The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3420 Flying Castle Competition

"Wo..." The people in the seat were in an uproar when they heard Peng Yi's words...

Unexpectedly, the truth of the matter turned out to be like this. The ambitions of the Leech Clan were so great. They placed those special ant nests within the domain of each race, and then the Leech Clan was born. The Leech Clan not only had strong combat power, but also With great wisdom, even the Black Gods are not afraid of them, so other races will most likely not be their opponents!

Under such circumstances, most races in the galaxy will be strongly threatened by the leech tribe!

No wonder Peng Yihui said that the Leech Clan's expansion plan was extremely terrifying and had threatened all races. This was the real reason for their action.

It can be said that the Black God Clan did not fight just for the sake of fighting. The battle between them and the Leech Clan was actually to protect all races in the galaxy. This was a righteous battle that should have received the gratitude, admiration and support of all people in the galaxy. Support, it’s a pity that everyone present only knows now...

Lai Gong said excitedly: "Brother Peng, why didn't you reveal the Leech Clan's conspiracy until now? If you had told it earlier, we would all have helped you!"

"Yes, the Leech Tribe actually wants to destroy all other races and monopolize the Milky Way. It is so vicious and hateful. It is the public enemy of all races in our Galaxy!" Fei Yu said fiercely.

"The Black Gods have paid so much for our safety, and I admire them so much!"

"Yes, Brother Peng had a hard time hiding it from us. He didn't tell us such a thing. What should we do?"

"We will definitely bear in mind the sacrifices of the Black God Clan, and we will unite to deal with the Leech Clan, and we must beat them until they can never stand up again!"

"That's right..."

Everyone became more and more excited as they talked, and they all pointed at the Leech Clan...

Peng Yi waved his hands and said: "You don't need to take action anymore! After several battles with them, we have completely destroyed their expansion plan. The special ant nests they have cultivated for many years have been wiped out by us, and we have also suffered. By the time we massacred a large number of people, the rest were no longer of concern and they had long since hid and dared not come out to hang out anymore!"

"Is that so?!"

"No wonder I haven't seen the Leech Tribe for many years!"

"Yeah, I thought there were no leeches in our galaxy!"

"That's true. If I hadn't seen this foreign leech clan this time, I wouldn't have known that this was the leech clan fleet..."

"It seems that our ignorance is also due to Brother Peng's Black God Clan..."

"Thank you to the Black God Clan? Thank you to those Black God Clan people who sacrificed their lives to protect us..."

Hearing what everyone said? Peng Yi also sighed,

Said: "We did sacrifice some people? In fact, we shouldn't have sacrificed? Mainly because we underestimated them! In the end, we didn't expect that the leech army they displayed was extremely powerful. Some of our young people were accidentally killed. By the time I reacted, they had already fallen into the belly of the leech army. It was irreversible! So, you must learn from our lessons and don’t underestimate any enemy, especially those foreign fleets. No one is weak? What you need to know is? The fact that they can come to us across the long universe speaks for itself. If they don't have an extremely high civilization, how can they overcome this long road to get here? What? And almost all of us here have not been able to get out of the Milky Way yet? Let’s go and see other places, right?”

"That makes sense!"

"We are indeed too far behind..."

"If we can't even build a flying castle, how can we compare with others? Let alone fight with them!"

"What if the other party really wants to harm us? We may not even have the power to resist. It's so sad..."

"Really? We still have to rely on the power of the gods to deal with them. A battle of that level? It's not something we like us can get involved in..."

"Can we just sit back and watch? We should do something, right?" someone said.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Quan Bing...

Quan Bing said: "We have now formed a galactic fleet? This is an attitude in itself! It can also be regarded as doing something to fulfill our responsibility as galactic people. Therefore, everyone does not need to belittle ourselves, as long as we do We should take good care of the things in front of us and actively interact with people in the Galaxy. Let them see that we are training every day, looking for enemy traces, and following the progress of foreign fleets. Then we can make them feel at ease and feel that they are there. protected!"

"That makes sense!" Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Commander, please give the order!"

"Please give me the commander-in-chief's order! No matter what we do, we will complete it without any hesitation!"

"For the galaxy!"

"For the galaxy!!"

