worn on himself yet. It is still unknown whether it can really make him that powerful, so he cannot use it in Andavi and Bei yet. The powerful people in the Mo and other tribes should show their strong demeanor in front of them, so as not to arouse their suspicion...

"Xiao Liu, since we have signed an agency agreement, then..." Yun Han muttered...

"The Holy Emperor is talking about that set of super equipment, right?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right! Only by wearing that set of super equipment can I return to my clan with peace of mind. Otherwise, I can only continue to stay here..." Yun Han said helplessly.

"Don't worry, Holy Emperor! That set of equipment can be given to you now, but you'd better go to the training space we specially set up for you to train for a while, otherwise you won't be able to use it smoothly!" Li Yun said.

"I see... But if I want to leave here, Andavi and the others will probably follow closely. What should I do?"

"Don't the Holy Emperor want them to know about you? In fact, it's better to let them know, because then they will know that we are your backstage. If anything happens to you, we will definitely pursue it to the end. So they will change their attitude and become more loyal to you, but no longer worship and admire Yun Xiaotian..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Xiao Liu is right, but..."

"But what?"

"If they know that my strength relies on that set of super equipment, if one day I lose that set of super equipment, wouldn't I become a weakling again?" Yun Han said.

"So this is what the Holy Emperor is worried about! In fact, you don't have to worry at all, because after the equipment is worn on you, it will be integrated into your body and will protect you at any time, as long as you can provide it with enough Energy, it is your best protector!" Li Yun said.

"Wo...that means once I put it on, I don't have to take it off again? Can it protect me forever?!" Yun Han asked excitedly.

"That's right! After you put it on, it will become one with you. As for the energy, it will actually absorb the energy of the universe on its own. As long as the time is long enough, the energy can be filled. When you practice in the training space, You have to pay attention to its charging time so that you know how to use its attack power reasonably. Of course, you can also buy enough energy bars from us to take with you, so you don't have to worry anymore!" Li Yun said with a smile.

When Yun Han heard this, he couldn't help but said with joy: "Great! I must reserve enough energy bars so that I can feel safe!"

Li Yun was secretly happy. Yun Han could be said to have revealed his true colors in front of him. It could be seen from his words that he had been an insecure person for such a long time. It could be said that he lived cautiously and did not dare to Easily take a step beyond the realm of possibility...

He smiled and said: "The Holy Emperor does not need to worry too much about energy issues. You must know that this set of super equipment is only a deterrent weapon for you and does not need to be used frequently. If used frequently, it means that your temperament may Transformed again!”

"This..." Yun Han was startled.

Li Yun continued: "A Holy Emperor who needs to frequently use violence to maintain his rule is basically impossible to be a sage Emperor. If you rule the world with benevolence and love, the people of the world will respond to you with respect and love. How can you be the same as you?" Enemies? If you treat your subordinates with trust and generosity, your subordinates will reward you with better political achievements. Why do you need to rely on violence to maintain your rule?"

"Xiaoliu...I understand...Thank you for reminding me..." Yunhan suddenly understood and said excitedly, his voice choked with sobs, which can be said to be true feelings...

"Okay! I hope that the Holy Emperor can achieve the great achievements of the Holy Ming Emperor! Of course, Xiaoling and I will also secretly inspect various civilizations from time to time. If we find that your rule conflicts with our original intentions, we will also take action. Punishment, what you need to know is that that set of super equipment is useless in front of us. We can turn it back to kill you in an instant. Therefore, the Holy Emperor can still have time to consider whether he really wants to Put on that set of equipment..." Li Yun said slowly.

"What..." When Yun Han heard this, he was startled and broke into cold sweat all over his body. Now his mind was much clearer than before...

Now he finally understands that it is impossible to get huge benefits without paying a heavy price!

That set of equipment can not only make him the chief strongman of the Turia tribe, and then sit firmly in the country and be famous for generations, but it can also make him instantly controlled and become a puppet at the mercy of others...

Still want to wear it?

Yunhan was hesitant for a moment, his mind flashing with lightning, and he didn't even respond to An Dawei's question to him...

An Dawei had long noticed that something was wrong with Yun Han. He seemed to be greatly affected by the content of Quan Bing's speech. He didn't know what he was thinking now...

After hearing Quan Bing's speech, Andavi quickly discovered the problem. He knew that this speech would have a great impact on the Turia people, himself and other subjects, and Yunhan!

This impact will be extremely far-reaching. Maybe the Turian civilization will soon usher in a huge change, and after this huge change, will the tribe develop in a good direction? Or will it develop in a bad direction?

In his opinion, the latter is more likely!

Because he is very clear about the current relationship between Yun Han and Yun Xiaotian. Yun Han is more like a puppet Holy Emperor, and Yun Xiaotian may re-assume the throne at any time. Personally speaking, he can do without both of them. Support, but if he had to support one person in the end, he could only support Yun Xiaotian, because it is obvious that Yun Xiaotian is the top master in the clan and a huge threat to everyone, including An Dawei You also have to consider your own safety issues.

Moreover, Yun Xiaotian has been operating in the Turia civilization for too long, and he knows everything about the clan. He has countless informants. Even in the current blue fish fleet, there are quite a few people. His people, that's why Andawei believed that after returning to the clan this time, the clan would definitely usher in a terrible change!

Of course, between Yun Han and Yun Xiaotian, Yun Han's role has also begun to change. He is no longer the green-headed young man he was when he first came to the throne. After so many years of training, he has actually transformed into An old fox in the old world, but his quality is far inferior to that of Yun Xiaotian, and his cultivation level is still far inferior. Therefore, if a conflict breaks out between the two, Yun Han will have some resistance, but You will still lose in the end, there is no doubt about it...

Faced with this situation, Andavi had no good solution. In his opinion, Quan Bing's speech made him passive, because if Quan Bing had not exposed these problems in the clan, then he could He has a longer period of time to help Yun Han, and as Yun Xiaotian gets older, this threat will eventually be removed, and then Yun Han may implement reforms according to his own suggestions.

But now, the question has been raised, the scar has been opened ruthlessly, and the pus, blood and dirt flow out in a gurgling way, and it can't be stopped...

As soon as the fleet returns, Yun Xiaotian will be able to get the news as soon as possible, and then a great change will inevitably break out. As for the results, in An Dawei's opinion, there may be three. One is that Yun Xiaotian's restoration is successful, and the cancellation Or the heavy laws could be reduced. Second, Yun Xiaotian's restoration was successful, but he still continued to implement the heavy laws, and it might get worse. Third, the royal family represented by Yun Xiaotian might be overthrown by the angry tribesmen...

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