The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3418 The real purpose

So, what do the two new fleets want to do?

What methods do they plan to use to deal with the entire galaxy?

When Quan Bing heard what Xiaoxing said, he was shocked!

In fact, when he heard the people in the room speaking impassionedly and nonsense, his heart collapsed...

Because he knows that with the abilities of the group of people in front of him, it is simply impossible to save the galaxy, save various races, and save himself!

At this time, they are like a group of shameless and ignorant people, talking loudly about how to defeat the enemy and punish the enemy, but they have no power to restrain the chicken. Once the enemy really attacks, they will only be able to surrender without resisting. It’s all a luxury at once…

This kind of armchair talk made Quan Bing feel bursts of sadness in his heart. However, deep in his heart, he secretly felt extremely lucky for himself, for the people in front of him, for the Galaxy Fleet, and for the entire galaxy, because he Knowing that there are Ling Daozi and Liufeng in the galaxy now, only they have the ability to protect the entire galaxy and protect everyone's safety!

Regarding this incident, Quan Bing heard this from Xiaoxing. In fact, these two new fleets were just discovered by Lianlian. However, in many edge areas of the entire galaxy, many ships appeared almost at the same time. A new fleet, these new fleets are relatively evenly distributed at eight angles of the Milky Way, forming a situation surrounding the Milky Way!

The galaxy is surrounded! ! !

This is the dangerous situation facing the galaxy right now...

People in the galaxy still don't know anything about this. They only discovered two of the new fleets, but under the monitoring of the small star, the number of these new fleets reached sixteen!

Moreover, the level of each fleet is extremely high, and its civilization level basically reaches the level of the upper-level fleets of the Roller Alliance, which is one level higher than the three fleets of the Crimson Dragon Clan, the Blue Bird Clan, and the Leech Clan!

The main sign is that they all possess the super equipment of the Space Flying Fortress. A race with a Space Flying Fortress means that they have the ability to travel infinitely in space, because the Space Flying Fortress can absorb cosmic energy? Even if sometimes energy Is it still insufficient? But as long as you stop and save for a while, you can set sail again? So? Such super equipment is what many races dream of...

What makes Quan Bing even more frightened is that the purpose of these sixteen fleets surrounding the Milky Way is not to invade and plunder, enslave, colonize, etc., but to plunder the Milky Way's lush vitality!

From a certain perspective? The breath of life is the most precious thing in the universe.

If there is no life in the universe, then no matter how magnificent, spectacular or vast the universe is, it is meaningless!

Because there is no life to observe it? To experience it, to create it, to walk through it, to grow, prosper, decline, and be reborn in it...

Life itself is an extremely beautiful scenery. If it loses life? If it loses vitality, then the universe will become bleak? Empty and dark, it will be just a big dead box...

So, if the purpose of the sixteen new fleets is just to rob wealth and resources, then Quan Bing is not so timid that he will collapse. But, to hear that their purpose is to plunder the vitality of the galaxy? This makes Quan Bing felt his heart trembling and couldn't calm down at all...

Moreover, he now actually knows that the bases built by the new fleet are actually their tools for harvesting the vitality of the galaxy. Although he does not know what methods they use to harvest, they are certainly inseparable from the operation of these bases. Maybe only Ling Daozi and Liufeng knew the truth, otherwise they wouldn't be able to judge the true purpose of those new fleets.

"Xiao Ling, can they really harvest our vitality through these bases? Those bases are far away from us, on the edge of the galaxy, how can they harvest our vitality?" Quan Bing still couldn't help but ask.

"These bases are distributed around the Milky Way. After there are eight points, they may build more points to make these points more closely connected with each other. Then, they can use these bases to harvest vitality. Got it!" Xiaoxing said.

"They want to occupy more planets to build bases?" Quan Bing said in surprise.

"That's for sure! First, the more points there are, the more it can cover the entire galaxy. Second, having more points can also share some of the pressure. You must know that the vitality of the entire galaxy is unparalleled. If everyone comes here at once, , one base will definitely not be able to withstand it and may collapse in an instant, so it must be diverted. Judging from their appearance, they seem to be very experienced. It is estimated that they may have harvested the vitality of some small galaxies before, and that is why they are so prosperous now. Times!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh my god!!! You mean, they have succeeded before?!!!" Quan Bing said in shock.

