The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 34 Mysteries about the Ancient Tomb

There is a large pavilion in the middle of Tianlong Imperial Capital. There are many courtyards here, which is quiet in the bustle. The surrounding environment is extremely beautiful. There is a huge flow of people coming and going here every day, and there are all kinds of people.

This is the famous Tianji Pavilion in the imperial capital.

According to legend, Tianji Pavilion has a very deep background and has many outlets, almost all over the continent. Its strength is said to be far superior to that of some countries. Therefore, ordinary countries do not dare to provoke Tianji Pavilion within their territory.

Entering Tianji Pavilion, there are several halls. Each hall is equipped with a large light curtain, and various information names are constantly flashing on the light curtain.

Tianji Pavilion mainly sells this information to make huge profits.

The information released by Tianji Pavilion is basically reliable. Of course, there will be exceptions. If this happens, Tianji Pavilion will not bully customers, but will compensate as usual, so it has an excellent reputation.

This good reputation means that Tianji Pavilion does not have to worry about running out of business. In order to obtain information, major forces often come here as soon as possible to see if they can get the information they want.

In addition to this kind of public information transactions, Tianji Pavilion also has some private information transactions.

For example, after Tianji Pavilion obtains a certain aspect of information, it will first notify the relevant parties to inform them. If the relevant parties are willing to pay a huge sum of money to buy it, Tianji Pavilion will naturally not sell the information to the public.

In addition, if there is a sale, there must be a purchase. If you have good information, and Tianji Pavilion just needs it, and you think it is profitable, you will naturally buy it.

Tianji Pavilion's business is so good, there was nothing to worry about. However, recently, the second pavilion elder has always been looking sad and in a bad mood.

This Erge elder is the red-faced old man who has repeatedly encountered ghosts in divination recently, named Bu Chengxin. He is the only fortune teller in Tianji Pavilion here.

Ever since Li Yun became the target of Tianji Pavilion's attention, Bu Chengxin began to draw several divination for him. However, every time he opened the divination, he failed, and the results were extremely weird, which made him not very confident in his divination skills. .

"Report!" A subordinate came in hurriedly.

When he was upset, his subordinate came in and reported a piece of information. A customer came to sell information and wanted to see the cabinet master by name.

Due to the absence of the Grand Pavilion Master, Bu Chengxin has been in charge of recent information transactions.

"Well, then let's arrange for him to wait in Room 6."

"Yes, Mr. Ge."

When Bu Chengxin walked into room No. 6, he saw a green-faced man in black robe sitting and drinking tea waiting for him.

"I've been waiting for a long time. I wonder what kind of information your guest wants to sell?" Bu Chengxin asked directly.

"Mr. Bu Ge, what I want to sell is information about an ancient tomb." The green-faced man said.


"Yes, the ancient tomb is in the south of the empire and will be revealed soon. According to records, it is the tomb of an ancient emperor. There is a large amount of wealth in it, which is as rich as the country. If anyone can get it, I am afraid that from then on, there will be no success. Comparable." The green-faced man's words were extremely tempting.

Bu Chengxin has been around Tianji Pavilion for a long time, and has long been accustomed to the tone of customers selling information. Naturally, he will not believe it easily, and asked calmly: "I wonder if the customer has any basis for this?"

The green-faced man took out a stone from his body and handed it over.

Bu Chengxin took the stone and looked at it.

This stone seems to be a part that fell from a stone tablet. It has some inscriptions on it and is extremely heavy to hold.

Bu Chengxin touched the inscription with his hand, and his face gradually became serious.

Suddenly, he stood up and said, "Please wait a moment, guest. I'll be back soon."

He hurried out and came to his room. He placed the stone under a piece of crystal and looked at it carefully, "Is it really an ancient thing?!"

He turned around a few times and murmured to himself,

Seemingly determined, he walked to a painting on the wall, pulled the rope on the right and rolled up the painting, revealing a huge crystal.

Hold the stone, press a button on the crystal, and wait.

After a while, a voice came out, "Tianlong Pavilion, what's going on?"

"Reporting to the leader, I have obtained an object here. It is said to be from an ancient tomb. I have identified it and estimated that it is an ancient object. Please help me to verify it to see if this information is accurate?"

"Bu Chengxin, wouldn't it be too hasty to conclude that an object is an ancient tomb based on just one thing? Don't you know how expensive this kind of long-distance communication is?"

"I know it well. However, the quality of this object is extremely high. I have basically determined it. However, I would like to ask the leader to help me make another decision!" Bu Chengxin said quickly.

"Hmph, if this object is detected as waste, the cost of this communication will be deducted from your monthly salary!"

"Yes!" Bu Chengxin's face changed slightly.

A ray of light suddenly burst out from the large crystal, covering the stone. After a while, the light disappeared.

Bu Chengxin waited anxiously.

After a long while, the voice finally came again: "Consider your luck. Although I don't know the age of this stone, it can be determined to be an ancient thing. It may be from an era as far away as possible. Bu Chengxin, if you get any benefits, you must Just think of my kindness in helping you this time!"

