The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3369 Afraid of being surpassed?

"Xiao Ling's words make sense!"

"We will definitely make good use of this time!"

"Seeing the game of online national war chess in front of me, I have been itching for a long time..."

"It seems that we must imitate the Turia tribe and conduct an internal selection, first select a group of young talents for training, and then we can start killing the teams of the Roller Alliance..."

"Yes, we not only have to defeat the Roller Alliance team, but also the Turia clan team..."

"That's right..."

Yaguang, Bihai, Yan Chaoran and others were talking excitedly, and their faces were all shining. It was obvious that the game of online national war chess in front of them was extremely attractive to them...

Weston was secretly happy when he saw this, because the Cyber ​​National War Chess could not only release the murderous spirit accumulated in the hearts of these generals, but also prevent them from causing trouble outside, and it could also hone their war skills and prepare for the war. Accumulating strength for future revenge or development is really the best solution!

He immediately discussed with Yan Na, Cole, Yao Qingshan, An Jiequan and other think tanks, and soon the matter was officially settled. First, a nationwide selection was launched. The whole people here included the military and civilians. The purpose was to Select all the potential geniuses of the Canglang Clan, train them carefully, and develop a group of outstanding teams.

Secondly, it is to select the best from this group of outstanding teams to form the top online national war chess team of the Blue Wolf Clan.

With such preparation and training, these top teams will be able to represent the Canglang Clan and launch the most powerful challenge to other races in the universe, thereby becoming famous and dominating the new network!

After the plan was formulated, Weistone personally signed the order, and with the help of Xiaoxing, he read it out to the entire Canglang clan. The entire Canglang clan was immediately excited!

The online national war chess was quickly known to the whole clan and was implemented as a major task. This online chess game became popular among the Canglang clan in a short period of time, and people were very interested in it. The enthusiasm is getting higher and higher, almost reaching its peak...

What makes Weston happy is that it has another result, that is, the Internet National War Chess has successfully diverted people's attention, so that people are no longer immersed in the negative aspects of losing their homes, leaving their hometowns, fleeing in a hurry, and living under someone else's roof. In their emotions, on the contrary, they were full of energy and murderous spirit. They wished that they could quickly understand this chess game so that they could show their power in the future and defeat all the strong opponents, bringing endless glory to the Canglang Clan!

Seeing these major changes taking place in the Canglang Clan? People in the Phantom Group couldn't sit still.

You know, the Canglang tribe itself is a relatively advanced cosmic race. Although they lost their home and came here to take refuge, where is their foundation? Now that they are working hard, the entire race begins to exude an astonishing energy. Vitality, this vitality is so strong that even people far away in the core of the earth can feel it!

It can be said that the arrival of the Canglang Clan is like a stimulant, stimulating all the people in the group...

The forces entering the Phantom Group now include the three major financial giants in the galaxy? Ziguangxing, Jiangnan Bureau and Thunderbolt Hall? There are the adventure groups Quanzhu and Juyi, the information groups and, and the kitchen king forces Popov and Drake, the Gourmet Association Falk and others. In addition to Quanzhu Group, which is now expanding its power and conducting public training on Star Wars, other forces have seen the great changes in the Wolf Clan and are interested in them. As for them, they are really envious and jealous, how can they still sit still?

He has such a good foundation? Now he is working hard to improve himself? His position in the Phantom Planet will be extremely important in the future, but what about his own forces?

My own foundation is not as good as others. Now that my own forces have not completely moved to the Phantom Planet to enjoy the excellent environment and development conditions here, compared to the Canglang Clan, I will only become more and more backward. In the future Naturally, his identity and status in the group will also drop significantly, and he will be surpassed by the late comers Canglang Clan!

This sense of crisis has spread among the leaders of the major forces in the galaxy...

Guowei and others finally couldn't help it, so they gathered together and found Xiaoxing. Xiaoxing naturally knew what they were doing, but pretended to be puzzled and asked: "Seniors, you woke me up early in the morning. I don't know. What important matter do we need to discuss?"

Guowei shouted: "Hey Xiaoling, I want to ask you, can we from Ziguang Xing move here now?"

"Now?!" Xiaoxing was stunned...

"Yes, it's now! I feel that we can't wait any longer and must bring them all in to participate in this grand plan of the new network and new economy!" Guowei said plausibly.

