The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3427 Self-Depravity

"Of course I know! However, you have to report the races on the planet that have lost parts, and you need their confirmation before I can tell you about the parts. Otherwise, it will become a leak of the customer's secrets. This is It’s not allowed on our platform!” Xiaobao said plausibly.

"This..." Everyone was startled and couldn't help but look at each other...

After checking it, Zitona said: "They reported it, but there is no confirmation of the corresponding race. Isn't this also okay?"

"Of course not! If it were you who bought it, someone else would come to me and tell me that the part you bought had been robbed. Then I would tell him all about that part, but that part is actually still being used by you. Now, what will be the result?" Xiaobao hummed.

"This...makes sense!" Zitona suddenly said.

"Gee, of course it makes sense! Don't think that I am easy to deceive because I am young. It is impossible to get information from me if you don't follow the rules. You'd better go to the scene to understand the situation and contact me with them if necessary. ,but…"

"But what?!" Zitona asked urgently.

"I can remind you that after those space pirates carried out the robbery, although they took away high-end components, what you need to know is that there is a process of research and learning to operate high-end components from installation to use. It may take a long time for ordinary people to To use it, even a genius will have to fumble for a period of time before he can use it. This period of time may be long or short, it may be a few months, or it may be several years. And if those space pirates snatch it away halfway, they may not even be able to grab the manual. , there may be a few small parts missed in the process, so whether they can use it successfully is a big problem, so as long as you go out as soon as possible and hit them before they research it thoroughly, you don’t have to worry about it. I was hurt by those high-end components!" Xiaobao said in a lecturing tone.



"The more advanced the components, the higher the requirements for spare parts. Sometimes it won't work without even one!"

"It makes sense! Without instructions, it would be even more impossible to develop it quickly!"

"It seems we need to act as soon as possible..."

"What this little kid said is very good..."

"Exactly, these are the questions we should have thought about..."

"Hey, after being taught a lesson by such a little brat, there is no room for my old face..."

"Could he be Ling Daozi's second?"

"You may not be able to become Ling Daozi's second best, but you must be a genius!"

"Genius among geniuses!!"

"It seems that our galaxy may become prosperous..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking a lot and praising Xiaobao so much that he almost felt like he was floating...

"Gee, you are all old foxes in the universe, but you are so afraid of a group of little space pirates. You are really not shy! However, I am in a happy mood today, so I will remind you again, be sure to Don’t underestimate those parts, even if they don’t exert their full power, as long as they exert half of their power, their lethality is extremely terrifying!”

"What? How terrifying?!" Zitona asked quickly.

Xiaobao shook his little hand, and a small light curtain popped up and said: "This is a test site for a certain component. It can turn into an extremely strong net in a very short time, binding the entire spacecraft tightly." Yes, it can also absorb the energy of the spaceship's energy shield crazily.

The spacecraft gradually fell into a state of incompetence. In short, being tied up in such a large net is equivalent to a person falling into an immortal net. No matter how much energy there is, it is useless! "

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone screamed!

Looking at the test site on the light screen, everyone's expressions changed dramatically!

I saw just as Xiaobao said, a spaceship was flying and was suddenly covered by such a large flying net. Not long after, it completely shut down and became someone else's prisoner!

In a situation like this, even if it does not become a prisoner of others, the spacecraft will be completely disabled due to incompetence and withdraw from the battlefield. It may even hinder the actions of the own fleet. The huge impact is evident.

Xiaobao did not stop. He fired with his little hand and flew out to many test sites, showing off the various strange functions of those high-end components. For example, some components can enhance the monitoring capabilities of the fleet, making the fleet more capable. The range is suddenly expanded hundreds of times than usual. This distance allows our fleet to obtain more information on the Star Wars battlefield, and the increase in the amount of information will undoubtedly improve our strategic layout and command capabilities.

Some components can greatly improve the energy shield's protective capabilities, reducing its energy consumption, and a considerable part of the lost energy can be recycled and reused. This not only saves energy rods, but also extends the use time of the energy shield and protects it. Strength improvement is a sure thing.

Some parts are spacecraft shell materials. These materials can be designed according to the shape of your spaceship, allowing you to have a brand new shell. Not only does this shell look stunning, but its protective power and functions are completely different from the original one. What's more attractive is that once damaged, the shell has a self-repair function. Generally, it can have three opportunities to repair itself. If you pay more, the opportunities for self-repair will be correspondingly greater.