"Thank you, Sir! Please rest assured, Sir, if I can benefit from it, I will definitely not forget your great kindness!"

"Okay! Happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

A smile finally appeared on Bu Chengxin's face, and the gloom of recent days was gone. He hurriedly came to Room 6 again.

The green-faced man was still sipping the tea sent by Tianji Pavilion with an indifferent expression.

"How did the guest get this?" Bu Chengxin asked.

"I passed by that place by chance, fell into a sinkhole, and got this thing. I thought I couldn't escape, but luckily I found another way out, and I got out. Later I checked some local information, I discovered that there is an ancient tomb in that place." The green-faced man narrated.

"Why don't you go into the tomb and dig it yourself?"

"Mr. Bu Ge, I have limited financial resources. How can I possibly organize huge manpower and material resources to excavate? Besides, such a large-scale excavation will definitely leak the news. Just imagine, no matter how much property there is, it will belong to others. Why don't I sell the information and make some real money to spend? With Tianji Pavilion's reputation, I don't think it will embarrass me, the person who sells information, right?"

"This is natural, please feel free to be my guest. Okay, I have decided to buy this information. You can set a price."

"One hundred high-grade black stones." The green-faced man said in one breath.

"Are you...sure?" Bu Chengxin was startled.


"Okay! Deal!"

Soon, the green-faced man handed over the information about the ancient burial site and other information he had obtained to Bu Chengxin, and left with a hundred high-grade mysterious stones.

"Haha! Selling information of such value at such a low price is unbelievable!" Bu Chengxin took the stone in his hand and rubbed it gently, with a proud smile on his face.

He looked at the information in his hand, his face tightened, and he murmured: "Listen to the northern foot of Chaocheng, Beikunshan... Hey, isn't this the place where Li Yun is? Li Yun... Why is it Li Yun again..."

In the several halls of Tianji Pavilion, a piece of news was suddenly displayed at the same time. "An ancient tomb was found in Tianlong territory. After verification, it was confirmed that it was the tomb of an ancient emperor. It is estimated that there is wealth that can rival the country. It has not been excavated. The price is 100 yuan of high-grade black stones. If you are interested, please contact us to purchase it!"


This news was like a big stone thrown into the lake, causing ripples and making the guests in the hall commotion.

Soon, those who had the strength immediately paid Tianji Pavilion to purchase the information. Those who did not have the strength immediately left the site to find friends or family members who had the strength to form a group to buy. In short, almost everyone moved.

The news of the discovery of the ancient tomb spread throughout the imperial capital within half a day, as if it had wings, and soon spread out.

In a splendid palace in the west of the imperial capital, a man in a golden robe was drinking and having fun with his generals. Suddenly, a subordinate handed over a letter.

When he opened it, his expression changed instantly, and he said to the person next to him, "Shi Chang, what do you think?"

A scribe in Confucian uniform below took the letter and muttered: "Your Highness, this news has been confirmed by Tianji Pavilion, and it is nine out of ten possible that it is true."

"Are we going to dig?"

"Your Highness, I guess this news has spread throughout the imperial capital. I think the Third Highness will definitely send people to dig out it. Even if we fail to unearth it, we can't let them succeed. Therefore, I believe that we must send someone to find out what's going on right away."

"Okay! It's up to you. Who should I send?"

"Two masters, Gu Liquan and Le Jie."

"Oh, why send both masters out?"

"Your Highness, this competition must be extremely fierce. It is estimated that the Third Highness will also send two masters, Ye Guang and Zhou Hai. Therefore, only two of them can be sent at the same time to fight against them." Shi Chang replied.

"It makes sense, then ask the two masters to select a hundred Xuanwei and set off immediately. We must stop Long Hao's team and sabotage their actions." The man in gold robe said to the two old men under the tent.


The two old men took the letter, read it, and hurried out of the palace.

"Hmph, ancient tomb?! What if there is really a wealth that rivals the country's? Then..." His Highness had various thoughts in his mind.

The palace of His Highness the Third Highness was crowded with people, and everyone was discussing the big news they had received not long ago.

"What do you think?" His Highness Long Hao asked.

"Your Highness, we must get this ancient tomb. If we succeed, we will be able to recover from the disadvantage of insufficient financial resources in the competition for the crown prince position." Advisor Wu Zhi said.

"Yes, what Mr. Wu said is true." Zhou Hai, the old man in red, said.

The Third Highness nodded and asked the old man in black Ye Guangdao: "What does Mr. Ye think?"

"That's right, even if it doesn't succeed, we can't let Long Kui discover it."

"What Mr. Ye said is absolutely true. If His Highness succeeds in digging up the treasure again, we will be completely at a disadvantage." Wu Zhi agreed.

"Okay! Since this matter is so important, I will go with you to see what happens." His Highness Long Hao said.

"This... Your Highness, the palace must not be left unattended." Wu Zhi said.

"Well, then you can stay and command the Xuanwei in the palace. If you have any information, you can fly pigeons to pass it on." Long Hao said thoughtfully.

"Yes! Your Highness, please rest assured." Wu Zhi responded.

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