Upon hearing this, Lai Huan quickly agreed: "Brother Guo is right! People like us in the Jiangnan Bureau don't even know that they have joined the Phantom Group, and they are still training openly on the Star Wars battlefield. What a waste of time!"

"Yes, the same is true for us in Perak Hall. We don't participate in the new network and new economy, but go there to mess around. I'm really angry!" Yi Xing shouted.

Hemu sighed: "We at are still guarding the ineffective old network. We are already lagging behind the Canglang clan in terms of starting point, but they should have been the first to use the new network... "

"It's true. The people in the Awai Network don't know I'm here yet. They don't even know the internal world of the network, let alone cultivate the way of the network. It's really heartbreaking!" Lin Yang agreed.

Falk, Popov, Drake, Tian Yi and others also joined in. The scene was extremely lively for a while, and Xiaoxing was stunned for a while...

He calmed down and said: "Seniors, don't worry, I'm afraid now is not the time..."

"What? Isn't it time yet?!"

"Xiao Ling, you see, the Canglang clan has started using new networks and developing a new economy as soon as they came here. They are catching up from behind. If we don't keep up, won't we be even further behind in the future?"

"Yes, we got here before them, but now..."

"Oh, let's let them all in first, so that our Phantom Group can be truly formed, right?"

"Yes, everyone is here. We can rest assured wherever we go from now on. We don't have to look forward and backward anymore..."

Everyone was making a fuss again, trying to force Ling Daozi to agree immediately...

However, how could Xiaoxing be fooled by their little tricks?

He smiled and said: "Seniors, have you ever thought that if all your people are taken over, the news will soon be known to the spirit of the old network, and it will soon feel a strong threat, and the consequences will be serious. Unthinkable! Can you afford it?"

"This..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned!

It's not that they haven't thought about this problem, but under the strong stimulation of the Canglang clan, they have ignored it intentionally or unintentionally. However, Xiaoxing will not forget this.

He continued: "The current network spiritual ability is still extremely powerful. It is not easy to deal with it. If it breaks out in advance, it will cause losses to countless planets and races. This is a sin. I believe that the merits of all seniors will be great again." Even if it’s big, it can’t be offset!”

"..." Everyone was speechless again...

"In just a few more decades, the ability of the Network Spirit will be greatly reduced. By then we can easily restrain it without causing any harm. Why not?" Xiaoxing smiled.


"But what? What you are worried about is just being surpassed by the Canglang Clan, right?" Xiaoxing snorted.

"That's right..." Everyone laughed.

Xiaoxing said: "Seniors, please wake up. I ask you to face reality, okay? Compared to the Canglang Clan, you have never been ahead, so there is no such thing as being overtaken by the Canglang Clan! It's a high-level building, and it's a higher level. You are enjoying yourself and being carefree in the back, thinking that this is the core of the universe... However, it is good to have this eagerness now, and you have finally found your way back!"

"We..." Upon hearing this, everyone was so ashamed that they were speechless...

"Okay, okay, if you have this intention, you might as well form a team to hone the Cyber ​​Nation war chess. It won't make sense if you can't even beat the young team of the Canglang clan by then. After all, you have been in contact with them for so long before them!" Xiaoxing hummed.



"It makes sense! We must form a top team first and suppress their arrogance before we can talk!"

"Teach those young people a lesson first!"

"That's right..."

These old foxes in the universe couldn't get any advantage in front of Xiaoxing, so they went back in despair after being told by him. They immediately formed a team according to his suggestion and started playing national war chess on the new network...

However, it was said that the three roller fleets of Red Dragon, Leech and Blue Bird were heading towards the Milky Way. They did not dare to move at full speed, but flew cautiously, and also relied on some concealed environments in the universe to protect themselves, such as Flying along the edge of the nebula, or using the shadow of a large cosmic starry sky for cover, makes their speed much slower than usual.

Why do they act this way?

In fact, the reason lies in the defeat they suffered before.

Because they suffered a big loss from the Blue Fish Fleet, both Shaomai and Guanghan concluded that the Blue Fish Fleet should come from the aggregation of the River constellation in front of them, and generally speaking, when a star aggregation can appear If there is a top fleet, then there may also be a second, third, or countless fleets. In this way, there will be great risks in this trip to the River Constellation, so of course they do not dare to be like the Blue Fish Fleet in front of them. Just like the Canglang Fleet, it was so arrogant that no one in the world would know about it...

At this time, the Roller Fleet suddenly discovered something because they searched for some information network signals here...

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