"For the galaxy!!!"


This scene in the main hall was continuously spread through the Internet, making everyone in the galaxy who watched it feel excited and excited!

Seeing these galactic soldiers rushing to the Star Wars battlefield at the expense of their own lives in order to defend their homeland, people couldn't help but feel moved in their hearts, and they paid the highest respect to these brave people!

Yes, they are all people of the Milky Way, and they are also people with wealth and concerns, but for the safety of the Milky Way and to protect other people from the same galaxy, they are willing to drop everything to fight against foreign enemies. What a noble approach this is...

Their actions inspired more people. Some people flew spaceships to provide reinforcements, some stepped up their training, and some races began to invest more efforts in research and creation to enhance their combat power...

From this perspective, as Li Yun and Xiaoxing said earlier, war is not without merit. In addition to its cruelty, bloodshed, destruction and other negative effects, it will also bring a sense of crisis to people, forcing people to Concentrate on practicing, struggling, researching, and creating...

These will accelerate the progress of Taoism, the growth of productivity, and the improvement of combat power, thus allowing civilization to make a big leap in a relatively short period of time!

It can be said that war is sometimes a catalyst, which can accelerate the integration of various resources and accelerate development for a common goal.

In addition, war also has another effect, that is, it uses an almost barbaric method to destroy everything in the old, including the old order, old ideas, etc. based on the old world. Eighth, the development of subsequent civilizations on this basis will be less hindered and shackles. Many new Taoist ideas, new productivity, and new combat power can be applied and developed rapidly, and new things often mean More efficient, faster, and more advanced, thus unleashing greater productivity and combat power!

Judging from the development of the Milky Way during this period, it also confirms the positive impact of war. Many individuals, races and planetary civilizations have made great progress in a short period of time, and many new Taoist techniques have been applied. , many new fields and new talents have emerged, and all of this has been reflected to a considerable extent in the improvement of the spacecraft level...

As mentioned before, in order to improve their combat power in the short term, many races, in addition to stepping up their own research, also make large-scale purchases. The goal is those advanced components and Taoist techniques, and then apply these components and Taoist techniques to their own On top of the spaceship.

For races that have entered the space age, the development of their civilization will basically be concentrated on the spaceship, because almost everything can be applied to it, and the entire tribe can even be moved into the spaceship. For example, the newly emerged Fleet, they built a space flying castle and moved the entire race into it, thus achieving the purpose of roaming the universe!

Whether it is combat power, productivity, life civilization, order, thought, inheritance, etc., everything can be realized in a spaceship. Therefore, various races began to abandon the past narrow-minded thinking that was stuck in one place, and began to The purpose of investing in heavy crystals to transform the spacecraft is not only to improve combat effectiveness in the short term, but also to enable the relocation of the entire family in the future and realize a space roaming lifestyle...

After all, there is a space flying castle right in front of them, which greatly stimulates the imagination and ambition of the major races in the galaxy. They didn't feel much when they didn't see the space flying castle before, but after seeing the flying castle, they were wide open. With my perspective, I can’t help but feel that since others can do it, why can’t I?

Moreover, this does not seem to be too high to reach, so almost all races, whether high-level or middle-level, have begun to devote themselves to research and creation in this area...

In this process, one thing that surprises these races in the galaxy is that there seems to be such Taoism and components for sale on the market!

This is an extremely surprising thing.

It may be that the Space Flying Fortress was not listed as a development goal before, so no one discovered that there was already such a thing on the market to choose from. But now that space vehicles such as the Space Flying Fortress are listed as a pursuit goal, When I went to the market and took a look, I found that these things had been available for a long time. I really wanted to take a nap and someone came to deliver pillows. What a coincidence!

Of course, not all markets can find such high-end stuff. People have discovered that the markets selling these items are actually concentrated on hacker trading platforms, and this platform has only just appeared.

In other words, the Taoist techniques and components for high-end aircraft such as the Space Flying Fortress have all appeared in the near future. Therefore, for each race, everyone is actually on the same starting line. It depends on who can grab it early. , whoever grabs more quickly and more will be able to get ahead in the competition, and everyone knows that once you win at the starting line, you can occupy a favorable position for accelerated development in the future...

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