The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3365 Benefits of Agents

( ) Yanna waved his hands and said: "Don't say such things again! Xiao Ling is right. If we appear there, the news will be leaked, and the Roller Alliance will definitely invade on a large scale, whether it is against us or everyone in the galaxy. It is a disaster for racial civilization, and we must not ruin major events just to vent our anger for a moment!"

"Of course! You must remember the words of the National Master. Now you must recharge your batteries and develop your own civilization. We will naturally take revenge when we have the opportunity in the future!" Saint Emperor Weston said at the side.

"Yes! Holy Emperor!!!" Yaguang, Bihai, Yan Chaoran and others responded quickly.

Yun Han is now in the highlight moment of his life, and his whole body is floating. Seeing the battle situation in front of him, he can't believe his eyes!

What he couldn't believe even more was that such a battle situation was actually commanded by "himself"!

Looking at the instructions that kept beating on the light screen, and his own image giving these instructions, Yunhan was deeply intoxicated, almost forgetting that these instructions were actually directed by Ling Daozi in real time, not by him. Big picture…

Suddenly, the instructions on all the light screens jumped violently, and at the same time a line of instructions jumped out: "Stop the pursuit! Return immediately!"

When the various detachments of the Blue Fish Fleet saw the order, they were very reluctant to give up, but this was an order issued by the Holy Emperor. They now worshiped the Holy Emperor extremely, so of course they chose to stop the pursuit immediately...

Yun Han was startled, and it took him a while to react. He quickly asked: "Xiao Ling, we are fighting smoothly, why do we have to stop the pursuit?"

"Holy Emperor, don't chase after the poor enemy. The Roller Alliance is not an easy enemy. Although they are defeated this time, their strength behind them is much stronger than yours, so it is better to be careful! Moreover, you have chased far away now. If you continue to chase, you will deviate too much from the original route, so it is better to return! Besides..."

"What else?"

"I'll give you another video message from your clan to show you..."

After Xiaoxing finished speaking, he played the previous grand scene of the Turia people watching the Star Wars. This video can be seen on the light screens of all the Blue Fish fleets, and here in Yunhan, there is another video. The information is from the previous scene where Yun Xiaotian almost had a mental breakdown...

When Yunhan saw this video, he was stunned. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time...

"Holy Emperor, Holy Emperor, Holy Emperor..." Andavi reminded from the side.

"National Master... we finally won this time!" Yun Han regained consciousness and said


"Holy Emperor, we have indeed achieved an unprecedented victory this time! With our strength, we can defeat three fleets that are stronger than us alone. This has never happened before in the history of our Star Wars. !" Andavi said excitedly.

"Really?!!!" Yunhan was also stunned!

He didn't expect that this Star Wars would be of such great significance, and the whole process was so easy, he didn't feel any difficulty at all...

"Oh Holy Emperor, you don't know much about Star Wars since you haven't experienced it, but Wei Chen has experienced too many wars. In my opinion, even if we only face a fleet of the Roller Alliance this time, I'm afraid we will be extremely It's difficult, maybe we can only escape a few spaceships, but now, we have defeated three of their powerful fleets in one fell swoop. This battle will definitely go down in history, no one can compare with the Holy Emperor!" Andavi said loudly .

"'s Xiaoling..." Yunhan now had a clear head and corrected him immediately.

"This... is good! This battle was won so easily and freely, all thanks to Xiao Ling's remote control command. I don't know why he can see the overall situation, and even the situation in the nebula is clear. Is this all a new network? Ability? It seems unlikely..." Andavi said suspiciously.

"Oh? The Imperial Master is saying that the new network cannot reach this level?" Yun Han asked.

Andavi nodded and said: "The capabilities of the new network should be mainly reflected in network response speed, processing power, high information traffic passing rate, large range, many users, good experience, etc. However, in terms of detectors, the general network They all do not have this kind of detection capability, because it is impossible to have so many nodes, and because the new network has strong node capabilities, one node can be responsible for a larger network, so the number of nodes is particularly rare. As a result, There may not necessarily be nodes in our Star Wars area, and those network cables cannot have detectors, right?" Andavi analyzed.

Yun Han was a little confused when he heard this, because he basically had a blind eye on the Internet situation, and his knowledge was extremely pitiful, so he could only say: "National Master, I don't know much about the Internet, but after listening to what you said, , I also think that it is impossible for the new network to monitor this desolate star field, but why is Xiaoling able to broadcast the entire Star Wars live? And he can also issue instructions to every spacecraft. He How on earth is it done?!”