"That's right! You haven't seen what they look like in the Flying Fortress. There are many races and people inside, and everyone's lifespan is extremely long. This situation is a bit abnormal, because generally speaking, within a race, , or among a group of lives, there are very few people with extremely long lifespans. Most people will be limited by their lifespans due to various reasons. After all, long lifespan means that more energy needs to be consumed, which will lead to encroachment. The resources of other people, according to the rules of the universe, only a few people can live long, and most people have to go through various processes of life, so that the universe can maintain balance and development... And like what happened in the flying castle, in the universe race It is rare in the world, so there is only one possibility, that is, they once plundered the vitality of other planets, star fields, or galaxies, and then injected this vitality into their flying castles, so that everyone in them benefited. !" Xiaoxing continued to analyze.

"Wow...can this happen?!!!" Quan Bing said in disbelief.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Of course this is a solution! However, this solution is not a fundamental solution to longevity..."

"But why?" Quan Bing asked quickly.

"Have you ever seen the planet people in our Xingyun Castle?"

"Planet people? No..."

"Okay, then have you seen the Devourers we saved here last time?" Xiaoxing asked.

"The Devourer? Of course, I have seen it not only on the Phantom Planet, but also in other places..." Quan Bing said.

"Okay! Let's take the Devourers as an example. In order to increase their own skill and longevity, they swallow others whole and absorb their life essence. This can increase their skill and longevity in the short term, but they don't What he knows is that while he is devouring other people's skills and longevity, he is also devouring the corpse poison secreted by others when they are dying, as well as the broken souls of those who are unwilling to die. As a result, these negative things will continue to exist in their bodies. Accumulated, when they reach a certain level, they will explode, causing the Devourer to begin to suffer backlash, becoming neither human nor ghost, and in the end, of course, he will reap the consequences of his own suffering, woefully..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Quan Bing was dumbfounded when he heard this, but when he thought of the Devourers he had seen, few of them had a good ending. He couldn't help but nodded and praised: "Yes! These Devourers are really abominable! They have achieved all the skills that others have worked hard to cultivate." Taking it for yourself, you also deprived others of their lifespan, not even sparing their bodies and blood. It is really cruel and the methods are outrageous. It is only natural that they should end up like this!!!"

Xiaoxing said: "So, the fate of those Devourers will be the fate of the sixteen new fleets in the future. However, their own civilization level is quite high, and they seem to realize that the Devouring operation has this danger. So before devouring other people’s vitality, we also take some measures to purify it, which makes the toxins accumulated in their bodies grow slightly slower, so that they haven’t exploded yet!”

"Oh my god, how did they do it?" Quan Bing asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you see the bases they built? One of the functions of those bases is to purify the plundered vitality and then input it into the flying castle!" Xiaoxing explained.

"That's it!!!" Quan Bing suddenly realized.

"Hehe, corpse poison molecules are pervasive. With their abilities, they still cannot completely purify them. Therefore, the corpse poison molecules in their bodies are still growing. As for the broken souls, it is even more difficult to purify. It should be noted that the soul of life They are the most tenacious. Some souls can even be reborn indefinitely and will not die in this universe just because of too many reincarnations. Now, the flying castle has been affected by these broken souls, because the broken souls are too There are always some seeping into their life cycle, so the souls of many newborns are actually the lives they plundered. When those lives grow up, they will understand their own life experience, and then it is possible They carried out cruel revenge against the original race of Feibao, so if they had not come here this time but gone elsewhere, they would have finished it by themselves sooner or later!" Xiaoxing sneered.

When Quan Bing heard this, he couldn't help but open his ears. At the same time, he felt extremely frightened in his heart. It seems that there is no advantage in this world that you can take advantage of. While you are robbing others, you may also be digging a hole for yourself. Wait until If you dig this hole deep enough, you will jump into it involuntarily...

Just like this group of highly civilized races, they think they have a plan and can plunder the vitality of others to replenish their own longevity in order to achieve the goal of immortality. However, the fact is very likely to be exactly the opposite of what they think, because their The hole has been dug deep enough...

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