There are many other components, some of which are of enhanced offensive type, some of which are of thickened and protective type, some of which are conducive to internal communication, some of which can help build a small internal world, and some of which can make the air of the entire spacecraft become more powerful. It is as fresh as nature, making people feel like they are in the wilderness, and the environment is as beautiful as heaven, making them reluctant to go out...

Seeing the astonishing effects brought by these parts, these powers were all dumbfounded and opened their mouths so wide that they could fit a big duck egg in!

They feel that they seem to have missed the best thing in the universe during this period of time in the Galaxy Fleet. In exchange for money, it might be 100 million energy bars!

I don't even know about such good stuff, and I still allow others to compete for it on the hacker trading platform. Isn't this self-degradation?

I am suffering here, with a good reputation of fighting for the galaxy, but others are scrambling to buy high-end parts, and even the rich have purchased a brand new high-end spaceship. What does this mean? !

It is not rewarding to endure hardships and tiredness, and in the end you will face the danger of being surpassed by others. When you return to the clan after being disabled, you may be bullied to the point of being bullied. At that time, others will blame you because you are a hero of the galaxy. Give you a break?

I'm afraid not!

Burning bridges across rivers is a very common thing in the universe of cultivation. When you are used, there is no problem in singing a few praises to you, but when you fall behind or are in trouble, people are more likely to stab you in the back. Knife, or adding insult to injury, because you fall behind you will be beaten, the weak will eat the strong, and the strong will be respected. This is a very common survival rule in this cultivation universe...

Thinking of this, all the people present felt bad!

In any case, even if you can't rush to buy parts here, you must let the people in the clan purchase them quickly to upgrade the clan's fleet, otherwise it will be too late when you go back!

Moreover, Zitonna quickly thought of a question and said loudly: "Brother Quan, our Galaxy Fleet must give priority to equipping these high-end components. If we have these high-end components, we don't have to be afraid of those foreign fleets!!!"

"Yes!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but suddenly realized!

The Galaxy Fleet is originally the representative fleet of the Galaxy. If the level of the spaceships here cannot represent the level of the Galaxy, then how can it represent the Galaxy?

Don't say anything else, just because we are going to encircle and suppress the space pirates and adventure organizations of our department, we still have to worry about whether we can defeat them. This has become the biggest joke!

Peng Yi said harshly: "Why didn't we tell you earlier that our galaxy has such high-end components? It puts us all under great pressure, and we don't even dare to face the foreign fleets!"

"That is, if our spaceships were all equipped with these high-end components, I am afraid that the two missing fleets would have been discovered long ago, right?"

"Hey, not only have I found them, but I can also go to them with confidence and expel them!"

"Yes, if we buy some spaceships that are all composed of these high-end components, our combat power should be more powerful than the Blue Fish Fleet and the Gray Wolf Fleet, right?"

"It's possible! I think the high-end spaceship they sell is really good. It's definitely better than the Canglang Fleet's spaceship!" Chenxing said aside, his mouth almost watering down...

"Oh my god..."

When everyone heard Chen Xing's words, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

Since Chenxing is the one who has seen the Canglang Fleet with his own eyes, of course he has the most say. If he says that the high-end spaceships on the hacker trading platform are better than those of the Canglang Fleet, then it must be so!

With such spacecraft equipment, I'm afraid the Galaxy Fleet will be energized immediately, right?

"Commander, don't we have funds? Buy it quickly!"

"That's right, what's the use of keeping that money? Only replacing it with the best equipment is serious!"

"If we had known that our hacking platform was so powerful, we wouldn't have to worry about being like this..."

"That's right! During this period of time, I have become a big fat man..."

"But I'm so worried that I'm covered in ribs..."

"With these high-end components we will all become normal..."

Everyone said something to each other, urging Quan Bing to buy something quickly...

Quan Bing smiled in his heart, but said: "Everyone, our funds are quite limited, and they are all raised by all ethnic groups on their own initiative. First of all, we must ensure everyone's food and clothing, and we must also purchase artillery shells and other War consumables, the remaining ones have to be used as backup, just in case a war breaks out, and a lot of losses need to be replenished... Therefore, there is really not much money that can be used to purchase these high-end components! Moreover, I think these high-end components The price is really expensive, every piece is sky-high..."

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