Andawei shook his head and sighed: "Holy Emperor, we can only look forward to Ling Daozi's abilities, because the things he can do, even the smallest details, are extremely difficult for us. It’s almost impossible to do it!”

"Oh my god... who is he? And where is Liu Feng?!" Yun Han said in shock.

"Holy Emperor, it's better not to speculate on such a person! Now the Holy Emperor has become their agent in the Turia star field. This fact seems to be very noble and rare now. Perhaps this agent's position is important in the universe. There are not many winners, and we, the Turia people, are so lucky to be able to win a seat!" Andawi said.

"This... the Imperial Master is right! Before, I thought that this agent seemed to be one of their puppets. I was walking from one puppet to another, and I felt a little aggrieved. But now it seems that I may be... I don’t know the blessings, this puppet is definitely not someone who can be a puppet!” Yun Han sighed.

"The Holy Emperor is right to think so! In fact, the Holy Emperor has gained huge benefits after becoming this agent. Has the Holy Emperor thought of what they are?" Andawei reminded.

"Benefits? Well, let me think about it. First, I got a set of super equipment, which turned me from a weak person into a super strong person! Second, the three of you also got a set of super equipment, and your strength is also the same. Great improvement! The third thing is that Star Wars defeated the three fleets of the Roller Alliance this time, and all the credit goes to me..." Yun Han analyzed.

Andavi added: "The Holy Emperor also gained the respect and love of all the soldiers, as well as the admiration and support of all the Turia people!"

"Wow..." Yunhan couldn't help but exclaimed softly after hearing this, and he was almost drunk...

"Congratulations to the Holy Emperor! Congratulations to the Holy Emperor! This victory will definitely be warmly welcomed by all the clansmen! Why don't the Holy Emperor report to the clan through the new network that he is safe? They will definitely wait for our triumph in droves later. Come back!!!" Andavi shouted.

"That makes sense!!!"

Yunhan was overjoyed when he heard that, Andavi's proposal was so spot on!

Because you have to strike while the iron is hot. After defeating the Roller Fleet, and then issuing a declaration of victory to the tribe, you will definitely gain a large wave of iron fans...

He immediately contacted Ling Daozi through the light screen...

Little , you can’t just think about being famous and winning people’s hearts, you have to let the soldiers below show off in front of all the tribesmen, because they are the ones who are really fighting, not you, you just need to show your face at the end!”

"This...Xiao Ling, you are simply my mentor! It seems that I have to ask you first before doing anything in the future!" Yun Han said with emotion.

"You can't rely on me so much! In fact, as long as you have your tribe, soldiers, ministers and officials in your heart, you will think of them first, instead of thinking of yourself first... whatever you do and think, It will definitely be seen, heard and felt by the tribesmen, soldiers, ministers and officials. What you will gain will be their full trust and no regrets in return. In the end, it will be you, your blood, and your court who will benefit. , your country..." Xiaoxing said.

When Yun Han heard this, he quickly stood up and saluted: "Xiao Ling, thank you for your advice! I will definitely remember what you said. If I can't do this, I will have no shame to see you again!"

"Hehe, you said this yourself, but everything is difficult at the beginning, so you don't have to push yourself too hard, just take your time!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"No! I have made up my mind. From now on, I will be strict with myself and treat others generously. Even if I can't be the Holy Emperor in the future, I will still demand this of myself, because this is the principle of life!" Yun Han said firmly! said.

"Pop", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap", "Pap"...

Xiaoxing, Li Yun and the people in Canglang Palace applauded and sent their most sincere blessings to Yun Han's statement...

Soon, the Blue Fish Fleet contacted the network information group of the tribe, and a unique lecture was played in front of all the Turians...

Just as Xiaoxing suggested just now, Yunhan arranged for everyone in the fleet to appear in front of the clan members one by one. Everyone had the opportunity to express their inner feelings, say hello to their family, say hello to the forces they belong to, and report that they were safe. This move really paid off. To miraculous effect!

There are actually a lot of people in the fleet, and it takes a lot of time for everyone to go on stage to give a speech. This can just relieve the long boring time during the flight, but this time is extremely precious in front of all the soldiers and their families. and expectations, everyone’s hearts are closely connected during this long period of time. The Turia people have never been so closely united as they are now. Everyone is extremely proud of their own racial civilization. of pride…


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